Rescue Me || Bellarke AU

By coco1522ox

32.1K 1K 686

Secrets, demons, heartache, anger and a mutual hatred for jazz music. Just how much could two broken souls b... More

1. Face down.
2. Reunions.
4. Opposites Attract.. or not.
5. I hate everything about you.
6. Connections.
7. Choices.
8. Rotten Luck
9. Stupid Mistake.
10. Its just business.
11. Too much.
12. Heart to heart.
13. What have you done?
14. You need to heal.
15. Everything is clear now.
16. My senses tell me to stop.
17. Numb.
18. Monsters.
19. How do you love someone?
20. A Battle Of Power.
21. I Hate That I Love You.
22. Whispers In The Dark.
23. I See You.
24. Dates
25. A Whole New Game.
26. I Am The Fire
27. Freedom Comes With A Price.
28. Come Back To Me.
29. Awake and Alive.
30. Recovery.
31. Start Again.
32. Moving On.
33. You Have My Heart.
34. Epilogue.

3. Because of you.

1.4K 43 40
By coco1522ox

Because of you - Kelly Clarkson.
I feel like this song describes her relationship with Cage. Some drama coming up!

Two Months Later.

"Morning sunshine!" Octavia greeted cheerfully as Clarke dragged her feet into the kitchen.

"You're far too perky for this time of the morning." Clarke grumbled.

"Any luck with the job hunt?" Octavia asked as she passed Clarke a cup of coffee.

"Not yet. Everywhere I've applied to has rejected me. Am I that terrible?" Clarke groaned.

"Of course not. You'll find somewhere soon." Octavia smiled sympathetically.

"I have two more options today, if they fail, I'm doomed." Clarke said.

"You can always become a stripper? I hear they get good money and you've got the body for it." Octavia teased.

"Not helping!" Clarke glared at her friend.

Over the past two months, the two housemates had formed a strong friendship. Clarke felt comfortable around Octavia and was able to just be herself around her. She still wasn't comfortable enough to open up about her past, but they were making progress. They'd worked out a routine for household chores like cooking and cleaning. They worked well together. Overall Clarke was very happy with her new life. She'd made a few new friends as well as reconnected with her old ones. She hadn't heard from Cage since the night she left and Clarke hoped this was a good sign.

Her mother had been in contact a few times but each time the conversation ended with the mother and daughter in a heated argument. Clarke now made a habit of ignoring her mother's attempts at any form of contact.

"Okay, well some of us have a job to go to. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing today." Octavia smirked as she grabbed her coffee cup and keys.

"I'll text you every horrid detail." Clarke said sarcastically.

"Good. Adios amigos." Octavia blew Clarke a kiss before leaving the house and heading to work.

Clarke rolled her eyes at her friend and decided to grab some breakfast before getting ready for her first interview of the day. She flicked through the paper, keeping her eyes peeled for any job advertisements. She was close to giving up until one caught her eye. It was an advertisement for an art gallery. Applicants were required to send in two pieces of original artwork and a short overview of their reasons for wanting the job.

Clarke snapped a picture of the advertisement on her phone before downing the rest of her coffee and running upstairs to change. Finally a job application she was actually excited for. She was also very nervous. Whenever she'd shown her artwork to Cage, he'd told her she'd never be good enough to be featured in an art gallery. As she pulled on her shirt, her mind flashed back to the last time she'd shown Cage her art.

"What do you think?" Clarke asked, holding up the painting.

Cage studied the painting for a mere second before rolling his eyes and turning away.

"You're not still serious about this whole career as an artist thing are you?" Cage tutted.

"Don't you like it?" Clarke asked, her face falling.

"I do, but I don't think it's professional standard. You should try a more realistic career. One that's actually possible for you dear." Cage smiled arrogantly.

"I guess." Clarke mumbled. She walked out the room, throwing the painting in the trash as she passed through.

Clarke quickly wiped the tear falling down her cheek. Maybe Cage was right. She knew she was good at art, but not good enough to be featured professionally. Taking her phone out her back pocket, she deleted the image of the job advertisement and continued getting ready for her first interview.


"Thank you for your time." Clarke mumbled with a small smile.

As she left the building of her second and last interview, a small company specialising in journalism, Clarke pulled out her phone to call Octavia. After a few rings, Octavia answered.

"Hey, so? How'd it go?!" Octavia's voice asked eagerly.

"Terrible. Apparently I'm not what they're looking for right now." Clarke spat.

"Oh man. You still have one more right?"

"Nope. That was my last one. Both were a bust." Clarke sighed.

"Don't give up, you'll find something." Octavia said.

"I hope so, because I don't know how I'm going to pay rent next month without a job." Clarke sighed.

"Don't worry about rent. Just focus on finding a job and we'll sort that out after." Octavia said gently. "Listen, I gotta go. I think I'll be late home tonight."

"No worries, I think I'm just gonna shower and head to bed early anyway." Clarke said as she climbed in her car.

"I'll see you later." Octavia said before hanging up the phone.

Clarke dropped her phone back into her purse and started the car. She decided to head over to Monty's cafe before heading home. The cafe was quiet and Clarke was relieved so see Monty stood behind the counter, looking rather bored.

"Hey Monty." Clarke greeted as she walked in.

"Please tell me you're here to order something and sit in? I'm so bored!" Monty pleaded.

"That was the plan. I don't have anywhere else to be." Clarke shrugged her shoulders.

"Still no luck with the job hunt?" Monty asked.

"Not yet. I guess I'm destined to live on the streets in a cardboard box." Clarke chuckled.

"I could always ask my Mom if you can have a job here? I'm only supposed to be here part time until I finish my degree. I'm due to finish soon, she could use the extra set of hands." Monty said brightly.

"Monty, I could kiss you right now! Thank you, so much!" Clarke beamed. She reached over the counter and pulled him into a tight hug.

"My pleasure. I'll let you know what she says as soon as I talk to her. She's off sick today but I'm visiting later." Monty said.

"That's perfect. Thank you so much Monty. You're a life saver!" Clarke gushed. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Sure it wasn't the best paid job and she'd just be a barista in a coffee shop, but it would pay the bills, meaning she wouldn't have to owe Octavia any rent money.

After drinking her coffee and eating her cake with Monty, Clarke informed him she had to go home and left Monty to close up the cafe.

Once she arrived home, she saw Octavia was still at work so Clarke decided to take a bath in the shared bathroom. She grabbed her towel and some scented candles as the hot water filled the porcelain tub. Turning the lights down and lighting the candles, Clarke stripped off her clothing and sunk into the hot, bubbly water.

Within seconds, Clarke felt her stress melting away. It had been ages since she'd been able to just relax. Finally things were starting to look up for Clarke. She felt like she could officially leave her old life behind and start fresh. The hot water felt amazing on her aching muscles and Clarke let herself sink into the bubbles. As she washed herself down, she began humming a tune to herself.

All too soon, the water began to turn cold and Clarke decided to get out of the tub. She began singing to herself as she dried herself off and wrapped her body in a soft white towel. Pulling her damp hair into a bun on top of her head, Clarke emptied the tub, blew out the candles and collected her old clothes. Since she was home alone she didn't bother taking any fresh clothes to change into.

The air was cool around her legs as she opened the bathroom door. Fighting back a shiver, she stepped into the hallway. Clarke knew Octavia was working late tonight, so she didn't feel the need to rush back to her bedroom.

So it came as quite a shock when Clarke found herself face to face with a tall stranger with dark brown eyes and curly brown hair staring back at her in shock.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Clarke shrieked.

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