The Unexpected

By lovejeleah

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A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ More



1.1K 35 4
By lovejeleah

Leahs pov

A short bikini shopping trip with Jennifer has been pretty fun. But now it's time go to the beach. We went back to my place for her to change into her bikini then put clothes on top, then we left for the beach.

I'm laying on my stomach on top of the towel that's on top of the sand watching Jennifer spray on her sunblock. She's in my shorts and her bikini top. Honestly I've been waiting for her to take her shorts off. Not to sound creepy or anything but I know she wants to take it out eventually. She's just being her usual teasing self.

"Ah" she sighs and lays on her stomach next to me. I look at her and smile. She smiles back and bites her lip and eyes me.

"You're really" she says. I scoffed and shook my head. "Says you" I said. "Mm" she mumbles and gets close to me and kisses me. This lasted more than just a second. She began placing her hand to cup my face and rolled onto her side while kissing me tenderly.

"Mm Leah" she mutters. I felt my nipples harden just from that. How come all of a sudden we're making out? What just happened?

I felt her legs start to softly touch mine. So I pulled back and looked at her.

"We can't do this in public. And we can't do what we did last night" I giggle and sat up. "Fine" She grumbles and lays on her back while still looking at me. I look at her for a second then my eyes drift away down her body. She places her hand on her stomach.

"'re gonna wear my shorts the whole time we're here?" I ask her. She lets out a short little sound and brings her hand through her hair running her fingers in it while looking up at me. It's a flattering view seeing her lying down. "Do you not want me to wear your shorts?" She asks.

"Well I took mine off" I said. "I could see that" she says. "So.."

"So?" She giggles. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Okay never mind" I said. I just leaned back on my two hands. I felt her looking at me too.

"Wanna play a game?" I ask her. "What kind of game? I don't feel like being active right now" She says. I look at her and lay my head on my own shoulder. "Not active work..just...its called never have I ever" I said.

"Oh that okay..let's go"

"Mmkay...never have I ever..been out of the country" I said.

"I have..have you?"

"Nope. Where have you been?" I ask her. "Paris"

"Fun" I say. "Okay my turn. Never have I ever been on a boat" Jen says. "I haven't??" I asked. "No haha"

"I'm gonna have to take you one time" I said. "I'd love that" she says softly. I smile and look down away from her and started to think again. This game went on for a couple more minutes but it escalated.

"Hmm..never have I ever...had sex in not in front of everyone but like..touching your partner secretly but in public" I said.

"I have not" She says. "Me neither" I giggle. "Too risky" She says. "It is. I don't know how people do it.." I said. "Right? Like if the person you're doing it with makes you moan then it's out there. Everyone could hear" she says and I start to laugh.

"Exactly! Even in the car! I almost had sex in the backseat of a car but one, the car wasn't spacey and two, there was way too many people walking around" I said.

"Pfft..same. I guess we're both just basic and do it in the bed" she says. "Mhm yeah" I giggle and look at her. She smirks and looks away while licking her lips. I guess this game got us to know more about each other that we didn't know. Pretty fun.

After the beach we went back to her house. I just dropped her off sadly. But I had an amazing day with her. Things have been going so well. Our kisses have been getting intense. I'm still surprised we haven't had sex because the last time I had a kiss that intense..I ended up naked in bed with someone. But Jen is teaching me to take it down a notch. Although the teasing is getting to my head.


"No I'm pretty sure I know how to hit a damn ball into a hole in the ground" I tell Jennifer through the phone as I'm laying in my bed twiddling with my hair.

"Okay well I guess we'll have to see on Saturday." She says. "Sounds like a date" I said. "It is a date silly" she says. "I know I was just- you know when you agree to plans and- agh never mind" I said and I start to hear little laughs coming from her. "I know what you mean" she says. "Anyways..i can't wait to see you again and play mini golf" I said since it's been 2 days since I saw her. "Same! It's been years since I've played some mini golf" she says. "Oh, you're more excited to play than see me?"

"Mhm yeah" she giggles. "I see how it is" I said. "Oh look at you putting pieces together" she jokes with sarcasm. "Shut up" I said.

"Kidding...but anyways I gotta sleep now. I'll talk to you tomorrow" she says.

"Okay. And don't do that same thing you did last night. You said you were going to sleep so we ended the thing you know, you sent a random pic of us two in the middle of the night to me" I said

"You weren't asleep too obviously!" She says. "I never said I was going to. Only you did" I giggle. "Well you should sleep the same time I sleep so it's like we're sleeping together" she says.


"Yeah yeah whatever.."

"Seriously! It was a nice feeling sleeping over your place the other day. Just- your presence.." she says.

"I'm great aren't I?" I ask her and she laughs. "Whatever. Go sleep now. I'm gonna sleep alright?" She says. "Okay fiiiiine."

"Goodnight beauty" She says and I smile. "Aw haha Goodnight" I said happily and we end the call. I always end my night with calling her after getting showered and everything, and I always end it with a smile. She makes me happy inside. This relationship is growing perfectly.

Jens pov

"I'll be home tonight I promise" I tell Veronica as she's clinging onto me. "No mommy I wanna come" "Babe this is an adult thing. I promise I'll take you next time" I said. "You're going with your friend so why can't I go?"

"I just told you!"

"Hm" she pouts. "I love you mama. I promise I'll take you next time. I have to go!" I said.

"I want disneyland"

"Okay..we can go to Disneyland sometime this week then" I said. "Yaaay!!" She exclaims. I smile and gave her a peck on the lips. "Okay I love you so much babe. Don't give grandma a hard time alright?" "I won't! I love you too" She says.

I left shortly and went on my way to pick Leah up.

"Hi!" I said happily after she sits in my car. She looks at me and furrows her brows. "Hi?" She says. "What?" I ask. "You seem happy" "because you're here!" I said and brought my lips to her and kissed her. Then I smile showing my teeth which causes her to smile.

"Thought you were excited to play mini golf more than being excited to see me?" She asks. I tilt my head and roll my eyes. "You know I was kidding"

"Mhm Okay. So I should take everything you say..not seriously?" She teases. "No Leah! Take things seriously."

"Confusing" She says. I smile more and look away so I could start driving. I know she's just trying to annoy me.

We later get to the mini golf land. Paid for our ticket in and started our evening.

"This one" Leah says. "Girl that's the one we go to after the first course!" I tell her. "Oh! My bad" she laughs and walks to me. I start off with the golf club in my hand, stood by the ball and postured myself properly so I could hit the ball to roll into the hole. Then I hit the ball, not too hard, and it went straight into the hole.

"Yay!" She says and lightly claps cutely. I smile and did a little dance as I walked to get my ball.

Now that it's Leahs turn she stood at the same place I stood in the beginning but she didn't look like she was standing correctly.

"Leah not like that" I giggle and walk over to her.
"Like what?" "You're not standing properly" I said. "It's mini golf. How is there still a proper way to stand?" She asks with a tiny bit of attitude. I smile and stand by her and placed my hand on her back and the other hand on her arm to make her face the right way. "Okay now hold the golf club like this" I said and showed her and example. "How do you know all this? Did you golf?" She asks.

"Hell no. I'd never. But I've mini golfed for fun with my- my family" almost said my daughter.

"Ohh..I see" she says and kept looking at me. "Okay focus!" I said. So she swung softly and hit the ball but missed. "You really suck" I straight up tell her. She scoffs and relaxes her shoulders. "Here" I said. "What?" She asks but I was already standing behind her. Both my arms were around her and my two hands on top of her two hands that were holding the golf club. So her ass is right against my crotch area but I tried to make it not seem like that was the case here.

"So you swing back a little..then swing like this" I said and moved the club along with her. "Yeah like that!" I said. "Okay and how do I angle it properly?" She asks. "I have you at a fine angle now" I said. I see her smile a bit and shake her head then she looks down at the ball. "How hard?" She asks. "Not too hard. Just do it like how I showed you" i said.

So she swings and perfectly made the ball go in the hole. "See!.. you're not dumb after all" I said and she immediately pushes me off of her and walks over to get her ball and I laughed. "Know it all" she mutters to herself. "Huh??" I said loudly, walk up to her putting my hands on my hips and tilt my head tryna scare her.

"Nothing" She laughs. I roll my eyes and walk away to the next course. I knew what she said but I don't mind.

After we did a bunch of courses we gave up because we both struggled trying to make the ball get through this one complicating course. Plus we kept goofing around and we both couldn't breathe of laughter. She was even crying of laughter.

"Okay we should leave before we get kicked out for being to noisy" I said. But she laughs out loud again and holds onto my arm as we walked out.

"Leah!" I said. "Sorry!" She laughs out. She just keeps laughing at me because I hit the ball so hard earlier that it hit someone in the head.

We get in my car and I just sit there and watch her laugh calm down. She has a very cute laugh and smile.

"Are you fucking done?" I ask her but while I was laughing a bit too. "Yes yes sorry" she sighs and looks at me. "I had so much fun with you tonight. Felt like a teenager again" I said. She presses her lips and reaches for my hand and holds it. I look down at our hands and I smiled. "I had fun too. I haven't laughed this much in a long time" she says. "That's because you're the one usually making people laugh.." I said. "That too" She says. It's a true statement. She always makes people laugh and I barely see her laugh this much so..I feel lucky I'm making her laugh.

It gets silent and I look at her, she looked at me and we both knew what was going through both of our heads. Then we kissed for a few seconds.

"Since we still have some time left on our hands. Would you like to come over and we can order some food?" She asks me. "Sure" I smile.


Her tongue is practically down my throat. Well not literally but our makeout session is getting a little nasty. Good nasty.

"Leah-" I said trying to get a word out of our kiss. "Hmm?" She mumbles. "We- we needa order." I said. She just smiles in our kiss and pushes me down on my back, laying on top of me while kissing. And I'm not stopping her.

She lets go of my lips and bring hers down to my jawline. "Leah" I muttered mixed with a moan but she continues being her and it felt so nice that I didn't want it to stop. Her body was rubbing against mine in a sexy way too.

"Fuck" I hiss as she gets to my neck. I run my fingers through her hair and took a deep breath. She's getting me going and I don't know if I should stop now or just say fuck it and have sex with her. Cause i do wanna fuck.

"Okay I-mm.." I mumbled. She gets lower to my waistline and unbuttons my jeans. I bite my lip and watch her take my jeans off leaving me in my white lace panties.

"You've been making me wait for too fucking long. I'm not stopping" she says and I giggle. "But I also wanna make sure you're okay with this too" She says. I just nod my head yes and let her.. I'm supposed to be back at my moms place. I just thought we'd have dinner then I leave.

Guess not.

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