Perfection» h.s

By cvstle

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"Not all of us are perfect, Harry." ©copyright ashlyn gold 2k14 [1D Awards winner Season 5] More

good books.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
Character Ask!
Character Answers!
Ask Me Answers!
twenty nine.
thirty one (part one)
thirty one . pt 2
thirty one. pt. 3
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
a poem
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
a small present
present part dos
present part trés
present part four
present part five
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
the questions
the answers.
fifty one.
fifty two.
fifty three.
fifty four.
fifty five.
fifty six.
fifty seven.
fifty eight.
fifty nine.
sixty one.
sixty two.
sixty three.
sixty four.
sixty five.
sixty six.
sixty seven. pt.1
sixty seven pt.2
happy birthday to one of the raddest people I know
sixty eight.
sixty nine.
seventy one.
1D Watty Awards!

twenty five.

480 17 32
By cvstle

     A week or so later. . .

Pandora Gray

      "What the actual hell, Gem." I mutter, reading her text again,

From Gem: can all of you guys come to the flat around 7 pm or so? My visitors are coming, and I'd like you to meet them.

I shrug, flopping back onto my bed, when my phone starts to blow up with my texts, and notifications.

From Fellow Fangirl: did you get gem's text? Wtf was that about?

From Goddess: yeah, why are you awake at eight am is my question.

From Jenna: I've been awake since five.

From Nina: well you three just woke me up, thanks -.-

From Goddess: Shaddup, you have a weird text alert. Your problem, your fault.

From Nina: whatever. What are we doing today, because Lou, Niall, Zayn,Liam and Harry are having a Skype sesh, presumably day long.

From Fellow Fangirl: We could all just come over in our pyjamas and hang out for the whole day, or whatever.

From Jenna: Alright, who has Netflix then?

From Nina: All of us do. I say, you guys should just come over here, and we can eat food and watch Orange is the New Black or whatever.

From Jenna: Sounds like a plan, but were you serious on the pyjama thing?

From Goddess: well damn, Jenna you always have to look fantastic whenever you go anywhere. I dunno about you, but I'm going in my pyjamas, and I'll see you in a bit Nina.

From Fellow Fangirl: you better have food waiting, Nina.


     I get out of bed, able to hear Harry's voice from his room, and go into the kitchen.

Food... or not... fat... or not.

Hell yes,let's go with that brownie over there, damn.

I grab the brownie off the napkin, get the keys, flip flops and a dollar, and head out of thedoor. I literally look like walking shit, with my rat's nest hair, my t-shirt that I don't even remember how I got the random pink stain on, my phone, my pyjamama shorts,and the crowning jewel on my looking and feeling (but mostly feeling) like shit, the pretty little tampon that I have to wear.


This is so fab.

I get into the car, when I hear Ashlyn call,

"Can we carpool? I'm too asleep to dirve." She doesn't wait for a reply as she gets into the car,and I drive off. "I don't know what the actual fuck they do on those Skype sessions, and honesly, I don't wish to know." She says, letting her mousy brown hair from her bun and running her fingers thriugh it.

"You and I both know that those five need to bathe themselves in holy water, so this doesn't surprise me at all." I say,stopping at a stoplight. "One day, I seriously will drag Harry's ass to church."

"Amen to that." She replies, looking at her hair, "Brown is such a fucking boring color, ugh."

"No, blonde is boring to me. I've been thinking of dying my hair a lightish bluish color, but then I remember I'd look like something from a Crayola packet." She laughs as we start to pull into the parking lot, both of us getting out of the car,and closing the door. "I'd seriously look like a fucking crayon, like, I could look like I was on acid." We get to Nina's door, and we ring the doorbell.

"You guys are slow, damn." Jenna says,opening the door wider so Ashlyn and I can come in, and the smell of pizza and Arizona Sweet Tea hits us, "We're making breakfast. Pizza and Arizona, you guys want?"

"Yas, please." Ashlyn says, grabbing a slice of pizza out of the box on the island, putting it on a plate, and putting it in the microwave.  When it finishes, and the rest of us are already stuffing our faces, Ashlyn joins us at the table. "So who do you think the new vistior is?"

"Let's hope it's someone hot." Jenna mumbles,taking a swig of her sweet tea as I take another bite of my pizza. "Or just someone nice."

"I pray that whoever this is is better than Valerie." I chime in, and all of them nod in agreement. "Because if they aren't, tables are getting fucking flipped."

"Rocks will get thrown." Nina adds, "But we all know Gemma hates V-" Jenna cutsher off.

"You do realize that they are in the other room, and could possibly hear us, righr? We need a code name to talk about, y'know." We all nod in agreement, "So what's the name going to be?"

"BB. For Basic Bitch, who obiously puts on that BB Maybelline cream like she's paining the Mona Lisa." I suggest, and Jenna laughs.

"I knew there was a reason why I loved you." Ashlyn remarks, getting up to go get some more food. "BB it is, all in favor, say aye."

"Aye." All of us reply.

"As I was saying, Gemma hates BB, so she wouldn't get anyone like BB. Ash, you've known her, who would she invite.

":Let's pray it's a girl, because we can then all go dress shopping. But then again, our dresses wouldn't be in a regular bridal shop, after all it is a Generation wedding." Ashyln says, and I raise an eyebrow.

What the hell?

"I'm guessing that you totally forgot to call her a few days ago." Jenna smirks, and I keep my head down, nodding. "Ture wedding is a generation wedding. The bridesmaids and maid of honor all dress like a person from a different era/ time period."

"That sounds fabulous, and why do I have a feeling that Jenna is dressing like a fifties girl." I deadpan, and she claps, "I know you so well, Jenna."

"How'd you know?" Ashlyn asks, eating some Lays chips.

"So one time, we had er," I start, not really able to explain because it was something we all did in the Angel Hotel, and Ashlyn doesn't know... Y'know. "We had a Halloween party,  and we had a friend– Tori."

"I always hated her." Jenna interrupts, and I shush her.

"So we were all talking about what we were wearing, and we all had this pact not to wear anything that one of us wore. The night of the party, Jenna and Tori were wearing the exact same thing, and Jen here has been pissed ever since." I finish and Nina laughs.

"Someone holds grudges." Ash mutters, offering me a chip.

"No, I have always had a bad vibe from her. She seems bitchy, I don't like her that much. " She rolls her eyes, "I mean, Pandora saw the way she kept bashing Mikey, and now she's dating the damn guy. And do not give me that people can change shit, because I'm sickand tired of it!" She finishes ranting, the takes in a deep breath, "Sorry, just had to rant there."

"No problem. Personally, I always thought  that she treied to copy Pandy. Same boys, same friends, same outfits." Nina trails off.

"Same boys? Which one would Tori want, Luke or  Harry?" Ashlyn scoffs, handing Jenna a chip.

Neither. I recall saying she had Mikey.

" Speaking of the two of them,who do yu like? You've been all cutsey and cuddly with Luke, and then all cutesey sisterly bitchy with Harry, and I have to get my ships sraight, so please," Nina props herself up with her elbow"Sorry, just had to rant there."

"Personally, I thik you and Harry could become a thing. I see it." Jenna suggests, tying her hair up into a. . . something trying to resemble a bun.

" If Harry and I could become a thing, you and the couch could fuck." I deadpan, and Ash giggles. "My point."

"It's elementary, my dear Watson. You've kissed both, correct? Which one gave you the fireworks, or whatever the fuck they call it."

LUKE, LUKE, LUKE,LUKE, LUKE,LUKE,LUKE, wait I forgot someone... LUKE. I must like him more than I thought.

"Er, um," I pause awkwardly, "Luke." I mumble, and then realize how twele year old girl- ish I'm acting. "Luke." I say with a bit more courage.

"So you," Ash points at me, "Like," she makes a heart with her hands," Luke." She raises an eyebrow, and I nod, " So."

"So what?"

"When are you going to ask him out?"

"I'm not going to." Jenna smiles knowingly.

"Going for the hard to get? I like it."

"No, I'm not going to ask him at all." I shake my head, and the room becomes dead silent, "And in this moment, you can hear the beat drop." I rock on my chair, awkwardly.

"So, you're going all Kylie on me?" Nina asks, and I shake my head. Kylie, the name of most fan fiction girls, is what we use whenever one of us does something very Kylie-centric. For exapmle, if I were to say I was going to go put on light makeup, then come back out with three tons of makeup on my face . . .

You get the point.

"No, I wouldn't want to ruin my friendship with him." I defend myself with the worst defense in the book, "I mean, we're such good friends and all."

"Honey, I'll just say this once. You, me, and all of us here know this is bullshit. Are you quite finished?" Ash says, getting up to go wash the plates.


"So, you won't tell us the real reason why you won't go chase Luke. You didn't chase Harry, and look! He's now dating a model , who belives that money makes the world go round." Jenna adds,and I glare at her. "Don't glare at me when Luke is dating another girl, and you're in the dust." She spits.

"Jen, don't, ugh, that was kinda mean, and you know it." Nina consoles us, trying to be the peacemaker, but I am slightly pissed.

Not slightly pissed, but pissed.

Okay, I'm beyond pissed.

"Hey, just trying to help the girl. She hasn't had a fucking boyfriend since-"

Jenna Bea Love, you fucking swore that you'd never say that damn name-

"Drew. You haven't had a boyfriend since Drew,and I'm simply looking out for you. And if you don't like it, then go cry about it like you always do." Nina drops the plate she was handing to Ash, and I watch the little poreclean peice scatter everywhere, tears filing my eyes.  I march up to Jenna, who's standing there, smirking,

"You little wanker. You swore you'd never speak of that bastard again ,you swore.  I thought you said you'd never break promises, Jenna!" I hiss, tears splling down.

"There's a first time for everything, babe." She smiles smugly, and continues to clean the glass like nothing happened.

Like she didn't just hurt me.

Like she-

"Thanks for all the help,bitch. Now you can leave." I snap, and point at the door, "Don't let it hit you on the way out."

"Erm." Nina shifts on her feet uncomfortably as her and Ash share a look. "This is, um, kinda, my flat." She squeaks, but I pretend not to listen as Jenna and I stare menacingly at each other.

"I'd rather not."

"Then you will."


"Fine, I'm allegic to bitches." I snap, and with that, I high tail my ass out of the door.


Harry Styles

       "There's yelling going on outside my door, and honestly? I'm afraid to go out." Niall says, scraching the back of his neck, but I can see the four of them, via Skype.

"They're probably yelling at PLL or something." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Or at Dora."I chime in.

"We sound so normal, like our two of our girlfrinds are screaming out there, and we are just like, oh you know, this is common." Liam scoffs.

"Because it is common, please tell me when Ashlyn has been quiet." Zayn empasisses on the has.

"That's why she's my girlfriend." Louis shruggs as he eats some crips. "Speaking of girlfriends,hows Val?" He asks, and Liam raises his eyebrows.

"Fine, she came back from L.A today." I reply.

"So that's why you've been glued to your phone all day?" Niall asks, and I nod, "You are so fucking whipped."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are,say it with me whi-" He starts, but Liam cuts him off.

"Lay off, he's not whipped for Valerie. He's whipped for Pandora, check your basic facts, wanker."

"What the hell? I'm  not whipped for either!" I exclaim.

"Whatever sails your whale." Zayn muses.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Louis.

"Whatever floats your boat." Niall adds.

"How the hell do you guys know all thse sayings! Jeez, do you Google this shit or something?" Liam and I laugh. "No, but I couldn't care less who she dates."

"No you must've felt nothing when you saw Luke and Pandy kiss, correct?" Zayn says, and my eyes widen.


"You didn't know?" Louis starts, "Oh this is priceless, you didn't know they kissed?"

"No! When the fuck did this happen?"

"Like, a week ago. Have you been living like Patrick Star, or?" Liam rolls his eyes while Niall and Zayn are cracking up. "So you didn't see them kiss on the day we went to the amusement park?"


"Well then. I'll ask you again. Do you even care?" Louis leans into the camara, making him looking even bigger on my screen." 

"I care about that as much as I care about school."

"Mate, that lie was so bad, Rihanna wouldn't even love it." Louis smirks, and Niall hisses.

"Burn! Do you need some lotion for that, or?"

"BURN,BABY BURN!" Liam sings, and all of us start to laugh. "Okay, so you don't care at all. Follow up question, would you try to get them together?"

"Maybe, I want to see them together as much as I want to see pole dancing Liam."

Liam gets up from his chair,  and starts to pretend to take off his shirt, while Zayn cheers, "Liam!" He stops and Louis sticks out his tongue,

"Little tease."

"Want me to do it instead?" I stand up as Niall claps, and Zayn looks unamused.  "You don't want to see, Zayn?"

"Let me show you who will." He takes out his phone, fiddles with it for a bit, then starts to play 'No One' by Alicia Keys, and I'm laughing so hard. "See my point?"

"You'd pay to see the pleasure of my naked body." I scoff, "Alright, but you guys aren't fucking with me? They seriously kissed?"

"Nope, " Liam states, "It seems like you care."

"Well I don't."

"So fucking whipped." Louis mutters.

"Whiplash." Zayn chimes in.

"Guys, we have to go to Gem's at six!" I remind them, and they all give me a collective groan.

"Let's see who she brings."


There silence for a minute, until Liam says, "Harry, I wouldn't pay to see you strip."


    Pandora Gray

I was getting ready at Ashlyn's flat, who left a few minutes after me, and she was letting me borrow her clothes.

"Look, I know today was a shitacular day, but to make happy whoever Gem is bringing over, we have to wear our fake smiles. So suck it up, Buttercup, and get your ass moving." She commands, tossing me a British Bitch t-shirt. I give a weak smile, knowing that this is her way of cheering me up.  "That's my new motto, suck it up Buttercup."

"Whatever." I mumble, getting on the shirt, and glancing at myself in the mirror.

Phone? Check.

Converse? Check.

Fake smile? Hell yes.

Whatever the fuck this hair is supposed to be? Checkity, check, check.

"Let's go." Ash says, getting the keys as I follow her out of the door, and into her car. "I look like walking shit."

"I feel like walking shit, who's is worse?" I snap, and she keeps quiet. "Sorry, I've been on edge a bit."

"It's cool, I understand."

"You're amazing."

"How long did it take you to figure that out, Sherlock?"


"I wonder who this guy/girl is." Harry thinks aloud as he comes in from the kitchen with crisps in hand. Jenna and I eye each other warily from the other side of the couch, not talking. "Well damn."

"I smell tension!" Louis hints in a singsong voice.

"Then your nose is incorrect, because everything is peachy—fucking—keen!" Jenna exclaims, plastering on her fake smile. "Louis." She adds, calming down a bit.

"This would be a real nice time for Gemma to walk through the door." Liam looks up, obviously suggesting to Jesus to help him now.

"I'm sorry on Jenna's behalf, Louis. She's just being a little peachy keen, PMSing bitch from hell, that obviously needs to go take a piece of paper, write her complains, and shove them up her ass." I bat my eyelashes, and Louis gives me a funny look.

What the hell is this? He asks with his eyes. The doorbell rings, and Gemma excitedly bursts through the door, grin evident.

"They're here! Ready, one, two, three..." She steps aside to reveal Tori and Mikey standing there, grinning.

No effin way.

"CLIFFOCANDA! COME GIVE ME A HUG, YOU ASS." Calum, and all the guys stand up to hug Mikey, while Jenna just sits there, giving her fakest smile.

"Tori! Hey!" I run up to her, and embrace her in a hug along with Nina, "You look great! Oh, my gosh, you and Mikey are adorable, aw!" I gush, while Jenna slowly comes up to embrace them in a hug.

"I know! Great news!"


"We're moving here!"











Ash xx

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