
By pumpkinwrites

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Second book after Cats. (I suck at writing descriptions) Check out Cats if you haven't read it yet! 💚❤️ More



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By pumpkinwrites


Taejoon and Yoon dragged me back to the dorm after letting me rant it out, Yoon actually smacking my back when I didn't move. They're lucky they're older than me...

I was thinking that I could escape to our studio instead but there they stood, blocking our hallway while staring at me, waiting for me to open the door.

"Can I convince you two to join me inside for a bit?" I asked, turning back to look at them.

"Yeah... why not" Taejoon sighed, throwing his arm around Yoon's shoulders as I finally mustered up some courage to open the door.

I stood to the side, gesturing for them to enter first. Yoon shaking his head as he entered first, Taejoon and I following after.

I slipped my shoes off to see Jinyoung and Mark standing in the middle of the living room while glaring at me.

I hesitated to enter the room and Yoon cracked his neck with a tilt of his head, stepping forward to protect me, Jinyoung shrinking behind at the sight.

Mark raised his eyebrows in a challenge, stepping forward when I did.

"Erm. You guys head to my room first" I mumbled, gesturing toward my door. Taejoon shrugged, nodding at Mark and Jinyoung before tugging Yoon along with him.

"I'm staying the night" Yoon muttered as he walked past me. I nodded in response before turning back to face Jinyoung and Mark. Jinyoung scanned me over, his shoulders relaxing slightly when he saw that I was fine.

"Where were you?" Mark asked.

"Out practicing with them" I replied, my eyebrows creasing together. Why are they even angry?

"And you didn't think to text or call any of us?" Mark asked, frowning harder.

"I texted that I was going out?" I frowned back.

"You would think... that the last time you disappeared. The last time we searched for you... we found you..." Jinyoung trailed off, his breath catching in his throat. Oh...

"I didn't think that you all would be worried" I mumbled guiltily, looking down.

"Didn't think. What's wrong with... you all never do. Don't ever do that again" Mark sighed, shaking his head. Jinyoung tugged me towards him for a hug, sighing slightly when we huddled together.

"Sorry guys" I muttered. They both patted my back, letting me know that it was over.

"Go find your friends before they murder me in my sleep" Mark laughed when we let go.

"They won't" I smiled, heading back to my room anyway.

Taejoon and Yoon looked so out of place in my small room, the two of them huddled in the corner while looking around.

"Hey" I smiled, biting back my laughter. Yoon smiled back when he caught my expression, laughing, the three of us laughing along to nothing.

"I'm just going to crash" Yoon muttered, chucking his coat in the corner before flopping down on the bed.

"Come on" Taejoon beckoned, already making himself comfortable. I smiled at that, squeezing in between them while we all laid facing the ceiling.

We were all quiet, my thoughts of Jae slowly consuming me again. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to fall asleep when Yoon spoke up.

"You two used to share this room?" Yoon asked quietly. I hummed in response, unable to form a proper response. We all fell silent again, Yoon leaning his cheek on my head to comfort me.

"Would you stop him from going on the date?" Taejoon asked, his body tensing next to mine.

"I wish I could" I mumbled, shaking my head.

"We can always follow him" Taejoon suggested.

"We could. We should" Yoon nodded.

"I don't know when nor where it is" I sighed, folding my arms over my chest. We all fell silent again, drifting off to sleep without realising it.


I woke before they did, my arms stiff as I unfolded them. Huh... I slept in the same position the entire night.

The sun slowly rose, casting a dull orange glow into the room, making everything look like it was burning. The orange flames dancing around the room and burning away everything before it slowly turned white, plain and empty like my heart. I laid there staring at the ceiling the entire time, my darkness in my heart still lingering. What happened to us Jae?

Yoon stirred after awhile turning his body to the side and stretching before getting up. He looked down at me and ruffled my hair, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Breakfast?" he asked, sitting up in bed.

"Maybe later" I mumbled, shaking my head. Taejoon stirred, rubbing his face as he sat up and checked the time.

"Shit. I have work..." Taejoon groaned, hopping up onto his feet.

"I'm going in late. Let's get some breakfast. Come on" Yoon urged, pulling me to sit up.

I sighed lightly, throwing them some of my clothes to change into as we got ready to leave.

We exited my room to see Mark lounging in the living room, the quiet nods of heads the only greeting offered.

"I'll be back after brunch" I informed, waving at him as I left. Mark nodded in response, raising his hand in a half wave to me.


I lingered around Yoon's workplace after dropping both of them at work, getting some coffee from the building before sitting in the car.

I was reluctant to head back to our dorm, unsure of how to face the others as well.

From: Yoon

Text me when you get back.
I know you're still here.

I'll leave soon.

The longer you drag it the worse it'll get.
Try talk to him again?

I don't know how.

I sighed and kept my phone, tightening the strings around my hood in frustration before pulling out of the lot to drive back to our dorm.

I dragged my feet back to our dorm, staring down at the handle for a few minutes. I heard the lift ping, snapping me out of my thoughts and I quickly keyed our passcode in.

I kept my gaze down, slipping my shoes off and using my foot to shift them to one side. I finally lifted my head to see Jae standing in the living room.

My heart raced, seeing him all dressed up in a white dress shirt and light blue jeans, his light brown jacket slung over his arm with his hair styled back. He looks so good. But it's not for me...

I felt nauseous, just seeing him like that, knowing that I couldn't even do anything. Jae stood there staring at me, the two of us just rooted to our spots. I saw the anger in his eyes slowly ebb away, his mouth opening to say something when we were interrupted by someone ringing the bell.

I turned to the screen, seeing Minhyuk waving at the camera.

"Youngjae. It's me. Would you let me up?" he smiled, continuing to wave. I bit back my anger with a sigh, not wanting to witness anymore of this mess. I turned to walk back to our (or is it my room now?) room, hesitating slightly as I stood next to Jae.

"I..." I mumbled, before shaking my head. No. I can't do this to him.

"Be safe" I murmured, glancing at him before moving to our room. I sunk to the floor after shutting the door behind me, holding my head in my hands with my back against the door.

I heard the front door close, the locking beep resounding in my head and heart. He'll be better off. He'll be happier in the end... but with Minhyuk? I don't know anymore...

I sat there while the sun set, my heart getting heavier as the room slowly became darker and darker.

What am I doing? I should be protecting my sunshine. I'm such a fool. What if Minhyuk tries something? Fuck... I can't stay here. How do I even begin to find him?

I grabbed my jacket and dashed out to my car again, deciding just to call all my friends to keep a lookout.


"The date is today. No. Now" I blurted out once the line connected, hopping into the car.

"Mmm. Lucky for you I know where they are..." Taejoon muttered, his voice sounding so far on the other side of the phone line.

"What? How?" I asked, driving towards Taejoon's office.

"I told you we would follow him" Taejoon replied patiently.


"I'm older than you brat" Taejoon snapped, his tone softening before he continued "Anyway, I told my friends to keep a lookout. They're at XX restaurant now".

"Thank you. Hyung"

"It only took you 6 years... I should flaunt this to Yoon" Taejoon laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't mean to ruin this but I've called him hyung before this" I smirked, switching lanes as I changed my destination.

"Brat" Taejoon grumbled.

"See you there" he added softly before hanging up.


I parked across the restaurant, Yoon strolling up to my car before knocking on my window. He crawled in and sat on the passenger seat, smirking as he handed me a pair of binoculars.

"Always wanted to do this" he mumbled, fishing out another pair from his bag. I smiled back at him, despite feeling so jittery, biting back my laughter at his childish behaviour before raising the binoculars up to look into the restaurant.

I watched as they had their date, Jae's eyes wandering around the restaurant as he looked so awkward there. They continued to eat and chat, Jae's tense shoulders slowly relaxing as time passed.

I lowered the binoculars after watching them chat, my heart aching so badly when Jae laughed at something Minhyuk said. Is he happier? Was I just being a creep? I should let him be...

"Sorry I'm late. I got us donuts and coffee though" Taejoon offered, opening the backdoor as he shuffled in, distracting me.

"Hey. I'll look if you rather" he murmured, catching the look on my face. I gave him a small smile, handing him the binoculars while Yoon took the donuts and coffee.

The three of us sat there quietly, Yoon and Taejoon taking turns to look while I slowly got lost in my self-wallowing thoughts.


"Youngjae is getting up. No wait, probably to the toilet..." Taejoon announced. I grabbed the binoculars and stared, seeing Minhyuk sitting alone at the table now.

Minhyuk fished his phone out, smiling to himself before getting up to head to the toilet as well. My heart thumped at that, my hands clenched into fists as I thought of them planning to meet in the toilet. My head started to spin pictures up of them enjoying themselves... each image a fresh stab to my heart.

"I can't do this" I whispered, needing to get to Jae. He deserves better... not me but definitely not a toilet.

"Go then. We'll be here" Yoon murmured, reaching over to open my door. He shoved me out hard, pushing me into action.

I ran across the road into the restaurant, ignoring the server while he tried to block my way. He ended up latching onto my hand, tugging me back with a bow.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you can't just use the toilet here" he apologised, keeping his head bowed.

"It's urgent. Please. I'll order something later" I replied, quickly stepping around him before continuing towards the toilets.

I barged my way into the toilet, my heart stilling when I heard muffled sounds. I'm too late?

"Ha... help" I heard Jae sob.

A/N: I've been so slow with my updates. I'M SORRY 🤦‍♀️  I've written the next chapter though... I'll probably edit it and upload it this week. Promise! ❤️ thank you for enjoying my book, voting and commenting!

Ps. Is anyone getting Jus2? I still can't make up my mind and preorders are over. 😫

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