5sos preferences

By lukesbubble

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5sos preferences (i don't take requests) More

5sos preferences
how he hugs you
how you know he's in the mood
you have stretch marks and dont want to... (mashton)
Coming home from tour
First Kiss
Telling Him You're Pregnant
He notices your bellybutton peircing
How He Reacts When You Panic
How You Sleep
First Thing He Notices About You
You Meet Him At The Airport
You Have a Nightmare
Planning The Nursery
What Turns Him On
Drunk~Song Pref
Hard To Love~Song Pref
He's Your Teacher
You're Stressed Out
You're Having a Bad Day
"I'm Cold"
How You Meet
The Boys Tease You About Last Night
Falling Asleep On Another Boy
Your First Date
He gets Jealous
He Comforts You
Cuddles (Blurb)
Sleeping Together (NOT SEXUAL)
Making You Smile
He Toutches Your Boobs On Purpose
He Takes Your Daughter Bra Shopping
You Have A Cold
Baby Pictures
What He Leaves For You Before He Goes On Tour
When Your Innocent Minded
He See's Your Twitter And You're Just A Fan
Deciding On Your Baby's Name
How He Deals With Your Child Crying
You're Anemic
You Get Injured And He Looks After You
You Seduce Him
You Get A Pet
He Makes You Dinner
How He Proposes
You're One Of The Girls In The Amnesia Video
He Asks You To Move To Australia (Mashton)
He Asks You To Move To Australia (Cake)
You're Insecure
The Moment You Realized You Loved Him
You Make Him Laugh
He Compares You To A Ex
Your Son
The Disney Realated Thing He Buys You
He Loves...
Your Lockscreen Is Another Member
First Impression (His POV)
Your Child Calls Him Daddy For the First Time
First Time They Say I Love You
Hate For Your Weight
First Dates
He's Your Neighbour
When He Picks A Fight With You
He Hits You (Part One)
He Hits You (Part Two)
You're Bestfriends And He FaceTimes You
TFIOS preference
Last of the American Girls - Green Day
His Nickname For You
You Watch The Evil Dead Movies
You're On Your Period
Under The Weather
Jealous Of A 1D Member
He Finds Out You Have A Secret Talent
The Fight (Luke Hemmings)
Thunderstorms (Michael Clifford)
First Date
You Get Nervous On The Red Carpet
Your QuirkThat He Loves
Why You Fight
He Falls Asleep On You
He Gets Mad When A Member Says Something Sexual
You're Sore From The Night Before and The Boys Tease You
Love Letter You Send Him
Vicoria's Secret
He's Off Limits
He's Drunk
When you're crying
He Hears You Crying At Night
Favourite Thing About You (Physically)
You're a girly girl
Your daughter is with another members son
Cute Things He Does When You're Pregnant
First time
Stay With Me
Pregnancy Mood Swings
He Comforts You
He Makes You Cry During Your First Time

How You Sleep/Cuddle

441 4 0
By lukesbubble

Michael: For being in your second trimester, you were still experiencing waves of nausea and exhaustion. You always felt bad when Michael would want you to go with him to the studio or just out to the store, but instead you were bed (or during the day couch) ridden and sick. You loved your daughter already with every fiber of your being, but she was driving you a little crazy. You had heard so many women talk about that pregnancy warmth and glow, but so far you had felt anything but warm and fuzzy. Your back ached, your stomach never stopped churning, and you had heartburn so bad you could vomit. They definitely didn’t write about this in any of the pregnancy magazines you had read, those were all about keeping a healthy pregnancy body for mom and baby. You were healthy, but all you felt was miserable. Mikey did all that he could for you, but the studio execs were driving the boys crazy with how much time they had to be in the studio, which for Mikey meant more time away from you. He hated it just as much as you did, as he had to be away from his daughter as well.  It was one of those days again, you were bed ridden, and didn’t even wake up until sometime in the afternoon. 

You trudged your way to the kitchen and turned on the kettle for some tea. Usually some tea helped, and you would then begin your daily binge marathon on netflix. After you had woken up, Coralee had taken a special liking to kicking your ribs and you wanted nothing more then to curl up on the couch and not move for several hours. It was killing you to not do the normal things you would do around the house during the day when Mikey was gone, but he had taken a habit to doing them for you when you didn’t notice. You two were his princesses in his eyes and he just wanted to do his part you guessed. You saw that Netflix had added new episodes of Supernatural and immediately clicked it to begin playing. The familiar theme splashed across the screen and before you knew it you had already watched six episodes and it was beginning to get dark outside. The battle with your eyelids was lost and you slowly began to fall asleep right there on the couch, blanket draped over you. You barely even noticed when Michael came in late, trying not to wake you when he saw you on the couch.

“Hey baby, I’m sorry I’m just getting home. I hate leaving you all day by yourself.” He knelt down by your head, brushing your hair out of your eyes gently. “Cuddle with us Mikey. I don’t feel good…” You groaned, but making no effort to move. “Let’s get you to bed first, okay princess?” You nodded your head no, groaning again. “Right here Mikey.” He smiled gently, feeling awful that the pregnancy made you feel this awful. He knew there wasn’t any arguing with you and moved you over as much as he could on the couch. Your belly rested on top of his stomach, and your neck fit right into his. He wrapped his arm around you, the other draped across his body and resting on your belly. Immediately you felt Coralee calm her kicking on your ribs and you stopped groaning. You rested in peace for a few minutes, the first time all day you had truly been able to relax. “She finally stopped kicking… She just…” You didn’t even finish your sentence you were so exhausted. Michael smiled, kissing your forehead. “She just wanted her Daddy. You’re a daddy’s girl already, my little princess.” Michael knew there would be no moving that night and he didn’t care. Bringing the blanket over the two of you, you felt him kiss your forehead one more time. “Sweet dreams my Queen, thank you for giving me our princess.”

Luke: You loved being pregnant, you really did, but the back pain was probably the worst pain you had ever felt in your entire life. Of course Liz had warned you about this and saw it coming, so when you began complaining about it and how it was keeping you from getting any sleep at night and would keep Luke up with your constant tossing and turning, she already knew what you needed. One day when Luke was at the studio she rang you up and said that she had a gift for you and was bringing it over. Of course you were just laying on the couch when she arrived, these days you seemed to be spending as much time off of your feet as you possibly could. The more time you spent off your feet, the less your back hurt whenever you did have to be on your feet. “Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?” She asked when she came in the door. “Same old same old, Jason loves to use my ribs as a football field and my back doesn’t seem to like it very much. I feel bad for keeping Luke up at night.” “Don’t worry, I have just the thing for you. It used to be my favorite thing when I was pregnant. It was the only way I could get any sleep near the end of my pregnancies.” She pulled out a giant curved pillow out of a bag and set it in front of you, but you had no idea what it was. “What is it?” “It’s a pregnancy pillow. When you sleep, sleep with it under your belly and it takes the pressure off of your back. You’ll sleep so well you’ll never know what hit ya.” You were so desperate for sleep, you took the pillow immediately. She left soon after, leaving you with your new pillow.

You hadn’t had a sound nights sleep in weeks, so you went straight to the bed you and Luke shared. It was a huge pillow, but not that you minded. Anything that would help you get some sleep and make your back stop hurting, was fine by you. When you laid down and put the pillow under your belly, it was like a weight had been lifted from you. The pressure in your back wasn’t as nearly as painful, and you slowly felt yourself relax more and more. No wonder Liz had used one of these with her pregnancies, they really were the best thing ever. You already saw that you would have no more sleepless nights, or at least not as many of them as you had before. The rest of the day you spent in and out of naps, catching up on the sleep that you had missed since your belly had gotten bigger. When you got up to make dinner before Luke came home, you found yourself actually being able to stand up for longer periods of time. Luke came home around his usual time, first kissing you and then lowering himself so that he could kiss your belly. You noticed he was being extra handsy today, the only time his touch left you was so that he could put food in his mouth. After dinner, he nearly ran to the bedroom with you in his arms.

He threw you onto the bed, ready to jump your bones at any second. You went along with it, besides the back pain, your hormones were also increased, thus increasing your sex drive. Not that you objected, because you loved sex with Luke, but it hadn’t happened lately thanks to the pain. When he tried to move you up the bed, he was met by an unknown barrier. Then you realized what it was: your pregnancy pillow. “Y/N, what is this?” He grabbed it from behind you, the two of you sitting up. “Your mum brought it over to me today. Its a pregnancy pillow, its supposed to help me sleep.” Your exhaustion returned and your drive for sex lost, and you curled up with it. Luke smiled and sighed, this happened often but he was getting used to it. He laid down on his side of the bed, but then frowning at how far away he was from you. “But it keeps me far away from you…” You saw his frown and his lip quiver, those big puppy dog eyes looking at you. “It really does help Luke, I finally got some sleep today when you were at the studio. My back didn’t hurt at all when I was making dinner.” He smiled, finding some relief knowing that it helped you, but it didn’t make it more accepting that he was far away from you. Instead, he got up off of his side of the bed and walked over to yours. “Scoot over Y/N.” You did as he asked, so that you and the pillow were now on his side of the bed. He crawled in behind you, so that he was the big spoon, resting his hand on your belly. “Much better.” 

Calum: Twins. You were having two babies, which meant you were twice as big and had twice the pain. Your feet were swollen, you had no idea what ankles were anymore and your back constantly ached. Calum always tried his best to make sure you were completely comfortable, but you never were. You loved the idea of being pregnant and creating two beautiful baby girls, but you hated actually being pregnant. You knew in the end it would all be worth it, but right now all you wanted was for it to be over. You were exhausted, barely able to sleep because the girls were constantly moving around and kicking at your ribs or your bladder. Even if they were settled the weight of your stomach was too much to get comfortable. Calum knew better than to wake you before he left, so he would simply kiss your forehead before kissing your belly and heading out for the day.

You had the worsts nights sleep and when you awoke to Calum’s side of the bed empty you sighed. You knew he had a busy day today so you probably wouldn’t see him until bed time, if not later than that. You reached over and grabbed your phone off of your bedside table and opened up one of the pregnancy apps you had purchased, searching for anything to help you get some sleep. Almost everyone had suggested a pregnancy pillow, and you had wanted to buy one but Calum refused. He said he didn’t want to put that much distance between you and him, and even though you thought he was being ridiculous, you agreed not to buy the pillow. Well, now you were taking matters into your own hands. You got up and got dressed and headed out to the store. You found the perfect pillow, recommended for woman pregnant with twins and headed back home for a nap.

When you woke up, it was dark outside. You reached over and checked your phone only to see that you had multiple missed calls and text messages from Calum. You knew he must have been worried sick that you didn’t answer, so you weren’t surprised when you heard the door open and slam shut, followed by his heavy footsteps down the hall to your bedroom. “Y/N!” He breathed, coming over to you. “Is everything alright? Why didn’t you answer my calls or my texts?!” You frowned as he ran his hand over your stomach. “I’m sorry, I went to take a nap and I guess I just slept all day…” Calum sighed, rubbing his fingers through his hair before his gaze found your pillow. “What the hell is that?” He asked and you sighed. “It’s a pregnancy pillow, Calum. I know we agreed not to get one but I’ve been so miserable lately. I just wanted to sleep. I’m sorry…” Tears were threatening to fall and Calum leaned forward and kissed your forehead. “Don’t cry baby girl. It’s alright. I’m not upset. If it’s what you need, it’s what you need.” You nodded, swiping a few tears away with your fingers. “Let’s just cuddle, yeah?” You nodded, moving yourself back into your favorite position with your pillow. Calum stripped down to his boxers and laid behind you. He rested his head in the crook of your neck and put his hand on your belly, rubbing lightly. He pressed his lips to your neck before starting to hum lightly. You may have slept the day away, but with the way things were going you knew Calum would have you asleep again in a matter of minutes. 

Ashton: You had always loved the though of being pregnant, of growing a little human inside of you. Now that you were expecting baby Liam, you were doing everything in your power to make sure that you had a healthy baby. You were eating right, doing exercises, making sure you weren’t over doing it or getting stressed out. You would do anything and everything to make sure that you didn’t harm your child. The only thing you hated about being pregnant, was the weight of your belly. You knew having a child with Ashton meant he would be a big one, but you had no idea how heavy he would be. It was almost impossible for you to walk long distances, or to even sleep. Your back was constantly aching from supporting the weight of your boy. It wasn’t uncommon for Ashton to find you tossing and turning in bed, just trying to get comfortable to watch some television.

So today, when we talked into your bedroom and saw you sitting on the bed leaning forward and crying he knew what was wrong. “Y/N? Baby, what’s wrong? Is it your back?” You simply nodded, looking up at him. “It hurts so bad, Ash.” Ashton frowned, but nodded. “Here, scoot forward.” You scooted forward as he took a few pillows from behind you. He propped them up under your belly a little and then sat himself behind you. He rolled your shirt up over your belly before taking it completely off. “If this is leading anywhere sexual, I’m going to tell you right now I’m not in the mood.” You sniffled, and he chuckled. “It’s not, love.” He pressed a kiss right below your ear before moving his hands from your belly to your lower back. He began to kneed his thumbs into your skin. He made sure he was gentle, knowing there were certain pressure points that could cause early labor. You let you a small whimper, finally feeling relief. “Better?” He whispered in your ear and you nodded. “Much, thank you.” You turned your head to kiss him softly before he moved away.

“Let’s get some sleep, yeah?” You nodded and started to re-situate yourself to get some sleep. Ashton turned off the light before laying next to you and wrapping his arms around you, making himself the big spoon. This was how you slept every night, his hand rested safely on your belly, wanting to protect Liam even though he wasn’t even here yet. You always loved how protective Ashton could be, but you weren’t so sure this sleeping arrangement was going to work for you tonight. You laid there for awhile, waiting to drift off to sleep, but it never happen. You could hear Ashton’s soft snores behind you, knowing he was fast asleep. You sighed and wiggled out of his grip, causing him to wake. “What’s wrong?” He mumbled and you sighed. “I’m not comfortable, I can’t sleep.” Ashton frowned. “Why don’t you turn over and lay with your belly towards me?” “I thought didn’t want that much distance between us?” Ashton let you a small laugh. “I don’t. So why don’t you lay your belly on me? It’s alright, I don’t mind.” you weren’t sure at first, but the second you rolled over and rested your belly on his middle, you were instantly comfortable. “Thank you Ash, goodnight.” Ashton smiled, kissing your head and placing his hand back on your belly. “Goodnight. I love you.” It was too late for a reply, you were already asleep.

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