An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

A dark history

929 25 0
By darkhero789

After reaching the hospital miles was immediately taken to the E.R. They asked how he got them. Felicia came up with an excuse that seemed to pass. After miles came out of surgery and woke up it was almost midnight. Miles then borrowed Felicia's phone which she got after returning to peters apartment which was empty. Miles called his mom and dad. When they heard him say he was at the hospital they came running. Felicia was there when they arrived. After apologizing Felicia left miles in the care of his parents. Felicia then walked back to the apartment. When she got back peter was walking up to the apartment building. He seemed tired.

"Peter!" Felicia said surprised.

"Hey Felicia." Peter said. Felicia walked forward and hugged peter putting her head on his shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?" Peter asked. Felicia pulled away.

"Miles went out again. But before he went he came by and asked for my help. I couldn't let him go alone." Felicia said. Peter then understood that something happened.

"What happened?" Peter asked. Felicia looked up into Peters eyes.

"We found Venom. Tracked him down into the subway tunnels. He ambushed us.

"Are you ok?" Peter asked. Felicia nodded.

"I'm fine. Just a little stressed." Felicia said.

"PTSD?" Peter asked.

"Maybe. i'll be ok. It's subsiding. Anyways we tried to get away and hide but he found us..... He hurt miles.... I had to take him to the hospital." Felicia said. Peter breathed in and let out an unsteady breath. "I looked at him and he was just so scared as we went to the hospital." Felicia said. Peter looked around as they were still in the streets.

"Let's go inside." Peter said. Going in to the apartment building they started up the stairs and went to their shared apartment. Once inside peter went to the bed and sat down. Felicia went to sat down next to him and laid her head on Peters shoulder.

"Peter?" Felicia said getting Peters attention. Peter looked down at her.

"Mmm?" Peter replied

"Where you ever in the situation where you were dying in a back alley like what you said to miles the other day?" Felicia asked. It was quiet for a while. Felicia took that as peter saying yes. Felicia wrapped her arms around peter in a hug. "Why did you go back out then? You had your aunt and cousin worrying about you and you just kept going back out? Why?!" Felicia asked.

"Cause I owed it to them." Peter said. Felicia looked up at him.

"Why do you owe it to them?" Felicia asked.

"Because I'm the reason my uncle is dead." Peter said. Felicia didn't know what to say at that point. "Years ago I made a mistake which eventually lead to my uncles death. Ever since he died I've made it my job to keep other people safe and make sure no family ever feels that same pain. I even went so far as to give myself the powers of all the spiders." Peter said.

"Why was it your fault? Explain it to me.... please." Felicia asked. Peter was silent. "Please peter talk to me." Still nothing. Felicia let peter go then scooted to the other end of the bed. Curling up into a ball. She guessed peter just didn't want to talk to her about it. Peter looked at her and saw how sad she was now. Closing his eyes he took in a breath.

"Eddie killed my uncle." Peter said. Felicia looked at him shocked.

"You mean all this time you-" Felicia started.

"I've been fighting my uncles killer. But to know why it's my fault you need to know how venom got here." Peter said. He paused for a moment. "It was almost 8 years ago now when venom first arrived. He came from the sky inside a meteor. It landed somewhere in Central Park. Close to where I had been laying after a tough fight with my foes." Peter said as he had a flashback.

When peter saw the asteroid crash he forced himself to get up and go check it out. What he found was a rock a foot in diameter. As peter neared it filled with curiosity a black ooze jumped out at him. It latched onto his hands and began to spread from there. Peter tried to shake it off but he couldn't. Soon it covered his entire body with a brand new black and white suit. This confused peter as he looked himself over. He tried to pull the suit off but every time he tore it off it would fix itself. After a while peter gave up and decided to go home. When he arrived home he still had no idea how to take the suit off. He began to look for the end of the shirt when suddenly his aunt came to the door.

"Peter." Aunt May called. Peter looked at the door.

"No! No! Wait! Aunt May!" Peter began but it was too late May already opened the door. She looked at him.

"Peter. Where have you been?" May asked as f everything was ok. Confused peter looked down at himself to see he was no longer wearing the black suit but instead all he was wearing was a pair of boxers. He looked back at his aunt.

"May!" He said alarmed as all he had on was underwear.

"Fine. Fine I'll look away." She said as she turned. "But where have you been young man?" She asked with her back to him.

"Out with friends may." Peter said as he grabbed a pair of shorts. Suddenly as he grabbed them the boxers began to morph so that they were similar to the shorts except they were pitch black. He then tossed the shorts aside after marveling at the new shorts.

"Well next time get home earlier. It's almost 10:30 you have school in the morning." May said.

"Yes ma'am." Peter said. Once May left Peters uncle Ben walked in.

"Nice save kid. So how did the fight go?" Ben asked. Peter looked at his uncle.

"I won." Peter said. Ben smiled at his nephew. "But I kind of tore up your suit. I'll give it to you in the morning." Peter said.

"Anything else happen?" Ben asked. Peter looked down at his shorts then back at his uncle.

"No. Not really." Peter said. Deciding not to tell his uncle about the strange new morphing ooze.

"Ok. Just asking. Also are those new shorts?" Ben asked.

"Um... nope. I've had these for a while." Peter lied.

"Alright then. Good night Pete." Ben said as he left Peters room. Peter then looked down at the shorts.

"What on earth are you?" Peter questioned before he went off to sleep. The flashback ended bringing peter back to the present.

"After that I began getting better and better at fighting criminals. The suit seemed to make me stronger and faster. In the beginning it puzzled me. I had no idea where this thing came from but after several months of wearing it I began to lose interest in its origins and instead focused on how much stronger it made me. I started to push myself and see just how much stronger I was with this suit. I started doing things I wouldn't have done before, taking leaps forward that I wouldn't have dreamed of.  But soon after I guess the power started going to my head. The sheer power corrupted me. I became more brutal against the criminals I fought, pulverizing them so that they'd wake up in a hospital in casts instead of jail. I didn't really care. No one could stop me. Not the police, not my friends, not Richard, not aunt May, not even uncle Ben has the power to stop me. What did i have to fear from them? But all that changed on the day I learned the truth." Peter said as another flashback started.

Peter was fighting a super villain. Shocker, a man who possesses a suit that allows its user to produce massive shockwaves. The fight brought them to a church. There they fought on the roof top. The combination of Peters taunting and his constant dodging started to aggravate shocker as peter could hear him growling and grinding his teeth.

"Oh come on shocker. Are you really this shocked by how I'm beating you again? This is the twentieth time we've fought. You don't have any new shocking abilities. I know them all." Peter said. Making his terrible puns. Out of shockers anger he slammed his fist don't on the roof creating a shockwave that peter dodged. "That the best you can-" Peter said before he was cut off by the sound of a loud bell. The shockwave shocker had created had hit the church bell causing it to ring. Peter doubled over as pain coursed through every fiber of his being. He screamed out in pain which caught shockers attention.

"Well. I may not have any new abilities. But it seems you have a shocking weakness." He said with his pun. He grabbed peter and threw him at the bell causing its clapper to hit the bell again which in turn caused another ring. Peter screamed out loud as he felt like his entire being was being ripped apart by the loud sound. He even fell to his hands and knees. "Encore! Encore!" Shocker yelled as he sent a shockwave that caused the bell to ring again. This time though Peters hand swiped above the bell causing it to fall. What was weird though was peter was still down on his knees. At the end of his arm was a long black tendril that slowly disappeared. Then peter stood up. But it wasn't him that made himself stand up. It was the suit. Peters body bent over as it grabbed his head with his hands. Then an unearthly cry escaped his mouth. No longer appearing as a regular suit it now possessed giant claws, stood on the toes of what once was Peters feet, and now had a large gaping mouth that was filled to the brim with carnivorous teeth. Shocker took a step back in surprise as he looked at what once was Spider-Man. The creature roared before charging at shocker. He tried to stop him by sending his shockwaves but the creature dodged it with Peters spider sense. Then when it had him pinned down it moved within an inch of shockers mask.

"Encore." It whispered before it began to pound shocker into the church rooftop. After a few punches the roof gave way and they both fell into the church. When the creature looked down it found shocker to be unconscious. It then walked away and stopped where the bell had fallen. Then reaching in it pulled out the clapper of the bell. "No... more!!!" It yelled before throwing it across the church destroying a wall and part of a window. The creature then ran out of the empty church and web slinged away.

When peter next woke up he was in his bed confused he looked around trying to recall last nights fight but could only go up to the point where shocker began to ring the bell. The only thing peter could guess was it had something to do with the suit. The flashback ended.

"For the next few weeks I took a break as Spider-Man and began to try and find help with learning more about the suit. Eventually gaining the aid of dr. Reed Richards of the fantastic four." Peter said.

"So that's how you now mr. fantastic." Felicia said.

"Yeah. Anyways. Dr. Richards was the one that revealed to me that the suit was alive. A living Amorphous Symbiotic ExtraTerrestrial creature. When I found out I was repulsed by the idea of having some sort of ExtraTerrestrial being attached to me. Who knows what could have happened." Peter said.

"So you got rid of it?" Felicia asked.

"I got rid of it. The first mistake was not telling uncle Ben about the suit. The second mistake was getting rid of it." Peter explained.

"Why?" Felicia asked.

"Because. That's when it found Eddie." Peter said.

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