A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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A few days later and it was February. The day after peter tolled Felicia what happened peter went to his aunt and tolled her the same thing. When she heard it cried a bit then hugged peter saying that it wasn't his fault. But even with what she said it still felt like it was his fault. Richard wouldn't see him. With Eddies body count constantly rising peter had to take him down soon. So right now peter was with flash. They were practicing martial arts. Having been in the military, flash already had combat training. However that was a different thing then superhero martial arts. Each hero had to learn their own way to fight in tandem with their abilities. You can't just solely rely on your superpowers nor can you solely rely on martial arts when your a superhero. Right now peter was teaching him a personal fighting style peter made himself. He called it the way of the spider. A mixture of several martial arts that suited his ability to stick to walls and his amazing agility. But flash was having a bit of a hard time learning it for several reasons. While he was agile like peter he couldn't stick to walls with his feet alone like peter. He still had his prosthetics. But then theirs his military training that always made him do something else. Flash was currently on the offensive punching peter with as much power as he had. Peters hands were up blocking every hit. Peter then bent down and swiped flashes feet out from underneath him. Flash landed with a heavy thud. Peter sighed. He had used the same move to take flash down several times now. It seems he wasn't learning anymore.

"We're gonna have to do something else." Peter said.

"Like what? We're getting no where with this." Flash said. Peter thought for a second before he got an idea. If flash wasn't learning Peters way then maybe this way will work a whole lot better. He looked around until he spotted what he was searching for.

"Time to get a new teacher." Peter said. Peter then jumped and started webslinging. "Let's go flash." Peter said. Flash went after peter and started webslinging himself. Together they made their way to the Empire State Building. As they got close peter grabbed flash.

"What? Hey what are-?" Flash started but didn't finish. Peter landed on the building and started running up the side of building while carrying flash. As peter neared the top flash began to yell. "Hey what?! What are you doing?!" Flash cried before peter threw flash up into the sky with as much strength as he could. Flash yelled as he went up. He began to slow down as he was nearing the climax of his fall. But before that he hit something hard and metallic. Peter smiled beneath the mask.

"Pay backs a bitch." Peter said to himself. A second later flash started falling but he shot a web that caught something. But he still saw nothing.

"What the?!" Flash said confused. Peter jumped off the tip of the Empire State Building and landed on something invisible.

"Alright newbie. Let's move." Peter said as he started to crawl on the invisible flying object. Flash climbed up his web and then used his hands to move along the surface as his legs dangled beneath him. When they reached the edge peter grabbed flash then pulled him up. When flash got up he was breathing hard. He looked up to find himself on a ship similar to an aircraft carrier you'd see out at see. But it was in the air! "Welcome flash. To the helicarrier." Peter said. With that they started walking. They made their way to the tech labs. There they were greeted by the scientist.

"Spider-man! What do we owe this pleasure for?" They asked.

"I need you to design some prosthetics for my friend here. Best you can make if possible." Peter said.

"I'll see what I can-" the scientist began but was cut off by someone.

"Spider-Man!" Fury yelled. Peter turned to face the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Yes sir." Peter responded.

"Why did you bring this man here?" Fury asked gesturing to flash.

"This is flash Thompson. I believe he will be the key to separating the Venom symbiote from Eddie Brock." Peter said.

"So?" Fury continued.

"Mr. Thompson here has the same powers as Eddie sir. But sadly he is..." peter stopped then looked down at flashes legs. Flash then pulled up his pant legs to reveal the prosthetic. "His current prosthetics can't keep up with him. They are a weak point for him. So I was hoping your tech group could make him better feet." Peter said. Fury looked flash up and down.

"Come with me son." Fury said to flash. Flash looked at peter to see him nod his head to fury. Flash then followed Fury out of the tech labs. Peter turned to scientist.

"Please make those legs." Peter said. The guy nodded before he went to work.


Fury took flash to a small metal room with bare walls. Flash sat at a table while fury circled him.

"Eugene Thompson. Born April 6 1994. Graduated from midtown high school in 2012. Says here you served in Vietnam." Fury said while looking at a iPad with flash's record.

"Yes sir. Served in Vietnam for the previous 4 years. Honorable discharge." Flash replied.

"Yeah so it says. Engaged to a immigrant from Vietnam. Sha Shan Nguyen. You meet her during your service?" Fury asked.

"I do not see why it's relevant to this. But yes." Flash responded.

"Just seeing how you'd react to the question." Fury then sat down in front of flash. "Why did you leave the military?" Fury asked.

"I lost my-" flash started.

"I know about your legs. I'm asking why left the services with an injury like that. You lost your legs yes. But you could've still re-enlist after you recovered. If a soldier loses a limb they can still continue to serve the military. So why didn't you go back?" Fury asked. Flash took in a breath.

"For a while I was going to go back. I believed I was running to a place I was needed. But then I realized I wasn't running to somewhere I was needed. I was running from somewhere I was needed. Most of my life I was a piece of shit. I was bully in school and a grade A narcissist. I got the idea to join the army thinking my country needed someone like me with how 'great' I was. It was there that I realized how stupid I was. When I got back I remembered everything I had done. I realized my want to go back was really me just wanting to run away." Flash said. Fury was silent.

Time skip

Peter had been waiting outside for the past few hours. Then flash came out. His footsteps sounded heavy from the robotic feet prosthetics he got. He also wore a new suit. It was consisting of body armor (think like the agent venom suit but not made of the symbiote). He had hand guns on his legs and a rifle on his back. All of them S.H.I.E.L.D. tech that could either stun or kill.

"Alright. Now I think it's time we try training again. This time we're doing it S.H.I.E.L.D. style." Peter said.

An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz