A soldiers return

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Peter was sitting on ledge with a laptop. It's been several weeks since miles debut as Kid-Arachnid. For a second time the black cat has been completely silent. It unnerved peter just like the last time. It's like those times in the movies where the MC is standing around and it's dead silent. Then they say 'it's quiet.... too quiet.' You know? So to pass the time peter was on his laptop playing video games on it. Behind him was miles leaning against the door to the roof. At the current time it was about 4:30 pm.

"Shouldn't we be doing something?" Miles asked.

"There's nothing to do." Peter said. He was right too. The police radio and Peters superior senses weren't picking anything up. The city was quiet. Peter tapped away on his laptop continuing to play his game. Then the radio got something.

"We have a robbery going on at the bank in midtown. Calling in for backup." They said over the radio. Peter and miles looked at each other. Peter jumped up to the top of the doorway where a little duffel bag was and slipped the laptop inside. Then the pair jumped off towards midtown.

Time skip

Inside the bank where a big group masked thugs. Five were watching the hostages, seven were on watch, three were opening the vault and one more was watching the entire operation unfold. Each an everyone of them carried a M16. How cliché. When peter and miles arrive they went in through the vents. From there they watched.

"Ok miles. Your going to go inside there and stay camouflaged. Do not fight them. This isn't like the store robbery you did those weeks ago. These guys really do have bullets and they will kill the hostages. This is going to be a watching experience. Ok?" Peter explained. Miles nodded before he opened the vent quietly and exited through it while camouflaged. He crawled along the wall careful to avoid the lights as he wasn't invisible and light wouldn't go through him nor could he produce light. Meaning if he crawled over a light he'd cast a shadow. Quietly he moved so that he was over the hostages.

As miles did this peter quietly moved so that he wasn't seen. He then came across one of the robbers. Catching him by surprise he shot a normal sized web to cover the guys mouth before moving all around the guy. He went over, under and around from almost every direction. When he finished he right in front of the guy. Confused the guy looked at himself but saw nothing. He then went to aim his gun at peter but for some reason he could move his arm far enough. It stopped half way. Confused he looked at peter. All peter did next was show his open hands before moving his hand again and closing his hand into a fist. Suddenly the guys arm with the gun slammed into his face knocking him out. During the entire ordeal it was completely silent. For some reason though the guy was still standing. Peter then manipulated his hands and fingers. All the while he did this the knocked out guy was moving as if he was on strings. Why? Because he was on strings. You see at the tips of Peters fingers were a practically invisible string of webbing. Jumping onto the ceiling he manipulated the guy to wave over another one of the guards. Confused the guy walked over where he then punched the guy hard enough to knock him out. This drew the others attention and they aimed their guns at him. Yelling at him to drop the gun. Peter then dropped his strings from his hands causing the guy to just fall over. This confused them so peter took this chance and shot several webs at their feet. Sticking them to their spots. He then hit them hard knocking them all out. Using his superior senses he learned that the hostages had explosives strapped to all of their chests and in the hands of the leader was a dead man switch with his thumb on it. Immediately peter shot a web that wrapped around the guys hand and the switch making it impossible for him to activate the switch and kill the hostages. acting fast as the robbers on watch duty and vault cracking came up he shot several webs grabbing their M16s and threw them up to the ceiling. Peter then began to use his 9 years experience of fighting and martial arts training to use as he proceeded to kick their asses. When they were all down he heard the sound of a gun being cocked. Peter turned around. He forgot to disarm the leader. He merely stopped him from blowing everyone up!

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