Venom Revealed

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It was the last day of Peters two week break from work and peter planned to spend it working his ass off trying to find Venom. People were acting scared in the streets because Yuri just released the news that the Headhunter was back. To peter it didn't matter that people knew venom was back. What mattered to him was that he caught venom. Miles and Felicia weren't with peter cause he believed they weren't ready to fight against him. No matter how strong they were. As peter was running his police scanner caught some talk about finding some more of venoms victims. Once they said the address peter ran to it. It didn't take long till peter arrived when he did he stayed on a building across the street for a little bit and was looking at the place where the police had cut off. It seemed this time the ordeal happened in an alleyway. After a while peter jumped over and joined the police. When he entered he saw the alley opened into a small court. As peter looked around Yuri found him quickly.

"Spider-Man. Think you can find something we haven't seen?" She asked.

"Looking for something specific?" Peter asked

"No. Just need to know if we found everything." Yuri said. Peter put his hand on the ground and felt the vibrations.

"Who were they?" Peter asked.

"Some people from Maggia. Victor Kram, Benjamin Ferteli, and a Micheal Gumsalski. well at least this time it was the Maggia." Yuri said. Peter stood up. "Find something?" Yuri asked.

"Kind of." Peter replied. He snapped his fingers and pointed at one of the forensics officers. "You come over here. There's something you need to get." Peter said. The guy walked over. "It's over here." Peter said as he walked to a dumpster on the far side of the court. Yuri and the man followed. When he got there he bent down and pointed at something. Then before anyone could react peter turned around and punched the guy in the chest. Sending him crashing into a truck. Yuri pointed her gun at peter.

"Stand down!" Yuri said. The eyes on Peters mask narrowed.

"Calm down officer he won't be killed that easily." Peter said. The guy began to chuckle and his voice changed. First became Eddies voice but then went straight to demon voice. As Eddie got out of the destroyed police vehicle he changed into venom. Officers moved away.

"Well done Spider-Man. You found us." When Venom was out of the car his big mouth turned into a smile. "Hello officer. This is the first time we've met. I am Venom." Venom said. He jumped at Yuri but peter tackled him. They crashed into the side of a building. He hit peter away. While peter was on the ground he jumped onto peter and tried to pin him down. Peter struggled and found he was able to move his legs.

"Hey venom." Peter said.

"What?" Venom asked.

"Enjoy your flight." Peter said. Venom tilted his head confused. Peter then used his legs, which were now between him and venom, to launch venom away faster then the speed of sound. Peter got up. He turned to Yuri.

"You might want to follow us and keep citizens away." Peter said before jumping after venom. Peter found venom running away from peter. This confused Pete. Why would Venom run away. Unless he wasn't running away but towards something. But towards what? Peter wondered what it was until he saw Times Square. Why lure peter to Times Square? Peter then called Yuri. "Evacuate Times Square!" Peter told her.

"Got it." She replied before hanging up. Peter jumped and caught venom stopping then for a little bit peter began to punch venom rapidly when a tentacle rapped around peter and threw him against a wall. When the tentacle let go peter shot a web that caught venom and yanked him to peter while moving forward. When venom was close enough peter decked him in the face. The punch plus being pulled to peter caused him to land on his back on the ground. Venom got up and growled menacingly, but peter remained unfazed. Peter tried to hit him venom with an venom blast but missed. Venom took this opportunity to hit peter as hard as Venom could. This sent peter skyrocketing towards Times Square.

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