The Unexpected

By lovejeleah

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A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ More



4.7K 54 9
By lovejeleah

Jens pov

The whole family is here at my house in the backyard. Surrounding me and my daughter as they were about to sing to her 'Happy Birthday'. She's turning 6 during the week but I held the party early on the weekend since there's no way everyone could make it on a work and school night.

Now everyone started singing to her. She's standing on top of a chair in front of the cake since she's too short without one. She looked at me and smiled widely and I smiled back.

"..happy birthday to youuuu!" They ended off the singing and clapped. "Okay blow mama!" I tell her and pretended to blow her candles so she had an example of how to do it.

"Yay!" I exclaim after she blew it and me and her clapped our hands while everyone else cheered. "Presents time?" She asks. "No baby later" I giggled.

"I'll go pass around the cake" my best friend Vanessa says. "Okay thank you!" I tell her.

"Can I have cake?" my daughter asks. Her name is Veronica. The most beautiful miracle I've ever received. I adopted her when she was just about to turn 2 years old. So we celebrated everything all at once. A little adoption celebration plus her birthday with just the close family. Today it's with family and friends since she's a bit older now and everyone knows her.

"Yes you can have cake! It's your birthday!" I smiled. "Yay!" She says and reaches for the cake. "Wait I have to cut you a piece silly"

After I cut her a piece, we went to the table where my cousins were at and she started to eat the cake herself.

"So what are you gonna do for her birthday on Tuesday?" My cousin asks. "Taking her to the Museum of ice cream then dinner with my mom." I said. "How fun!! Veronica you're gonna love the museum!" She says and softly pinches her cheek. "What's that?" Veronica asks. "You'll see soon mama" I tell her.

"Oh by the way! Are you coming with us next weekend to the club for my birthday?"

"Yes of course! I haven't been to the club in almost a year!" I said.

"Yay! I'll pick you up and don't only dress casual. Throw on a nice but not too extra dress since I want to take pictures that night." My cousin says. "Alright. I gotcha" I winked.

Hours go by and everyone started to leave. My bestie and my mom helped me clean up the house from the party. Then later we just relaxed and watched a movie in the living room.

"So you're okay to watch her next Saturday right mom?" I ask. "Yes! Don't worry" "Alright Alright"

"Can you believe she's going to a club?! Without me?!" Vanessa says to my mom. I let out a little laugh and shake my head. "It's been a long time because of Veronica. Plus it's my cousins birthday bash. I have to go. Plus..maybe I could find myself a nice looking woman at the club" I tease. "But make sure she gets our approval" Vanessa says. "I'll make sure" I said with sarcasm. "And make sure she isn't crazy" my mom says. "I know" "and make sure-"

"I don't even know if I'll meet someone alright? Let's just wait till it actually happens!" I said. "Fine" Vanessa says and steals some of my chips.

"Sheesh. You two.." I said. "You know we just want you to find a girlfriend already. It's been years! I mean we get that you're focused on Veronica but she's about to turn 6 years old." Vanessa says.

"I don't want to force anything! Whenever something happens I'll let it be." I said and placed my feet up on the couch and cuddled with Veronica. "This precious baby is all I want my attention on." I said and kissed her forehead. "Ewwww" Veronica says and wipes her forehead. "Seriously?" I giggle and kissed her a bunch of times.

It's a Monday and I'm on my way to work. My mom takes Veronica to school most of the time. Sometimes Vanessa does if she has extra time in the morning but I barely take Veronica. Sadly. Only because of work. But sometimes I do take her. I've just never met any of the teachers. I've met a few of her classmates but that's it since I'd rush to work. I just wish I had time to. But thankfully in a few months, my shift will be pushed back an hour. Giving me time to take her to school. I cant wait.

I have an office job that pays me well. I've been working here for 6 years. I got this job a few years before I adopted Veronica and since I knew I was finally stable with everything, I adopted her. I wanted to make sure my daughter was being welcomed into a nice caring home after I found out how she was put up for adoption. Now I'm just trying to make sure she's the happiest child.

After work, I picked up Veronica from my moms house. She runs up into my arms after I opened the door and I carried her. "Hi mama! Did you have a good day today?" I ask her. "Yeah. We had a pizza party today" she tells me and playing with my hair.

"A pizza party? Why?"

"For my birthday!"

"But your birthday isn't til tomorrow" I said.

"They have a school event tomorrow so they had to celebrate her birthday with the class today" my mom says. "Oh I seeeee..what kind of pizza did you eat?"

"Cheesy cheeeeese" She says and smiles. "Yum!" I said. "So tomorrow you, Vanessa, Christie and her family and I will all be at the restaurant tomorrow. I've already reserved." My mom says.. "Okay good! I'll pick her up from school tomorrow then I'll meet you after the museum at the restaurant."

"Okay" my mom says.

"Say bye to your grandma" I tell Veronica.

"Bye grandmaaa" She says and waves. "Bye my beautiful granddaughter" she says back.

We later get home. Veronica did her easy kindergarten homework while I prepared dinner.

"I'm done mommy" I hear her say. I turn around and see her swinging her feet cutely while she's sitting at the dining table.

"Okay. Let's give you a bath and then have dinner. Then I'll check your homework. Sounds good?" I ask her. "Yup" She says and happily jumps out of her chair but falls to the ground lightly. I gasp a little but she stood up perfectly fine and left to go upstairs. Silly little girl.
The next day

Another birthday celebration for this little one tonight. I'm pretty excited because it's not too much. Just a little get together with my closest family and my best friend is coming too. She's also Veronica's godmother.

"Time to wake up babe" I said softly nudged Veronica. She yawns and stretches then rubs her eyes. "Happy birthday my love!" I tell her. "Huh?" "It's your birthday! Tonight we're having dinner with the family. And I'm taking you to the museum of ice cream first." I said.

She sits up slowly and I help her get up since she was obviously too sleepy.

I helped her brush her teeth, dress up and I did her hair.

"I'm so sleepy" she pouts. "I know baby. I'm sorry. But in a few months you'll get a free extra hour of sleep. I can't take you to school since work starts earlier than you start class so you have to be dropped off at grandmas so she can take you. But after a few months I'll be able to take you to school everyday. I promise" I said while doing her hair.

"Do you want a high pony tail?" I ask her. "Yeah" She says. So I tied her soft, long, curly hair up in a ponytail.

"Monica's mommy brought her McDonald's to class one day but didn't share" she says. "Huh?" I questioned.

"Before lunch time she brought her food. When can you come to my school?" She asks me. "Baby I just told you. Plus I can't just leave during work. I'll get in trouble"

"In trouble?"

"Yes. A time out. I might get a time out if I just leave."

"Hm" she hums in a sad tone. "Ver don't be sad. I'll see you after work and we're going to have the best day ever" I said.

"Can I have ice cream for dinner?"

"Well..we are going to the museum of ice cream..and it's your yes. You can. Just today." I said and gave her a smile through the mirror. "Yay!" She says and finally smiles. "I love you. Now let's go before I'm late for work. I'll buy you starbucks on the way" I said. She smiles more and grabs her bag from her room.

We get to the Starbucks drive through but it was a long line and I could see through the window that it's not a long wait inside the store. So I decided that we should just walk in.

Me and Veronica walked into the building and there was only one person in front of us. I usually just get Veronica a tall hot chocolate since she's still a little girl. No coffee for her. During the day I'd probably get her a non caffeinated drink time to time.

After I ordered her drink, I made my way to a vacant table. Veronica was still at the register looking at the little snacks but she walked over to me a minute later.  At first I noticed this lady, whose quite pretty, giving me looks time to time while I was walking. But I didn't really mind. It's too early in the morning to be thinking why she's looking at me.

"Tall Hot chocolate for Jennifer" the barista calls out. So I walked over to the bar to get it. Then I went back to Veronica sitting at the table while waiting for my drink.

"Mama look at the camera" I tell her. She looks up and holds her little cup up and smiles. "Adorable" I said to her. Then the barista calls my name again.

"Come on let's go" I tell Veronica. She follows me and I get my drink. Then I held her hand and we walked out and went to the car.

After what felt like a long day at work, even though my shift was short today, I went to Veronica's school to pick her up.

I'm sitting at the office waiting for Veronica to come here so I could take her. I wasn't allowed to just get her from the classroom for safety reasons since I'm taking her out early.

"Mommy!" She exclaims running through the doorway. "Hi!" I said and carried her. "Thank you Principle Johnson!" "No problem. Have a nice day and happy birthday Veronica"

"What do you say?" I ask Veronica. "Thank youuu" She says.

We leave and I drove straight to LA with Veronica. She's very excited. Although she has no idea what to expect. Just a lot of ice cream. I hope she enjoys today. I just love making this little girl happy. She's my heart. When she's happy, I'm happy. Literally. Whenever she cries, I get emotional. I'm just so attached to Veronica.

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