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It's now Early December, about 23 days to Christmas. The end of the year was almost upon them. Snow was falling. Peter was going through the city as Spider-Man. As always looking for Eddie. But every since the class reunion Peters become more active in find him. Being in Venoms mind and seeing all those memories made peter just want to catch Eddie even more. Peter was grateful when Felicia stopped being the black cat. He was worried that her life would get in the way and that she might get hurt badly because her life got in the way. But if peter was being honest. There was something else that made him want her to stop being the cat. For that same reason he told Miles to stop being Kid-Arachnid until after Eddie was caught. It was the reason for his deep hatred towards Eddie and Venom. They did something that peter might not ever be able to forgive them for. What they did was the thing that constantly pushed peter to protect his loved ones. To make sure that they don't do it to anyone else. It is one of the events in Peters life that made peter continue being Spider-Man. Peter was running to meet some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. When he stopped he was outside a warehouse. He joined the agents on the ground.

"Sir. We're ready when you are." An agent said when he saw peter. Peter looked at the warehouse. From what the history of the building said it's been abandoned for a decade, but before it was abandoned it was a shelter for animals. Dogs included. Peter went to the door then signaled for everyone to be ready. Peter then performed a spartan kick to the door causing it to burst open. The agents then flooded the place while searching. Peter looked around then used his vibration sense but didn't find Venom or Anne who was still missing.

"Search for clues. He might have been here." Peter said. As peter looked he found what looked to be a make shift bed in one of the kennels in the far back of the warehouse. It was made from torn clothing. When peter examined it he found blood on the makeshift bed. Peter picked it up and handed it to some agents that were with him.

"Get this examined. I want to know exactly who's blood that is and I want to know yesterday." Peter said. The agents nodded then ran off to deliver it to forensics. Peter then continued to look around and found an office like place. As he looked he saw that there were spots that were free of dust. Meaning it had been used lately. He looked around but still found nothing that might lead him to Eddie. When peter exited the warehouse forensics people were outside waiting. They immediately started working on the blood peter had found.

"How long will it be before you find out who's blood it is?" Peter asked.

"It will be a few hours. We have State of the Art technology but it still has limits." A forensics agent said.

"Alright just contact me with the information as soon as possible." Peter said. He then left. As he swung through New York he felt angry. He could tell he was close to finding Eddie but it felt like he was always a few steps behind him. He decided that he'd done the most he could as Spider-Man for the day so he went back home. Landing on the roof he changed into his civilian clothes before going into the apartment building. As he went down the stairs to his floor he met Felicia who was on her way up the stairs. They met right at their floor.

"Peter! Your back." Felicia said surprised.

"Ugh.... Yeah. Didn't find Eddie and I'm waiting on forensics to process something. What are you coming from?" Peter asked.

"I was looking for a job. Aunt may told me about a nice little coffee shop. But when I got there they already found someone." Felicia said. Peter opened the door to the floor.

"Sorry to hear that." Peter said.

"It's fine. I mean that happens all the time. Some people get the job while others don't." Felicia said. She then sighed. "I've been looking for two months now and I still can't find a job. It's so.... frustrating." Felicia said. Her eyes glowed and suddenly a light was surrounded by the green aura before short circuiting. She winced at the light breaking. "Sorry." This power that Felicia demonstrated was an amazing phenomenon. It turned out that Felicia had a latent mutant gene that was activated by the serum dr. Richards had created. The mutant gene then brought out an amazing ability that allowed Felicia to influence her surrounding in unpredictable ways. But there are two things that were for sure no matter what. One there was always a green aura that surrounded who ever it was directed at and what ever was being influenced. Two it was always bad news for who ever it was directed at. The ability was like giving someone bad luck and it didn't always have to be directed at someone. Felicia had a little bit of a hard time controlling. So far the only thing she could do was start it but even that was a little hard. It also activates whenever Felicia got angry, surprised, or really sad. She also had no control over how intense it was. Sometimes when it activated it would cause major problems for other people, possibly injuring them, and other times it would be something simple like causing a light to short circuit and break. peter looked at the light.

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