An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

Agent Venom reporting for duty

1K 26 2
By darkhero789

The symbol on flash looked a lot like venoms symbol except for the legs. For venom the spiders legs were all close together and went down and to the sides. While the symbol on flash's chest had its legs spread out like Spider-Mans. Speaking of venom flash looked to see that venom was no longer the hulking monster he was before. Now there was just a big muscular guy on the ground. His blonde hair was dirty and long, went down to his chin. He looked like he needed a shower as his clothes and skin looked pretty dirty. He pushed himself up and looked at himself. Venom was gone. He looked around frantically with bloodshot eyes until he saw flash.

"No. No! NO!!!! GIVE HIM BACK!!!!!" Eddie roared as he launched himself at flash. Flash performed a front flip over the guy causing Eddie to crash into a light pole. He staggered as he got back up still disoriented from the sound blast. "HE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU!!!! HE'S MINE!!!!!!" Eddie yelled jumping at flash. In that moment flash had no control over his body. His right arm went out and grabbed Eddie and slammed him into the ground. Flash began to freak out cause he wasn't in control of his body. But then he heard a voice.

"Relax flash. I won't be in control for long. I'm just going to say goodbye. Don't worry, you can trust me." A deep voice said to flash. Flash began to calm down and just let himself go. Slowly flash's body grew in size but it didn't become like Venom in appearance. His muscles bulged and the armor became bigger. His finger tips became claws. The only similarity between this new enlarged form and Venom was the mouth. "I am not yours." Venom said. Eddie grit his teeth and banged his fist against the arm pinning him down but it had no effect. "I am not returning to you. I may be an alien and I might look like a monster, but you are the real monster. You were the one who wanted to kill. You were the one who destroyed lives. You have no sympathy for others. Your just a psychopath." Venom said.

"You had a hand in all that death too!" Eddie growled.

"YOU MANIPULATED ME!!!!" Venom roared then screeched in Eddies face. As he screeched spikes appeared all over venom and some tendrils came out as well. Venom calmed down and got rid of the spikes and tendrils. After a few seconds. Venom stood up pulling Eddie along with him and tossed him to the side. . "We are done Eddie. We are not Venom anymore." Venom said. With that venom shrank in size until they returned to normal and then gave flash control over his body again. Eddie balled his hands into fist filled with rage at being left behind yet again. He then ran at flash yelling. But in a split second peter appeared in front of him having used his flash step. Reacting Eddie threw a punch at him but peter dodged then pulled his fist back and filled it with all the venom blasts he had.

"This is for my uncle." Peter said. Peter then slammed his fist into Eddies gut. From the force and power behind the punch Eddie went flying. And when I say flying I mean flying. He crash landed on a roof top that was blocks away. "Alright. Let's go pick up the trash." Peter said as he ran and started swinging. Flash, miles, and Felicia all followed peter and went to go get Eddie. But when they got to where he had landed he was already gone. Peter looked around using his seismic sense but found nothing. Where ever he was, he was gone. Just then a hovercraft came down and landed close by. A familiar figure standing on it.

"Spider-Man! Status!" Fury ordered.

"Eddie got away. But we were able to separate the venom symbiote from him with the help of flash." Peter said. Fury looked at flash and how his suit was now black and white. Fury walked over to flash.

"Good job soldier." Fury said.

"Thank you sir." Flash responded. Fury then turned back and walked to peter. Standing in front of him.

"Now then. How do you expect to catch Edward Brock. He's not just going to come up to our doorstep and ring our bell." Fury said. Peter looked at him.

"Why not?" Peter said in a manner that said he was confident he could get Eddie to do exactly that.

"You gotta plan, there smart guy?" Fury asked.

"Oh yeah." Peter said confidently.

"Well then I'd like to hear it." Fury said.

"If you don't mind I'd like to explain this with everyone." Peter said. Fury looked around.

"We're all right here." Fury said.

"There's one more person I think should be there when we take Brock down." Peter said. Fury looked at him with a questioning gaze. "With your permission sir. I'd like to get to work on a personal project that can help us." Peter said.

"What kind of project?" Fury said.

"The personal kind sir." Peter said. Fury looked him up and down.

"Very well. But I want a full report on it when it's done." Fury said. He then turned and got onto the hovercraft. "Oh. And Spider-Man.... Good job." Fury said as the hovercraft lifted up and went back to the helicarrier. When he was gone peter turned to the others. Beneath his mask he was smiling. Then he started laughing. He then tackled miles and started hugging him.

"Ahh!! Someone help me!" Miles yelled as peter bounced around with him.

"I'm so proud of you, Miles!!" Peter said.

"Did you know I could absorb his venom blast?" Miles asked.

"Yes I knew that electricity absorption was a part of your powers. I just believe you'll learn about your powers in your own time." Peter said with his rubbed miles head. "As for you flash good job out there. Thanks to you we have one less thing to worry about." Peter said.

"You forgive us?" Flash asked. Peter stopped and knew what he was talking about. Flash was asking if peter forgave both flash and venom. Most likely venom had tolled flash who peter was. Peter pulled off his mask.

"Yes flash. I forgive you. You too venom." Peter said. Flash's mask was removed by venom pulling it back revealing flash's face and blonde hair. Peter and flash hug in a sign of forgiveness. Peter then pulled away and looked at flash with a smirk. "But don't go thinking your getting off Scott free. I'm gonna get you back flash don't you worry about that. And since your a spider. I don't have to hold back." Peter said. Flash chuckled for a while before it became a nervous laugh.

"Your not kidding are you?" Flash asked. Peter turned away from flash before using his flash step ability to move his fist faster then anyone could see. Giving flash a good punch to the gut. Flash clutched his stomach as he doubled over and groaned. "You weren't kidding." He groaned.

"Don't worry. I won't be doing this for as long as you bullied me. That would mean I'd have to keep this up for 5 years. I'm not that mean." Peter said as he picked flash back up. He put one of flash's arms over his shoulder and put his hand on flash's other shoulder giving him a small venom blast. "Ok. Maybe I'm a little mean." Peter smirked.

"Peter." Felicia said getting onto peter.

"Ok. Ok. That's it.... for now." Peter said. He then walked away. "Alright team rest up. We still have an Eddie to catch. Now I need to go work on something that can help us with that." Peter said before he slipped his mask back on and jumped away and swinging back to his apartment. When he got there he started flipping through the book. There were two things peter was looking for. The first thing was a chemical that Ben had thought of that could weaken someone with powers similar to Peters. The idea came from a time when peter drank some caffeinated soda and started acting like he was drunk. Ben realized what happened. See when a spider has caffeine they go into a state similar to being drunk. Their webs become sloppy, disorganized, and disordered. So Ben figured that peter and anyone with his same abilities would not only share the strength of a spider but also some of their weaknesses. This set Ben on a path to find Peters very own kryptonite in case peter ever went over the edge or someone with Peters powers showed up and used them for evil. The main problem was peter didn't have most of the ingredients needed for the chemical Ben had created. As for the second thing peter was looking for uncle Ben might have found the missing piece that made the spiders go from being genetically altered hybrid spiders to super spiders capable of giving people superpowers. From what it looked like this could give someone strength and power similar to Peters except they wouldn't gain any spider themed abilities. But peter wasn't focused on what powers it could give but who Ben wanted to give it too. It's mentioned several times that uncle Ben wanted to give this serum to this person. It also said if anyone found this, specifically peter, and Ben was unable to give it to the individual then Ben wanted them to give it in his stead. Peter felt that since Ben wasn't here anymore because of him it was his duty to deliver this. And he aimed to do so. Taking the notes peter went to the helicarrier where he knew he could gather the necessary ingredients for both the chemical to weaken Eddie and the ingredients for the serum Ben had found.

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