Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 2- Saviors

29 0 0
By Bluethewolf

Maya's Pov

I woke up to have the sunlight shine through the binds into my eyes. I pulled the blankets over my head not wanting to get up.

"Mgh, I groaned turning my body to the side. I heard small patter of footsteps coming from the main door of the apartment. I grabbed my pistol from under my pillow and sprinted out of bed. Kat heard me and stumbled out of bed getting her bat from the side of her bed. We both got out quickly from our room, turned to the corner of hallway that leads to the living room. 

"Ugh, fuck! I thought you were squad," I sighed in relief to see Ace with her black oversize hoodie dressed in joggers with her sneakers already on. Ace held a black bag that can only contain delicious goodness that Hispanics made for breakfast. It's 7 A.M. and we didn't see the keys on the hook.

"Mama left?" I asked Ace she nods slipping her shoes off not looking back at us but nods her head. I groaned laying on the floor not caring anymore but then Kat growls and starts yelling at me for waking her up too early. We stayed up half the night with Mama before she passed out on her couch. 

"Did you get a text back from that Scottish guy?" Kat asked quickly, I flipped backwards toward my sometimes forgetful sister and smacked her head.

"AH! What the fuck!" Kat roars, but I glared at her.

"Argh that guy's name is John! It isn't that hard to remember!" I argued with her raising my voice even louder than before.

Arff! Our hearts jumped outta our chest, the morning is so early for us that we didn't notice the huge stray that Ace occasionlly feeds and lets inside the apartment when Mom isn't here. The mutt cuddles on her matress on our bedroom floor with too. I don't mind it, for a stray he's well trained probably by Ace, but I don't agree of some of the chopped up bodies she leaves behind so Mom couldn't make out the smell of dog in the apartment.

"Ah, is that why you spend the last of your money for? That god damn dog!" Kat spat annoyingly, but Ace points to the small table where the black plastic bag laid. Our favorite drink, Inca kola and some chicken breast from the meat market and more Goya spices to make her famous chicken bowl.

"Aw, ñaña you got this just for us! We love you," We teased and hugged her as she stood before the stove. Ace began boiling a few straps of chicken for the damn dog.

"Aw hell no! Why should that mutt get to eat first." Kat started to yell but smiled as I went over to the dog. 

We haven't named him if Mom ever found him here. It'd be harder if we named him, but I grew fond of him. He's a huge black dog with green eyes and his ears pointed upwards than the floppy kind and his snout was long. His jaws were white and his tongue was as long too, but he's a baby to me. He whined hopping on my lap and lays on me. I laughed laying on my back against the floor. I'm not sure when Ace found the dog but she's been caring for it  even when she was sold off. Somehow it found her where she was staying and continued to care for it bringing her and the stray back to New York too.

Mom doesn't know anything about the dog, we all know how she feels about keeping one. Nonetheless, Ace made us swear to keep it that way. We agreed as long as she made sure that the dog didn't leave any evidence of his stay here. She hasn't kept her promsie much as this dog pisses on the carpet, by the door, and on the corner of room by the window. Ace turns to us showing us her hands.

  Kids are safe, John moved them out at 3 A.M. heading to Canada by now. She signs and Kat stops ranting about the dog then hugs Ace thanking her for saving the kids.

"I know that must have been hard for you. Meeting John again reminds you of what happen, but you did it with your head straight and the kids are safe now." Kat praised her for her bravery, I was proud of her too. I know the scars on her body still haunts her in her dreams. But having the dog sleep with her. She's less scared and sleeps soundly that's why I'm gonna let his pissing habits alone for now.

"Alright, perrito," I thanked rubbing his head and ears. He groans and yawns sticking out his long tongue then licks my palm.

Ace drains the water from the chicken and starts prepping the vegetables, washes them and chops them quickly with butter starts to fry them. I was in charge of the rice, since she and Kat always burned the bottom. Lightly salted with vegetable oil and got the beans done with the same spices only a bit of cumin. After washing the chicken breast, we seasoned it with Goya sazon, and adobo frying it in butter.

We all sat down, together at the table and started eating as we stared at one another in silence. Then the dog starts to whimper over to Ace trying to guilt her into giving him half her food. 

"Don't! He already ate, any more food he'll get fat!" I warned her, but she ignores me anyways and threw some of her food on the floor.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I growled but it made Ace chuckle so did Kat. The dog quickly gobbled up the food gifted to him by my annoying ass sister. Ace smirks eating the rest of food peacefully, the dog placed his head on her lap not whining or begging. Ace pets his head gently until a loud knock came from the door, no one knocks on our door not even for a cup of sugar or salt. All the humans in the buliding avoid making contact or cross paths with us. 

"Fuck," Kat knew who it was and so did I, Ace didn't care never did. The knocks continues and the dog growls.

"I know she's there and that she can hear me," The man's voice can be heard through the door. Still, we weren't going to open the door besides that fucker has a key. He opens the door and walks in and takes a breath in.

"Ugh smells like a shit hole country," He comments walking in he was out of place here in this neighborhood and he was dressed for his usual drop-ins the bastard.

"You mean the place you crawled out of then by all means preach," Kat replied we snickered as he walks into the kitchen with Ace's back turned she didn't look behind her. He was wearing his shades to keep us from reading them, he licked his lips when he spotted Ace.

"I'll let that go, since your Mother is so well liked by Max and my Dad," He comments I glared at him.

"If that man calls you his son then I'll call that a miracle from God almightly," Kat added and I filled my mouth with food.

"Even with your hispanic ass you should know us hybrids don't believe in any God. They have all abandon us." He stated and I couldn't argue with him there yet for some hybrids their life is more sustainable than ours.

For example, those who survive the camps are put to work, but most aren't capable of killing such as us, or have the skill level as mom to work under the private clinics that are owned by our captors. In this case, this son of bitch is a love child between the vampire, Gabriel Anderson who also is in charge of providing labors and assassins to his human clients. He had an affair with one of the mother's who he happen to fuck over his desk on a Wednesday. She was a succubus, the most talented in the consort business, somehow she got pregnant. Her power was most powerful during sex, she deteriorated men's health or mental state, or even caused their death.

The asshole who believes he has the right to look at our sister is named Kane H. Anderson. His father took him from his mother after she tried to kill him, reasons why succubus don't get pregnant. As any loving father can do, he killed his mother and had him raised by the hybrid slaves in a seperate household so his secret offspring experiment couldn't be stopped.

Gabriel made sure that his son knew that he held every hybrid's life in his hand that included Kane's. He placed his son to be handler to the top of the hybrids known as Saviors. That included us and like his old man and mother, he was taught to take his pick on the sons and daughters of the consorts who on some occasions went to the camps to seek the forbbin fruit which were us those who were raise to fight. Even as a boy Gabriel made his son watch the endless fights for survival between us and the others were placed against us. We killed our sparring partners knowing the fate that waited them. Their deaths were quick as we tried to make it as painless as possible.

We never knew why he took a sudden interest in Ace, probably before she was sold off she was weak, pettite and innocent just his fucking type.

"Aw my favorite mute," Kane comments when he reaches out to touch Ace's head. Kat always taped a dagger or switch blade under the table in case of unwanted visitors. She always dispise him for casually touching Ace. Kat waits till he was close enough to stab his palm pinning it to the table. 

"It's my fucking house, don't think you can casually walk in here. Unless you're looking to get killed," Kat declared slipping another knife under his chin gently jabbing the tip of the knife at the buldging vein under his skin. 

"Do that, you know what'll happen," Kane warns us but that made me laugh.

"We can take a punch better than your spoiled ass can," I reminded him gathering all the empty dishes to the sink stepping away from him.

"Not afraid of lossing a finger or two?" Kane wondered and I scoffed a laugh.

"Heh, it'd make the whole job difficult, wouldn't it? No one will want a crippled to do a crappy job. Your Pops will lose money and it'll be your fault, all the more he strings you up to use you as a punching bag." Kat comments knowing all the rumors were true anytime he makes a mistake.

Kane pays for it like all the hybrids probably worse since he's unable to escape his father's, money, beatings, and influence. His eyes wander and he takes the blade out of his hand, and looks to Ace, but she doesn't glance at him.

"Eventually she's going to leave this shithole apartment. I'll offer her a better life," He spat at Kat I was eyeing the bat that Kat left by the wall. 

"Aww you're gonna be waiting for centuries for that to happen. Hopefully our immortality doesn't clock out as the others. As long as we're together, you'll never have her," Kat declared not backing down, I walked up slowly towards the bat. 

"Hehe that won't be for long, once you two die in a ditch somewhere. She'll be all tied up in my bed like a present for me to open." Kane declared with a laugh.

I grabbed Kat's bat and hit him over the head with it he goes down completly on the floor unconscious. Ace gets up with her now empty bowl and spoon hops over Kane to put in the sink all the while the dog lifts his leg and pisses on Kane's brand new jacket. 

"Good boy," Kat hugs and kisses the dog's face. The three of us looked at one another.

"Who's taking out the trash?" I asked them Ace shrugs her shoulders not really caring what to do with him. 

"Not Ace she cooked so she's out on cleaning and taking this piece of shit out," Kat pointed out with a long groan taking plastic gloves from under the sink. 

Like all lazy people, they come ways to make cleaning easier it's a long way down to back alley to take out the trash.

  Right then, I thought looking at the kitchen's window is small. We collected the piece of shit from his feet and arms and stuck him through the window. Kat and I looked to where we moved the garbage dumbster near our window. We watched as Kane swan dived into the dumbster, hearing the echoing thud that sounded throughout our neighborhood.

We looked at the time and in three mintues, Ace places the dog in our room and locks it walking over to the couch sitting down waiting.

"Ace leave now so when they come, they'll only find us," I told her she shook her head, Kat finishs the dishes and walks over to the couch.

"I meant it, Ace. As long as we're together," Kat repeated then we can hear the bastards running up the stairs. I started to shake knowing what's gonna happen to each of us but we know this pain is better than the other alternative.

"Remember the lullaby, just remember it." Kat told us and we nodded then our front door was kicked down and the squad came in with guns pointed at us. 

We looked to them all, and I can recongize these kids from the camps. All the small gestures of kindness we've given to them erased and replaced with coldness. Our world knows nothing of kindness only strength and the willness to live another day. The three of us got up carefully not wanting to damage this apartment even more.

"Come with us, easy," They ordered and we nod just as we were about to leave the damn dog started to whimper and scratching at the door.

One of the idiots walked towards the room with his gun ready to kill it. Ace kicks him away from the door. Several of the idiots shot three times at her. Luckily, she dodges the first bullet, the second bulled grazed her face and third hits her shoulder blood splattered upon the wall. 

"You fucks!" I spat and grabbed the first guy close to me before he can reach for his rifle. I caught it and pulled it upwards to his chin then he goes down with the press of my finger. I avoided the three who shot fire at me and took then down with a single bullet. Kat runs to Ace she was bleeding but she was still breathing. Something was thrown through our window smoke fulled up the room. 

"FUCK!" I screamed as the gas made our eyes tears our noses burn struggling to breathe. I dropped the rifle walking towards my sisters. The gas started to make me wobble the whole room started to spin. Kat tried to reach for me then reforcements stromed the apartment.

I fall to my side, my body started to go numb, I can only move my eyes seeing them drag my sisters away. One of the assholes flipped me over with their foot and stomped down on my face. I can feel the blood from my nose stream down my chin and chest. They grabbed me by my legs dragging me out to the hall as well, I can see them going to the kitchen. I smelled gas hearing the dog whimper from inside our room, we were dragged down the stairs then a big explosion shined above us. Screams and cries were heard, but they threw us on the back of a van, tied our hands and feet with disposable restraints and gagged us with duck type. 

The van drove off all of us looked to the window seeing the black smoke in the sky. Ace thrusts herself around violently snarls through the gagged as she cried for the dog. Kat slides over to Ace placing her body onto hers, Ace stopped but was struggling to breathe. The van stops at a traffic light, I blew my nose clean from the blood and to breathe sliding over to Ace. I placed my head on her chest, patting her gently to start counting, we can see her mouth quiver.  We layed our heads against hers hearing her heart beating calmly again. The van drove for a couple of mintues when we stopped, the engine was turned off.  

We quickly sat up and waited for the bastard to open the doors, we heard the van's doors slam and saw the figures before the window. They opened the door only instead they stunned us with stun gun stick. 

"Hah! Look at them wiggle," One them laughed as the turned the volume of the bolts up. I screamed my legs and arms shook with no control. They stopped and grabbed the three of us dragging us towards the underground Grand central terminal on the abandoned track 61. Where time stood still collecting nothing but dust, and cobwebs.

They placed us on our knees, our bodies still shook from the electricity coursing through our bodies. Lady Marie and her husband Victor Hansen from old Europe.

"Now look Lyra's girls have grown into such disappointments." The woman spoke out dressed in a puffed shoulder blouse and loose high waisted pants with heels. Her husband was dressed in cropped trousers and blazers with shoes that shine even in the dark.

"Ugh this one is bleeding," Victor comments getting up and looking at the drips of blood coming from Ace. He takes a whiff of the blood and groans in disgust from the smell of hybrid's blood.

"You know when Hybrid species first came to view. We vampyrs were at our highest peek of roaming the earth villages and towns. Kingdoms feared the darkness as they should. Only daytime is still our greatest enemy and after the outbreak of the immortal trails of witches and werewolves and the beheading of vampires." He lectured about the great pure blood races. The hybrids are a bastardly race that brought shame to the immortal race and he ranted on and on how one of their own would even had the balls to conceive a child of such shame.

"Enough Victor none of these bastardly children are worthy of listening about the history of our great race." Lady Marie scolded her husband and walks overs holding her purse in hand. 

"Put this one in the pit, no food or water for three days, as for the other two, the eldest in the pool and for this beauty well I believe the hotspot will do nicely for her. And don't worry, children I give my regards to your mother." Marie started to chuckle and laugh when the men started to drag us away from one another. Kat grabbed my ankle, and claws out her duct tape.

"Remember the lullaby! Remember!"She gasped as they dragged her away. The man who was struggling to grab me pulled my hair hard. Ace swifts his feet under him and wraps her legs around his neck breaking it. Victor appeared and stabbed his hand into her wound.

"MGGH!" I screamed feeling her pain all too well. I watched as he lifts Ace up from the ground. 

"UGH! I got my hands dirty," Victor commented give throws her down on the ground. Looks to the others, foot soldier fresh outta the camps no more than thirteen or fifteen year olds who weren't brought out.

"Put the trash in the pit now." He orders them to, they collected Ace and hop down the tracks opening up the iron tracks where the train ran through way back then. They dug up the earth keep it wet to there was no use to climb out it became a grave for some forgotten souls. I can hear them throwing her down the pit, replacing the tracks over her. 

Marie wiped her husband's hands covered in Ace's blood. The men dragged me away from the platform. They were dragging me near the boiler rooms also known as the Hotspot. Many people roasted alive their only a few know where one can stay alive without your skin falling off your bones. They placed a firesuit on and their mask to place me in. The disposable band melted into my wrist and the duct tape became soft, my hand shook to reach my face, I quickly started to munch on the hot gooey tape then spitting it out as quickly as possible.

"Ah huhk!" I groan quickly crawling through the hot metal in the boiling room.

With no shoes on, my feet touched the hot metal and I whimpered from the pain, I lay in my spot as the heat started to overwhelm me again.

"I see the moon, the moon sees me!" I can hear Kat's voice echoing from the tracks.

"The moon sees somebody I wanna see!" I cried out the tears dried up quickly as I continued to crawl where it's safe.

"God bless the moon and God bless me," I can hear Kat's voice breaking where she's being kept, I can hear water running and heavy chains. They had another pit filled with water placing a chain net over the surface and nail it outside keeping her in the water breathing but trapped in water. Then I heard humming the next verse to the lullaby.

I crawled upwards in the corner where I'm safe, so my skin doesn't fall off. And I thought about something else like the stories about Mom's country, our culture's stories and the jewelry we were gifted to us as children. We know it's a bond to our bloodline tied to protect us against all harm and evil so far it works. What else can we rely on if there's no God or savior to come and save us from this hell. 

Maybe it's true about us, me and my sisters . . . we were never meant to be here. I thought falling asleep to the heat and my mind took me elsewhere in my memories. I was comforted by a warm bed and a man who was more than kind to me with his gentle touches and his children reminding me not all else is bad in the world. Just maybe I could have had a completely different life with them.

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