Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Versi...

By xthatIDIOTx

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Lying gets you in bad places. Its when the bad girl starts lying to the bad boy that it gets complicated. T... More

don't lie to me
chapter zero
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter nine + ten = twenty one
chapter twenty two
A Taste Of Baby - Rewrite
my other books
a hundred thousand reads?

chapter ten

3.6K 49 6
By xthatIDIOTx


"Get down!" Brady rushed, pulling me down with him to the ground behind a dumpster by my head. My heart was pounding in my chest that a doctor wouldn't need a stethoscope to hear it.

"You said we wouldn't get caught," I whisper to him in the dark, my brown eyes narrowed in his direction.

I could just see him look my way in wariness to what was going on. "Well I usually don't do this with someone that's like you, gawking at everything."

I huffed in offense. It wasn't my fault the girl had nice things in her locker, expensive things that I could only dream of.

"Sorry," I state, pecking the corner of his lips.

"Its fine, just stay quiet," he whispered back but it was too late when the police flashed their torches at us. This is just great, mums going to slash my throat after this one, thinking I turned out good after dad left.

Maddy better not say 'I told you so,' at my funeral.

"Before you question where we were previously, we were at a restaurant and thought we were being followed when walking home. I'm graceful that your presence was here to spook them off," Brady sucked up, getting up and pulling me along. A fake smile upon his lips as he rested his arm over my shoulders, walking pass the police officers like no big deal.

But our victory of being scot free didn't last long when the leader pulled on Brady's jacket, making us both stumble back. Brady cursed under his breath while I was ready to faint.

"Its really nice to see you two knuckleheads have met," Office Johnson said monotoned. He was the only officer that I knew like an uncle, and it was horrible.

"I was really hoping you didn't recognize me with foundation on," I said, turning to face officer Johnson and his torch.

"Baby Anniston and Brady Collary meet my officer in training, he'll be taking you both in tonight," he said, his old eyes moving from Brady to me.

"Hi," I waved at the other guy in his rookie uniform of navy blue while professionals wore light baby blue uniforms.

He gave me a curt nod.

"Can you take us in because then mum won't go as harsh on me," I plea, stepping out of Brady's hold to place my hands under my chin as I pout.

Brady coughed, "maybe squeeze me into that too."

Officer Johnson watched me and Brady for a while in thought before giving us a dreaded answer, "no."

He was practically amused by all this which made me groan even more.

Soon Brady asked a question that was in the back of my head but I didn't know how to bring into this.

"How do you know the both of us?" I nodded in agreement.

Officer Johnson smiled, pointing at me first, "this one was the cause of vandalizing my house last year."

I snorted at the memory, "you have to admit it was a wonderful birthday sur--" I zipped my lips at his annoyed expression knowing he didn't want my excuses. I tried to explain to him that who wouldn't want a graffiti picture of themselves on their garage door, but he still disliked that analogy.

"That was her, pft, I laughed when hearing about that," Brady chuckled, almost sounding like he wanted to break out in a laughing fit.

"Yeah, whatever, you sir did far worse burning down that old rundown building in Lock street."

I looked at Brady in the torches light seeing his expression flatter, his skin paler than usual. I thought whoever did that was a dumbass, I guess I know now.

"That was accidental," he blurted.

"Sure, hurry up and get your asses in the car, this is going to take awhile with the two of you. Especially with your offense," Officer Johnson stated, pushing us forward, down the alley.

I grumbled, already seeing mums annoyed, disappointed look as she walks into the interrogation room.

This is going to be a good night.



I squealed a little too loudly when running up to Brady and jumping at his back, wrapping my legs around his waist. He was currently putting books in his locker.

With my attention being more in Brady's boring looking locker, I could still feel stares of narrowed confused eyes on my back. I was too embarrassed to even look as I've never squealed like that at school. It must be a weird sight to most. It was defiantly a weird feeling.

"Hello there," Brady chuckled, resting his head against mine on his shoulder.

"Hi," I state, pecking his neck, knowing that was one of his rules when greeting him.

"Ready for another useless day?" He questioned, shutting his locker as he began walking to the classroom we usually sit in. I remained on his back like a baby monkey to it's mother.

"No. What else could I do, drench the teachers classroom in pepper?"

"Sounds fun but miserable when you have class in there, you would be sneezing for months."

"Exactly," I huffed.

We fall into silence until getting to the classroom. I jumped off of Brady's back, racing my way to sit next to Maddy on the desktops. She was having a glare locked on Brady as he walked over to Cole.

"Maddy?" I waved my hand in her face, yet she kept her glares on. I then pulled on a strain of her brown her roughly, which caught her attention as she moved her focus to me.

"Hey, what's up?" She smiled, yet it was forced. I ignored it.

"Nothing," I pout, looking down at my hands in my lap.

My face got pulled up to look at her as she examined me with frown eyebrows, sticking her fingers in my mouth, opening my eyelids wider than usual.

"You found anything yet," I state, bored as I watch her.

She finally looked to me, now realizing I was her friend, taking her hands away from me as she wiped them on her jean skirt.

"Yep," she smiled, yet I didn't fully believe her.

"Okay," I drawl out, "you can help me."

"With what?"

"English," I state stupidly, grabbing my book out.

"Didn't you do it on the weekend?"

I smile innocently, "I was busy tending to my loneliness."

Not really, I was tending to my unreasonable punishments of disobeying, but she doesn't need to know that.

She gave me a stern look, questioning if I was lying or not. I defiantly was lying straight through my teeth. But really I was avoiding the subject.

"Okay then," she caved. I smiled passing her my book so she could look through it.

Once we came close to finishing the homework, which was just work I didn't finish in class, the bell rung loudly. Maddy passing my book back as she was writing whatever I said to answer a question she asked.

I placed my book in my bag, as well as my pencil, then swinging it over my shoulder.

"Catch you guys at lunch," I said watching them walk out of the classroom while I stayed behind. Brady stopped by the threshold, giving me a concerned look.

"What?" I question.

"You gonna go to class, hide in the library or ditch?" He asked.

"I have class here," I state with a little nod.

He laughed softly, "no you don't."

I laughed when he walked over and started dragging me out by a hold of my hand.

When we got outside the room Brady accidentally ran into someone who squealed like a pig, I mean in surprise. But that wasn't until profanities were thrown at me, not Brady, me. Like seriously me!

How rude.

"Watch it you little hoe!" That voice has been imprinted in my head since the day I've met her. Ever since, that voice is the cause of my bad dreams of being plastic walking among actual human beings.

"Speak for yourself, you were walking in an open hallway. You had more of a change of moving out of the way," I told her, Alex that is as she got up off the ground.

"Why is it I'm always walking in your path?" She asked, looking me up and down with a glare.

"Stop walking in my shadow and maybe you'll find the answer," I reply casually.

It was a gentle reply that made her interpret the complete opposite when pulling at my hair like a wuss.

Is she serious right now?

I guess so.

I grab her hand, digging my nails deep into her skin with one hand, using my other to grab the one going to scratch my eyes out. Her nails manicured with acrylic.

"Dude, stop!" I tell her as calmly as possible, suddenly she started crying. I frowned at her in confusion wondering why she was crying tears of nothing.

"She's hurting me!" She cried out, looking behind me in plea for help.

I look behind to see what she was staring at, seeing it was a teacher I let go of Alex in a flash, stepping back. "She's lying," I tell the old man coming to a halt.

He stared at the three of us then commanding us to get our asses to the principal to discuss the issue more. I groaned, letting my head drop. Brady right beside me as he held my hand, Alex shooting daggers at the both of us. I only scoff her way, giving her the cold shoulder.

She never was this far up my ass before Brady was in the picture, if I didn't know any better, Brady was on the top of her fuck list. Which made me want to shove her head into a volcano, hoping to melt her botox face off and reveal the devil that she was.

We got to the principals office, the thirty year old lady dressed nicely. Her face was morphed into annoyance as she watched us walk in and sit down, Brady in the middle of Alex and I. In my defensive, it was a wise decision.

"Give me a good enough reason as to why you're wasting class time in my office?" Miss Cantrell asked, her tone having no evidence that she even cared.

When I went to say something, Alex started shooting out words lathered in lies, none of which had a hint of truth in them. I stared at her lips blabbering around none sense, it was more dramatic than what happened.

". . . then she bit me," she whined, another round of tears falling from her eyes, finishing her side off.

"Are you stupid? That never happened, it might have in your head, but it never happened," I spat at her. Poor Brady sitting in the middle if it, literally.

"Than what was it like miss Anniston," Miss Cantrell asked, looking at me with her brown eyes. She was anticipation to announce I was suspended, because I swear she's after me.

"She pulled my hair just because she ran into Brady here, after that I said some words after she did. Next thing I know she's attacking me with them talons of hers," I state, telling the truth straight through the core, no detour was made. Except miss Cantrell thought otherwise as she stared at me, still annoyed.

"Brady," she sighed, rubbing her temples to release stress. "You can leave while I speak to these two."

I gaped at her, what the fuck?

I mean, good for him, he's off the hook, but what about me?!

"Baby is telling the truth, that devil is lying," Brady stood up, pointing at Alex smirking up at him innocently.

"Brady, leave," her stern tone did not sound like she was interested.

Brady left after patting my head reassuringly, leaving me stuck with two blind idiots who can't tell the difference between truth, and lies.

The moment Brady closed the door behind him, all hell broke loose, in a fight to make the principal believe one of us. Guess who Miss Cantrell believed and offered her to go home to relieve herself from the stress that was caused?

Alex Tori.

Alex fucking Tori.

Not the one, the only Baby Anniston!

I might as well take Miss Cantrell and Alex to court, then we'll see who is laughing then.

My punishment for appearing as the villain, not the victim, was to got to detention for two days, that meant my lunch times, and after school, stuck, here, in school. My worst fear scratching at me, beaconing me to come and live the rest of my days in this hell hole, until I die at the age of eighteen.

I stormed out when Miss Cantrell started giving Alex kind words as she continued crying a river.

Brady raced up behind me, trying to get me to stop, but my little legs kept trying their best to out run him. Unfortunately he caught up anyway, pulling me into hug him. I stared at his flawless face in fury.

"Payback?" He asked, hoping he knew exactly why I was furious.

"Yes," I nod.

He smiled, dragging me with him out of school to his car. I guess we're ditching.

Good because that school has no boundaries.


My heart is pounding while me and Brady raced around the school building. Brady having a backpack on him filled with. . . I actually don't know because he took me home when it was three, then picked me up again around eight forty six.

He pushed on the back escape door, it clanged open easily.

Helpless school who can't even lock their doors properly.

We both walked in, it was dark and spooky inside, sending shivers down my spine at seeing the school in a totally different light. Literally.

Brady kept his hand in the small of my back as we walked around trying to figure out where Alex's locker was located. Obviously I'm in a state of confusion looking around the halls in the dark. Not really dark though, Brady had his phones flashlight on which was only on low just in case a janitor or teacher was still around at this time of night.

When we finally got to the locker I assumed was Alex's, Brady stepped forward and started picking the lock after giving me his phone. Now this is why I decided not to have a locker, my bag was big enough to store as much food as I wanted. Plus some books so I didn't seem useless.

The lock clicked open and Brady and I took a look inside to confirm it was the devils locker. By all the pictures of cheer leading competitions, and at the school's footy game, it was indeed her locker. She was center stage in every single one.

Brady then took his backpack off, setting it on the ground, going through it until he pulled out black spray paint, handing me one. I smiled at him, shaking the can, hearing it rattle. He then grabbed out a prank snake launcher that you could place in anything, set it up until someone opens it, and it launches in their face, scaring them shitless.

Ooh, I would die to see her face tomorrow when she opens it. She might even have pee twinkling down her leg.

I snouted lightly.

Brady shushed me while moving her books around to put the snake in. I then caught sight of a pretty pencil case.

"Aw, that's not fair, I wanted that last year for Christmas but it cost as much as a brand new car," I pout, staring at it in envy.

"Do you two ever think you only fight because you're like the same person?" Brady asked over his shoulder to look at me.

"Why you say that?" I frown. Me act like Alex? Pft, that would be the day I see skittles raining down from the heavens announcing Donald Trump was ripped from his presidency.

"I don't know, its the way you speak, there's this certain resemblance, or tone in the both of your voices," Brady said, scrunching his fingers near his neck as indication to his voice box.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was my clone because someone had an obsession with me and couldn't grab my attention, so he made a clone. Problem solved, now hurry up," I ushered.

"Okay, wait there," he replied, turning back into the locker, fiddling around.

Once he was finished, he quickly closed it with a slam loud enough to echo down the halls for thirty seconds. It was extremely creep, especially when someone asked if someone was around.

Brady and I cursed under our breaths.

He placed the lock on the way we found it, then I spray painted L1AR over the front before I threw the can in the bag. My heart yet again beating at a rate I could have a heart attack as we started rushing to get out of here.

Except the person still here shouted at us to stop, but we didn't listen, we kept running until we exited out the front door, laughing our butts off.

Unfortunately when getting to Brady's car a few blocks away, the sound of police sirens were blaring.

Let's just hop the gods have a heart to save us out of our pickle.

instagram - xthatIDIOTx
pinterest - xthatIDIOTx


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