Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All

19 0 0
By Bluethewolf

Second Day 

Kane walks into Track 61 with a playmate, a pretty blonde who doesn't say much of anything. He'd been drinking and the girl provided her services. He held an expensive bottle of Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon. Kane strugglings as he pulled his phone out from his pocket and puts on the flash light.

"Why can't we go back to your place?" The blonde begged, but Kane drags her over to where Ace is. He stomps upon the tracks to wake her up.

"Hold the light!" He orders the girl, she did what was asked shining the light over to Ace. The blonde gasps in horror and disgust as Ace's body lay covered in the mud. Ace blocks the light from her eyes. Kane stumbles over the tracks then pours the expensive liquor over Ace's head.

"You coulda . . . beeen up here wit me," He slurs his words as his bottle continues to pour on Ace.

She lifts her head up towards Kane and spits in his face. He screams throws the bottle upon the tracks the glass shatters into the pit. Small bits of glass cuts Ace's face, the blonde frowns looking down in the pit scared she might end up there.

"Kane, here let me help you," The blonde offers only to be pushed against the tracks by Kane. 

The worse had come to the blonde who is used as nothing more than to pleasure Kane's kind of men. After he was finish pleasuring himself, he starts to beat her and she let it happen as she is meant to speak when spoken to. Ace watched the helpless girl trying to shield herself from his punches, Kane pants and pulls the neck of the broken wine bottle close to her face. 

"I'll make you even prettier," He grins and slids down the glass beside her right cheek.

This time the blonde lets out a scream, Ace stumbles on her knees and jumps up catching on the tracks and reaches her arms out towards the girl and Kane. Ace grabs him by the wrist twisting it in the opposite side breaking his bones. The glass fell into the pit with her slamming deeper into the mud. The blonde girl took this chance to run away from him. Then a gun shot was heard, and footsteps came back to the tracks.

"Here I was gonna let you out early ooohh but you'll stay to rot!" He yells pouring a wine glass filled with blood fresh blood.  Ace kept her head down as it was poured over the metal above her. Kane leaves to give blood to the other two.  

Maya's body her skin cracks with any small movements, the hairs on her body burned quickly her internal organs were close to melting. Luckily, she isn't human which would die instantly from their inside exploding but the healing process is much more painful. Maya keeps focus on listening to Kat's voice and Ace's sounds.

Kat's lungs were filled with water than she needed to occasionlly throw it back up. Her body is pruney, wrinkled and the color of her skin black and greenish. Normally human's bodies will become bloated and swollen. Kat's focus is on images of their birthday presents each year, what was different, what did they got each other, and what were their wishes for each other. 

Ace's body remained fine only the state of her mind is critical lossing her sense of reality. No sense of time, hallucinating. Only difference humans need the light and interation before the loneiness and boredom kicks them into imaginable torments of the mind. Ace turned to meditation what her master taught her as a child, taught to focus on an object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

Ace taught her sisters to meditation that's how they're able sustain their senses of self also they obtain a connection that not even their mother knows of this. Being born together, a telepathic bond flowered and grew stronger as they grew as they are triplets sharing everything in their lives, their hopes, dreams, and the reality of never ending torment. 


Day Three

Footsteps awaken the sisters together. Hearing the shortness of breath and the interjecting noise came to Kat first. 

"Kathryn ¡Tómalo rápido!" (Take it quickly!) Kat sees its her mother, wanting to reach out towards her but her mother stabs a needle into her neck. Kat feels the coldness enter into her bloodstream and soon starts to feel her mind drift as if was turning off somehow. 

Lyra quickly runs to Maya in the boiler room, in a small hole in the room. Lyra peeks in to see Maya on the floor in a fetal position.  Lyra refills the needle with the DMT Drug only tripling the dosage. She reaches into the hole with the needle in hand stabbing it into her wrist. Maya's mind was blank untill millions of colors, images and sounds, taste came to her senses all at once unable to focus on anything. 

Lyra slids her arm out from the hole. She stumbles over the clearing of where the tracks are and runs over to the open pit her wound on her side aches. The heavy tracks trapped her youngest in the dark. 

"Ace! Mija where are you?" She cries out into the pit, groans can be heard down in the pit but Lyra still could make out where she was. 

"Ace reach for my hand!" She told her, the sounds of mushy mud being moved can be heard the effort attempt to jump to reach her beloved mother's hand seem hopefuless. 

"Don't give up!" She yells Lyra opens out her hand creating a form of light in her palm. The light shines into the pit where white bones shined within the pit. Finally able to see Ace cover entirely in black mud only the white parts of her eyes can be seen. 

"Don't be afaird of the light! Please this is our only chance!" Lyra tells her Ace runs towards the wall kicks herself up to Lyra grabbing onto the tracks tightly. 

Lyra strokes her daughter's cheek gently when she stabs the needle into Ace's neck. The blood pumping her heart absorbed the fluid instantly. Ace's eyes close her body quivered falling back into the pit, there was no turning back. Lyra gasped panting and stumbles on her back, her strength was slipping. She stayed on the ground getting the vial of what remains of the DMT. Tears ran down her face. 

"This is all for you, my daughters. I did what I had to as your Mother. I'm sorry that you three had to suffer because of my decisions, all your questions will be answered. You will discover who you three are," Lyra spoke her last words for now pouring the vial over her cut on her arm and lays back down then closes her eyes.

The pit of her stomach dropped then lifted as her power split into three within the scarring of her womb. Lyra exhales deeply and opens her eyes to see her daughter in a ghostly-like form. They sat before her like children again curiously looking back to where their bodies lay and glance back at their mother.

Are we dead? They asked their mother and she hugs them close. They weren't scared of death because its peaceful than living. The only thing they feared was they would enter the afterlife alone.

"Hijas, ustedes están a salvo aquí. Solo será un momento antes de que regreses a tus cuerpos." (Daughters you are safe here. It'll only be a moment before you return to your bodies.) Lyra explained to them.

The sisters looked around to see figures standing in the fog women and men dressed in tradition garmens of  the women's dresses  were white blouse, a blue skirt and a shawl. Their jewelry were layers of necklaces of predominantly gold beads and red coral bracelets. Like the ones the sisters wore now including their mother.

"Mama who are they?" They asked her, she smiles down at them no showing no signs of fear.

"They're our family, the women and men who came before me and you three. They watch over us in our time of need. They'll guide our souls back to our bodies and only then will we be free." Lyra foretold them. The women came to them, the sisters stood guard and alert as they approached.

"Que niñas tan fuertes hijita criada. Que nuestros dioses te den bendiciones del cielo, la tierra y el sol, la luna y las estrellas para que te guíen y te protejan del mal." (Such strong children you've raised daughter. May our Gods give you blessings from the sky, earth and the sun, moon and stars to guide you and protect you from the evil.) They gave their blessing placing the sisters' heads down. Each of the women and men placed their forehead against the back of their heads and exhaled a smokey breath surrounding them.

Each of the sisters fall through the fog screaming as they were falling back into the earth where their bodies were. Lyra looked to her ancestors with tears in her eyes.

"¿Hice lo correcto? Mis hijas no tienen memoria de quiénes son realmente. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarles a superar esto?" (Did I did the right thing? My daughters' have no memory of who they really are. How can I help them overcome this?) Lyra begs for a solution from them not knowing what is in store for her daughters. They faced many horrors in their lives she knew and now this will be the most critical.

The spell she casted upon her daughters, hid their true identity, and one awaits for their return. Her daughters will learn how much they are loved and missed by the people who would have died for their sake. Lyra knew when she casted the spell that the risk would be that the girls' bodies will be overwhelmed due to the years of neglected of their other halfs. If not in control their bodies will fight against them not knowing if either of them will survive the process.

"No puedes ayudarlos, ya no son los niños que encerraste dentro de ellos. Deben desbloquearse desde dentro solo entonces se desatarán todos sus recuerdos perdidos, poder e identidad." (You cannot help them, they are no longer the children you locked away inside them. They must unlock themselves from within only then will all their lost memories, power and identity will be unleashed.) They foretold her that scared Lyra, her ancestors held a light retoring her rightful power that she herself kept locked away to have it returned to her the light spread throughout her entire being, her body and soul alike.

She falls back into her body taking a deep breath into her lungs. Darkness can only be seen. Lyra can hear slams and kicks against solid matter and then screams. She can recongize the screams as Kathryn and Maya, but Ace's breathing heavily can be the only thing she can hear.

(Camps graveyard, Upstate NY)

"Stop Maya, Kat! You break the coffin and the dirt will cave in!" Lyra yells they stopped quickly and then she cannot preform her magic for it hasn't restored itself yet, if she summons her magic the vampyrs will sense it.

"Fuck!" Lyra curses not knowing how deep they've been buried and if they're able to dig themselves out quickly not being able to breath in the dirt. Not to mention not knowing how long their bodies have been in the dark.

"Mijas wait . . . keep calm," Lyra tells them. Maya and Kat start to breath calmly. Ace knocks against the coffin.

"I see the moon," Lyra starts to sing the lullaby she sing to them when she was pregnant with them.

"And the moon see me," Kat sang along quietly with Maya, Ace hummed along and everything was quiet again.

When Lyra thought of this plan to escape she enlisted the help of a hybrid that her daughters are allied with. A boy named August and the man who works with named Tim.

Knowing Tim would betray August instantly for money. Lyra told them after their deaths a sack of gold and fortune will be buried with her and her daughters for having served the bloodsuckers to their deaths.

Those who died in slavery, are buried where everyone starts in the camps. Where all children and mothers, and unborn hybrids are kept. Lyra listens carefully waiting for the right time.

Four Hours Later

Lyra perks up when she hears a car approching them, the rumble of the earth shakes within the coffins. Lyra knocks quietly against her coffin hearing three knocks from each of the girls.

"Get the shovels and I might let you keep some of the gold." Tom orders August they can hear the trunk open and shut, dragging the metal piece against the ground.

"If we weren't going to hell, this right ere' is the thing that puts us there."

"HA! We immortals don't go to hell. Not sure we're hybrids go either when they die sure is much worse than hell." Tom told him August sighs and starts to dig with Tom they were digging up Ace's coffin since it was buried with more gold than her sisters and Mother combined

Then as they hit the coffin lid. Mom, Kat and Maya listened as Tom cracks open the lid. Then we heard Tom gasp, they were sweating as they continued to listen.

"Haha look at all this gold! Damn this girl must have killed so many people to get this much gold and her freedom when she died hahaha!" Tom laughs until he gasps his last breath. Ace slit his thoart with her claws blood pour over her mouth.

August stumbled back, Ace drags the body out hearing them climb out of the grave and start digging to get her mother and sisters out. Lyra gasped as August helps her out. Seeing her daughters biting into Tom's corspe drinking the blood before it gets cold and all the nutrients are gone.

"Thank you, August." Lyra thanked him he didn't understand. Maya gasps to get some air blood dripping down her chin. Ace stops too laying down on the ground near the graves Kat wipes her face from the blood and drops Tom's body into one of the graves.

"H-how the hell are you alive?" August stutters getting up from the ground looking at all of them.  The sisters stretched out their limbs counting all their fingers and toes making sure they had everything on them. It seemed to have checked out.

"Don't know, don't care we're alive." Kat said getting up carefully still wobbly from the drugs. Lyra helps Maya up and Ace goes over to Kat's side. Maya turns around to see her car.

"You stole my car!" Maya yells at August, he back ups. "Y-you were dead I mean they carried your bodies out from track 61. They even held you guys a small funeral in the camps." August explained still freaking out over

"No I gave it to him," Lyra admits also the fact that Lyra gave him permission to raid their coffins knowing it was going to be filled with gold. She was glad that everything went according to plan.

"Do you say anything at the funeral?" Kat asks him, he stops looking away from her.

"I said how you did wharever you did to survive. They wouldn't let us say anything more." August admitted Kat sighs but didn't expect anything big especially at her own funeral. 

"Our apartment. Our weapons everything is gone." Maya frowns though not owning much it still belonged to them. Lyra hugs her as Ace took the shovel after pouring the last mount of dirt.

"Not everything mijas I managed to get some stuff that survived the fire. Before I went to the tracks." Lyra recounts the last few days to them. Ace walked away from the group looking over the unmarked graves and recollects her memories the last time she was in the camp's cemetery holding the shove in her hands.

"What now?" Kat asks dusting off the reminding dirt and bugs that were crawling all over her.

"We leave with our freedom," Lyra stated collecting the gold walks over to Kat by Maya's car check the trunk with a extra large suitcase that she packed with what remains of their belongings.

"Leave but what about the others. The kids? Their mothers? Do we just leave everyone else to die?" He stated all of them Lyra glares at August, so does Maya. Ace found what she was looking for and starts digging.

"August Kathryn granted you freedom and you yourself decide to smuggle kids out from the camps so they wouldn't meet the same fate as she did. For fifteen years they've killed, stolen children back and forth and lived under the fact that they weren't free, slaves who could be easily replaced." Lyra interjected he remembered he was six years older than the girls but when he was captured with other children he refused to murder or fight any kids or pledge his life to the vampyrs.

Kat was in charge of killing him but she let him go. He reminded her what mattered she knew what she was becoming, she couldn't let others suffer as she did. That's how August begun his smuggling business with Kat's help.

"Now it's time to repay her kindness do you still wish to be the hero but risk our freedom to do so?" Lyra asks him he sighs shook his head. "No Ma'am you're right. I'm sorry Kat." He apologizes to her she nods Maya stole back her keys, starting up the car Lyra, Kat and August hopped in the car.

"C'mon Ace!" They hollered looking out the window, Ace held a bag and a wooden box with a lock in her hands that she dug up holding them close to her. No one was going to ask her what they were. 

"We gotta ditch the car, find another way to get to where we're going." Kat asked in the front seat with Maya, Ace kept her eyes on August. 

"Ditch the car my ass Kat!" Maya snaps Kat glares at her, "Enough with the fucking car! We have to figure out how the fuck we don't get caught again!" Kat raised her voice at Maya and like every siblings, Maya raises her hand that she usually does when she talks.

"Fuck the car? This is probably the only thing of mine that survived!" Maya argues when Kat was ready to continue this.

"Enough the both of you! You two are sisters! I don't want you guys fighting over the stupidest thing! Let's go now!" Lyra yells at the both of them, Ace ignores them all looking out the window holding the bag and box with care.  They drove out of the small graveyard, and made their way to the Hudson Valley, a station where it can take them far away from the city.

"Ugh God we need to shower." Maya groans parking the car, looking back to see Ace still awake holding onto the box and bag. August sighs and get out of the car, Kat got out too.

"August? Aren't you coming with us?"

"No, your Mom's right you gave me the chance to get out even knowing the risk. But I can't turn my back on our kind. You know better than anyone that they'll just steal more kids and turn them into lifeless objects that they can use and get rid of anytime." 

"Get caught .  .  they'll kill you," Kat warns him he smirks at her. Placing his hand on her shoulder.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. The same as you did," He commented but Kat still worried yet she cant have that guilt in her mind not when her and her family have come this close to their freedom. 

Waking up in that coffin knowing they died as slaves made her sick, and ashamed that they didn't make an attempt to gain their freedom now they have a second chance. In this life you don't have many chances.

"So is this goodbye?" Kat asked him he shook his head pinched her nose like he did they first time they met.

"No it's farewell for now. I hope I get to see you smile for once." August expressed while Maya and Lyra collected their belongings and headed down a pawn shop to trade in the gold for cash.

 Kat gave August the keys to the car only glancing as he drove away. Kat held herself as she looked out to the direction of the camps and the city she once called home. She spits on the ground.

"Good riddence." She spats Ace stayed behind with Kat going to the public bathroom nearby the station to wash away from of the dirt off their faces and parts of their bodies to look some what presentable in the eyes of the humans.

"Is this real?" Kat asks looking into their reflections off the bathroom mirror. Steam stained the mirror, Ace wrote out her answer.

"No going back," Kat read nods her head finshing up, and headed out side with Ace to see Maya and Lyra waiting for them. Luckily the pawn shop took all the gold in exchange for money, Lyra divided up with all of her daughters.

Lyra took the time to wash up in the public restroom as Kat and Ace did, heading into the station, Looking over the types of options in taking the journey. 

Lyra brought Coastline Starlight with reserving a coach with four beds providing full meal services, their destination to Portland ,Oregon.

"What's in Portland?" Maya asks looking over her ticket and new passports which Lyra had maded and packed in the bag before faking their deaths. On the platform waiting to broad their train.

"Familia mija," (Family) Lyra noted taking something else out from the single huge luggage they're sharing sitting down on a bench together. Lyra opens a small photo album of her and her daughters in some photos there were people in the album that the sisters didn't recongized.

"This is my Mama and Papa, they're names are abuelito Fernado y abuelita Marie Pacha Fernández. My brother your Tio Adrian and his wife Paula they have two boys and a girl they're a bit around your age, Manuel and Santino and their older sister Lydia." Lyra said happily the sisters stared at one another not sure how to react this is the first they've heard or even seen this photo album all of this was happening so fast.

Not long ago, they were slaves to life that they knew. Now they're leaving with their freedom to a place where a family has been waiting for them all this time while they were captured.

Did they know where we were? All this time? They wanted to ask their mother but couldn't when the train arrived upon their platform. They broaded the train walking and avoiding any interaction with the other passangers.

Arriving to their couch sitting down on the two beds on the bottom not talking only waiting for the train to depart on time. 

During this time each of them thought this could all be over in a mintue that any second a squad of hybrids can gun them down quickly and they'll end up in the grave for real this time. They waited looking out the platform.

Lyra's hand never let go of the luggage straps in cae they needed to dash out the window. Kat looked to the all the exist or possible exist they can break down to get away. Maya looked around of what can be used as a weapon.

Ace stayed calm  somehow managing to get through custom  with her bag and box without getting flagged. Then the whistle blew surprising them all as they froze to feel the train's engines start up and the train departed from the platform as they pulled away from the station.

And from the country, they only let out a breath when an hours pass by. They still stood silent and looked around anxiously and carefully, Maya and Kat shook trembling along with Lyra.

"Ww-we're free?!" Kat stuttered her eyes teared up as tears came streaming down her face. Repeating the words she never though she'll say before.

"Ww-we're free . . . Mama we're free,"Kat cried hugging Lyra as Maya cried her eyes out for the first time.

 Ace stayed calm but her face was stained with fresh tears not believing it herself after all this time of endless torment and no hope whatsoever and by the long run accepting the fact they died in slavery was as it such be.

It was real this time. It was no dream it's their reality now. 

"We're free." Lyra cried holding all three of her daughters as she did before all those years ago. Placing their head upon her lap not closing their eyes to rest afraid they'll return to their graves. Their mother stroking their heads as before was a reminder that this all of this was no dream.

For they earn their freedom at last . . . but at what cost?

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