By AnaisC20

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Vampyre and Pirate Captain. Lyria Blackwood was many things but she never expected to become the salvation of... More

~ ONE ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~

~ TWO ~

158 11 14
By AnaisC20

"I hate to be the one to inform you of this but there's blood on your shirt." James drawled, staring at his Captain over his mug of ale.

"It's not mine." She responded, stealing it and taking a swig.

The tavern was large enough that the trio didn't have to worry too much about being spotted but busy enough that they had to put up with raucous laughter and boastful yelling.
Tables and chairs had been arranged haphazardly, and had filled up quickly enough that whilst walking through the tavern, Lyria had weaved in and out of numerous people stood up, mugs of differing liquids in their hands.

Stains of various colours marked the table that Lyria sat at, and blended in with the burn marks and sword holes ruining what had once been beautiful wood.

Despite being a popular, well known tavern, it wasn't well known for being peaceful and calm. Judging by the ruined walls, floors, and stifling tension, the trio of Vampyres could tell this was a tavern where fights broke out most nights.

"What happened?" Caleb asked, his handsome features twisted into concern. His warm blue eyes held a hint of worry, that he tried to hide because he knew his Captain could defend herself, as they met Lyria's hazel ones.

Just like James, Caleb had no shortage of female companions. His bright blue eyes always looked at people with kindness and compassion, his dark brown hair was perfectly styled and soft enough to run your fingers through it. Caleb was handsome but in the sort of way that a prince from a fairy tale was whereas James was handsome in a way that spelled trouble.

"I'm fine, Caleb." Lyria reassured, before explaining her meeting with Izzy.

Once she had finished, Caleb looked ready to tear off someone's head - he never liked Lyria going into situations like that without someone to protect her back. James was sat there swirling his ale around the mug, watching as some of it sloshed over the side.

"Should have told me you were going." James started, watching as Lyria readied herself for an argument. "Izzy was always so much fun."

A gleam in his eyes informed Lyria that the fun he had had with the recently deceased Vampyre was not something done in public.

"Except I needed to have a serious conversation with her, not watch the pair of you eye fuck each other."

A woman using crude language went unnoticed in the tavern where everyone was using obscene language or making vulgar gestures. That was why Lyria continued to return to Singapore.

It was a place where she was allowed to be as uncouth as she wished; no one cared if she lacked good manners, no one cared that there was a sword strapped to her side. Unless it was pointed at them.

Singapore was where Lyria had found her freedom.
Singapore was where she had decided to become a pirate, and where she had bought her first sword.

"Looks like your serious conversation took a darker turn." Caleb noted, trying to keep the hint of disapproval from seeping into his tone.

Rolling her eyes at her Third, she shot him a lazy smirk, knowing he would forgive her instantly. Caleb respected her, and had no issue watching her rip apart enemies, as long as he was there to protect her back.

"Well, Singapore is no fun without a bit of murder."

Raising his mug in agreement, James gulped down the rest of his ale before Lyria could steal anymore and ordered another round.

Watching his Captain as she conversed with Caleb, James noticed that the blood went higher up her sleeve than the cape could hide. Looks like her serious conversation had resulted in a heart being removed from a body, James thought to himself. Narrowing his eyes, the First Mate wondered why his Captain hadn't deigned to inform him of her plans.

Her hazel eyes met his sky blue ones and she too narrowed her eyes at the criticism in them. Arching an eyebrow, she invited him to ask the questions plaguing him, and when he didn't, her smirk widened. Despite himself, he tried not to shudder at the fury still burning in her eyes.


"Caleb, gather the crew." Lyria instructed, once she knew everyone was aboard The Crimson Rose, and they had set sail.

Far away enough from Singapore that nobody on the docks would overhear what she was about to tell her crew - her family. Despite the feminine name of her ship, the figurehead with its talons and fangs showed that it was not a Pirate ship to be messed with. That despite the beauty of the Captain, the members of The Crimson Rose were nothing pure.

"Aye, aye, Captain." He shot her a smile that made women swoon, before hopping down the steps and towards the cabin where the rest of the sailors were.

Stood at the bow of the ship, Lyria tried to ignore the other handsome male stood behind her, simmering with curiosity, and a touch of rage.

Staring at the bottomless waves, watching as they churned under the boat, Lyria tried not to dwell on what she had done a couple of hours ago.

Once upon a time, Izzy had been a friend. A companion. At the beginning, she had been grateful for Lyria.
Once upon a time, Lyria had been saddened to see her friend leave the family of Vampyres. Memories were not as easy to erase as someone's life.

Sensing his friend's turmoil, James put aside his pride and walked up to her side. Wrapping her in his arms, he held her close and whispered comforts into her hair as she allowed herself to frown as her face was buried in his chest.
A small moment where she allowed herself to let the mask of composure slip; where she allowed herself to show raw pain - true emotion. Only James and Caleb had ever seen that side of her.

Sure, the rest of the crew were also family to her but she didn't like to show how much her duties sometimes drained her. If she were to crumple, who would they look to for strength during the hardships?

"I know." James murmured into her hair. "I understand."

He didn't. James had no clue why she had done it. Had no idea about the motives behind her moves. However, he understood the pain she felt after taking a life. Understood that she did not enjoy committing murders, as someone had once murdered her.

"Captain, they're all here." Caleb announced, causing Lyria to pull away from James and stand at the helm.

Caleb and James flanked her on both sides, her Second and Third falling into their places, as she faced the rest of her crew. Ensuring no one else saw, Caleb ran a thumb over the back of Lyria's hand in a gesture of comfort. Her Second and Third. Her brothers.

"Recently, I have learnt that ships are being hijacked, ransacked, and returned. Empty of loot and sailors." Lyria paused for effect, watching as her men shifted uneasily. "If any of you visit the other ships that belong to us, sail with any of them, I implore you to be careful. When I Turned you, I vowed to protect you and that is not something that will change. For the moment, our ships remain safe. However, Lucien Whitelock has suffered attacks."

Conversations broke out between the crew as Lyria let that piece of information settle in.
Lucien Whitelock was bloodthirsty and dangerous.
If his ships were going missing then nobody was safe. Apart from The Crimson Rose. A ship filled with Vampyres; the other ships that Lyria controlled, ones not full of Vampyres, were not as protected.

"Rumours have informed me that Whitelock blames us - blames me - for the downfall of his ships. If you happen across one of his men, do not engage in a fight. The last thing I need is for him to declare war. Please, be safe. If I was to lose one of you, no laws or rules could leash my fury. Now, get some rest. We have business to attend in the morning."

And with that, she dismissed them. Watched as some returned to the cabin, some sparred on deck or played games, or enjoyed some light conversation with others. Even James and Caleb left her side to converse with their brothers-in-arms.

Only Lyria remained at the helm, smiling lightly as she watched the happy family she had created. Informing them of the darkness plaguing the seas had done little to dampen their spirits, she did not want to ruin them with the knowledge of Izzy's demise.

Letting the salty scent of the sea fill her nose, Lyria smiled as the breeze whipped her hair free of its loose braid. Home. Stood on The Crimson Rose, surrounded by those she had saved, Lyria Blackwood had never felt more at home.


Sat in her quarters, Lyria was enjoying a good book as her ship sailed gracefully and smoothly to its next destination. Books about love so true that people would tear apart worlds to find the one they loved.

Two weeks had passed since that day in Singapore and things had taken a turn for the worst. Sat in a comforting armchair, Lyria read by the light of her candle, ignoring the darkness lingering outside her window.

A large bed was pushed against one wall, neatly made. A huge desk took up most of the other side of the room, papers stacked in piles all over it. A set of drawers were shoved into a corner, bursting with clothes, and lavish dresses (that were starting to collect dust).

Lyria had done nothing but lock herself in her quarters and read for the past three hours. Shutting out her family, and the bad news that had arrived three hours ago, and five minutes before she had hidden herself away.

"Lyria!" James called from the other side, knocking on the door, once again. A feat he had been trying every ten minutes. "C'mon. Let me in, Lyria. Just talk to me about it."

She ignored him and the door remained shut.

"Lyria, open the damn door."

The door did not open.

Even though it wasn't locked, the crew respected their Captain enough that, if she did not open it when they knocked, they did not enter. No matter how much they wished to talk to her. Some of them didn't enter out of fear from the times they had.

"Piss off, James."

Sighing could be heard from the other side of the door but the oldest Vampyre ignored it, and returned to the romance of her novel. She loved her independence and her lifestyle but sometimes she wished a man would sweep her off her feet.

A man that would respect both sides to her; Vampyre and Pirate Captain. A man who would challenge her but worship the ground she walked on. Unfortunately, she had come across no such man. James and Caleb may fit the criteria but that was a line that neither of them would ever cross. Family was more important than fleeting moments of want.

Lyria could sense that James was still stood outside her door. Rolling her eyes at the stubbornness of her Second, a stubbornness that rivalled her own, Lyria marked her place and put the book down.


Instantly, James was inside the room, stood in front of his Captain. Flopping down in the seat on the other side of the desk, James waited for Lyria to talk first; not wanting to push her too much.

"May I help you, James?" Lyria pursed her lips at him, staring him down until he shifted uncomfortably.

The candlelight that filled the room illuminated the golden flecks in her eyes and despite the centuries spent together, James was still taken aback by her beauty. Beauty that had slaughtered men.

The most beautiful things were the most dangerous. She was a rose covered in thorns.

"I think we should talk about earlier." James stated, not backing down.

"What's there to talk about? I failed them." Standing from her desk, she strode to the window, glancing up at the pale moon.

As the sun was beginning to sink, a messenger had climbed aboard The Crimson Rose with a note for Captain Blackwood. Not one to hide things from her crew, Lyria had opened it there and then and right it aloud. She hadn't even finished the note before her voice started trailing off.

Two weeks ago, she had warned them of the attacks on ships. Warned them of the darkness that tormented the seas. Lyria had promised that she would protect them, keep them safe. The note had informed her that she had failed. Three days ago, a ship of her own had sailed back to the fleet empty. A ghost ship.

She had already had a letter from one of the ships under her command begging for her to spare one of her men to protect the ship. None of the men wished to go and she would never force them. Now she would have to accept that any lives lost would be on her shoulders.

"You didn't fail-"

"Yes, I did. It is my job to protect them and you. How am I supposed to do that when I have no clue what is out there? Whatever is happening to those ships is not natural. I can not fight in. Yet I am expected to save them. Tell me how I do that, James. How do I protect those who look to me for strength when I myself am scared?"

"You are not a God. What can you do?" Was the only response Lyria received.

Staring out at the ocean, Lyria stared intensely at the darkness, as if she was trying to search for the sickness of the sea.

"Become a God."

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