Strawberry Fields Forever (A...

By PickleGirl58

4.1K 82 17

Two teenage girl's find an abandoned strawberry field, But what happens when they go back in time to the Beat... More

Chapter 1: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 2: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 3: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 4: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 5: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter Six: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 7: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 8: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 9: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 10: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 11: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 12: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 13: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 14: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 15: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 16: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 18: Laura's POV/ PicklesGirl58
Chapter 19: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 20: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 21: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 22: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58

Chapter 17: Violet's POV/ECC309

110 2 0
By PickleGirl58

Chapter 17

Violet's POV

We dropped Paul and Laura off at Paul's house and I was sad that Laura was going with him. I wanted to spend some time together. The ride back to George's was quiet. Ringo had fallen asleep on top of me and I was looking out the window wishing John were there.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon." George said quietly. I stiffened a little.


"John. He should be here in a few days." I blushed a little and George hadn't once looked at me while he talked but he turned his head further and looked out the window. I started to say something but I didn't know what, so I just turned and looked back out the window. "He likes you a lot, you know." I quickly turned my head and George was looking at me this time. "I might even say he loves ya." My eyes were wide with shock from what George had just told me. 

The car stopped before  I could say anything, which was probably best. George quickly got out of the car and grabbed Ringo's things. I woke him up and walked him inside behind George.

"Hello dears!" Said Mrs. Harrison. George, still in a bad mood from Laura not coming with us, just walked past his mother and up to his room. "My my, what's gotten into him?" 

"It's nothing Mrs. Harrison, I'm just gonna take Ringo up to the guest room, alright?" 

"That's fine dear." Mrs. Harrison walked off and I helped Ringo get into bed, cause he was still half asleep he couldn't quite move on his own. Once Ringo was asleep I walked into George's room and he was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"George." I said walking closer to him.

"Just.. just go Violet. I just want to be alone right now..." I sat down on the corner of the bed and sighed.

"Well, you know I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me and aren't gloomy anymore." I crossed my arms and George huffed.

"Look, Violet," he said somewhat angrily. "Just go and let me be alone." I shook my head.

"Nope!" He grumbled and sat up quickly.

"Go away!" He shouted. My small smirk faded, I uncrossed my arms and stood up.

"Right." I said with a weak voice. "Goodbye." I started walking towards the door.

"No, Violet- look I- I'm sorry."

"No," was all I said. I walked out of his room and shut the door behind me. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I hurried down the stairs.

"Is something wrong?" Mrs. Harrison said as I walked towards the door.

"No, I'm just going for a walk." I said putting on a fake smile while  I put on my coat and walked out the door. 

Once I was out I let the tears go. I just cried. Tears streamed down my face as I walked down the road. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept walking. After a little while I stopped crying realizing that it was silly but it still hurt so I kept walking. I stopped at a park bench and sat down. After all the crying I felt so tired. I laid down on it and fell asleep.


As I sat on the park bench I saw a figure in the distance walking closer to me. I stood up as he came into the light. It was John.

"Hi Violet." He said sweetly. I smiled and ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him. I kissed him, passionately, on the lips but when I pulled back it was suddenly Stu standing there instead of John.

"Stu what are you doing here?" Stu just smirked and leaned forward and kissed me. It was a soft sweet kiss and I couldn't control myself and kissed him back. When I pulled back sudden both John, and Stu were standing there.

"W-what?" Was all I could say. I looked between the two and they both put their hands out to me. I grabbed my head, my head was spinning. I backed away from them and sat down on the bench. "What's going on?" I whispered to myself when I heard laughing. I quickly turned around and saw the man who had been following us. 

"Oh Violet," he chuckled. "So young," he said flicking his hand in the air. "So easy to manipulate." I stood up.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I said bravely.

"Please, don't try to act brave we both know you're scared of me so just sit down." I crossed my arms and tried to ignore him.

"I said, who are you and what do you want?"

"You just keep trying," he sighed. "Why? Why do you try to be brave?" I gave him a weird look. "I can't tell you who I am, but I can tell you exactly what I want. Please, sit." He gestured to the bench. I slowly sat down as he began to talk. "I want to be rich and famous, I want to go where i want when I want and you and your friend are going to get me there." 

"My friend?" I asked quietly.

"Oh you know, what's her name... Laura. All I need is for you to keep being distracted by your unsure feelings for these two men." He said putting both arms around John and Stu. "And Laura with Paul and George." He snapped. "Boys." Then he vanished. John and Stu both started calling my name over and over again. 



"Violet!" Their voices started fading as the scene started twisting and I suddenly was awake./

"Violet? Violet!" I sat up and as soon as I did someone had me in a hug. They pulled back and it was George. "Oh Violet I've been looking everywhere for you! I'm sorry! I over-reacted and I should've just talked to you." I just sat there looking, even though I could see I didn't know what was in front of me. My mind was playing back the dream I had just had.

"George?" I mumbled slightly.

"Yes?" He asked with a confused face.

"I- I had a dream." I said taking breaths between my words.

"What was it?" He asked slowly. Then suddenly, it was gone.

"I... can't remember." I said finally coming to reality and looking at him. He just shrugged.

"Come on, let's get you home." He helped me up and we walked home.

~one year later~

Laura and I were in our apartment in Liverpool. 

"Mails here." I said dropping the bills on the counter. Laura sighed. "What's wrong with you?" I said picking up an Apple and biting into it.

"Well," she said. "Paul and mines one year anniversary is coming up soon and I don't know what to get him." She said pouting.

"Hmm..." I said jumping up onto the counter to sit. "What about..."


"I got nothin'" I said taking another bite. Then I sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"Oh nothing." I said putting the Apple down. "Just kinda lost my appetite." I said standing up and walked into my bed room. I shut the door and picked up the phone. I dialed the number and waited as it rang.

"Hello?" Said George.

"Hey it's Violet." I said.

"Oh hey, is something up?" He asked. Even though I didn't really know why, we talked on the phone almost everyday.

"I'll do it." I said sternly.

"What?" He asked.

"I'll do it," I said. "The date." I could almost hear him smiling. 

"Great!" He said. "I'll call my buddy, meet me at tasha' s tasty tarts?" 

"Yeah I'll be there in  a little bit." I hung up and opened up my closet. "Hmmm..." I said pulling out a nice navy blue dress with a white sash. I got dressed, put on a little make up, curled my hair even though I knew it wouldn't stay but five minutes, and grabbed my wallet. I walked out and headed straight for the door, trying not to be noticed by Laura.

"Whoa!" Said Laura standing there and I froze in front of the door. "Why are you dressed like that?" She asked walking up to me.

"I'm just going out." I said trying not to give too much information. 

"I can see that." She said. "You know, if I didn't know better I'd say you were going on a date." She said smirking.

"I'm just meeting George somewhere ok?" I said and her smile fell.

"George?" She said quietly. 

"Yeah, and I need to go or I'm gonna be late. Bye Laura." I kissed her cheek, which was something we normally did and walked out. 

I hurried to the restaurant and when I walked in, looking for George because obviously this being a blind date I didn't know what the guy he had got for me looked like. I looked around and finally saw George in the back sitting with... Eric Clapton?! I shook my head and looked again. It WAS Eric Clapton! And across from him was George sitting next to Pattie. I glared. Ok, just be nice. I told myself as I walked up to the table.

"Violet!" Said George standing up and giving me a hug. "This is me lad, Eric. Eric, this is Violet."

"Hi, I'm Pattie." Said Pattie quietly. "I'm Eric's friend."

"Nice to meet you both." I said sitting down next to Eric.

The time passed and most of the night it was Eric and Pattie talking and occasionally Eric and George. By the end of the date Eric and Pattie left hand in hand! I sighed as I sat there with George and we each ordered a milkshake.

"Well, that failed." I said taking a drink.

"Aw, I'm real sorry Violet. I have other friends." He said taking a drink of his.

"No, I-" I sighed. I had tried to go out with a lot of people and it never worked. They either, never went out with me again or broke it off a few dates into it. I saw now sitting next to George and put my head on his shoulder. "I'm tired of being rejected..." I said quietly as a small tear slowly went down my cheek and onto his shirt.

"Hey!" He said sounding angry and I sat up in shock. "You stop that!" He said. "Come on." He left the money on the table, grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the restaurant. He pulled me around the corner where there was no one and held my hand. "You're not rejected." He said softly. "You are loved by Laura and Paul and Ringo and me. So you stop this pitifulness and go out there and show the people who love you that you love them. You don't need a guy to be loved Violet." I stood there for  a moment and then hugged him tightly. "Thank you." I said quietly. 

When I got home all the lights were out and Laura's door was shut, I was sure she was asleep. I walked into my room and fell back on my bed with a sigh. 

"Violet?" I heard. I knew the voice very well. Then I saw John walk out of the shadows.

"Hey John." I said with another sigh.

"I haven't seen you in a year and this is what I get?" He said with a chuckle. I made a weird face and then suddenly realized that it was John.

"John! Oh my gosh!" I said jumping up. "John!" I ran over and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Violet, I can't breathe!" He said.

"Oh sorry." I pulled back and was still jumping with excitement.

"Calm down." He said putting his hands on my shoulders. Then he slid them slowly up my neck, he pulled my head forward and slowly put his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck again as we kissed. The kiss was long and passionate and when we pulled back I suddenly became awkward and speechless. John scratched the back of his neck. "Um.. would it be ok if I stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Y-yeah sure." I said pointing to the bed. "Go ahead." He smiled sweetly. 

"Thanks." I started to walk out of the room when he grabbed my arm. "Please don't leave." I smiled lightly and slid under the covers. He got in after me and we both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. Right before I fell asleep I realized what I had said to Laura earlier and what she must have took it as.

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