By AnaisC20

3.7K 190 551

Vampyre and Pirate Captain. Lyria Blackwood was many things but she never expected to become the salvation of... More

~ ONE ~
~ TWO ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~


293 7 2
By AnaisC20

~ Around 1200s ~

"Good evening, Father." Lyria Blackwood greeted as she entered her father's study, asking him if he desired a cup of tea. "Oh, hello, Miss Georgia."

Trying to hide her look of displeasure, Lyria bowed her head in greeting as she took in her brother's mistress.

Fiddling with her bracelet, Lyria tried to ignore the tension in the air but she couldn't ignore the glares being exchanged between her father and Georgia.

Not even looking at his son's lover, Lord Alastair Blackwood dismissed her with a reminder that dinner would be served in two hours.

"Good evening, dear. Have you had a good day?" Alastair asked, finally looking about from the paper adorning his desk.

Letting out a sigh, Lyria perched on the edge of her father' chair, careful not to crumple her dress.

"It was pleasant."

As the years had passed, Lyria had spent many days being 'courted' by potential husbands. Today, she had been taken to a beautiful park for a delicious picnic, with a bland man.

Every suitor she had turned down for various reasons and her father was starting to get vexed with his daughter. In terms of marriage and heirs, she was getting old and if she wasn't married soon then she would be a burden.

"Lyria, my child, my pride and joy." Alastair started, causing Lyria to let out a weary sigh. "You must marry soon, dear. Your brother will be getting wed before you, and he is younger than you and male."

"Father, I have heard this speech so many times. I'm sorry but none of them interest me. None of them excite me. I need excitement in my life. What do you mean Stefan is marrying?" Hopping off the arm of the chair, she edged towards the door, hoping to escape her father.

"You are a woman. Your excitement will be raising your children. Not sailing the seas. You need a man who can provide for you." Alastair rolled his eyes at the words he had recited so many times. "And, Stefan is marrying Claire Richards, from the village, in two months."

"Was that why Georgia looked so furious with you?" Lyria took a step towards her father, wanting to know every little detail.

"We will discuss it at the dinner table later. Now, find some way to occupy yourself whilst I search for yet another suitor."

With a wave of his hand, Lyria floated out of the door, slamming it behind her in her exasperation. No one would ever see her as anything but a trophy wife.


Dinner had been eventful. Stefan had announced his engagement to Lyria and Georgia, with Claire sat beside him. Surprisingly, Georgia hadn't launched herself across the table to strangle Claire but had opted to to continue eating dinner, face remaining neutral.

"Well, that's wonderful. Welcome to the family, Claire." Lyria reached over to pat the other girl on the hand, ignoring the pointed cough from Georgia.

Resuming her meal, Lyria failed to notice the bent fork hidden under Georgia's plate. However. Alastair didn't. Narrowing his eyes at Georgia, he waited until the desert plates had been cleared away before dismissing Lyria, Stefan and Claire.

Stefan and Claire took a stroll around the mansion, Stefan giving his bride a tour of her new home, whilst Lyria went for a walk around the gardens.

As the hours passed, Lyria barely paid attention to the creeping shadows as she continued to wander through bushes and trees that she had spent her life hiding in.

Unfortunately, the dark haired beauty was unaware of the furious, dangerous figure storming towards her. After her talk with Alastair, Georgia was murderous. How dare he kick her out like a common whore, she seethed.

Spotting the elegant figure plucking a daisy, Georgia smirked to herself as the perfect revenge flitted into her mind.

"Lyria!" Georgia called out, rushing to catch up with the Lord's daughter. "What a lovely night for a moonlit stroll."

"Yes, it is quite pleasant. Would you like to join me?" She asked, ever the polite Lady.

"That would be most wonderful."

Looping her arm through Lyria's, Georgia steered them towards the servant's quarters at the back of the mansion.

Lyria did not question it when Georgia roused a butler to join them, nor did she question it when Georgia led them further away from the mansion. It was just custom to have a chaperone on walks.

On the other hand, Lyria did grow suspicious when the lights of the mansion started to fade and the trees grew thicker.

"Georgia, might I inquire as to why you wish to enter the forest?"

"No, you may not."

Lyria did not protest further. Georgia was a guest in her home so it was Lyria's duty as the eldest to ensure that Georgia was comfortable and her demands were seen to.

Trees swayed in the gentle wind, casting shadows across Georgia's face, masking the cruel glint in her eyes. Animal chatter ceased as they entered the clearing, scurrying away from the evil that had invaded their home.

"Georgia, I insist we go back home. I'll ask Cook to make some hot cocoa and biscuits for us."

Turning to leave, a dainty hand caught Lyria's wrist and forced her to stay where she was. Ignoring the questioning looks from the Lord's daughter, Georgia sauntered up to the butler and compelled to remain where he stood, no matter what happened. Shockingly, he agreed and didn't move an inch.

"Georgia, what is going on?"

"I am sorry to do this to you Lyria but I have been wronged, and you must pay the price."

Brown eyes turned onyx and the veins underneath them popped out as Georgia circled the frightened Blackwood.
Sharp fangs gleamed as the moonlight bounced off them and Lyria began to sob as she realised the danger she was in, and that no one would help her in time.

"Please, Georgia. Please. Don't do this. I'll give you whatever you want. Please, I beg of you. Please don't kill me. Please!" Lyria screamed the last word as Georgia took a step towards her.

Fear rooted Lyria in place.

"Goodbye, Lyria."

Biting into her wrist, Georgia watched as the blood poured down it. Before Lyria could make a run for it, Georgia had the trembling girl in a headlock and with no emotion, she forced the substance down Lyria's throat. Once she was sure the girl had had enough, Georgia placed both hands on Lyria's slim neck, and snapped it to the side.


Alone and frightened. Lyria awoke just as the sun was beginning to rise and she was alone and frightened.

Wrist burning, she looked down at the pretty bracelet adorning her wrist and ripped it off. The burning stopped. After the pain had subsided, Lyria came to the realisation that she was not alone.

With a new sense of hearing, Lyria could detect the beat of a heart and the thrum of blood as rushed through human veins, amongst the sharp sounds of the forest. She could hear the sounds of birds emerging from the nests. In the distance, a fox was creeping along the grassy floor.

With a heightened sense of smell, Lyria could detect the stench of fear leaking from a human male. She could smell the upturned earth after a mole had burrowed its way into the ground.

With heightened sight, Lyria could see the detail of the leaves, even from the tops of the trees. But, most importantly, she could see the butler still standing where he had been ordered to the night before.

With extreme speed, Lyria was stood before him in an instant, looking at every pore and bead of sweat that adorned his once-handsome features. Now those features were contorted with fright and shock.

"Lady Lyria, you were dead. I tried to go to you but found myself unable to move. How are you-"

"Cedric, stop talking." Lyria groaned as her head started throbbing and an agonising thirst tore at her throat.

Underneath the smell of unwashed male, Lyria couldn't help but admit that Cedric smelt so good. Brushing his throat with her nose, she let out an unlady like moan as his scent washed over her; she had never smelt something so amazing. Tensing, Cedric tried to take a step back but found himself locked in place; unable to even lift a finger.

Fangs shot out from her gums, which ached from restraining the deadly weapons, and she placed her mouth on a throbbing vein. So warm, so full of life.

Lyria was hardly in control of her actions as her fangs pierced the soft flesh of his neck, blood oozing into her mouth, trickling down her throat. Despite her actions disgusting her, she revelled in the sensational taste, and embraced the feeling telling her to continue.

Within moments, Lyria had drained Cedric off his blood and had discarded his body on the forest floor. Standing in that clearing, blood ruining her pretty dress, Lyria had become a Vampyre.

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