The Unexpected

By lovejeleah

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A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ More



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By lovejeleah

Jens pov

It's a Saturday night. Me and Veronica are joining along with my mom to go to her work party at this nice venue. We had to dress elegantly so I'm wearing a burgundy colored short dress and curled my hair. Veronica is kind of twinning with me but has her hair in a high slicked back ponytail and wore black flats instead of heels like me.

I'm holding her hand as we walked in. It felt weird because a lot of eyes went on me and my mom as we entered. Veronica didn't even mind the attention though. She started swinging arms with mine till we got to our table.

My mom started introducing me and Veronica to her coworkers and their families.

"Say hi baby" I tell Veronica referring to say hi to the little girl who I could tell would become friends with Veronica right away. "Hi I'm Veronica" she says and waves then backs up into me while I'm sitting, stepping on my toe. "Ow" I whispered to myself. She turns around and looks at me then climbs on my lap. "Oh now you're shy?" I ask her. "I'm hungry" she says. "Okay" I said and looked at my mom. "The buffet is right there so go ahead. I'll get food for myself in a bit. Just got to find some certain people first" my mom says. "Yay!" Veronica says and jumps out of my lap and pulls me off the chair.

We walked over to the buffet, got ourselves plates and utensils too then picked our food. Then suddenly a favorite song of mine and Veronica's started playing. She gasps and looks at me. I smile at her and started to dance with my full plate and she did too. It was a cute moment, plus we started singing along together too. I just love moments like these.

We get back to our table and I told my mom what just happened which made her happy because she knows we love that song too.

"Tell me why I found your eyelashes in my house??" Leah texts me and I immediately started to laugh. I forgot I took my lashes off at her house at our last date night. "Lol sorry! Keep them. Don't throw it. They're still new. I want them" I replied. "Alright I wont throw it"

"Thanksss. I miss youuu already"

"I miss you too" she responds.

"Can I come over tomorrow night? I'm free"

"But am I free? That's the big question"

"I assume you're not" I replied

"Why? Do you think I don't have a life? What if I am busy?"

"No matter what it is I know you'd cancel just to see mee ;)"

"Ok u got me there"


I put my phone down and continued to eat.

"Mm yummy!" Veronica says. "Yeah? Can I try?" I ask her. "Sure" She says happily and pushes her plate lightly to me. "Mmm it is yummy!" I said. She smiles and takes her plates back and eats her own food.

She's always loved sharing things with people. Even if it's food or something she really wants for herself. She just likes being a nice person. I want her to grow up like that but I don't want people to take her for granted. She's very friendly with everyone which makes sense though. She always has perfect grades in class and always stays on the green color for being a good girl in class. She always tells me that her class can get noisy sometimes and her teacher always appreciates how calm and polite she is. It makes me so proud because I know how successful she'll be when she grows up.

"Can I see your phone now mommy?" She asks. "You don't want to get dessert?" I ask her since her plate was completely empty. "No I wanna play" "Okay well come with me to the restroom first then you can play when we come back" I said. "Okay hurry" she whines a little which I didn't mind.

I stood up and she followed me to the restroom.

"You should go use it too so we don't have to come back mama" I tell her after I finished. "Okay" She says and walks into a stall.

"Seat cover baby" I call out while washing my hands. "got it!" She says. I smile to myself and dried my hands then went on my phone while I waited.

I also snapped one mirror picture of me and sent it to Leah. She didn't reply right away so I assume she's busy. She did tell me that she's going out with a friend for dinner. She just better not take too long to reply or else I'll keep lookin at my picture and see some flaws on it.

Veronica comes out and reaches for the sink but since she's pretty short, I had to carry her.

Back then when she was just a toddler, I remember how hyper she'd be every time we're out in public. I used to take so many videos of her too. I wanted to make memories of her growing up with me.

When she was just a baby, of course she didn't know anything going on but I knew that whenever she'd open her eyes, that I wasn't the mother she saw when she was first born in the hospital with her birth mother. Sometimes I wish I could find her birth mother. Just to see how she's doing. Not to sound selfish but I would not attempt to get Veronica and her mom close again. I mean they were never close to begin with. I just worry one day if I do find her, that she'd want Veronica back. Meaning I loose my baby. My baby who I grew a bond with. The one who helped me mature into a grown adult. I'd fight to keep Veronica though.

Now that she's grown up and used to me, I barely think about her past. How I had so many things handed down to me, all her legal birth forms and documents and I was just here trying to get used to it myself and handle her since I was single. My family was so happy to have her in our family too. I've always wanted a family. My family is big enough already but I wanted my own. I want a wife and maybe one more kid but that's not something I'm really thinking about right now.

I'm perfectly happy with Veronica and things with me and Leah have been going so well. She makes me happy. I get excited to see her every time. I get all blushy whenever we text and the sex is amazing. I just love the feeling that I know something will happen, then it happens. And I still can't get over how she had a sex dream about me and admitted it. Then showed me exactly what happened in that dream. It was so good..I can't believe she likes me this much. I never focused on relationships till I met her. But me and her just met out of nowhere. So I think it's pretty crazy.

The next day

I get out of my car and walk towards Leahs front door and ring the door bell.

It took her like two seconds only to open it.

"Hi!" She says happily with that gorgeous smile and had flowers in her hand. "Hiii" I said and walked over to her to give her a hug.

"For you" She says. I smiled a lot and took the flowers. "I know I asked you last time if you'd be my girlfriend but I felt like you deserved a better way to be asked.. Wait-" she pauses and quickly walks to the counter and grabs something. Then gives it to me.

"And I know you love jewelry so I got this bracelet for you too." She says and gives it to me.

"I really like you. Since the day I first saw you, I thought you were hot. Then I got to know you more throughout our dates and realized you're such a genuine and gentle, caring person who has a goofy personality at some times but also you're really smart..and cute. And since you said you haven't been with a girl for over five years, I wanna show you what you've been missing. Mostly missing on me.. They say not to judge a book by its cover. It could be misleading. In your case though, the cover isn't only beautiful outside but it's also beautiful inside." She says.

What the fuck she's too sweet.

"Aw Leah.."

"And I somehow got to collect myself together and wait till the day you were okay to have sex" she says and I cheesed widely. "You don't have to worry about that anymoore" I said and cupped her face.

"I'm glad haha...but now..I wanna ask you in a proper way..if you'd be my girlfriend. You deserve to be asked a better way than I first asked you. Especially since it's been years" she says.

"You know the answer to that already" I said.

"Just say you will. I like hearing the answer" she jokes. "Yes again. I'll be your girlfriend Leah" I giggle then gave her a kiss that lasted a few seconds.

"Awesome. I've officially won at life" She says. I laugh again and slapped her arm.

"So I bought this new little chain for biscuit but I got the wrong collar to match it. I bought it online but now I guess I still have to go to the store just to get it do you mind if we go?" She asks.

"Yes that's fine I don't mind"

"Great. Then we could go walk around Rodeo drive after."

"Can we take her with us there?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure. We just have to eat outside if we plan on eating somewhere there." She says. "It's kinda pricey to eat there but okaaaay" I said. "We could eat somewhere else after if you want! Or before. Either or, I'll still pay even if it's at one of the restaurants on rodeo." She says.

I just smile and wrap my arms around her neck.

"You're cute" I said.

"Okay so you're just going to ignore what I just said" she giggles. "I heard you" i said and tilted my head.

"So we'll go to the store first for her. Then do our thing" she says. "Okay" I said softly and lowered my one hand to her neck.

"I like your outfit today" I said and looked down. She did too and our heads accidentally bumped.

"Ow" we both said and laughed. "I don't know..should I change the top?" She asks.

She's wearing these slightly baggy, but still shows off her nice ass, army pants and a white cropped tank top and it hugs her boobs perfectly.

"No keep it. You look like a badass. It's perfect for this weather plus I like the piercing. It's showing todaayy! She's out!" I joked towards the end there and placed my hand on her boob. She starts to smile and raised her brow. Then she touches that hand and slides my hand off her boob and looks at me. Doesn't say a thing then backed off then went to the counter to get her things.

"You can't see my nipple though right? Just the piercing?" She asks me. "Yeah just the piercing print. You're fine" I said.

"Okay..Ready?" She asks me. "Yup" I said and carried biscuit in my arms. Leah giggles and lets me walk past her to go outside. Then she follows and closes the door behind me.

We both get in her car and I just kept Biscuit on my lap. I'm obsessed with Biscuit and I want her to get used to me.

Later after the pet store, we went to Beverly Hills and walked around rodeo drive. Holding hands was the highlight of today. I cant believe she really asked me again to be her girlfriend in a more cuter way. It honestly didn't matter to me how she asked me but the thought of her trying again to make her seem like a better person made my heart full. She really cares. What if she's the one for me? Well..I shouldn't say it this early. We have more to learn about each other. I'm just excited to be with her. But that also means I really need to tell her about my daughter. She literally has no clue I have one and I feel like it's gonna start being too late if I keep on holding up on it.

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