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"You broke down the door?! And you heard me talking when you were on the other side of it?! What the fuck!" The Cat Asked completely shocked at the amount of strength peter just used to bust down the vault like door.

"Yes and yes. Now. I think you have something that doesn't belong to you." Peter said pointing at the statue. The cat narrowed her eyes as she seemed to be thinking. Then she got an idea.

"Tell you what. Let's play a game of catch. You catch me I'll hand over statue. Also you won't hand me over to the police." She Said.

"And What makes you think I'll agree to that?" Peter Asked.

"Because I can always make it harder for. A lot harder." She Says.

"Or I can just take it forcefully and tie you up to leave you for the police. I mean I just busted down that huge ass door down. Come on. You need to give some more motivation to get my attention here." Peter Said. Peter then thought for a second. "How about if I catch you, you give up on being a thief and hang up the collar?" Peter Said.

"Sorry. Can't really do that. I have some more targets I'd like to hit. How about you catch me in all my targets leading up to one big one. Then I'll consider retiring." The Cat suggested.

"Change consider into definitely will, then you got a deal." Peter Said. Mulling it over in her head she decided to take him up on the offer.

"Fine spider. You got yourself a deal." She Said.

"Oh good. I'll even give you a 10 second head start this time." Peter Said.

"Really?" She Asked a little surprised.

"10, 9, 8" Peter began. Immediately the cat turned tail and sprinted. Quick as she could she went up the stairs and through the museum where the police were investigating the museum. "7, 6, 5" making it to the doors she went out and used a grappling hook to go up to a nearby building. "4, 3" when the hook caught something she immediately began to go up the buildings side. "2, 1, 0". When Peter finished he turned into a blur and was suddenly at the end of the hall and he launched himself out into the museum. Where he surprised a bunch of officers. Then using his senses he found black cat at a nearby rooftop. Running through the museum he makes it to the door with ease and then jumps at the building and then he ran up the building as fast as a sports car. When he reached the top he jumped up, spotted the black cat he shot a web that pulled him directly at her. When she saw the webs it was too late as he knocked her down and the statue flew from her hands. Then Spider-Man just stood over her. Then as the statue fell he caught it with ease. "Ten seconds are up." Peter Said.

"I got that." Cat said slightly irritated. She got up.

"So that's one down. How many to go?" Peter Asked.

"I never said I'd tell you how many targets I had before the big one." Cat said. She had a sly smile on her face.

"So how do I know when your going for the big target in the city?" Peter Asked. Black cat moved closer until her chest was pressed against peters chest. Slightly uncomfortable he moved back but she moved closer again. Then when her face was an inch from his she spoke.

"You'll just have to trust me." She Said seductively. Then she backed away and jumped over the side of the building. Peter went to the edge to see her use her grappling hook to get to a nearby building.

"What the hell was that?" Peter thought out loud. For a moment there it was like she was about to kiss him or something else. She had pressed her chest up against him. Seriously what was up with that. Was she just teasing him or something? Deciding to leave it at that he went back to the museum and handed the statue back to the museum director. "Here. I believe this is yours. Also sorry about the door." Peter Said before he left. He then returned to his apartment complex. Changing into his civilian clothes on the roof. He then went down the stairs to his floor and walked down the hallway to his door. Using his key he opened his door to reveal his small one room apartment. Meaning he slept less than 6 feet away from his kitchen and work desk. Looking around peter made himself several sandwich's that were all gone in a minute. Being Spider-Man sure does make him hungry. After finishing his food Peter moved to his computer and plugged in the hard drive he got from aunt mays. As he looked through the files he saw a series of ideas his uncle Ben had. As he looked through the list of ideas he found the one he had been looking for. Web shooters. While Peter was able to produce an organic webbing it's always nice to have backup web shooters, especially ones that had different webs like electro webs and thermal webs. After he looked the files over he undressed himself till he was in his underwear and fell on his bed. It wasn't even a minute and he was already fast asleep.

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