Anne found

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Anne has been driving for the past few hours. It took her a while till she realized she was now in midtown. Once she realized where she was she took a route that would take her to queens. She didn't know why but when She was Venoms host it gave her the last address it knew involving Spider-Man. It also gave his name. Peter Parker. She had to go there, she could go home. That would be the first place Eddie would most likely look for her. As she drove she pulled off to the side for a moment to take care of one of the babies as one started to cry. She parked at a gas station. She was sitting in the back and had finished breastfeeding one of them when suddenly another began to cry soon all of them were crying. She picked them up and put some on her lap while holding others in her arms. Bouncing them up and down seemed to quiet them down. But suddenly Anne saw Eddie running on a rooftop nearby. Jumping towards where Anne was parked he landed on top of the gas station. Anne was so thankful she turned off the car and moved into the back. Jumping onto the top of the car Anne and the children were in he started looking around. The children began to squirm.

"No! No! Not now!" Anne thought as she continued to bouncy them up and down in an attempt to calm them down. "Shh." Anne said at a whisper. She started to repeat the phrase. "Mommies here. Mommies here." In a whisper as she kept them quiet. Venom looked down at the car glaring at it. When suddenly his attention was caught by the sound of a scream. He had been seen. Quickly venom jumped away hiding from the public view. Slowly after he left the children began to calm down. It was as if they could tell when he was near. A while after that the sun began to rise. Anne was tired but didn't dare to fall asleep even on the side of the rode. Venom was looking for her right now. She couldn't let him catch her. She needed to get away. Soon she got to the address. Making sure the coat was tightly wrapped around her she walked to the door. The cold concrete beneath her bare feet felt like needles stabbing her. She reached the door and ringed the door bell. The door was opened by a middle aged woman.

"Hello?" The woman asked.

"Um.... i-is peter P-Parker here?" Anne said slightly shivering from the cold.

"No. He moved out. He's a college student at ESU and needed a residence closer to campus to make it easier for him." The woman said.

"Can I get his address then. I need his help with something." Anne said. The woman looked at Anne a little confused. She then then looked down and noticed Anne was barefoot.

"Are you ok sweetie?" She asked. Anne looked down seeing she was barefoot.

"I'm fine. Um.... maybe it was a bad idea coming here. I'm sorry for disturbing you." Anne turned to go back to the car when the children began to cry in unison like they did before. "Oh no." Anne said.

"Oh dear. That sounds like quiet a lot of mouths. You sound like your in trouble. Why don't you come on in dear." The lady said. Not knowing where Eddie might be Anne quickly got her children with help from the nice woman before going in. "You have eight children? Octuplets?" May said confounded by the sight of all eight children. She then noticed they didn't have car seats. "You know driving without car seats is a dangerous thing young lady." She scolded Anne when they were inside the house.

"I know. But I am currently in some trouble. I really need your nephews address." Anne said.

"How do you know peter?" The lady asked.

"We have a mutual friend. He sent me to this address to find peter." Anne said. The children began to squirm. She sucked in a deep breath and looked around. "Do you have a restroom I could borrow to feed them.... preferably one without windows." Anne said. Knowing that venom was close she needed a secluded spot to hide with the children. The lady nodded before leading her to the restroom. Anne went in with the children and closed the door. She would stay in there until the children all calmed down. "I'm sorry for bothering you." Anne said.

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