Into Your Arms

By Draagdo-Nesetto

198K 3.6K 488

Don't fall for the biggest player in school, that's what I have always told myself since starting high school... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
1. Where I Can't Follow
2. where I can't follow
3. where I can't follow
4. where I can't follow
5. where I can't follow
6. where I can't follow
8. where I can't follow
9. where I can't follow
10. where I can't follow
11. where I can't follow
12. where I can't follow
13. where I can't follow
14. where I can't follow
15. where I can't follow
16. where I can't follow
17. where I can't follow
18. where I can't follow

7. where I can't follow

1.3K 25 0
By Draagdo-Nesetto

"You're so pretty Tenley," Raine brushed the older brunette's hair back looking at her. "I wish I was pretty like you..."

"What?" she squeezed her tight and rested her chin on her shoulder. "You are gorgeous Raine," she told her, Raine growing up to a very beautiful young girl. Her hair was still that gorgeous strawberry blonde that hit her shoulders and Tenley swore felt like silk. She was little for her age, but that isn't a shock being her mom was little and just like her older brother, she had the most gorgeous pale blue eyes that Tenley told Colton constantly was going to drive the boys crazy.

"The kids at school make fun of me," she told her in a low whisper. "They make fun of my hair..."

"That's because they're jealous," she told her, not understanding how kids so young could be so cruel to each other. Carrie had mentioned a few things the kids had said to Raine and it baffled her. How could you be so young and so mean? They were kids, they were seven! "People can be mean sometimes Ray," she twisted her in her lap to look at her. "There really isn't a reason why, but that doesn't mean anything. You're beautiful and I would do anything for your hair..." she ran her hand through it and gave her a smile. "And you tell them to be nice or they will have to deal with your Tenny," she teased leaning her head against hers and the young girl giggled.

"They wouldn't like that," she giggled, giving her a big hug. "I love you Tenny."

"I love you too, Cupcake," she glanced up at the boy across the room talking to his father. Before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "So much..." she squeezed her tight and she giggled.

"Want to know a secret?" she pushed up in her lap to whisper a secret. "There is ice cream sandwiches in the fridge," she lit up and Tenley laughed.

"There are, huh?" she questioned and Raine quickly nodded. "Want to go get one and sneak it up in your room?"

"Yes!" she squealed and Tenley laughed as she whispered quiet. The room looking over at them before going back to their conversations. "Let's go," she jumped up and grabbed her hand and started to pull her toward the kitchen. "Hey momma!" she called as she passed the older woman.

"Hi," Tenley flashed a smile before being tugged into the kitchen.

"So it's holding up alright?" Stephen asked as he glanced down at his son's knee. "Not acting up much?"

"If I'm on it too long it gets sore," he shrugged it off as no big deal. "And it constantly pops when I walk, but I mean it's whatever."

"It's not whatever, son," his brows pulled together concerned. "You maybe should get it checked out again."

"I did get it checked out. They think I should have surgery on it again," he told him glancing down before looking back up at him. "But if I have surgery I can't play again. I have one season left after this one. I want to enjoy it...and I kinda like to enjoy it without everyone on my case about it," he glanced over at the brunette girl laughing with his sister.

"She giving you a tough time?" Stephen glanced up at the young girl.

"She just doesn't want me to mess it up too bad. I made the careless error of letting her sit in on one of my doctor's appointments."

"Oh...not a good idea..."

"No, not when the doctor talked about how damaged my knee was. Said one more hard hit, or I dislocated it one more time and walking on it will bring up some issues," he told him and his dad's eyes widened. "Not like that could happen..."


"Dad, I seriously messed it up twice while in college. The odds of it happening again are so slim," he tried to reason. "Don't tell mom," he groaned when he realized he didn't make a good case in that.

"Trust me, that is a conversation I don't want to have with her," he agreed knowing he would never tell his wife that. "You think Tenley is scary, imagine your mother."

"God I know," both men shook their heads as they took a sip of their drink. "But Tenley totally freaked out. Went on about how she needed me be able to walk and dance...which I will tell you I don't do. Never dance, no matter how much she begs," he explained to him quickly because he hated dancing. It swore it was the devil work or something and couldn't figure out why people enjoyed it. "But it was kinda cute," he told him with a small smile. "Having her all overprotective of me. Telling me she needed me able to do yard work and carry her up the steps when she falls asleep on the around outside with our kids..."

"Kids, huh?" he raised a brow and Colton shrugged. "Ya'll discuss stuff like that? Stuff like kids and marriage..."

"Yeah...I mean we've been together for over five years. Tenley wonders about our future, if I want more than just all this."

"Do you? I mean do you want to get married and have kids? Or do you just agree to wanting that because you think that is the next stage of a relationship?"

"I...umm..." he scratched his jaw, the loud squeal of his little sister pulling his attention again across the room and his eyes traveled to the girl who stood up laughing. For a moment, just a brief moment her eyes flickered over to his and his heart skipped a quick beat when she sent him a wink. "Yes..." he paused a moment before nodding. "Yes to all of it..."

"Alright..." he slowly nodded taking a sip of his drink.

"That was so yummy," Raine licked the chocolate off her finger to giggle.

"It was delicious. Thank you for sharing it with me," Tenley pushed the silver button on the garbage and flipped it open to toss their trash inside.

"Tenny, can I ask you something else?" Raine wondered as the young girl picked her up to sit her on the counter.

"Shoot Cupcake..."

"You know how Colton is my brother..."

"I've heard that rumor," she laughed a little crossing her arms.

"Well...would Bevin would be mad if I told people you were my sister too?" she wondered biting on her bottom lip and gazed up at her. Tenley swearing her heart hurt a little as she looked down at her.

"Yeah, baby girl, that's fine," she squeezed her tight and kissed her little head. "I can be your big sister too."

"Cool because I wanted one. You know Colty isn't great at all that girl stuff. Did you know he doesn't like pink?" she gave such a confused look and dead tone Tenley couldn't help but laugh.

"Tickled me shocked by that," she brushed her hair over her shoulder and laughed.

"Oh...there you are," they look up to see the older woman walking into the room and Tenley tensed. "Raine, your mother is looking for you."

"Oh ok!" she jumped off the counter and gave Tenley a big hug. "I'll be back. Love you!" she called before sprinting out the room.

"You too Cupcake," she watched her go and suddenly wished for a way out. A way that didn't look too obvious that she was avoiding her. "Weather is nice," she awkwardly announced as she rested her hands on the counter.

"I find it's been a bit cold," her eyes remain on the young girl who fidgets with her necklace.

"What is it about me you don't like?" Tenley tossed her hand up when she couldn't take the loud ticking of the clock behind her anymore. And at the time so over this woman and her attitude. She's tried being nice, she tried ignoring her, she tried everything but it didn't change. She just didn't like her. Might as well finally ask, not like she will think any less of her.

"I never said I don't like you," she swayed into the room and stood before her. "I just don't see where you fit into this family."

"I love him," she told her shaking her head. "I'm good to him. I make him happy, what more do you want from me?"

"Happy?" she let out a bitter laugh running her slime finger along the counter. "You think being happy and in love is what life is all about? That is stupid child; those two things get you nowhere."

"They get you further than being cold and bitter."

"I've met girls like you before. You see him and you see a happy life of being taken care of. You see money and nice homes and anything you wish to have. You don't love him; you love the things he can give you..."

"That's not true," she defended, feeling her heart race with the cold look she was receiving.

"Oh honey it's the only thing that is true," she gave a cold skin crawling smile as she shuffled her feet toward her. "You are a hussy; you are what women like to whisper about in the corners. You think it's jealousy, when in reality it's them mocking the fact you think you actually fit into their world," she told her and the young girl swallowed the large lump in her throat. "Colton likes fighting what we all expect of him but over time he will grow up and mature and do what is expected. I'm only telling you this so you can get out before it reaches that part," she reached to brush her hair of her shoulder and Tenley stiffened up and froze. "Because it would be terrible if you somehow got knocked up and left all alone wouldn't it? Because I can assure you that no one in my family will raise you and your bastard of a child that you made out of love," her tone was so gentle but still so cold and Tenley swore nothing in her life hurt more.

"What did you just say?" his tone sharp and cold as he walked into the kitchen. "What just happened?" he glanced at his girlfriend to see tears swelling in her eyes as she glances away from him.

"Oh nothing, we were just talking about how lovely these flowers are," Gina fiddled with the vase and slid it to the center of the counter. Colton shifting his eyes over at his girlfriend who looked like someone just punched her in the gut.

"Ten..." his tone softened and she quickly turned her head to knock the silly tear that was wanting to fall.

"Yeah..." she cleared her throat and looked at the old woman who seemed to challenge her to say differently. "The flowers..."

"Bullshit!" Colton cursed and both snapped their heads over at him.

"What did you just say?" Gina twisted to face him, knowing he never cursed in front of her before.

"I said bullshit," he repeated moving toward them.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Carrie rounded into the room, her husband's hand in hers. "Colton..." she looked at her son who looked like he was about to blow.

"I heard what you said, just wanted to see if you would repeat it with me standing here."

"Oh Colton, don't be silly, nothing was said..."

"Something was said, something clearly upset her," he waved his hand at his girl hating the look of pain all over her.

"Colton it's not that big of a deal," Tenley tried to defuse the tension but knew it was no use. Once you pissed off Colton it was hard as hell to get him relaxed. He always seemed to explode before reaching that point.

"It is a big deal if she upset you, Ten," his tone again flipped when speaking to her.

"Gran, what did you say?" Stephen wondered, knowing when it came to family, Gina wasn't the easiest to please.

"I didn't say anything Stephen...the girl and I were just talking."

"Tenley!" he threw his hands up annoyed. Tenley gripping tight on his shoulder as her arm came around his chest to hold him still. "Her name is Tenley. It's not that girl, it's not her or a cold stare to show who you are talking about. Her name is Tenley. It's not a hard name..."

"Colton...relax," Stephen moved toward him, knowing his son's temper. Hell, it was the same as his.

"What is wrong with you?" he faced the woman before him, a woman that he really did love but couldn't understand her hate for the brunette by his side. "Why are you so damn bitter? Do you just hate anyone who is happier than you?"

"You aren't happy Colton; you are in a daze of confusion. A daze all you men seem to get in when a beautiful woman with long legs appears before you. You don't see the big picture."

"And what is the big picture?!" he tossed his hands up confused to what that meant.

"The big picture is you don't belong with someone like her," she ran her eyes up the young girl who this time let the tear fall. "She is not good enough for you...You can do better."

"You don't know anything about her," his jaw locked and Tenley watched as his eyes turned a dark grey.

"Colton, it's ok," she slipped her hand in his and felt it shaking. "Let's go."

"And you're stupid if you think anyone is better than her..." he hissed and watched as the woman before him eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?"

"You threaten to take all my inherence from me then do it," he challenged with a scary calm smirk slipping across his lips. "You want me to pick, then ask me. Make me pick," he ordered, his left brow popping upward. A sign that the anger in him was bubbling and it made her heart race. She didn't want his; she didn't want him to do something he might regret later. "Ask me to choose..."

"Colton...come on, quit," she tugged his arm and chewed her lip. "It's not a big deal, let's just go home," she begged but knew the look on his face, his mind was made up.

"You should watch the way you speak to me young man," her tone sharp and Tenley swore she felt the prickle in her words.

"You should watch the way you speak to her," he nodded his head back. "She is my girlfriend. She isn't going anywhere. So ask me to pick...ask because I can assure you that you won't at all like which way I go."

"You would do such a thing? Give up your family for some...some tart," her cold blue eyes cut over at the young girl who just curled behind her boyfriend.

"She is not a tart," he growled. "She is my family," he informed her without a second thought. "She is a better person then all of us and I'm not picking anything over my family. You taking away all of grandfather's money isn't going to change a damn thing about my relationship with Raine and my family."

"She isn't worth it Colton. You will quickly realize it."

"And you will quickly realize I'd rather be in a cardboard box then give her up for your money. Money that I can assure you I don't even want. So you make a decision, you either start showing her respect and accept she will be in my life or you get the hell out of it," he hissed and Tenley swore for a second her heart stopped. "Because I bet all the money you have that she isn't going anywhere"

"Colton..." Tenley grabbed his hand and the keys off the counter. "Let's go," she pulled him, him holding a pretty intense stare down with the older woman before him. "I'm sorry," she apologized to the room and held up her hand. "Sorry," she awkwardly pushed him through the side door and he yanked his arm away. "Colton..." she pulled the door closed behind him and quickly moved behind him. "Baby..." she grabbed his hand and released a squeal when he yanked her around him and shoved her up against the car. Giving her a kiss she felt all the way in her toes.

"You're perfect, ok?" his large hands framed her face and he pulled back leaving her breathless. "You are better than all of them in there," he said and she quickly nodded as he knocked the tears away. "Don't let that upset you. That means nothing to me..."

"Colton...don't say that..."

"You are my future. Nothing else matters ok?" he repeated and she swallowed the large lump in her throat and nodded as she pulled in a long shaky breath. "Ok..." he gave her a gentle kiss and he opened the door for her to climb in.

Her violet eyes looking back at the home to see his family standing on the doorstep and her heart hurt. She didn't want him in the middle like this; he shouldn't have to be in the middle like this. She wouldn't force him to be in the middle like this. Not when he really shouldn't be at all.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Colton asked as they stepped into the room and hit the light.

"Fine..." she slowly walked in and stood in the middle of the room. Toying with her bottom lip as she thought.

"You sure you don't want to come back to my apartment?" he repeated finding it odd she came back to her dorm room. It was rare she really used it, it wasn't huge but it was a decent size. She had shared it with Kimber, whose dad was loaded with money so he took care of her. But still, Kimber grated on Tenley's nerves often so it was rare she didn't sleep over at his place.

"Yeah," she told him walking over and easing down on her bed. Glancing up at him standing in her room and she swore she could physically feel her heart breaking. "Colton..." her voice cracked and she pulled in a long breath to relax herself. "We need to talk..."

"Ok....what's up?" he slowly walked over and eased down beside her on the bed. "Hey..." he leaned forward catching the tears forming in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he lifted her chin and her eyes closed pulling in a long breath. "Baby, you're seriously freaking me out, what's wrong?"

"God damn it," she stood up gripping her hand in her hair as she tried to calm herself. Knowing she was two seconds away from just diving off the nearest cliff. "I don't want you giving up your family Colton," she told him as she paced. "I don't want you missing out on great job offers, or anything..."

"Ten, I told you-"

"Just...just please don't talk," she begged, knowing if he did she would chicken out. "I don't want you doing that. I don't want you fighting with your family or...or giving up what belongs to you. I don't want you doing any of that!"

"Tenley, I told you that it doesn't matter to me. That stuff is just stuff," he said as he stood and moved toward her. "It's unimportant."


"No! It is," he repeated again. "That stuff doesn't matter to me. It's just bullshit're all that matters to me..."

"Please don't say that..." she pleaded closing her eyes as the tears started to fall.

"Why?" he let out a small laugh, brushing her hair back. "It's true. I love you Ten," his large hands framed her face to lift it to look at him. Not at all understanding why she was shaking so much. "Why doesn't that matter?" he wondered knocking the tears and her eyes fluttered as she pulled in a long jagged breath.

"Because..." she squeezed her eyes tight, feeling her entire body tremble. "Because I...I don't know if....I feel the same way anymore..." she whispered out so low, if it wasn't for the fact she felt his entire body freeze, she would have sworn he didn't hear it. Opening her eyes, to see his blue eyes turn a dark grey and his lip twitch upward before swallowing hard.

"What?" his voice so broken she wanted to just die right there.

"I..." she went to speak but he stepped back from her and her mouth snapped shut. "I'm sorry..." she apologized hating how much she knew this was going to hurt him. "I just...I'm sorry," she repeated when she came up with nothing.

"I don't understand..." he seemed scary calm as he stared blankly at the wall. "Just the other day you said you did...what do you mean you don't know if you feel the same?"


"How don't you know?!" he snapped and she cringed back. "I mean...what did I do?" his tone flipped once again, but this time panic. "What am I doing? I can fix it...Just let me fix."

"It's not you Colton," she walked over taking his hands in hers. "I just...I'm not that girl anymore. I've grown up and so have you. We want different things."

"I don't want anything different!" he told her and her eyes slammed shut. "I just want you. Why...why are you doing this? Did something happen?" he wondered but she let out a sob shaking her head. "Yes, yes it did. Just tell me what happened," his hands framed her face and lifted it up. Searching her eyes for something to tell him what was happening. "We can fix it, I'll fix it. Please let me fix it," he begged and she let out a sob dropping her head to his chest. "Baby, I promise I can fix it," he repeated dropping his head down to kiss the top of her head.

"There is nothing to fix Colton...we aren't broken...just aren't right," she told him and felt his heart race under her.

"I don't get that!" he snapped stepping back from her. "How can something like that change so fast? Overnight you not give a damn anymore?!" he questioned but she just wrapped her arms around herself and wiped her tears. "That doesn't happen! You don't just wake up one morning not loving someone anymore!"

"Sometimes people grow apart-"

"Bullshit!" he argued and she took a step back from him. "That is complete bullshit and you know it. Something else is wrong, something else happened."

"Nothing happened, Colton," she tightened her fist looking up at him. "I just don't," she told him so coldly she swore she watched him break in front of her. His body stiffening, his eyes flickering with pain and his jaw locking tight as he stared at her.

"Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me anymore," he challenged and she swallowed hard. "Don't cry about it, don't tremble and don't look so broken. If you truly don't care, looking me in the eyes and say it," he ordered, standing so close to her his nose grazed across hers as he looked her dead in the eyes. "Say it!" he yelled, the small girl standing there as her entire body trembled. "Yeah," he let out a dry laugh shaking his head. "That's what I thought," he shoved past her before opening the door and slamming it behind him. Leaving the broken girl dropping on the floor crying.

"This movie is terrible," Billie rolled her eyes as she ran her foot up her boyfriend's leg.

"It's not that bad," Lee defended as he tugged her closer to him. "I's not great..."

"But not terrible," Max agreed, grabbing the remote and hitting the guide. "But we should maybe scan through the other channels."

"Yes and maybe pick something that isn't fake," Billie laughed at their choice. Apparently it was some film that had one of their favorite actors in it and they swore was going to be awesome. It wasn't. The acting was terrible, the lighting was worse and each scene flipped into the other like it was filmed in someone's basement. Billie was sure whatever budget porn movies used was what they used for this. "I hate watching a movie when you can tell they're acting..."

"Yeah, because you're such an expert on the arts of acting," Max teased and Lee let out a laugh.

"Well, not trying to brag but I did happen to take a drama class in high school," she said with a matter of fact tone and the boys laughed.

"And you're just the best at it," Lee kissed the top of her head as Max stood up and moved toward the kitchen.

"I've missed you today..." Lee whispered as he wiggled down on the couch.

"Aw, not have fun with your bromance in there?" she nodded toward the kitchen and he chuckled.

"I do love Maxwell, but I prefer doing certain things with you that I can't do with him..." he shrugged, running his finger down her cheek. "Like, though he is a better kisser, you are way better at video games."

"Lee!" she squealed slugging his chest and he let out a laugh.

"I'm kidding baby," he pulled her back into him. "Just kidding," he lifted her chin for a sweet kiss. "You know there is no one else I want but you," he mumbled against her lips, twisting on the couch and she rolled her body up on his. Cupping her hand to his cheek as he went and deepened the kiss.

"Hey, ya'll want a drink or anything?" Max yelled across the apartment and cut his eyes up to groan at the scene before him. "I need a girlfriend," he grumbled, swearing he watched that way too often. Between Lee and Billie and Colton and Tenley he never felt so out of the relationship loop. He didn't get how his two friends who used to mock relationships now had been in them forever and he hadn't in years.

He enjoyed being single, but he did really like having a girlfriend.

"Hey man," Max glanced up to see his best friend entering the apartment. "You ok man?" he wondered glancing down to see blood dripping from his knuckles. "Colt-" he grew a little concerned but he just watched him walk past him and toward the stairs.

Suddenly them all being greeted with a hard slam door.

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