Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Versi...

By xthatIDIOTx

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Lying gets you in bad places. Its when the bad girl starts lying to the bad boy that it gets complicated. T... More

don't lie to me
chapter zero
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter nine + ten = twenty one
chapter twenty two
A Taste Of Baby - Rewrite
my other books
a hundred thousand reads?

chapter seventeen

1.8K 33 0
By xthatIDIOTx


After school was a little tougher than usual when I tired my best to help Brady get out of this stampede of sweaty teenagers. No one was listen as much as they should to stop running into me, which was getting on my nerves, making Brady laugh at my frustration.

It was like I was invisible to everyone, even though I saw them glancing at me with disapproval to what I was saying.

Soon I just gave up, stopping right in the middle of the hall and taking a seat with Brady standing next to me. He was smiling at me having puffed cheeks and a pouted lip in defeat, holding my face in my hands.

This was useless.

I turned my head around at the sound of a walrus laughing as she walked away, giving me a glance quickly. Martin holding Alex's disgusting hand in his the whole time. I gagged at them looking like the prefect couple, when in reality they had more flaws than the hover board, the one with wheels on each side. Having set themselves on fire randomly.

I can't wait for them to be burnt someday.

"What are you doing sitting on the ground?" Cole asked, his voice booming in the hall, startling me.

I looked at up to see him and Brady both having smirks on their faces. Cole then faced Brady who gave him a nod.

In seconds I was thrown over Cole's shoulder, screaming as I bashed my small fists into his stone hard back. The boys only laughing as they started walking.

"Let me go!" I shout, people watching me with shakes of their heads.

I later gave up, seeing no point when he continued holding me over his shoulder as he was too focused talking to Brady. My words going straight through one ear and out the other in an matter of seconds.

I was falling over Cole's shoulder limply as I hung there, people walking pass probably thinking I was a corps.

If I wasn't so small or weak, I would try my best to take him down in minutes. Yet, who was I kidding I couldn't kill anything more than a fly buzzing around my head, annoying the crap out of me.

Right now, Cole was reflecting a fly at this moment.

"Can you put me down, I'm feeling light headed," I state softly, but loud enough to be heard by the two boys laughing their heads off at some joke one of them told.

"You can last another metre or two." I groaned at Cole's statement, frustrated.

"Aw, cheer up baby, its for our best interest that we don't doodle," Brady said, falling behind a few steps so I could look at him with an obvious glare, brushing my hair out of my face. He was grinning at me with that same smile he always wore.

"Meanie," I mouth with a poke of my tongue, only causing him to chuckle before taking a bigger step to fall in toe with Cole once more.

Soon getting to a familiar white Lamborghini, I was finally placed on my feet again, feeling a little dizzy at the sudden angle change. I held my head to try and stop it, yet it was failing.

"I'll catch up to you two at the mall." Cole started saying, waving at us, walking away to hop in his 4x4 further away.

I waved just when I heard Brady unlock his car before quickly hopping in. I then followed, frowning at the sight of him in the drivers seat.

"You shouldn't be driving," I observe, staring at his current state of being busted up.

He looked to me with those amber eyes of his I can't seem to ever forget just how bright they always are. He was smiling, amused by my question, or he catch me gazing at him weirdly, I don't really know.

"I use my other leg silly," he smiled wider, so adorably I couldn't help but reflect him.

"Okay then," I whisper, lowering my head in embarrassment before looking out the window watching everyone leave the hell hole, also known as school.

Brady soon started driving out of the parking lot, only to be met with Cole next to us in his red 4x4, revving his engine, beaconing for a race. Brady then revved his engine, more sportier and louder than Cole's car. Kind of a crowd pleaser sound erupting from the engine.

I looked to Brady, hoping he wasn't actually going to race Cole to the mall. Yet, his determined expression and landside smile said otherwise. His hands tightening around the black fabric of the steering wheel. Stretching his arms a little as he bent them upwards, creating a small point at his elbows as he was double jointed. His arms looking broken like that.

"You got your seatbelt on, right?" He asked, not bothering to glance at me as he continued waiting for a break in the traffic in front of us.

I look down, noticing I forgot to when hopping in. I quickly put it on. "Now I do."

"Good, cause this thing skids around a lot, barely any friction to the road," Brady informed, stepping his foot on the gas petal, the back wheels sliding on the road sure to leave tire marks, just proving his point. We were soon speeding off onto the street, Cole just behind.

The sound of other cars beeping their horns were heard, sure to be aimed at us reckless drivers.

I held tightly to the door next to me, as if it was the only thing going to save my life. My heart thumping in my chest, feeling my bleed rushing in my veins with adrenaline mixing in it. I couldn't help but breath deeply, fearing his was going to crash every time his turned to drive in the next lane in front of another car.

I wanted to scream at every close encounter with death, every time Brady stepping on the break a little earlier than usual to prevent crashing, then turning into the next lane over.

A zooming horn was sounded beside us as I got curious I looked seeing Cole speed pass happily in a few lanes over. I guess Brady saw as well when I heard him curse under his breath. Seconds later he sped off faster, pushing on the gas harshly.

He was actually driving as if he was an expert, his eyes twitching around to see a clear route before turning the wheel in a matter of seconds. Quick smooth movements.

What made everything a little cuter was him biting the side of his lip that didn't have stitches. He was in so much concentration that it seemed like it was a comfort zone at this stage. I could only imagine what he's feeling.

We got to a red light, but Brady nor Cole didn't stop as they raced right down, cars in the other direction having to skid to a sudden stop, beeping their horns.

I was holding on for dear life at this point, loving every minute, but hating how terrified I become.

With only a few metres till we got to the mall, Brady decided to take a quick detour straight down a street with a drive way into the park. He slowed down before speeding up again once in the parking lot, quickly snatching a park. Sighing deeply as he turned the ignition off with a switch if the keys. He fell back into his seat, letting the rest of his nerves flatter.

He grabbed my hand, moving it up to his lips, kissing the back of it as he closed his eyes and then mumbled, "thought we were going to die."

"Your reckless driving would be better than Cole's skills," I laugh, now letting the adrenaline show through as I held it in previously. It was tingling my skin, sending my hair on edge.

He chuckled, looking at me smiling, "of course it was, its the only thing I will actually get out of bed for and practice every turn and skid."

"Come on, we better get to the entrance to boast about winning," he smiled, kissing the back of my hand again before letting it go and getting out. I followed soon after, closing the door as he grabbed his crutch from the back, closing his door soon after, locking it.

We then begin walking to the entrance only to find Cole happily leaning against the glass window with a pleased grin upon his lips. I was just surprise the window didn't crack with his weight resting on it.

"We won, don't try saying we didn't because we did. Anyway you ran here, Baby and I having to walk," Brady said, stopping Cole from saying anything.

"Brady, Brady, Brady," he tsked with a shake of his head in disappointment. "We all know the clear winner here, its me."

"In your dreams Gibbons," Brady scoffed, walking through the sliding doors. I caught up, holding his hand like a lost puppy. He smiled down at me with a slight nod.

"Oh you poor boy," Cole exclaimed. "Someone has to break it to you mate, you are the clear loser in my eyes."

"Yeah, your eyes, not mine or Baby's," Brady rolled his eyes, smirking with joy.

"Baby, who actually one, and don't choose favourites?" Cole scowled, making us three halt to a stop. The two boys watching me intensely as I felt me neck fum with heat at their staring.

I scratched my arm while looking to the ground at my feet, twisting the tip of my shoe around.

"Ah, um. . . I'm not answering, you said I couldn't pick favourites," I look to Cole with furrowed brows.

Brady smiling in glee while Cole gapped.

"She implied it, it counts," Brady boasted happily to Cole's astonished state.

"Let's leave poor Cole here to question life existence as we go get your mother a gift," Brady said in a cheery tone. I nodded as I grabbed his hand again, walking away from Cole.

"Baby, I thought we were friends, bestest of friends!" Cole yelled after a while, making Brady and I laugh.

"We are!" Except I like Brady more, I thought to myself at the sudden realization I was falling.

That's good? Right? Because if so, I don't want to be the only one doing so.


I stared at a pair of rose gold pearl earrings through the glass, questioning myself if I should buy it or not. They were pretty I can tell you that, but I wasn't quite sure my mother would like them.

"You should get them," Brady whispered as he stared as well. "They would suit her quite well."

"I don't know," I drawled out, biting my lip in thought.

"Oh come on, you look similar to her, I'm sure if you wore them they'll make your eyes beam brighter than usual," he spoke truthfully, giving me a glance as a smile sat on his lips. Embarrassment sat on me as it farted down heat on me, causing me to blush slightly.

"Okay, now I'm defiantly not getting them," I said, walking elsewhere in the jewelry shop.

Brady chuckling behind me, "suit yourself."

"Hey, what about this?" Cole asked, combing his hair with an old fashioned hair clip you would stick in your hair after twisting it multiple times.

I snorted at him, "I don't think she'll wear it, she's always busy."

"With what?" He frowned.

"I don't really know, she's barely around long enough for me to ask," I shrug, not really minding she was always busy. She seemed to enjoy what she was doing, which was all I could hope for.

"Oh, okay."

I look down into the glass below my now, finding a beautiful small dolphin necklace. I stared at it in awe to how pretty it looked. The lights inside the case making it seem as if it were glowing, seeing the label clear as day as it read last in stock.

My mother had a thing for dolphins when she was little as she told me when I was younger. They way her eyes light up every time she got to time me her past.

"Hey, excuse me, I'd like to buy this necklace," a lady called for assistance. I looked up at her next to me, smiling tightly before leaving her to buy the only necklace in the glass case.

"Hey, I saw you looking at it, go ask if you can buy it instead," Brady instructed, pointing behind me at the lady.

"No, its fine, I can find something else," I say, smiling limply, a bit destroyed I couldn't get it myself. I hope the lady enjoys the look on the persons face when she gives it to them, just as much as I would giving it to my mother.

"Baby," he scowled.

"I said its fine, promise."

"Alright then," he said, frowning in concern as he watched me look elsewhere.

I smile lightly at him before continuing on our little quest to find a gift.

Eventually, I gave up telling the guys to migrate to another store. They agreed with small bombed looks on their faces.

This was taking longer than expected, its now eight forty six at night and I was getting extremely tired walking around.

"I want to stop," I said flatly, coming to a sudden stop. Both boys turned to me with sad frowns.

"Baby, we'll find something. We've only looked at like fifty four shops, they're hundreds more," Brady smiled lightly. I watched him, shrugging at my unsureness.

Cole and Brady then looked up away from me before in a flash their focus was back.

"What's wrong this one?" Chase's voice spoke, making me jump to the side with a thumping heart.

I looked at him staring at the boys, pointing my way.

"Can't find a gift for her mother?" Brady informed for me.

"Oh you should of came to me, would of got something from my mother's fashion line," Chase smiled at all of us.

"Who's your mother?" Brady asking him, curiously.

"Ah, Ana Wizé?" He questioned himself as well. "Why?"

"Okay I trust him, my mother buys so many things from her fashion line," Brady smiled goofily at his mother as he thought, shaking his head.

"Okay then, you guys can relax until. . ."

"Sunday," I answer.

"Until Sunday, and I will have a gift for you, I'll even get mum to help," Chase smiled at the three of us.

"Oh you don't have to do that," I state, shaking my hands in front of me. "That's too much trouble for you."

And it was, I could never ask him for help. It would put to much trouble on to his hands. I'm sure he's busy playing video games in his big room the size of a ball room.

"Its fine Baby, I was just grabbing a few things for her anyway. I'm sure she'll be glad to help," Chase reasoned, sticking his hands into his shorts, shrugging.

"Trust him, we've been here for ages, let him help," Cole finally said after no words leaving his mouth in a while.

I swiveled my head around, trying to decided if I should let him or not. I mean, he was offering, and his mother does have the most gorgeous fashion line I've ever seen. I couldn't even compare hers to fashion Nova, or Victoria's Secret. That's just how prefect it was.

I looked to Chase with a blank expression. "Okay."

The three guys I sadly call friends all smiled brightly at my decision, as if I was the milestone for world war III to be announced in a matter of hours if I said no.

"Alright, I see what I can get," Chase smiled, squeezing my shoulder with a toothy smile before walking off.

"And I can get you home," Brady said, his eyes following Chase as he left.

I frowned at him, a tilt of my head as I watched him curiously.

instagram - xthatIDIOTx
pinterest - xthatIDIOTx


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