Psychotic | OUAT

Av Jade14x

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"It was magic, Darlings!" Once upon a time - {Season 2 - 3B} I don't not own anything except for my charac... Mer

Cast + Summary
Part 1
Chapter 1 - "You've pissed off the Devils Mistress!"
Chapter 2 - "Who do you fucking think?"
Chapter 3 - "I'll choke you with your own large intestine!"
Chapter 4 - "It was magic, Darlings!"
Chapter 5 - "Way ahead of ya!"
Chapter 6 - "Mother, inappropriate is one of your middle names!"
Chapter 7 - "The guy actually has a bloody hook!"
Chapter 8 - "You're no better than me!"
Chapter 9 - "We all are so far from ok!"
Chapter 10 - "Good luck with that, Darling!"
Chapter 11 - "Killian and Caring, there's no such thing!"
Chapter 12 - "Just watch, amateurs!"
Chapter 13 - "Darling, you know i know love is weakness!"
Chapter 14 - "Well, i'm suprised there's no apple in it!"
Chapter 15 - "I know what knots look like and their names?"
Chapter 17 - "I'm not even here!"
Chapter 18 - "You couldn't have done anything to prevent it, Killian!"
Chapter 19 - "That's what i saying, just let him die!"
Chapter 20 - "The doctor was called Frankenstien, not the monster!"
Chapter 21 - "All this optimism is making me feel sick!"
Chapter 22 - "What? That man has ruined my life countless times!"
Chapter 23 - "You're lucky i'm even here to save your sorry ass!"
Chapter 24 - "Didn't you know, villains don't get happy endings!"
Chapter 25 - "Please come back home!"
Chapter 26 - "You talk too much!"
Chapter 27 - "May be redundent, but it'd be necessary!"
Chapter 28 - "I guess we're going to Neverland!"
Chapter 29 - "I will make sure you never find Henry!"
Part 2
Chapter 1 - "You want the truth, or a lie?"
Chapter 2 - "Like i'd listen to anything your father says!"
Chapter 3 - "We all run around holding hands, and make daisy chains together!"
Chapter 4 - "Demanding much?"
Chapter 5 - "Watch what comes out of your dirty mouth!"
Chapter 6 - "Yeah, handsomely ugly!"
Chapter 7 - "Hmmm, i wonder why that is!"
Chapter 8 - "Yes, because Rumplestiltskin is so terrifying!"
Chapter 9 - "You're an idiot!"
Chapter 10 - "I was ripped away, i didn't escape. Two very different things!"
Chapter 11 - "You're happiness will turn to ash in your mouth!"
Chapter 12 - "Regina would just make snide comments!"
Chapter 13 - "Well, Snow, if you must know."
Chapter 14 - "I...I can't drink rum!"
Chapter 15 - "It- why are you all looking at me like that?"
Chapter 16 - "She reveals secrets all the time!"
Chapter 17 - "Is that so?"
Chapter 18 - "You can trust Peter 100%, he's not lying to you!"
Chapter 19 - "Where are you pulling that from, Killian?"
Chapter 20 - Then there' it King, or Prince now?"
Chapter 21 - "It's pretty selfish!"
Chapter 22 - "What are you doing?"
Chapter 23 - "Trust me, you're not the only one."
Chapter 24 - "It's really not that easy, Ed!"
Chapter 25 - "A monkey, with wings?"

Chapter 16 - "What, she loved a one handed pirate with a drinking problem?"

698 28 0
Av Jade14x

Belle and Atarah were both heading to the docks. She began to think that she was wearing the wrong footwear to be sneaking on a ship. Her heels would click on the wooden floors as they were at the docks.

"I'm beginning to think I wore the wrong footwear for this adventure!" She told Belle. "Unless, I could walk on my tip toes, while wearing my heels!" She realised.

"What if its not here? What if we find it, and he's on the ship?" Belle suddenly asked her, a little scared that they'd find Captain Hook on his ship.

"Well, if he's there. I attack him while you run!" Atarah told the princess, while Belle gave her a horrified look. She was about to protest when Atarah held up a hand shushing her.

"What?" Belle asked.

"The seagull!" Atarah said as she pointed up a seagull that was perched in air. Belle spotted a wooden box with sand in and she grabbed a handful. She threw it up and it revealed the shape of some steps. Before Belle could even say a thing Atarah rushed to the steps and walked up them, almost tripping at the top one.

"The Jolly Rodger!" Atarah laughed happily. "I haven't seen this thing in ages. Let's alone been on it!" She beamed. "We've found my brothers ship!"

"He's probably got the shawl on here!" Belle explains to Atarah that her brother had most likely stole it. She told Belle that she wouldn't be surprised if he did. So Atarah lead Belle further on into the boat. More precisely she lead her to the lower deck.

However, while down there they heard a muffled voice call out to them. But whatever they called out, they were unable to understand. So Belle opened a door. "Um, Hello?" Belle asked as she nervously looked over at Atarah, whose eyes landed on a door which would allow them to go even lower down.

She pulled it open. "Jane?" The man said as he looked up at her. She guessed she could be called that, it was one of her characters.

"I prefer Atarah, Angelica or Silvermist." She told the man. "But yeah, I'm Jane!" She told him. When Belle saw him she let out a high pitched scream and Atarah slapped a hand over her mouth, who then later removed it.

"Archie, you're- you're ok!" Belle said in shock of seeing the man before her. A man who was supposed to be dead. Someone who had supposedly been killed by Regina.

"Yes, I-I am!" He answered. "I-I- c-can you, u-uh-" Belle helped Archie out of where he was while Atarah waved her hand and the rope disappeared from his wrists.

"Go, find Mr Gold! Tell him me and Atarah are here!" Belle ordered the redheaded man. "Bring him back to the ship!" Before anyone could say anything footsteps were heard, making Atarah gasp.

"No time!" She said as she waved her hand and Archie disappeared and reappeared outside Gold shop. She kept hearing footsteps, like someone was approaching. "Capitan's quarters!" She whispered to Belle. Belle hurried in, as did Atarah, but the latter made more noise than the former due to the heels.

Belle gave her an incredulous look. "Sorry!" She cringed as she began to tip toe. As she got in the Captain's quarters she saw Belle held a box in her hands. "Hurry up, I don't want to see my brother! Want to avoid it, a lot!" She spoke as Belle searched shelves for a key. She finally found one that went into the lock and she opened it, revealing lots of golden doubloons. She narrowed her eyes.

"I think this is Aztec gold!" She whispered as she approached the golden coins. She was currently on edge as her brother could walk in at any given moment, but she couldn't find Aztec Gold anywhere else. "You think he'll notice if I take a few?" She asked.

"Probably!" Belle said as she stopped searching and faced Atarah, only to see her taking a handful of the doubloons and stuffed it into her dress pocket.

"Looking for this?" A new voice asked.

Atarah let out a high pitched scream and turned round to see her brother, Killian Jones, Captain of this ship, standing there with the shawl in his hands.

"Uh, that doesn't belong to you!" Belle stated the obvious as she eyed the object in his hands while Atarah eyed the gun on the table. She wasn't afraid to shoot her brother.

"It does now!" Killian told Belle, catching Atarah eyeing the gun. He couldn't believe his own sister would shoot him with a gun.

"Darling, I don't think that's how it works, you know!" Atarah said as her brother and she quickly lunged for the gun, but her brother had lunged a little earlier than her and he got it first.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Killian sang as he held the gun out and looked at it curiously. "My dearest Belle, you should've stayed with your book. And darling baby sister, you should've just stayed out of it, really! Real life can get so," He pointed the gun at Belle, unable to hold it out to his little sister. "Messy!"

"If you even think about pulling that trigger, I'll stop the bullet then, I'll tie you to your wheel and make your ship sink, so you drown to your death!" She snarled at her brother.

"I may be slightly scared of your sister, but you, i'm not scared of you! And I'm not leaving without that Shawl." Belle told the man fearlessly.

"Well, I admire your loyalty. But helping Rumplestiltskin? I'm afraid you're fighting a lost cause!" Killian told Belle as he placed the object on the table.

"He needs the shawl to find his other son!" Belle told her brother.

"And what makes you think his son wants to be found? Hmm? I'm doing that boy a favour!" Killian said as he observed the gun in his hand. Atarah didn't like that he had his finger dangerously close to that trigger and Killian noticed her eyes didn't move from the trigger. It slightly hurt her that his own little sister would think that he'd hurt her. He would never hurt his little sister.

"Have you not hurt Rumple enough?" Belle questioned him.

Killian held his hook up. "I've hurt him?" He asked incredulously.

"You stole his wife!" Belle told the pirate.

"You stole his wife? You stole Judas' mother? How could you take a parent away from a child?" She asked her brother suddenly angry. "Oh, Wait, I forgot. You don't know what it's like to have no parents most your life!" She snapped.

"Tell me something, love!" Killian said as he walked closer to the two with the gun still in hand. He watched as his sister tensed up. "If a woman comes to you and....begs you to take her away, is that theft?"

"W-why would she leave him?" Belle stuttered.

Atarah knew why, after all he was the talk of the village. "Because he was a coward!" Killian told her, as he stole a glance at his sister. Thinking about how their father allow her to get kidnapped. "And because she loved me!" He looked at the shawl. "I should've burned this as soon as I required it!"

"More like stole!" Atarah scoffed. She then looked at her brother. "Milah, loved you?" She asked. He nodded at his little sister. She laughed. "What, she loved a one handed pirate with a drinking problem!" She smirked with a raised brow. "Her standards really must have been lower than I thought!"

Her brother narrowed his eyes at his sister slightly. He had heard that somewhere. He had heard it at Neverland and it came out of the mouth of the one and only, Peter Pan. He knew she defended him back in the enchanted forest, but his sister couldn't know him. Could she?

"Why didn't you burn it?" Belle asked the pirate.

"Because she made it!" Killian spoke sadness in his tone.

"I'm sorry she died, but...Vengeance?" Belle asked the man. "Vengeance won't bring her back!"

"Died?" Killian repeated as he walked back towards them. "Like it was some kind of accident...Is that what he told you both?" He scoffed. Atarah had never actually heard the full story.

"He-well, he didn't say!" Belle stuttered. Belle and Killian looked over to Atarah.

"Well, he was too busy ripping me from my own, 'happiness' as Belle says, to ask about the mother of his children." She said with an eye roll as Belle gave Atarah a sympathetic look, which Killian didn't miss. He decided to drop it.

"No, of course not!" Killian told the two. "Of course he'd leave out the most important detail of her passing!"

"And, uh,.. what would that be?" Belle asked nervously, having a bad feeling about this.

"He killed her!" Killian revealed with a whisper. He pointed the gun at Belle's heart. "He ripped out her heart, and crushed it right in front of me!" Atarah's heart broke for Judas. His mother was killed by his father.

Belle shook her head. "No!" She whispered.

"Oh, Yes!" Killian told her.


"Yes!" Killian snapped with a soft voice. He pressed the gun below Belle's head, tilting it back. "He will do hold onto his power. Why do you think anyone who's ever gotten close to him," he moved the gun away from Belle's face. "had either run away or been killed?" He spun back round as Belle and Atarah stood by the door. He cocked his gun. "Now what makes you think you're any different? Tell me something, love. Why would you want to fight for a man like that?"

"Killian Jones. Are you thick? The answers clear. She'd still fight for him because she still sees the good in him. She believes that he's changed, that he can change. Because that's what love is, big brother, taking a leap of faith for him. Love is sacrifice. If you haven't ever felt that in your life, then it simply wasn't love!" She snapped at her older brother.

"What do you know about love, little sister?" He asked her nastily, but regretted it the second he saw her expression change slightly. He looked over at Belle and saw Belle shook her head slightly.

"Nothing!" She answered before she reached up at an object hanging from the roof. She pushed it into her brothers face, who fell back. Belle grabbed the shawl and the two women ran off away from the man with a gun.

They got to the main deck when Killian appeared by the steps off the ship. As he popped up Atarah screamed in surprise, once again. "How did you...?" Belle trailed off.

"Oh, I know this ship like the back of my," He held up his hook. "Well, you know!" He told the two girls.

"That makes no sense. You have another hand, you could've just said that!" Atarah pointed out.

"I'd suggest you give it back to me now!" Killian said ignoring his sisters comment about him having another hand.

"Or what?" A new voice wondered. Rumplestiltskin walked forwards as they all faced him.

"Ah," Killian greeted the man. "You look different in this world, Crocodile! Like the coward I met so long ago, limp and all!"

"And yet, you still can't kill me!" Rumplestiltskin wondered aloud.

"Let's have it, Dark One. What magic are you gonna hide behind today?" Her brother taunted the man, being his cocky self.

"Oh, not magic!" Rumplestiltskin said as he hit Killian with his cane as hard as he could. The pirate falling backwards as Rumplestiltskin continued to beat him.

Belle watched as Atarah looked conflicted on what to do. So she rushed towards Rumplestiltskin. "Hey, Rumple. Let's just go!" She said trying to convince the man.

"No, not yet Belle!" Rumplestiltskin refused as he carried on beating the pirate. Atarah was fidgeting while listening to her brothers yells. She was just arguing with him, but she couldn't help but feel remorseful towards him.

"This..this is what we came for!" Belle said as she held out the shawl. "This is what's gonna get Bae back!" Atarah had to admit, she did miss Baelfire.

"You're wasting your breath, love." Killian told Belle. "He can't resist. He has to prove that he's not a coward!"

Rumplestiltskin turned to Belle and Atarah. "You two may want to turn around, this isn't going to be pretty." He then began to beat Killian with the cane again.

"Do it!" Killian spoke weakly. "Do it! Kill me! He has to show you how powerful he is!"

"Rumple, no! This is exactly what he wants!" Belle protested as she looked back at Atarah fidgeting, she knew Atarah would loose it soon and she didn't want Rumplestiltskin to be hurt by Atarah. He continued to beat her brother. "To destroy every bit of good in you!"

"Rip my heart out!" Killian taunted the man beating him. "Kill me like you did Milah, and I'll finally be reunited with her!"

Rumplestiltskin dropped his cane and looked back at Belle. "Belle, He has to die." He said as he prepared to rip Killian Jones' heart out. Belle looked back at Atarah, and saw that she was on the edge. She looked at her sea green eyes and watched as her eyes turned from uncomfortable to murderous.

"Rumplestiltskin!" She yelled furiously, making the man stop in his tracks and turn around to face the woman. "You touch my brother again and I will cut you up and feed you to a Kraken. You want to find Baelfire, go do that. You took Milah away from my brother, took me away from- people I cared about. My stupid brother may not be able to kill you, but I can with just a wave of my hand. Touch my brother again and I will personally tell Baelfire and Judas that you killed their mother!" She hissed as anger radiated off of her.

Everyone froze in their tracks, not liking an angry Atarah, as she was quite terrifying as she will do as she says. Belle instantly pulled Rumplestiltskin off the boat and away from the Jones siblings.

Killian looked over to his little sister as he wiped blood off his face with his sleeve. "I was beginning to think you were gonna let him kill me! You and Belle!" He told her sheepishly.

She snapped her head in his direction. "I almost let him!" She coldly said as she left his ship. He watched her retreating back and began to wonder just what had Rumplestiltskin done to his little sister during her time of knowing him.

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