Explanations and anger

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Peter sat on the sidewalk in his civilian clothes. Behind him was his aunt mays destroyed home. All around him were black SUVs and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents. Off to the side was May and Richard who were being told to never reveal that peter was Spider-Man. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents were roaming what was left of the house and were picking up everything that was still good. As peter sat on the sidewalk he stared straight ahead. Looking around peter stood up and started walking down the street. At that moment May and Richard finished up they saw him. May chased after him. Richard just stopped and stared.

"Peter!" May called. Peter didn't stop walking. "Peter!" May called again. Peter still didn't stop. This angered May. "Peter Benjamin Parker!" May said. Peter sighed and stopped walking. "You better start explaining right this instant!" May ordered. Peter turned around and looked at her.

"Fine. But not out here." Peter said. With that peter got a ride to his apartment with May and Richard from one of the agents. The children were left in the care of S.H.I.E.L.D. "So.... ask away." Peter said after arriving at his apartment.

"You are Spider-Man?" May asked. Peter looked at her then flipped around landing on the wall. He then sat there sticking to the wall demonstrating that he was Spider-Man.

"Next." Peter said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" May asked.

"Several reasons. Didn't want you involved or worrying about me..... and uncle Ben didn't want you knowing." Peter said.

"Did you know that thing was after Anne?" May asked. Peter nodded.

"I got her in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. They gave her an offer where they would protect her, she told them she wanted time to look over the offer they had. She couldn't stay here so I went to you.... Didn't think Eddie would find her so fast." Peter said.

"How long have had these powers?" May asked. Peter thought for a moment.

"I probably had my powers for several months before I started going out as Spider-Man." Peter said.

"You said Ben told you not to tell us. Did he know?" May said continued her questions.

"Yes.... he did. He found out a week after they showed up. He actually encouraged me to go out into the city and help people." Peter said. Peter chuckled. "He always said 'with great power, comes great responsibility'. It's been my motto every since." Peter said. Richard then spoke up.

"Is it your fault my dad is dead?" Richard said anger filling his voice.

"Richard!" May said shocked. Peter could only look at Richard with an expression of sorrow.

"Yes. It is my fault." Peter said. Peter got off the wall and sat on his desk. May just looked at peter confused. "It was entirely my fault. I wasn't there to save him. I wasn't fast enough to get to him in time. And worst of all.... Im the one that set in motion the events that lead to uncle Bens death. There's not a day that goes by that I don't feel it is my fault he's gone and everyday I feel the pain of knowing it was my fault." Peter said.

"Good." Richard said under his breath.

"What?" May asked.

"Good! You should feel that pain! It's your fault my dads not here!!!" Richard yelled.

"Richard!" May said shocked at his anger.

"You could have saved him! My dad could still be here! But now it's just me and mom! I only knew him for half of my life!!! I wanted him to be there for me when I was older!!!! I wanted him to be there when I graduated! When I went to college! I wanted him to be here right now! But now he's gone, Because you didn't save him!" Richard yelled fury and rage filled his voice. Peter just stared at his cousin cause he didn't even have the words to say sorry. How could he. Peter was the very reason Richard grew up most of his life without his dad. How could you say sorry when you knew that. "I hate you." Richard said no longer yelling. Richard then went out the door and slammed it. May looked at peter seeing how he felt terrible by the expression on his face. May then went to the door and went after Richard.

"Richard!" She called. Peter got up and went to his window. Peter put his hands on the window frame, leaning forward he let his head fall so he was facing the floor. He then slowly clenched his fist and raised his head so he was looking out the window.

May tolled Richard to Wait in the lobby of the apartment complex after catching up to him. She then went back to Peters apartment. When she opened the door she found it empty and the window was open.

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