The city needs a hero

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Ever since finding the book yesterday peter has been hard at work creating the sound machine that Uncle Ben had designed. At the same time he was searching through the book trying to find anything else that could be useful in fighting venom. The book had a ton of ideas to help as Spider-Man. Made everything in the hard drive peter got nearly a year ago from the attic look like it was filled with ideas for toys. Uncle Ben seemed to know peter very well as a lot of the ideas in the book were similar to stuff peter thought off but never got around to making. For example the spidercycle. Yes uncle Ben had already thought about a special motorcycle just for peter. The designs he had were spectacular. The spidercycle would be able to drive on vertical walls, shoot web lines for the spidercycle to drive on, reach insane speeds, have the ability to launch itself in the air for insane jumps, and even had stun guns on board. This book was like a gift that uncle Ben was sending from the other side. He was already almost done making it as it was fairly simple to build. It's design was similar to that of a big gun, about the size of a machine gun. For most people this would pretty heavy to hold but with Peters super strength it was nothing. As Peter was working however their was something at the back of his head telling him to do something very important. Putting his tools down he looked at his phone. They'd be done with school already by now. Grabbing his phone he went into his contacts and pulled up miles contact. Hitting the call button his phone started ringing to say it was calling him. It rang and rang.


On the other end miles was sitting on his bed against the wall. His phone ringing beside him. He knew it was peter but miles didn't want to answer. He knew if he did he'd have to tell peter he was right. That he had been exactly where peter said he'd be. So he let the call go to voicemail.

Returning to peter

After getting miles voicemail peter left a message. Sighing he started working again. Just then Felicia came in after finishing work.

"Oh. Hey peter." Felicia said.

"Hey Felicia. How was work." Peter asked.

"What else. It was work. Nothing special happened. I just did my job." Felicia said.

"Well that is good." Peter said. Felicia day on the bed after turning on the little tv they had on the counter. The tv was on the news. A news reporter was on the ground doing a survey. Bored Felicia went to change the channel when out of nowhere venom crashed into the streets. People screamed and ran past the news crew. Peter whirled around and looked at the tv screen.

"The super villain known as venom is now attacking time square!" The reporter said as they and the crew started running. Peter got up and started to grab his suit.

"Be careful." Felicia said. This made peter stop. He looked at her. Remembering what he had left for miles on his voicemail. Peter smiled.

"What are sitting around for. You coming?" Peter said. Felicia's eyebrows went up.

"You want me to come along?" Felicia asked.

"Yeah. I do. Now hurry up. The city needs its heroes." Peter said as he continued to suit up. Felicia grabbed her suit and changed into it. Once they were ready Peter shot a web grabbing the device. He then jumped out the window with Felicia right behind him.

"It's time that we make a comeback." Felicia said. As she and peter went to Times Square where venom was rampaging peter made a call to flash telling him that they needed him.

When they arrived Police had cordoned off Times Square. Venom wasn't in it but the place looked destroyed. Something similar to craters littered the ground. Peter and Felicia wondered where venom was when suddenly he crashed into the street making another crater. He looked up at the sky and roared in frustration. Peter looked up along with a few others. Most people would see a normal looking sky and wouldn't look twice. But for peter and Felicia they were able to see what others couldn't. Really what everyone was looking at was the bottom of the helicarrier. It was two and a half miles up in the air but it was there. But why did venom want to get to the helicarrier?

"Hey venom it's been a while. What got you to crawl out of your hole?" Peter asked.

"We want our offspring." Venom said. Peters eyes narrowed. How did he know they were on the helicarrier.

"Sorry big ugly. But you aren't getting near them. Besides their no where near us there in a secret base on the other side of manhattan." Peter lied knowing they were in the helicarrier directly about them.

"Liar! We can sense our spawn!!!" Venom roared.

"Well. That's interesting. Still not gonna let you get them." Felicia said pulling out her whip. They then got ready to fight. Venom took the first step.... Well first leap as he jumped towards peter and Felicia. Dodging Felicia wrapped the end of her whip around his chest then pressed a button causing massive amounts of electricity to flow through her whip to venom causing him to writhe in pain. Peter then got in close and kicked venom so that he went across Times Square crashing into a building. This didn't even phase him. Groaning they prepared for themselves for the long battle ahead.


Jefferson Davis was getting dressed as an emergency call was just put out to all policemen. Even the ones off duty. As he was getting ready miles heard the news on the tv from the living room while staying in his room. Grabbing his phone he listened to the voicemail.

"Look miles. I know what happened.... after what happened to you and Felicia she fooled me. I'm just calling to say I'm sorry. It's just stressful facing venom again. You probably don't know this but... Eddie killed my uncle. I've been.... worried about everyone. My aunt, my cousin, Felicia, and you. You guys are the closest people I have. I was afraid that venom would come for one of you. That's why I told you to stop being kid-arachnid. Because I was afraid. If you weren't out on the streets I knew venom wouldn't find you. He didn't know you because your new. I wanted it to stay that way. But recently I was able told that I like to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders and push others away so that they don't have to burden themselves with. I already knew that but then I was told to let others help me. So this is me saying.... no. Asking. Are you gonna help out our wonderful city? If you say yes I just have one piece of advice. Don't be me and scare your family every other week." With that the voicemail ended.

Jefferson was now completely dressed. He had already tolled Rio that he had an emergency at work and had to go. Only person he didn't tell was miles. Jefferson opened miles room. He found miles standing in front of an opened window. He had on red hoodie and a green windbreaker on top of that, he had on some sort of black leggings and some shorts over those, on his feat were a pair of Jordan's.

"Miles?" Jefferson asked. Miles turned his head.

"Yeah dad?" Miles asked.

"I got to go. I just had an emergency call from work.... everything Alright?" Jefferson asked.

"Everything's fine dad. Before you go dad. Mind if I tell you something?" Miles asked.

"Yeah. Sure son. You can tell me whatever." Jefferson replied. Miles turned around. His hands were in his coat pocket and had his jacket wrapped around his body. On his head was his mask but it was too scrunched up for Jefferson to realize what it was. Miles smiled at his dad.

"I kinda have to go too." Miles said. He walked forward to his dad and hugged him. "I love you dad." Miles said. Jefferson was shocked by this as he wasn't expecting to from hug from his son. "Now I need to go." Miles said.

"What?" Jefferson said. Miles then ran for his open window. "Miles!" Jefferson said as he ran after his son but miles jumped through the window and went out of their apartment on the 7th floor of the building. Just then he saw miles shoot a web and started slinging himself through the city. Jefferson could only stare at his son. His son was kid arachnid. Jefferson didn't know what to make of that statement. He just knew one thing. His son was one special kid.

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