The Pack of Heroes :Revival

By Wolfsaga12gamer

2.1K 88 312

The second book of The Pack of Heroes but what happens to the pack and what about Preston's third wish? What... More

Ch 1: Revival or Wake up?
Ch 2: Memories
Ch 3: Unwanted Attention
Ch 4: The Chase
Ch 5: (Doesn't have a title)
Ch 6: Leon's attempt...
Ch 7: Connor!
Ch 8: Lyric!
Ch 9: The Nightmare!
Ch 10:Gun Shot
Ch 11: A nightmare
Ch 12: Lyric!
Ch 13: Hoping for love? + Sneak Peek?
Ch 14: A Cats Claws
Ch 15: Sun or Moon
Ch 16: Time is Ticking
Ch 17: Kidnapped?!
Ch 18: Caged?!
Ch 19: Powers?
Ch 20: Fight of the Dragons!
Ch 21: Round 2...FIGHT!
Ch 22: The Prophecy!
Ch 23: A Fulfilled Promise.
Ch 24: Poisoned!
Ch 25: A New Person?
Ch 26: Rob's Powers! + Sneak Peek
Ch 27: Different Friends?
Ch 28: Secrets?
Ch 29: Danger in the Forest.
Ch 30: A Weird Dream?
Ch 31: The History?
Ch 32: Silver Sword Powers!?
Ch 33: Saving Preston!
Ch 34: People From the Past!
Ch: 35 Prophecies and Visions
Ch 36: Wolf of Secrets
Ch 37: Teasing and Training?
Ch 38: A plan.
Ch 39: Power of The Sun! +Sneak Peek
Ch 40: Fooxes!
Ch 41: Merome!
Ch 42: Jolon!
Ch 43: Plans of Evil
Ch 44: Confrontation
Ch 45: Betrayed Trust?
Ch 46: Fighting Ethan
Ch 48: Losing A Wolf
Ch 49: New Information
Ch 50: Dangerous Plans
Ch 51: Vikklan
Ch 52: Preston's Fight + Sneak Peek
Ch 53: Fighting Ethan
Ch 54: Preston's Plan
Ch 55: Captured!
Ch 56: Escaping!
Ch 57: Meeting Up
Ch 58: A New Pack!
Ch 59: Alpha Fight?
Ch 60: Beginning of the End
Ch 61: Multi POV
Ch 62: The End Part 1
Ch 63: The End Part 2
Ch 64: The End Part 3
Extra Ch 65: The New Beginning

Ch 47: The Right Thing?

18 1 3
By Wolfsaga12gamer

(Rob's POV)

As I walked away from the fight scene I felt hot with anger, "I never wanted to follow this stupid plan why can't we just put everything in the past." I said quietly while looking at the ground, soon I arrived at the park.

Sitting in the shade of a tree I couldn't stop the feeling of guilt from rising, looking up I saw butterflies flying in groups, as I watched them, two butterflies a blue morpho butterfly and a monarch butterfly fluttered over to me.

Holding out my hand I saw the butterflies land on me, looking at them they opened and closed their wings as they stayed on me, I felt calm as I held them but they quickly took off into the sky, watching them I saw a bird swoop at them.

Fear ran through me as I watched the bird grab the monarch butterfly out of the air, I watched the blue morpho butterfly flutter around in the spot where the monarch was right before going on it's way.

I felt alone, suddenly it started raining again, looking at the sky I saw that it was covered by clouds, I felt fur under my hand looking down I saw that it was Blade the fox kit but he was almost a full grown fox now.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking up at me questioning, petting him I just kept silent, I heard the yips and squeals of Galaxy, Void, Fang, and Dune as they ran up to me only to stop when they saw me with my hand on Blade.

"I thought you wouldn't let him pet you." Galaxy teased while they walked up, "He's hurting....I want to help." Blade said rubbing his nose into my side, tears were threatening to spill, " I doing what's right?" I asked hiding my head in my arms that rested on my knees to avoid them seeing the tears.

"I don't know are you?" Dune asked, "Dune he needs our help and as the next leaders we should help him." Void growled to Dune, I heard Dune sigh "Rob nothing will feel right if you don't think that it's right." Fang said from beside me.

"Like that's gonna help me." I said flatly keeping my head down, "Rob to us we don't care just don't get yourself killed." Fang said running off with Blade and Dune but Void and Galaxy stayed with me. "If it was up to me Rob, I would wait and see." Void said right as Galaxy ran off to join the others.

"Thanks Void." I said keeping my head down "No problem Rob just be safe okay." Void said softly right before he ran after his brothers and sister looking up I saw the foxes run towards the lake, sighing I calmed down.

Laying back against the tree I was getting sleepier and sleepier by the second, as I was almost asleep I could hear the crack of thunder as it kept raining, but that didn't wake me up it was like I was being pulled into a dream.


Waking up I saw Preston in front of me with Lyric and Stampy at his side, as they walked through the woods I followed them closely, "Are you really going to risk everything Preston?" Lyric asked sad, "I'll do anything to keep them and you two safe." Preston said as he kept walking.

"I just wish that you would quit thinking that it's going to end with you and Leon dying at the same time you're gonna win Preston." Stampy meowed while he sat of Lyric, "I don't know about that Stamp I just have this feeling." Preston said looking at Stampy and Lyric.

"Can we get off this topic please." Preston said looking at the ground, suddenly I was in a large field the school was to my right but a large fire dome was keeping me from going any further and inside was Preston and Leon both glaring at each other.

"From the beginning I promised to protect them, yet you tried to keep that promise from me and with the strength of Lyric I will end you here and now!" Preston yelled but I could tell what emotions were in his voice because there was way to many.

In a flash of white I was standing in a white room and Preston as standing there looking at someone who was wearing a white cloak with the hood up that hid their face, "Why am I here?" Preston asked the person.

"You completed the challenges I put you up against." The person said, "What challenges?" Preston asked confused, "you know what the challenges were." The person said, "I'm not following the path of the killer." Preston said with anger.

"Seems like it Preston." The person said with triumph, "I won't follow you, I'll always follow the steps of the great mountain lion Leo." Preston said backing up away from the person, "Doesn't seems like it." The person said tauntingly to Preston.

"We'll see." Preston countered but he didn't look to happy about what this guy was saying, "We'll see indeed." The guy said right before they disappeared, looking towards my feet I saw that there was a little blue wooden wolf around my neck.


Waking up I could hear the crack of lightning nearby followed by the roar of thunder, getting up I patted my clothing to find that I was dry not a spot of water on my clothes, Looking around I saw that the clouds were circling around the forest.

Looking down I saw the blue wooden wolf around my neck and I knew something was off, running towards the forest I jumped over the small railing of the park and ran across the road, leaping over fallen trees I could see the lake through the trees.

Jumping over a rock I looked out across the lake to see Preston and Ethan battling, but Preston had multiple cuts and bruises, I felt anger rise but I also felt satisfaction at seeing Preston getting hurt.

I could barley hear a thing not even the wind from the loud thunder roaring and blocking everything else out, looking towards the trees I saw that Lyric was in a tree with Stampy, they both looked frightened.

Looking back towards Preston, I took a deep breath and looked at the ground holding out my hand everything went quiet, looking up I saw-

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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