
By pumpkinwrites

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Second book after Cats. (I suck at writing descriptions) Check out Cats if you haven't read it yet! šŸ’šā¤ļø More



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By pumpkinwrites


"What do you mean he disappeared?" I asked, my heart stilling. I had stopped walking and nudged Jae to walk ahead when I received the call, expecting someone else when I saw the unknown number.

"We're looking through all the cameras but nothing. We don't know how he got out but he did" the detective explained patiently. This can't be happening... what if he comes after Jae? No no no.

I clenched my jaw and fists in anger, looking to the sky for some sort of answer. At least I left my phone number in his hand...

I had sneaked out before one of our practices to head to the hospital, needing to know that he was still lying there, away from Jae.

I scribbled my number on a piece of paper, stuffing it into his hand before leaving, not wanting him to send out those photos still. I can't let it affect Jae's career...

"We're looking for him as we speak... we're going to put up a wanted criminal broadcast and..."

"Don't. Please. Don't do it" I interrupted, seeing Jae turn to look at me. I masked my expression well and gave him a small nod, trailing behind the others still. The thought of Jae finding out he was roaming outside making me spit those words out.

"It would be a lot easier to find him if we have the public's help" the detective explained, trying to convince me otherwise.

"No. He's just after us. He'll come to us. I know he will. I actually left my number with him" I admitted.

"You..." the detective started before sighing.

"We have a security team. And... he'll hide for sure if he knows" I tried. I held my breath as he kept silent on the other side of the line for the longest time that I thought he didn't hear me. I was about to repeat myself when he finally agreed.

"We'll send someone to track your phone"

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me yet" he muttered before hanging up.


I made sure that Jae was always in my line of sight or beside me, looking around constantly to ensure that he was safe.

I only left him when all the other members were with him, knowing that they would look after him before heading to JYP's office to let him know. How and where do I even begin? I have to tell him now that the police would probably contact him and send someone over...

I left when we got to our studio before heading to JYP's office, sucking in a deep breath before mustering up some courage to knock on his door.

"Come in"

"Hyung-nim" I greeted, bowing to him. He nodded, gesturing for me to sit.

I folded my hands in my lap, unsure of where to start, my thoughts still all jumbled up and yet on Jae. He should be safe... right? We're in the company. He's with the other members...

"Yes Jaebum?" he cued. I blinked a couple of times, my hands clenching together before I started explaining everything to him.


JYP was quiet the entire time I explained, my gaze down on my hands as I felt his disappointment radiating towards me.

"I'm sorry hyung-nim. I should have settled it better" I admitted, bowing to him again.

"You should be sorry... you settling this alone? Jaebum ah, you should have came to me from the start. We could have settled this... but what's done is done. We'll try solve it now" he sighed.

"I'm sorry" I repeated, keeping my body bowed.

"Look up at me" he frowned as I shot him a glance.

"I always had high expectations of you... this much we both know. You've never failed before but this... I thought you would learn to rely on others along the way, especially me. You did things your way and admitted you were wrong. Now sit down and raise your head. I taught you better Jaebum" he snapped, his words snapping me out of it.

I raised my head to look at him, giving up my facade as my tears flowed down the side of my cheeks. I wiped them away angrily, annoyed by it. Tears are useless when no one cares.

"I don't want anything ever to happen to him. I just want him to be happy. I can't... please just hide this from him. I don't want him to be affected by this. I'll do anything" I begged, looking up at the ceiling while I used the back of my hand to wipe my tears away.

JYP was quiet while I rearranged my emotions, stuffing them back before facing him again. He observed me the entire time, staring still at I tilted my head back down to face him.

"He's important to you" he stated flatly, staring into my eyes.

"Yes. He is" I admitted, looking back at him.

"Okay. We will hide this. Come to my room every day. We would wait for the call here" he nodded.

"Thank you hyung-nim" I bowed, relaxing slightly as a small weight was lifted off my shoulders. It's just about protecting Jae now.


"Where were you?" Jinyoung asked, frowning as I entered the studio.

"Nothing for you to worry about" I replied, trying to brush him off.

"Hyung... you can't do this alone" he sighed, giving me a pointed look.

"I'm not. Just..."

"I'm not asking about what and who. I just want to know if you're alright. You've been too quiet recently. It's affecting the kids"

"I just... I was just talking to JYP hyung-nim. Keep it from the rest" I muttered, turning to face him before adding "please".

Jinyoung was quiet as he scanned my eyes, finally responding when he found what he was looking for.


"Good" I breathed, the instructor calling us to gather.

Jinyoung shook his head in response, earning a pointed glare from me.


I sat next to Jae on our way back, lost in my thoughts when I felt him lean closer to me. My body softened accordingly, my arm wrapping him tighter to me.

He rested his head on my chest, making everything feel right in that moment. What I wouldn't give for him to be safe in my arms forever. I would do anything for my baby boy here. Anything.

I held Jae close despite him turning to face the wall that night, wondering what he was sulking about. I felt his body edge closer to mine as he fell asleep, turning back to face me again. Was I overcrowding him again by sticking next to him?

I thought about the day I found him crouched in the toilet, my heart hurting so badly at his tear stained face. Why couldn't it have been me who faced it? Why did he have to hurt Jae? Why did I not get there faster?

My arms tightened around him and I pressed a kiss to his head, trying to shield him from everything.


JYP sent some extra security to us, simply covering it with a "some sasaeng fan sent a letter to the dorm". I smiled at him gratefully, bowing as low as I could for that. This meant that I could rest easy while we were at our dorm too.

I kept looking over our shoulders and at our surroundings whenever we walked, my mind constantly drifting to the possible scenarios and worrying over Jae.

The only other time in the day where I felt normal was when Jae sat next to me whenever we were in the van, knowing that Minhyuk couldn't do anything much to us then too. I always left my hand on his thigh, needing to know that he was next to me, safe and warm.

I stared out the window, always feeling so distracted, the familiarity of Jae's warmth spreading through my body. The scenery passing by was irrelevant, my head filled with endless thoughts, all of them about and leading back to my sunshine.

The van came to a stop and I snapped out of my thoughts, realising that I was stroking my throat the entire time.

I followed them all to our studio, giving Jae one last glance before heading to JYP's office.

"Hyung-nim? It's me, Jaebum" I announced, knocking on his door.

"Come in" he called. I opened the door slowly, checking his expression before sitting down in front of him.

"Nothing?" I asked, folding my hands together on my lap.

"Nothing" he confirmed, turning his tablet to me. I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back into the chair after scanning the tablet.

"Thank you... hyung. Thank you" I stood, bowing to him.

"Jaebum ah... I don't want to lose either of you too" he replied, gesturing for me to sit back down.

"I can't let him know. I'll do anything. Sign me up for more schedules, cut my pay if you have to... anything" I pled him, looking at him to let him know how much I meant those words.

"There's no need for all that" he frowned.

There was a knock on the door, the person the police sent bowing before he entered.

"Jaebum-ssi, has he contacted you yet?" he asked. I shook my head in response, placing my phone on the table.

We sat there everyday, waiting for either a random article to pop up or my phone to ring ever since Minhyuk disappeared from the hospital.

We made idle chat, the time creeping by so slowly as we waited. I bowed to them before I left, heaving a sigh as another day passed. What is Minhyuk aiming at?


Jae slowly distanced himself from me physically and I let him be, knowing that he probably needed the space from me. Regardless, I followed him to the toilet every time, deciding that the I would only stop if he chased me out.

I left for JYP's office again, trying to empty my head about weird things like if Jae needed to go while I was in his office when I reached him door.

I knocked before entering, greeting him with a bow before taking my usual spot on the same chair. The tech guy, Dowon, always sat in the corner, repeating the same question whenever we met, if Minhyuk had called.

I was about to take my phone out from my jacket pocket when it rang, my brain and hand freezing in that position. I stared at the screen quickly, nodding at both Dowon and JYP before placing my phone on the table and answering.


"Thanks for your number"

"What do you want?"

"You fucked up my face and took my cupcake away" he drawled.

JYP looked curiously at me while I nodded, letting him know that it was Minhyuk.

"He was unwilling. It's called rape" I replied, my jaw clenching in anger.

"He asked me. Why do you think he went to the toilet?"

"Because he needed to pee?" I answered. I should have killed that fucker. JYP placed his hand on mine, gesturing for me to continue talking. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself back down as Dowon was still trying to track his call.

"He was hinting it to me the entire night. You weren't sitting there across him... you had no idea. He even asked me what I liked when we had sex" he laughed.

"You're lying" I gritted out.

"No? Ask him then. Mmm. He was so wet for me" he continued. I looked towards Dowon and JYP who nodded, turning to show me where he was.

"Yeah? It's my turn to make you wet with blood again then" I spat, hanging up on him.

I insisted on heading down to the police station, watching them drag Minhyuk in. I hardly recognised him when they dragged him in, his facial hair making him look a lot older. His hair was a mess, his usual slicked back hair hanging down past his eyes.

He spun around and lunged at me when he spotted me, his fist hitting my ribs before getting pulled back by the police. Pity... I wanted to hit him back too.


I became more relaxed as the days passed, knowing that Minhyuk was going to be locked up and away from Jae.

I still went to JYP's office to discuss about what we could do to protect Jae from going to court and managed to convince the court against having Jae as a witness.

Taejoon and Yoon more than willing to go to the stand for us. The two of them looking so awkward when I introduced them to JYP.

We arranged to meet at court before one of our practices and I changed into my suit when we got there, not wanting Jae to know anything.

I spotted Taejoon and Yoon, waving at them as they approached us.

"Thank you hyungs" I bowed them, Taejoon laughing like a maniac while jumping up and down at that.

Yoon straightened me and ruffled my hair with a smile, rolling his eyes at Taejoon's behaviour before slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"We're brothers. Right?" he stated, his question seeming more like a statement.

"Yeah. Thanks hyung" I smiled. It was weird, seeing the three of us dressed in suits, looking like adults despite our sneakers.

We headed into the courtroom together, my heart finally resting easy when the judge sentenced Minhyuk to jail for 3.5 years. (A/N: I know... just 3.5 years? Guess what... that really is the law if it is the first offence)

I waved at Taejoon and Yoon, promising them that I would visit with Jae when we came back from our tour.

I changed quickly back into my shirt and shorts, rolling my suit and hiding it in my bag before going back to the company.

"Remember. I'm here too" JYP muttered, clasping my shoulder before entering his office.

I smiled at him before bowing, thanking him for being the father figure for me while growing up.


I gave Jae the space he needed as he stuck to the other members, watching him discreetly as I sat across the room. The members messed around loudly, happy that Jae looked better.

I bit back my jealousy as I watched Jae lean his head against Jackson's shoulder. Jackson had turned to look at Jae, Jae jerking his head back before laughing. I clenched my fists at that, my heart stilling for a beat. What was that? Is Jae uncomfortable? What was Jackson up to? If he is messing around with Jae? I don't want Jae to be heartbroken... what about Jinyoung?

Jae's adorable laughter rang through the air, the messy thoughts in my head emptying in that second. He's happy... and that's all that matters. Whatever I feel now is irrelevant... it didn't help that Jae ran to Jackson that night when Jackson came back from his overseas schedule. But he's happy...

I glanced over at them to see Jackson leaning near to Jae still and started thinking about Jinyoung. What is Jackson up to then? Does Jinyoung know what Jackson is doing? Should I be jealous then?

Jinyoung always knew when I was annoyed, the mom that he is spotting everything.

"Go talk to him if you're unhappy" Jinyoung commented, nudging me slightly.

"I can't" I muttered, rubbing my throat. I'm selfish and not rational when it comes to Jae... but he's happy. Happier than he is with me at least. Who am I to do anything?

I got up and walked to our room, not wanting to continue the conversation with Jinyoung anymore. I heard Jinyoung sigh before walking off as well, dragging my feet towards the door. I crawled into bed, too tired of everything, drifting off to sleep while waiting for Jae.


I woke up with Jae in my arms, his fingers curled onto the collar of my shirt. I quietly pressed a kiss to the top of his head, loving how his soft hair tickled my cheeks. I held him tight while I could, watching him sleep while the sun rose around us.

Our room slowly grew brighter, the curtains doing little to block the sunlight filtering in. I always adored this time of the day, the shadows of the night chased away by the sun. It always reminded me of Jae. Does he know how he heals me?

I closed my eyes as he stirred, Jae hiding his face into my chest before stretching.

"Mmm" he grumbled slightly, releasing me slowly before sitting up.

"Hyung. We have practice today" he mumbled, touching my chest lightly. I nodded, keeping my eyes shut until I felt his warmth leave my side.

I heard a soft sigh as he got up, only opening my eyes to stare at the ceiling then. I followed him to the toilet, sitting there while he got ready.

I rubbed my forehead and eyes, emptying my head while waiting for him. I opened the door for him when he was done, ushering him out before quickly getting ready.


Jae and I were separated on the flight and at the hotel, our manager wanting us all to concentrate and get enough rest before the concert.

I jerked myself awake each night, my dreams a garbled mess of getting hit, Jae leaving and feeling cold.

I laid there awake, wondering if Jae was alright, if I ever woke him up because of my stupid head. He always knew I was a mess. Did I take that for granted? That he would tolerate me?

I sighed and got up to shower, sitting on the edge of my bed while waiting for the sun to rise. I miss you Jae. I'm a mess without you.

A/N: Hello. Long-ish chapter for you all. So... that's where JB has been going. It's going to be the kissing scene from JB's POV next?

In other news, I think Got7 is planning to kill us all slowly. Bam being a cute (skrr skrr) derp on his tour by talking about Jinyoung training his body to compete with Jackson and how JB doesn't compare to them. Focus on me promotions out to ring continuously in your head and haunt you, not including their fan meets and whatnot. Jinyoung's series has started which has a shirtless scene (ahem). Youngjae producing a new song. Mark on Vogue magazine. Jackson releasing yet another song on the 19 of March. Got7 coming back in June (Gyeom spilled the "Don't go on a holiday in June"). IT'S GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE.
Ps. Work sucks and these are the only things I can look forward to. 😔

If you even read past all these. THANK YOU. You didn't have to but thank you. I truly love you. Prize below.

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