Last of Us - Bucky Barnes Fan...

By DrearyWinterDreams

109K 2.3K 472

**Third book to Things We Lost.** The Hydra secret had been exposed to the world. S.H.I.E.L.D. is falling apa... More

1. Sergeant Barnes
2. Like Old Times
3. Nightmares and The Scientists
4. The Science Bros
6. Alone
7. Welcome Back
8. The Battles Always Choose
9. It's Been a Long Time.. I Don't Know What You are
10. Happy Birthday
11. The Black Widow
12. The Hydra Funeral
The Hydra Funeral - Part 2
The Hydra Funeral - Part 3
13. How
14. You're All Puppets
15. A Little Nostalgic
16. The Last of Us
17. The Only Thing To Fear
18. Is Fear Itself
19. A Message

5. Good Choice

6.5K 144 24
By DrearyWinterDreams

A/N: Finally got to updating another chapter. School recently started and I never got to writing this story. But here it is! Enjoy!

Jessie sat in the shooting range on a floor which Stark had set up for her. It had targets, different kinds of guns, even a boxing ring and punching bags. It seemed like a training room, but Jessie thought of it as a shooting range. She sat in a chair, a sniper rifle in her lap. She had recently practiced her shooting range, but apparently missed each shot. She stood up, frustrated, and loaded more bullets into the gun, taking shots until she ran out. The doors to the elevator opened. Jessie looked to see Bucky walk into the room. She went back to her shooting practice. Bucky walked over with the sense of his friend being upset.

“What’s the matter?” he asked as Jessie was getting ready for another round of shooting.

“I actually have no idea. I’m shooting at the middle of the target, but apparently not hitting it. I’m hitting around it which is what I don’t want.”

“Maybe I can help you.”

“No, no, you don’t have t-“ Jessie stopped her protesting when she felt Bucky move her arms, holding the rifle in front of her face. She tensed slightly at his closeness.

“Loosen up, Jess,” Bucky quietly said as he moved his hands to her shoulders. When he felt her muscles loosen, he began to direct her in getting a straight shot. After a couple shots, the two began to practice fighting in the boxing ring, Bucky going easy on Jessie. After a while, Jessie knocked Bucky down only to end up falling with him. The two laughed as Jessie straightened herself out, straddling the Soldier’s waist. She stayed like that, her smile fading and both of them silent. Jessie began to stand up.

“I should go. Tony and Bruce probably need my help.”

“Right.” Jessie helped Bucky stand up before waving and leaving the room and walking to the lab. She walked into the lab hearing Iron Man expecting Tony and Bruce, only to find just Bruce. Jessie looked around confused. The male scientist looked up from his work to see the female looking around the room in the closets, under tables, and jokingly under papers and blueprints.

“What are you looking for?” Bruce questioned with a chuckle. Jessie stopped and looked at him and began to mess with the braid in her hair which hung over her shoulder from looking under the tables.

“Just checking to see if Stark is in here,” she replied with a sheepish smile.

“Actually, he’s downstairs with Pepper setting up for a meeting. I can bring you to see him if you’d like.”

“Okay, thanks Brucie.” The two scientists walked to the large conference room of the building, finding Tony setting up rows of chairs with Pepper helping. Jessie and Bruce walked closer to the two. “Oh my god. Look at all the chairs, Mr. White.” Tony looked up at the two scientists that were watching.

“Shut up, Jessie,” he said as he walked back over to the wall, grabbing the last folding chair. “Ha. That actually made sense since your name is Jessie and-“

“Shut up, Tony.”

“Alright. What are you two doing in here anyways? I’ve got a meeting in half an hour.” Jessie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“We’re here to slay the magic dragon.” Bruce chuckled at Jessie’s statement. Pepper gave out a laugh.

“Actually, Jess was wondering where you were,” Bruce commented. “She kept looking under the tables.”

“Well, because I didn’t know where he was and I’m too lazy.”

“Well, you might not want to be lazy for a while,” Pepper began saying. “The new director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nancy O’Donnell called and requested for you and Steve to meet with her.”

“New director?” Tony questioned.

“After the incident in D.C. with Bucky, Fury want into hiding since now he’s ‘deceased’ according to the S.H.I.E.L.D. files,” Jessie answered. “Don’t ask if I know if he’ll be around, because I have no idea. When does she want to speak with us?”

“No idea,” Pepper replied. “But I believe Steve is already on his way to S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“And he didn’t bring me. Alright, I guess I’ll go now. See you guys later.” Jessie left Stark Tower, making her way to S.H.I.E.L.D. Walking in, she was formally greeted by many different agents. She noticed a few looking at a memorial. She walked over and read the name of it. Wall of Valor. She remembered reading about it. The Wall of Valor was dedicated to all fallen S.H.I.E.L.D. or SSR members. Bucky was a dedicated member. Jessie noticed her friends name and ran a finger along the engraving. She heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see Steve walking over with a blonde haired woman.

“Jess,” Steve greeted. “This is Director Nancy O’Donnell.”

“Sergeant Jessica Evans,” Jessie said holding her hand out to the Director.

“I know who you are Sergeant,” Nancy replied ignoring Jessie’s gesture. Steve gave her a sympathetic smile as Jessie slowly put her hand down. Nancy handed her a file in which she was holding. “This is your mission you and Captain Rogers will be leaving for. I expect you both to be ready to leave in an hour.” She walked away. Jessie looked from her to the file in her hands then to Steve.

“What was that?”

“Trust me, even I have no idea,” Steve replied. “FYI, the mission is in Russia.”


“Yep. But it will be good for you since you can speak Russian.” The Sergeant read the file about her mission as she went back to Stark Tower with Steve to get ready to leave. About a week during their mission, Jessie and Steve were in downtown Moscow, hanging around behind a building wearing their uniforms waiting for their mystery “Cobra.” All both of them remembered was waiting then darkness. The two woke up to find themselves in cells in an unknown building.

“What the hell?” Steve questioned rubbing his head as Jessie crawled over to the cell door. She heard footsteps from down the hall and saw three men walking, two behind the one in the lead. Jessie backed away from the cell door when they stopped in front of it, the guy in the front turning to face her.

“Sergeant Evans,” he spoke in a rough, German accent. Jessie gave him a confused look.

“Do I know you?” she questioned.

“Nein. I am Barron Wolfgang Von Strucker, the new leader of Hydra.” Jessie and Steve stayed silent.

“B-But… How is this possible?”

Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. That is how, Fräulein. Now, if you don’t mind, we need to take your precious Captain for some… experiments.”

“What?” Steve and Jessie asked in unison. Strucker ordered the guards to bring Steve out of his cell.

“Wait!” The four males looked back at Jessie who was back at the cell door. “Let me go in his place! Please.”

“Well… Alright. But we have something better for the both of you.” Two more guards came over and dragged Jessie out of her cell before forcing her to stand. They brought Jessie to what looked to be a laboratory while Steve was brought to a different room. She was forced into a chair while two scientists locked the cuffs on the chair around her wrists.

“What kind of experiments are you going to do?” Strucker turned to look to Jessie and smirked at her face of worry.

“First, we’re going to see how strong you are to deal with electrical shocks.” Jessie’s eyes widened as she watched him press a button sending small shocks into her back, making her whimper slightly from the pain. “Hmm… didn’t seem strong enough, did it Rumlow?” Jessie looked up to see a burn scarred man she knew as Agent Brock Rumlow.

“No, it didn’t,” he answered as he glared at the Sergeant. Jessie watched as Strucker turned a dial before pressing the button again, sending shocks into her back. At this point, she screamed out in pain.

“Now,” Strucker began explaining, “There is one more experiment. But if you chose not to go through with it-“ two guards walked in dragging a beaten Steve, holding him down when they stopped, “-then you and your Captain will never see daylight.”

“Jess-“ Steve began to plead but was cut off by Jessie’s quick answer.


“Are you sure, Fräulein? You don’t know what will happen, why are you so quick to deciding?”

“I’m sure. As long as it means Steve lives.”

“Good choice, Soldier.”

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