The Pack of Heroes :Revival

By Wolfsaga12gamer

2.1K 88 312

The second book of The Pack of Heroes but what happens to the pack and what about Preston's third wish? What... More

Ch 1: Revival or Wake up?
Ch 2: Memories
Ch 3: Unwanted Attention
Ch 4: The Chase
Ch 5: (Doesn't have a title)
Ch 6: Leon's attempt...
Ch 7: Connor!
Ch 8: Lyric!
Ch 9: The Nightmare!
Ch 10:Gun Shot
Ch 11: A nightmare
Ch 12: Lyric!
Ch 13: Hoping for love? + Sneak Peek?
Ch 14: A Cats Claws
Ch 15: Sun or Moon
Ch 16: Time is Ticking
Ch 17: Kidnapped?!
Ch 18: Caged?!
Ch 19: Powers?
Ch 20: Fight of the Dragons!
Ch 21: Round 2...FIGHT!
Ch 22: The Prophecy!
Ch 23: A Fulfilled Promise.
Ch 24: Poisoned!
Ch 25: A New Person?
Ch 26: Rob's Powers! + Sneak Peek
Ch 27: Different Friends?
Ch 29: Danger in the Forest.
Ch 30: A Weird Dream?
Ch 31: The History?
Ch 32: Silver Sword Powers!?
Ch 33: Saving Preston!
Ch 34: People From the Past!
Ch: 35 Prophecies and Visions
Ch 36: Wolf of Secrets
Ch 37: Teasing and Training?
Ch 38: A plan.
Ch 39: Power of The Sun! +Sneak Peek
Ch 40: Fooxes!
Ch 41: Merome!
Ch 42: Jolon!
Ch 43: Plans of Evil
Ch 44: Confrontation
Ch 45: Betrayed Trust?
Ch 46: Fighting Ethan
Ch 47: The Right Thing?
Ch 48: Losing A Wolf
Ch 49: New Information
Ch 50: Dangerous Plans
Ch 51: Vikklan
Ch 52: Preston's Fight + Sneak Peek
Ch 53: Fighting Ethan
Ch 54: Preston's Plan
Ch 55: Captured!
Ch 56: Escaping!
Ch 57: Meeting Up
Ch 58: A New Pack!
Ch 59: Alpha Fight?
Ch 60: Beginning of the End
Ch 61: Multi POV
Ch 62: The End Part 1
Ch 63: The End Part 2
Ch 64: The End Part 3
Extra Ch 65: The New Beginning

Ch 28: Secrets?

50 0 58
By Wolfsaga12gamer

(Ethan's POV) *YAY a new POV to write in!*

"Then as I jumped back avoiding the knife I rushed in and using all my strength I managed to get him on the ground!" Preston said his eyes shining brightly, 'he's so cool!' I thought as I listened to his story.

"What happened next!" I asked excited for what happened next, "As soon as I got him on the floor the police came in and arrested him." Preston said raising his head his eyes shining even more brightly.

"Wow! although it would be a lot better if you kept on fighting!" I commented while looking up at him amazed at how he could do things like that. "If I did then I could have died!" Preston said chuckling at my comment.

"Sorry thought it would have made the story better." I said looking toward the ground "Hey I don't blame ya, but sometimes stories don't turn out how you want them to." Preston said comfortingly.

I could hear the other two people that I didn't know start whispering to each other, 'I don't trust them.' I thought turning my head to look at them, looking away real quick I saw a flight of stairs that I didn't remember.

"Where are we?" I asked looking at Preston, "We're at one of the many entrances and exits." Preston replied looking at me with calm eyes, "Oh really!" I asked as we reached the stairs, "Yep this entrance is actually near the campus." Preston said walking up them with me behind him.

"Cool, I didn't know about there being multiple entrances." I said as we went up the stairs, "Well now you know." Preston said smiling at my confusion of the entrances. "So who are they?" I asked quietly wanting to know exactly who I can trust and who I cant.

"That's Rob and...Grace." Preston said quietly to me saying Grace's name with hate in it, 'so Grace isn't someone I can trust but Rob I can?' I thought as I looked back easily putting the names to the rightful owner.

"Anyways we're here I'm gonna go to check the stores to see if there is anything I want." Preston said as we got to the entrance of the hallway down, "Wanna come with?" Preston asked while looking down at me "Sure I can see if I want anything." I said happily.

"Rob wanna come with or are you gonna go to your dorm while talking to Grace." Preston asked turning around to the male with a blue hoodie on, "I'll come with, like Connor said better together than alone, See ya Grace." Rob said waving to Grace who was walking away.

"See ya Rob!" Grace said in a kind tone right before running off, as Preston took the lead I could tell that Rob and Preston were talking about something but I couldn't tell what about, "Ethan, you okay, you look like you just seen a ghost." Preston joked making me shake my head and look at him confused.

I saw Rob shake his head and sigh right before taking the lead instead of Preston, "Yeah I'm okay, just caught in a daze." I answered happily keeping my cheery attitude, "Well might want to keep an eye out or you might run into a pole." Preston teased.

I heard a low growl come from Rob which kind of scared me, but I kept my cool because I felt safe around Preston, but then movement caught my eye taking my attention off of Rob and Preston, freezing to a halt I listened around looking for the source of the movement.

Then a twig snapped to my left looking closer I saw a glint of something shiny in the bushes, then I realized what it was it was a gun pointing 'Straight. At. Preston.' Jumping into action I leaped into the bushes and grabbed a hold of the gun.

I could feel someone struggling to pull the gun away from my tight grasp, but I kept fighting even though I was weaker than most people I knew I had to save Preston, "Let....Go!" The person said kicking me back.

I felt the hard ground hit my back as I fell, but I quickly got up and grabbed the gun again and pulled with sudden strength I managed to pull the person out with the gun, "Leon!" Preston yelled right before rushing into the battle and pushed this Leon guy away from the gun and me and into the clearing.

I saw the two separate but they didn't let their guards down as they both faced each other, "We meet again Preston." Leon said chuckling evilly, "We meet indeed." Preston said his eyes in a hard glare.

"You really think that you can get the jump on me." Preston said standing to his full height and smirked, "You didn't know I was there, that guy did!" Leon said pointing to me, "I knew you were there, he gave away that he knew, remember Leon I know a lot more about hunting than you do." Preston said his voice filled with anger.

"Fine but trust me you will regret what you done." Leon said right before he ran away, I saw Preston's stance ease into a relaxed one but he was still alert of his surroundings. "What was all that about?" I asked looking at Rob and Preston.

"I can't tell you the full story but all you need to know is that this battle has been going on for a long time, and no law enforcement can get involved, but this guy has been trying to destroy me and my friends." Preston explained with his back turned from us.

"What he says is true, No law enforcement can get involved or this battle will end up badly." Rob said looking at me, his eyes filled with judgement and distrust, "I can assure you two that I won't tell anyone." I said trying to sound reassuring even thought I was telling the truth.

"We need to be able to trust you." Rob said looking away from me, all of a sudden both of them seemed cold.

"I know I can trust you Ethan, but can I trust you with this secret?"


Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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