The Apprentice (A Percy Jacks...

By jungle321jungle

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Percy Jackson's luck has some how just got worse. After the war ends and many losses. Percy already feels ba... More

Chapter 1- Betrayed
Chapter 2- 1,000 Years Later
Chapter 3- An Entrance Worthy Of Drama Queen Himself
Chapter 4- Yes I'm Scared of the Hunters
Chapter 5- She's Not The Same
Chapter 6- A Prophecy
Chapter 7- Childish Immortals
Chapter 8- A Traitor
Chapter 9- Let's Have Some Fun
Chapter 10- I'm Outmatched
Chapter 12- The True Apprentice
Chapter 13- Yes, We Will Fit
Chapter 14- Give Back The Ice Cream
Chapter 15- Keep Her In The Dark
New Story!
Chapter 16- He Might Just Burn Your Hair Off
Knights Of Nine

Chapter 11- Identities

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By jungle321jungle

Chapter 11- Identities

Omega POV

"You bastard," I shout glaring at Destroyer who spins my hood in his hands. He smirks happily at my reaction.

"Your the weak demigod. Pretty sure you're the bastard by definition." I hear campers gasp while others simply ask who I am. It makes sense only the immortal campers/gods would remember me. I growl and switch my sword for my old one. The one I haven't used in over 1,000 years. I grab it tight before flying up and diving bombing him. He jumps up and blocks quickly with his sword and pushes me back. I land back on the ground since he can fly/jump too.

"Come on. I was playing before. Let's finish this," He says happily before coming forward. I side step and parry blocking his strike before going for his head. I land a hard kick to his chest which send him back a few feet. Though as he charges I hit my sword with my Chaos powers and go for his head. He blocks in time but flies back as a massive lighting bolt hits him. I quickly form a cage putting a lot of my Chaos powers into the cage. It's drains me but it needs to work. I glance up to see the rest of the Elite watching me those who wear hoods off shave shed them once again. I nod to the four I need and turn back to Destroyer watching as the cage then his surrounded by a fire and lighting cage.

"Thanks," I say looking over to the summoners of the lighting bolt. Maiden, Thunder and Alpha. They nod in reply. I hear a growl as Destroyer sits up in his cage.

"To weak to defeat me on your own? You need to rely on others. Sad. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk," He says shaking his head. "Even for Chaos' apprentice you still have much to learn. I would expect more from the host of Kronos."

(A/N anyone see that coming? >:) )

Annabeth POV

I stare at Omega- Luke as he glares daggers at Destroyer. Luke... All this time I thought he was Percy. I'm so stupid. I'm a daughter of Athena for gods sake! He is taller than Percy... But we were supposed to be a family. Why wouldn't he tell me? Instead he only seemed annoyed when he looks at me. Like I had done something to him.

"What do we do with him?" I ask bringing my thought back to the important matters at hand.

"He can be used for infomation," Luke says. "I will bring him back to the Void.-"

"You used to much power making that cage. You can bring him later," Zoe interjects. Luke opens his mouth to retort but is cut off by 14 flashes of light. The gods appear and Hermes rushes forward to grab his son in an hug. Luke stiffens and doesn't hug him back but, doesn't push him away either.

"Heartbreaking. Really. I understand I am a prisoner but, this is cramped," Destroyer huffs. Luke pulls away from his dad and looks at Destroyer. After a moment he waves his hand causing the cage to expand. Destroyer makes himself comfortable as soon as he does Luke waves again and the cage become smaller than before. Destroyer mutters a few swears but no one really cares.

"I knew you were going to do that," Alpha laughs pulling his hood down as he does.

"Perseus?" A voice behind me asks.

"Hi dad," He says with an eye roll. Zeus comes forward and examines his son. Zeus moves to hug him but Perseus shakes his head and steps back.

"After what you did to my little bro and sis? No way." He turns and walks over to Thalia and Jason and places arm around their shoulders. The two seem annoyed at the gesture but also seem happy he is standing up for them. Zeus stands open mouthed but says nothing else.

"Hey Forge, Beauty, Revenge!" Luke calls. "We made a deal!"

"You hood was taken off forcefully! That's not fair!" Revenge shouts.

"A deals a deal. But I can take yours of forcefully if you prefer."

"Fine," He says pulling off his hood. And I face Ethan Nakamura. Then Beauty and Forge take off theirs. Silena and Beckendorf. Aphrodite and Hephestus grab their children.

3rd Person POV

All happiness and rejoicing over the returned campers is cut off by the scream.

"AHHHHHHH!" All eyes turn to face the Apprentice of End who grips his head in pain in his small cage.

"What's wrong with him?" Athena asks. Omega opens his mouth to answer when Ares cuts him off.

"Doesn't matter I wanna see the punk's face." He walks forward and is about to reach his arm through the bars of the cage.

"I wouldn't-" Omega starts to warn.

"I'm not you!" Ares reaches an arm in and then gives a cry of pain before wrenching his arm out.

"The cage drains powers," Omega says smiling at a bit a the War God who is busy blowing on his arm as if it would help.

"What are you going to do with him?" Zeus asks.

"I'll bring him to the Void-"

"Once he is at full strength again," Huntress interjects. Omega rolls his eyes and looks back to Destroyer who slumps over in his cage. Omega snaps once and he is released.

"Why would you do that?!" A bunch of voices yell.

"Relax. Anymore of that would kill him. He is too weak do to anything but speak and move little." As if on cue Destroyer stirs and a groan is heard.

"Ow. My head hurts," He says in a voice very much unlike his own. He lifts his head barely to see everyone else. "Luke? How are you alive? What are you wearing? Wait-Leo?" As he speaks he slowly sits up but collapses of the effort. "Oww." He groans. And moves slightly so he can see everyone.

"What happened?" He questions.

"You tried to kill me. And take over camp," Luke says.

"That was a year ago and your alive. And why would I harm camp?" He holds his questions off waiting for answers and everyone looks to each other. Omega walks forward and points his old sword Backbiter at Destroyers throat.

"Take off your hood Destroyer," He commands.

"Woah. Woah. Luke calm down. Wait Destroyer? What kind of name is that? As for the hood? It's really annoying me and I can't move my arms." Omega doesn't move his sword but reaches down and wrenches off Destroyer hood. All gasp at the sight of his face. More specifically his...






I survived the first day of school! Anyway....

So you all probs want to kill me...

So I'm just gonna...


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