Irreparable Damage

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That night when peter got back to aunt mays he stayed the night there. He couldn't leave any of them behind. Venom could find them at any time. Felicia stayed as well cause she wished to stay with peter. When peter woke up he got up and went to the kitchen. Peter figured if he was going to stay the night at aunt mays he could at least cook breakfast. When May came down she found peter making pancakes.

"Oh. Peter. You didn't have to make breakfast." May said.

"It's the least I can do for you housing a friend of mine." Peter said. Soon Felicia walked in half awake. She sniffed the air following the scent of the pancakes.

"That smells sooo gooood." Felicia said. Peter chuckled

"Well they'll be done in a few minutes. Go sit at the table." Peter said to May and Felicia. As peter began to set the pancakes on the table Richard came down.

"Hey. Where were you yesterday. I got here and didn't see you all day." Peter said.

"A game I preorder came in." Richard replied. Knowing his cousin peter figured it out.

"So you played it all day yesterday and didn't leave your room." Peter said.

"Yep. I had food and drinks in my mini fridge. Used my microwave to cook my corn dogs and just sat on my bean bag playing games all day yesterday.... it was glorious." Richard said.

"Alright gamer. Get some breakfast." Peter said. Richard then sat down and got some pancakes.

"Richard. We have a guest here that will be with us for a few days. So be nice." May said. Richard nodded. Peter then finished making pancakes. He set some off to the side for himself then took the rest up to Anne. Peter knocked on the door.

"Anne. You up?" Peter called. He heard walking. The door opened, on the other side was Anne who looked a little tired. "I made pancakes." Peter said.

"Oh. Thanks. If you don't mind I'll eat them in here." Anne said.

"Still reading those papers?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. There's quiet a lot. But I'm almost done. Spent the entire night reading. Last page.... Thanks again." Anne said. Peter then handed Anne the plate which she took and then closed the door. Peter then went back down stairs. When he got down Felicia was getting her stuff together.

"Work?" Peter asked. Felicia nodded.

"I have all my stuff. May said I could use her showers so I'm gonna do that. Then I have to go." Felicia said as she ran to the showers.

Meanwhile across the street. Eddie had stayed on top of the house the previous night he was beginning to grow impatient. He was pacing back and forth waiting for something that would give him the opportunity.

"What are they doing!" He growler to himself quietly. He then stopped and got into a crouch. "They've got to slip up sometime." Eddie said. He then down. "You've been quiet lately." Eddie said.

"Im just thinking to myself." Venom said playing his silence off.

"Of what?" Eddie asked.

"The symbiotes." Venom said vaguely.

"I see. Don't worry. Our plans are still doable. We'll just get the symbiotes back ourselves. Then we'll kill Anne." Eddie said.

"What! But you need Anne to make more symbiotes!" Venom said trying to remind Eddie that they needed her alive so they would kill her.

"No. We don't. We just need another person to take her place. And after this incident. There's no way we can make sure she won't do it again." Eddie said. Venom then stayed quiet as he didn't want to anger Eddie. As Eddie continued to watch he saw Black Cat leave the house. He began to crawl down the house. Once Cat was gone Eddie smiled evilly. "Time to take back what's mine." Eddie said.

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