Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Versi...

By xthatIDIOTx

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Lying gets you in bad places. Its when the bad girl starts lying to the bad boy that it gets complicated. T... More

don't lie to me
chapter zero
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter nine + ten = twenty one
chapter twenty two
A Taste Of Baby - Rewrite
my other books
a hundred thousand reads?

chapter fifteen

2.2K 42 11
By xthatIDIOTx


Racing up to an old rundown building, Daniel and Maddy right at my heels, as we made our way to the back, guns in our hands.

I'm still questioning how dad even convinced me on doing this mission. Why couldn't he just get one of his other loyal men to do it? Or Bucky? Bucky would be a better choice them me actually.

I got pushed back against a wall, grunting as I look at Daniel in the dark.

"You're such a deaf cunt," he scowled in a hush whisper.

I frowned before listening closely to my surroundings, now hearing voices of laughter.


"You lead then," I tell him, frowning.

"What? No. You're the gang leader's son, you're leading," he said back, poking my chest with his finger. Just because I'm his son, I thought dully. What happens if I wasn't? Would you lead then?

I narrowed my eyes at him before looking at Maddy in the dim light.

"Maddy you lead, you're smaller, people won't see you as quickly as Daniel and I," I said.

"Oh, look who's leading now, Mr I-don't-want-to-lead," she scoffed, walking to stand in front of me nonetheless, looking around the corner of the building.

"Clear," she whispered, running off. Us boys following her to the back entrance, keeping low to the ground.

All of this was just bringing nerves to my stomach, knowing we were in a different gangs territory. That is a big offense, we're on a suicide mission right now, we honestly could get killed out here.

There should be laws in the gang world about not letting teenagers do an adults job such as this.

I scowled in my throat, as we walked inside to an even darker room than outside. We soon caught sight of a small flickering light ahead of us as it came closer by the second.

"Wait there!" A masculine voice shouted to someone. Because it was so dark I didn't notice Daniel running up to him and slitting the guys throat in a matter of seconds, the candle he was holding, falling to the ground.

This is not going to end well.

"I guess he was going to turn the power back on if they yelled at him to do so, and because of that candle he held," Maddy observed quickly.

"Then what are you waiting for, turn the power on," I scowled, looking beside me in the direction.

"Yes, sir," she replied sarcastically.

I then heard ruffling noises in front of me, making me furrow my eyebrows as I look before me.

Seconds later Maddy had switched the power on, the lights flickering before they held their maximum brightness. I was then introduced to Daniel dragging the guy to the other side of the room, blood twinkling down the guys neck to his clothes, covering Daniel's arm in the process.

"You didn't have to kill him, you know. It would of been fine if you knocked him out," I said sternly, shooting daggers at him as he dumped the body behind some boxes.

"What's in the boxes?" I ask quickly, pointing at them near him.

Daniel looked inside, sticking his arm in, retrieving a piece of paper that he began reading. "An order from. . . Russia? I actually don't know, I can't read Russian," he said, looking at me with confusion.

"Then what use are you then," I deadpan.

He shrugged.

"You boys are terrible, shut up and let's go, Aaron is waiting," Maddy scowled, walking pass me as she made her way over to the doorway the guy walked through.

My dad said that someone was threatening us so he shipped us here to find out, knowing we don't work with other gangs for specific reasons. But we do know other gangs around town are in alliances, working together to take down others, such as ours if the rumours are true.

Daniel and I followed Maddy like puppies, walking into the next room which turned out to be a hallway, cupboards before us as above it were staircases. We walk ourselves up the stairs as quietly as possible, our guns at the ready for anything unexpected.

We get to the top of the stairs which was yet another hallway. We listened to where to voices belonged, coming out of the room loud and clear. They were discussing something as they made fun of whatever they were saying.

Maddy then stopped, looking into the closest room before looking to us with a shake of her head, confirming it was empty. We then continued on to the next until we got to the second last one. The door was closed but chatter was evident inside.

Maddy and Daniel standing on each side of the door, leaving me to kick the door down myself. I rolled my eyes before doing so, almost tripping but caught my balance.

When I looked up, no one was inside but a recorder placed upon the table in the middle of the room.

I turned to Maddy and Daniel now entering, confusion on each of our faces.

"Its a trap," Daniel concluded.

"Oh no shit Sherlock!" Maddy and I shouted to him. He placed his hands up, gun in one hand, mock surrender.

"These guys are smarter than they appear," I mutter to myself as I look around for any clues. I stared around seeing dust, glasses half filled with whiskey.

I walked up, dipping my finger into a glass before sucking on it. "Its fresh," I state.

"So they haven't left very long," Maddy said.

I continued looking down before an idea flashed in my head as I shot my head up at them. I smirked when they watched me.

"Come," I state, racing out and back downstairs.

"Brady, wait!" Maddy shouted, her footsteps close behind.

I entered the room with the boxes, except I didn't expect for ten guys to hold guns in my direction. Are they really this dumb?

On second thought, they're actually smart, I was just going to look at the dead guys foot prints in the dust and follow them to the others he was talking to. Now, seeing as they came to us, I have no plan on getting out of this predicament.

Maddy and Daniel soon bumped into me as they came to a sudden stop. I stepped forward in momentum for being bumped into, the guys in front of me readying their weapons on me, and only on me.

Why am I always in the spotlight?

"Eh em, we're just leaving," I cough, beginning to walk to the exit but jumped back when one of the guys shot their gun into the wall, really close to me by the way.

"I think not," the leader walked in, making a big entrance as he smirked. My dad's brother.

"Hi, nice seeing you," I blurt, my mouth never shutting up in stressful situations.

Uncle Derrick just laughed.

"Nice seeing you too Brady," he smiled, yet no amusement was evident on his face.

Why didn't I see this coming?


Bright lights switched on in my eyes, blinding me for a few seconds as I lift my arm up to block it. Unfortunately, I was tied down.

This took a drastic turn.

"I see Aaron trust's you more than I thought," Uncle spoke somewhere in the dark room.

"Apparently yes," I said, lifting my head to get the light out of my face.

A sudden slap was on my cheek, echoing in the room. I winced in pain, groaning in agony that it actually hurt so much it started to sting uncontrollably.

"Do you know why he sent you here?" He asked, sounding further away now.

I heard muffled voices, frantic and scared as if to tell me it was a bad idea. I agreed with them, certain they were Maddy's and Daniel's from behind me.

"How should I know?" I growled in anger. "I'm barely around to even know. Plus he never tells me anything, so what's the point?"

I was lying, yet it was also the truth. I did know why dad sent me here, but I'm also never around to know much than what he tells me before I go do it.

I was punched harshly at full force in my face, blood dripping down my lip. I pulled at the straps around my wrists, trying to break free. Yet, I wasn't able to.

My uncle laughed. I was thought he was crazy, I guess now proves that theory.

"Brady, duck!" Maddy yelled suddenly in a rush, fear evident in her tone. But it was too late before I got slammed in the back of the head with something hard.

I yelled profanities as I leaned forward from the force of it. My head was now throbbing in pain, beaconing to faint and wait it out. I wasn't going to surrender that low.

"Fuck you Derrick, I see why dad kicked your sorry ass out!" I yelled, my eyes still closed, barely handling the pain.

I was soon handled by the throat to sit up straight, chocking at the force inflicted.

"Your father is a disgrace to this family," he growled in my face, my eyes open only to slits.

My uncle looked very similar to my father, his hair dark, as well as his eyes, yet he was older by nine years, having wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. I could easily see the resemblance between them, like me and Bucky, expect Bucky was only five years older.

"Your Grandparents always told us to stick together and nothing will go wrong. I guess it didn't last long when your mother came into view," he spat, pushing my head back as he walked away.

"My mother has nothing to do with this," I called back, my chin on my shoulder as I try to look behind me. Everything was too dark to see an outline of anything.

I then heard feminine struggles from behind me before Maddy was thrown next to me on the concrete.

"You fucking idiot," she sneered at me with anger as she made effort to get up. But got pushed down when Derrick came by, pressing his foot down on her stomach with all he had.

She wrapped her hands desperately around his ankle, trying desperately to get his foot off her. Grunting with everything she had still. Anger in her eyes as she looked up at him staring down at her.

He started kicking her harshly, making her scream in pain. I fought to get out of this chair, pulling at the straps wrapped around my wrists.

"Stop! You're hurting her you fucking dick!" I shout in fury, wishing so bad to strangle him with my own hands.

There were loud grunts of protest behind me which I assumed was Daniel.

My uncle only smiled wickedly before picking her up by her dark hair, throwing her yet again into the dark where I couldn't see her. I could only her her shouts and cries now.

I then watched my uncle stare at me with a devils smile locked on his lips, pointing his gun that he was holing into the abyss.

Maddy was screaming louder as she could see what was happening. I swallowed the lump in my throat, not bearing to know what he was going to do next.

"Brady," Maddy whispered, yet it sounded force, almost like she didn't want to say it, like someone was telling her to. I wasn't going to take my chances and believe it, this was life threatening.

"Yeah Maddy?" I ask, my voice strained to even say anything. I took a quick chance to look into the darkness before glaring my uncle yet again. And all because we weren't going to tell him why we were here. This is dedication my dad better be proud of.

"Don't tell him," she paused, hissing. "Don't say anything."

I watched my uncle smile wider as he watched me, keeping the barrel of his gun pointed into the darkness.

No part of what she said contained a swear word. She always swears when in anger, or in stressful situations such as this. The swearing most focused at me when I'm around.

I became curious.

"Fine, shoot her, I don't care, she's worthless," I said carelessly, sitting back with a small smile, hoping I wasn't messing up.

"Brady yo--" Maddy was cut off, soon mumbling inaudible words, as if someone held their hand over her mouth.

"You are very smart Brady," my uncle congratulated me. I only looked away not caring.

"Now tell me why Aaron sent you here," he said stalking my way, retrieving a small knife from his belt, throwing his gun down to his feet.

"Why should I say?" I said once he was slapping reach.

He started pressing the knife into my leg, digging it deep inside as I hissed in pain. It was intolerable at this point. My head fell back at the amount of pain it was inflecting.

"Fine!" I yelled, relief coming to me slightly as he retracted the knife from my leg.

I then said what my dad told me to do. I hated every minute of it as I let words fly out of my mouth.

My uncle laughed, "you're wasting your time. I'm not the one trying to take your families gang down. That's too cold. Even for me."

I glared him, the feeling of blood falling down my leg in my thoughts. "Cold? Yeah right."

"Believe what you want child, but no matter what, I'm telling the truth."


As unlikely as it may be, my uncle let us go, only to tell my father what he got me to rehearse, like any sibling would.

Daniel helped me walk into the gang house close to the outside of town as he was less hurt than I was. Maddy having to hobble along behind us, grunting profanities with every step.

"I can see your dad announcing that all young members shall train overtime," Maddy said sarcastically behind me.

"Great, that means I'll be coming here more offend than usual," I mutter dully.

"Why don't you ever come?" Maddy questioned curiously. "Other than the obvious; you laziness."

"Being looked at by hundreds of members, being expected to do great like my father and Bucky, is a little more stress and effort I don't look forward to," I reply as Daniel pushed the door open. Everyone inside looked at us as we walk through in sympathy to our failure. It wasn't really a complete failure as Derrick said he wasn't behind what was going on.

But I didn't trust his words either.

My dad than come rushing in after probably being told by the secretary that keeps everything from havoc. He stared at me disapprovingly.

"You are a disgrace to this family, and a disgrace to our parents hard work. You don't have a soft bone anywhere in that fucking body of yours! No wonder dad sits in retirement grumbling your failures under his breath every second!" I shout, people gasping in shock, thinking it was my words not my uncles. "Sincerely, your brother Derrick."

My dad was ready to slap me one for my words but restrained himself when it was his older brother who said it, not me.

He sighed deeply. "I'm sorry son," he apologized as my face remained in fury to his wishes.

"Yeah, whatever, next time get someone else to do your dirty business. Not me," I spat.

"Someone please help Maddy!" I shouted, stepping out of Daniel's hold, hobbling my way to the nurse in anger, now just thinking my father just sees me as an obedient dog. Look where it got me! Beaten up, and he knew I'm uncodified for field jobs because of my commitment.

Most likely trying to prove to himself I'm doing fine in this gang.

Pain surged in my leg when I got to the gangs nurse's room, walking in and sitting on the bed. Soon Maddy was brought in by some guys, and placed on the bed next to me.

The guys left, leaving Maddy and I in here alone as I grumbled under my breath.

"Don't beat yourself up Brady, we all stuffed up," Maddy assured me.

I gave her a small smile as I looked at her lay there.

"I'm the bigger stuff up thought."

"Brady, you have less training than Daniel or me, and yet you were telling us what to do," she said. "You're not a stuff up if you were leading when you told us to instead. You still managed to do a good job, not great or prefect for your fathers eyes, but good enough to keep us alive."

I only nod in thanks, not knowing what else to say.

She smiled back before resting her head on the pillow.

instagram - xthatIDIOTx
pinterest - xthatIDIOTx


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