5SOS Text Messages |bromances...

By radioactive-pizza

2M 68.1K 27.6K

Just a collection of all the 5sos text messages all rights reserved. copyright © 2014 | radioactive-pizza More

Ashtons Boner ::ot4::
Calums hair ::ot4::
You are beautiful to me ::muke::
Insecuritys And Sexual Thoughts ::ot4::
Dirty Sext ::malum::
Best Talent Ever ::muke::
Stupid Dream Boy ::lashton::
Incoming Call ::cashton::
Monkey Business ::ot4::
Here I Come ::cake::
2am ::malum::
Confessions of A Drunk ::mashton::
Fish Tales ::lashton::
Sicky ::cashton::
Confessions of A Drunk pt2 ::mashton::
See You In 5? ::ot4::
See You in 5 pt2 ::ot4::
Disney Adventures ::malum & lashton::
School Boredom ::lashton & malum::
Tummy Troubles ::muke::
Cutie ::mashton::
Put On A Show ::lashton::
Whipped ::muke::ot4::
Crush ::lashton::
Perfection ::muke::
Where Is He? ::ot4::
Cheeky Cheeks ::ot4::
Insecurities Go Away ::cashton::
Im Not Obsessed ::ot4::
P.E. Clash ::malum::
Thank You! (A/N)
Where's Luke? ::ot4::
Vma Talk ::ot4::
Drunk On Love ::muke::
Healthy Relationship ::muke::
Hairy Situations ::ot4::
Baby Daddy ::cake::
Sausages ::ot4::
All About That Curve ::cake::
Sick ::ot4::
Want You Back ::muke::
Songs ::ot4::
Date Plans ::mashton::
20 facts about me (:
Kinky ::ot4::
Fanfictions ::ot4::
Where's Michael? ::ot4::
Suck It ::malum::
Stupid Dream Boy pt2 ::lashton::
Nuggets ::cake::
Baby Talk ::muke::
Words of Wisdom ::mashton::
Costume Ideas ::ot4::
Workout ::cake::
Last Piece ::cashton::
Brb and Request?
Knocked Up ::ot4::
Little Balls Of Fur ::ot4::
Im Yours ::lashton::
Sext? ::lashton::
Not Quite Bi ::cake::
Rumor Has It ::malum::
Tutor Boy ::muke::
Rumor Has It pt2 ::malum::
Rings, Stabbing, Food ::ot3::
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt2
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt3
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt4
Make The Sex? ::cake::
Love Doctors ::ot4::
Get Better Soon Ash
Bully Lover ::lashton::
.... ::cake::
Mailman ::muke::
Pills ::malum::
Fingers Up My... ::ot4::
Sometimes We Need Cuddles ::ot4::
Request Please?
Not As Planned ::lashton::
Horror In Our Lives ::muke::
Luke's Pregnant?! ::ot4::
Tattoo Wonders ::ot4::
Not My Nudes ::ot4::
Frozen Adventures ::ot4::
You Ready To Party? ::muke::
Give Me Hope ::mashton::
Tutor Boy ::muke:: pt 5
Trade Off Men ::ot4::
A/N Book Ending?!?
I Need You Right Now ::mashton::
Dr.Fluke ::muke::
New Co-Owner !
All Dogs Go To Heaven ::cake::
Pick up lines ::Malum::
Best Fans In The World ::ot4::
My New Fanfic
Larry Stylinson, Bitch ::ot4::
Bye Guys....
What If ::ot4::
Once You Go Black ::lashton::
Till' I Fall Alseep ::malum::
Say You Love Me ::malum::
New Single ::cake::
Say You Love Me pt2 ::malum::
Little Princess ::lashton::
Ship Me ::cashton::
Need Cuddles ::malum::
Grey Days ::cake::
First Word ::muke::
Giving up Pt 1 ::ot4::
BALD ::ot4::
Pizza Sex ::cashton::
Don't Leave Me ::ot4::
Don't Leave Me ::alternate ending::
Happy Birthday! ::ot4::
Dont Question Love ::lashton::
Can't Love ::mashton::
Scratches ::ot4::
Yes, Officer Pt.1 ::ot4::
Giving up Pt 2 ::Ot4::
Yes, Officer Pt.2 ::ot4::
All About That Bass ::cake::
Puns ::mashton::
Wrong Number Pt.1 ::??::
Opinions (A/N)
Wrong Number Pt.2 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.3 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.4 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.5 ::??::
Wrong Number Pt.6 ::muke::
You Suck ::muke::
Say It ::malum::
Dinner Problems ::malum::
Acronyms ::Cashton::
Fuck marry kill ::Cake::
Fall Back Into Place ::muke::
Happy Birthday 5sos!
Request (a/n)
Stupid Idea ::cashton::
Louder ::ot4::
Mood Swings ::ot4::
Here I Come Pt.2 ::ot3::
Feel Better ::ot4::
Sorry Won't Cut It ::cake::
Model ::malum::
Remember? ::lashton::
Never Leave Us ::ot4::
Don't Do It ::ot4::
Be Right There ::cake::
Short Hiatus A/N
12 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
11 Days Till Christmas ::mashton::
10 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
9 Days Till Christmas ::lashton::
8 Days Till Christmas ::muke::
7 Days Till Christmas ::ot4::
Booty Had Me Like ::muke::
Never Stop Loving You ::muke::
Fanboy Pt.1 ::ot4::
6 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Fanboy Pt.2 ::ot4::
Save You ::muke::
Not My Nudes Pt.2 ::ot4::
Ruin Me ::lashton::
5 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
Fanboy Pt.3 ::ot4::
Fanboy Pt.4 ::mashton::
4 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Sick Love ::mashton::
The Feels ::lashton::
3 Days Till Christmas ::malum::
2 Days Till Christmas ::cake::
Awkward Sext ::malum::
1 Day Till Christmas ::mashton::
0 Days Till Christmas ::ot4::
Hello To You Too ::malum::
Gossip....boys ::lashton::
Paper Walls ::mashton::
Tease ::muke::
Throw It Away ::lashton::
Insanity pt 1 ::Cashton::
It's A Date ::cake::
The Princess and the Prince ::cake::
Happy New Year!
Evil Toilets ::cashton::
I Miss Her ::ot4::
Waitress Please ::lashton::
You Can Have Him ::mashton::
Dick Pics ::lashton::
I Love You ::malum::
Forever And Always ::ot4::
The End

Winding and Grinding ::mashton::

24.9K 771 215
By radioactive-pizza

"I see you winding an grinding up on that floor" -Akon


Mikey: babe... You're not mad are you?

Ash: oh no why would I be mad??

Ash: because someone sent me pictures of my boyfriend who was practically dry humping some random dude in the club?

Ash: oh no. Why on earth would I ever be angered about that!?

Mikey: ashton...

Mikey: I'm sorry okay. You didn't want to dance so I just started dancing and he came up to me. I didn't want to tell him to stop because I didn't know if he was like a fan maybe oh something plus he was cute. I just wanted to dance.

Mikey: maybe if you would have danced with me we would be having this problem.

Ash: don't go and try and blame this on me Michael. I didn't want to dance big whoop! You always have to take things to the next level and I'm sick of it .

Mikey: I TAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL!?! right that right ashton. Because god forbid I try and have alittle fun, right!?


Ash: michael it's different and you know it.

Mikey: oh really!?! Really!? Tell me ashton tell me how it is any different?! Enlighten me

Ash: it's different because in gay michael. You know that I don't want any if those skank girls.

Mikey: who the fuck gives a shit if it's a girl ashton it's still the same fucking thing!

Ash: whatever it doesn't matter.

Mikey: ashton yes it does. You know it does. If you won't tell me why it's so different when you do it then when I do it I swear to god I will leave you right now.

Mikey: whatever in done, goodbye ashton.

Ash: it hurts Michael. When I see you grinding on some random guy in the club. It's not the same when I do it because it's a girl. I'm gay Michael 100% gay the girl is not gunna steal me away from you. But when you dance with all those guys I feel like I could lose you. Everyone knows I'm not the best looking around, I don't have the best personality. I'm going to lose you Michael. Any one of those guys could steal your heart away from me, and in scared Michael. Im scared that one day you will gets sick of me or just not want me anymore. those guys could replace me in a heartbeat. And I'm sorry that I dance with other girls. I just wanted to make you jealous but you never really said anything about it. And I didn't want to dance with other guys because I'm not like that.

Ash: so I'm sorry Michael, I'm sorry I fucked this whole thing up.

Mikey: ashton

Mikey: none of those dirty man whores could steal me away from my ashypoo. I see what you are saying now. Yes it wrong for me to do all the stuff I did in the club and I guess I just got alittle out of hand. But don't you ever for one second think that you arnt perfect for me. I don't wanna live in a world where Ashton Fletcher Irwin isn't my boyfriend. That's a world I would want to die in. Yes, everyone is not going to see how perfect you are but guess what? The boys do. The true fans do and most importantly Ashton, I do. You are so perfect in my eyes and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world

Mikey: I am so so so so so so sorry about all of this I over reacted on my part and I feel terrible but I hope you forgive me baby, please don't hate me.

Ash: Michael Gordon Clifford I could never hate you. Not in a million years. I love you so much babe xx

Mikey: oh thank god ugh I love you ashton so so so much

Mikey: I wish I could kiss you right now god

Ash: I know lovebug <3 how about when I come back we will go on a proper date and we can have fun okay?

Mikey: okay. That sounds wonderful.

Ash: I love you so much I will call you later, maybe even Skype? (: I love you and never forget it. Xxx

Mikey: I love you Ashton Irwin

Mikey: forever and always... Xx


Woah I didn't really know how to end that sooo

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