Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Versi...

By xthatIDIOTx

157K 1.9K 315

Lying gets you in bad places. Its when the bad girl starts lying to the bad boy that it gets complicated. T... More

don't lie to me
chapter zero
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter nine + ten = twenty one
chapter twenty two
A Taste Of Baby - Rewrite
my other books
a hundred thousand reads?


1.9K 27 2
By xthatIDIOTx


My head was snuggled onto Baby's chest as we had just spent the night together out at the beach and we had ended going to my place to have some sleep and forget about the dance we missed last night. And honestly, I just lost my bet with Cole about what we were going to do at the dance. I don't give two flying fucks about it anymore.

Sliding my hands up Baby's shirt that she was borrowing from me, and starting to play with her breasts with a smirk on my face, watching how'll she react. I'm kind of nervous about today considering I want to take her out and tell her everything and I don't know how'll she react. To my life and to her parents.

And I'm fucking ratting her parents out in the process. Well, this sucks.

Baby moans in her throat, making me feel aroused by the sound. She starts to squirm under my touch slightly, moving her body around in what I could only hope was pleasure. She moans again and it was a heavenly sound to my ears. I continue to play with her breast until she works up the courage to tell me to stop.

Deciding to be a little bad and controlling, I sit up with my legs folded, resulting in letting Baby's boobs slip from my fingertips. I admire her beauty as she lays there peacefully and its making me feel worse in my groin area. Biting my lip before working up my own courage to pull her laced underwear down and off her legs that I'm so in love with just like the rest of her body.

The second she was half naked, I place my hand over her right boob because it was closer to me, messaging it from outside my shirt on her body. Her knees pull up together and her back arches, and makes my penis harden within my boxes. She has no idea how she makes me feel.

She makes me feel like I can do anything I want and it will go the right way, not the complete opposite like it tends to do sometimes.

Soon, I start sliding my hand down the outside of my shirt and down her stomach lightly, watch every reaction she made to my touch. My amber eyes watched the harden of her nipples under my shirt and I was contemplating whether to pull my shirt off her and suck them to death.

Lowering my hands all the way to down to her pussy where I slide a finger between her flaps, making soft circles over her clit that swells with every movement I make. Baby whimpers softly in pleasure, arching her back more and her hands lazily gripping my sheets.

"This is nice," she moans out, letting her eyes open to tiny slits and turning her head towards me with a soft smile. That's when I deepen my finger down her folds and reach her entrance, along her dark tanned legs spread enough that I can easily dump my two fingers right into her, causing a gasp to arise from her throat. It made me horny ten times more.

As I continue to play with her downstairs because, honestly, its mine and will always be mine and its going to stay that way. Her body was gorgeous and her moans were angelic to my ears. I could just about take her right now and get her moaning because of my dick instead of my fingers. But with the information I was going to give in our date, I chose not to because she could get angry at me and hate that I told her right after we had sex.

I didn't want that to happen, I didn't want to hurt her and that scares me if I do.

"More, daddy," she moans out as she starts moving her hips to get a better angle. I laugh at her and pump my fingers in and out of her in a fast action. She begins to start rubbing her hands over her breasts and arch her back higher, moaning even louder and I'm only glad my parents and brother were out at the gang house figuring out who's still stealing from us.

Shaking my thoughts off, I notice baby's close to orgasming as her breathes deepen and her moans get louder. My stomach tingling with desire, and my dick twitches from the sound of her finally moan as she let's the orgasm rush through her body and attack her as she clenches around my fingers, soaking them with her juices.

Gosh, I'm so horny.

Slowly pulling my fingers out of her pussy, they glisten in the morning light and I couldn't help but lick her juices off my fingers, tasting her and her sweetness. She was just as sweet on the inside as the out.

With her in a dazed state, content with my finger fuck, I crawl on top of her sweaty body and pepper her with fairy kisses all over her face and jaw and neck, and some going on her chest because I couldn't help it. She's got me addicted and I wasn't going to rehab to get rid if it.

Baby's hands soon grab and entwine themselves within my dark head and making sure I stay on her lips and nothing more. I wasn't complaining, I wanted her and still was the only thing I could get that was close enough.

Pulling away, because Baby pushed me away, she breaths heavily before speaking, "Any good reason why you're so cuddly today unlike some others?"

I smile, hoping my eyes glisten with mischievous. "I'm taking you out today because I'm ready to tell you everything."

"Everything?" Her voice small, and her dark eyes shining over with curiosity.

"Everything," I say, nodding with a smile. Baby smiles back with a certain look in her eyes. "So get ready, we're leaving soon." Placing a quick peck to her lips, I get off her and out of bed and going to have a shower.


"MacDonald's?" Baby voices out in a bored tone, probably not believing I was driving into their drive thru to order a late breakfast as it was well past twelve.

"Yes, why?" I ask, but I already know she was expecting something more bigger and out there. And I promise she's going to get it...eventually.

"Well, its just maccas is lame..." she draws out, her focus out the window as she brushes back her hair and puts it behind her ear. I crack a small smile, ignoring her when I get to the window and pay for the food before going to the next window to get the food. Once I passed it to Baby I start driving again to somewhere I think has sentimental value.

Getting on the road, I glance quickly at Baby look at the bag filled with food clueless, unsure of what to do with it. I chuckle softly to myself. "You can eat it, you know? I didn't get it just for myself," I tell her, grabbing her attention as she looks to me, as I see out the corner of my eyes.

"Is there chips?" She asks, opening the bag as I hear it crinkle.

I answer anyway as her question was rhetorical. "Yes, there's chips. It can't be takeaway food without chips," I deadpan, rolling my eyes in amusement, but making sure I still had an eye on the road as it was quite busy today.

"Do you have sauce?" She asks next which made a breath hutch in my throat as I almost chock, I instantly start coughing like I just inhaled too much cocaine.

"N-No," I say modestly, my voice quivering slightly.

"Thats fine, I'll just let the saltiness of it dry my throat," Baby states humourless, making me feel even more worse than ten seconds ago. I look to her for a second, catching her stare at me with a wide smile upon her lips. There's a glare on my face.

"Thats not funny," I chided, looking back at the road and taking a turn. I hear Baby start munching on the chips with little sarcastic remarks here and there, but I ignore them the second we get down the right street.

Taking a turn into the parking lot, I park my car right in front if the one place I find very sentimental. It's technical where I took Baby out on our unofficial date. Very unofficial but in my head it was real and official.

"We're getting ice cream?!" Baby exclaims excitedly, almost jumping out of her seat to run right in and hopefully by the whole shop with no questions asked. "Awe! Brady! This is so unromantically romantic!" She cries, turning to face me and give me a big hug, one that I feel like she's chocking me to death.

Pulling away and jumping in her seat, she looks at the ice cream parlour and soon back to me with excitement in her eyes, and massive smile upon her lips. "Last one is a rotten egg!" She exclaims before putting the maccas bag on the floor in front of her feet and dashing out of my car, shutting the door behind her, and racing into the parlour ahead of time.

Shaking my head at her, I lean over to grab my Burger before following after Baby. I catch her hopping on the balls of her feet in over excitement, trying to glance at everything at the front of the line, but not getting much.

After about fifteen to twenty minutes of waiting impatiently, Baby and I sat outside with our ice cream. I had quickly eaten my burger so now I'm eating the ice cream I had gotten.

"You got mint chocolate chip," Baby observes, making me look away from the ice cream I use to hate. The flavour remains me of every single day I've known her. "You don't like mint chocolate chip ice cream?" She asks baffled, a furrow in her brows.

"Yeah, well, it grew on me," I say, taking a spoonful straight after.

She pfted me, making me look at her with a quirked brow. "Don't pft me," I scowl, a deathly look in my eyes.


I just had to laugh then, lowering my head and shaking it at her in complete amusement. Looking back up in seriousness and she notices, her smile dropping as colour drains in concern. "Anyway, I'm wanting to tell you that I'm not a good guy?" It came out like a question because I don't know how I'm suppose to tell her I'm in a gang and her parents are as well. I want her to know that she's in this world when she doesn't even know it.

"What do you mean? Your that bad boy from Richmond, yeah?" There was a deep furrow in her brows and that made nerves fill my stomach and make me nauseous.

"Yes, but that's not why," I say, bowing my head and stirring my ice cream around. "Im in a gang..." I look up in guilt and catch her staring at me with an agape mouth and looking ready to hyperventilate.

"No! Brady, don't lie to me?! No!" She starts shrieking out in bewilderment, slamming her ice cream down. "T-That's dumb. You can because gangs are real... Are they?"

This made me feel like hiding in a rabbits hole, but its done and I can't take it back. "For you to be safe, is to make sure you know what you're involved with," I try to reason when she looks away from me with an angered expression, eyebrows down and narrowed eyes.

"Youre dragging me into that world, Brady. I could get targeted!" She hurt, I can tell when tears fill her eyes.

"You were already in it! Both your parents are involved and always has been. Maddy is too!" I'm getting angry and annoyed that this is taking fucking to long, but I had to expect something like this happening in the first place, its only sane.

"My parents?" She asks, knocking me out of my thoughts and looking me dead in the eye.

"Yes." Let me sink into a hole, please! I can't take this anymore.

"Well I'm not anger at you anymore, I'm anger at them for knowing longer and haven't told me," Baby says, making me look to her warily. "Im going to give them a mouthful."

I'm going to be killed...

author's note:
I am not going to write any more bonus chapters to add to this chapter. So I apologise but I just really hate this book.

instagram - xthatIDIOTx
pinterest - xthatIDIOTx


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