An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note

A much needed break

1.7K 39 11
By darkhero789

When Felicia woke up she smelled bacon and eggs immediately. Thank you super senses. Felicia then got up and saw peter cooking a few feet away. She pushed herself up and looked at him.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Peter said. Felicia stretched out her arms. It seemed that all of the stress from the previous day was gone. When peter finished the bacon he made a plate and handed it to Felicia. She ate the food on the bed while peter made himself a plate and ate at his desk. The couple enjoyed the morning while they ate when a knock sounded at his door. Confused, peter got up from the desk and opened the door enough to stick out his head to see who it was. He was greeted by the smiling faces of Ned Leeds and Harry Osborn. Peter looked at them confused.

"What are you guys doing?" Peter asked.

"Haha. Very funny pete. Like you'd forget what today is." Harry said. He tried to open the door but peter stopped him. Harry looked at peter confused.

"It's Wednesday. There's nothing special about it." Peter said.

"Pete you can drop the act. Come on man." Ned Said. Peters face didn't change. Ned then realized he wasn't joking. "Seriously? You forgot what today is?" Ned asked. Peter nodded his head. "You forgot your birthday?" Ned asked surprised. Peters brow furrowed.

"Today's not my birthday." Peter said. He then thought for a second. He then slammed the door and grabbed his phone. Using it to check the date. The date was August 15th (this is probably not Peters actually birthday in the comics. I came up with this day because Spider-mans first appearance was in Amazing fantasy #15  which was released in August of 1962. I will also come up with other characters birthdays in a similar fashion unless they share an appearance with another character in which case I'll have to improvise). Peter then reopened the door like before. "So it's my birthday." Peter conceded.

"So can we come in?" Harry said with a hopeful smile.

"No. I'll be out in a second." Peter said. He closed the door again. He then ran to his desk and pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste from his drawer. Felicia looked at peter.

"It's your birthday?" She asked.

"Ugh.... Yeah. I forgot about it." Peter said. Surprised Felicia got up and got ready herself. She might as well spend his birthday with him. When they were both ready peter opened the door and walked out with Felicia behind. Harry and Ned were surprised to see a girl walk out of his room.

"Who is this?!" Harry asked surprised.

"Harry, Ned this is Felicia Hardy, my girlfriend. Felicia these two idiots are my best friends Harry Osborn and Ned Leeds." Peter said making the introductions.

"So we finally meet your girlfriend. Come on what do you take us for? Chopped liver?" Harry asked.

"You don't want that answered." Peter said.

"So what are we doing?" Felicia asked.

"Well usually we do the same thing every year.... go to aunt mays, have a party, me and Ned get drunk. Birthday stuff. But actually we have a high school Reunion in a few days so we're skipping the party and getting drunk." Harry explained.

"But we are celebrating your 25 birthday." Ned said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's do this." Peter said. They walk out of the building and waiting for them out front were two sports cars. One was a green Lamborghini while the other was a brand new red Chevy Camaro. Harry used two different keys causing them both click and unlock. He then tossed peter a set of keys.

"She's all yours." Harry said with a smile. Peter looked at Harry for a while. "What?" He asked.

"Fuck you." Peter said. Harry smiled back at peter. Then peter and Ned got in the Lamborghini.

"He bought you a muscle car?" Felicia said shocked.

"Yeah. Ever since our 18th birthday he's been getting us new cars on our birthday. Every year. He once gave me a 1969 Dodge Charger from a tv show I used to watch with my uncle Ben." Peter said.

"What show?" Felicia asked.

"Dukes of hazard. Uncle Ben loved it. He said he'd watch it with my dad and grandpa when they were younger." Peter said.

"Wait you said since you turned 18. That was 7 years ago. So you have 7 different cars?" Felicia asked.

"Yeah." Peter said.

"Why don't you drive them any of them?" Felicia asked.

"It's a far walk from here to the garage there parked in. Also I'm a terrible driver. It's not a good idea for me to speed or anything. Picking someone up from the airport sure. But racing is a no no." Peter said. Felicia looked at him. "I mean I already have the... you know. Pew pew. So I really never needed to know how to drive." Peter said making his hands like he was going to shoot a web. Felicia understood. She then looked at the car.

"Could I drive?" Felicia asked. Peter looked at her.

A few minutes later Felicia was speeding down a almost empty road with Harry right behind them. Harry sped up so he was beside them and looked to see Felicia laughing and smiling. Harry turned to Ned.

"I think I like Peters girlfriend. I mean as a friend." Harry said.

"Yeah totally. But she's way out of his league." Ned said.

"Oh most definitely." Harry said.

When they got to aunt mays Felicia parked on the side of the road. Harry parked behind her. Harry and Ned got out hooping and hollering. Felicia got out and felt great as she smiled and beamed. Peter got out unfazed by the racing they just did.

"Peter where did you find this girl?!" Harry asked.

"That's a secret." Peter answered.

"You are one badass behind a wheel." Ned said as he gave Felicia a high five. "Unlike some people." Ned looked at peter.

"Shut up Ned." Peter said. Peter then noticed another car. "Who's that?" Peter asked.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited Betty." Ned said.

"I don't mind at all." Peter said. They went to the door and knocked. It was opened almost immediately by aunt May.

"Peter!" May said as she embraced peter in a huge hug. She then got out of the way and let everyone. When May saw Felicia she gave her a hug as well. Once inside peter saw Richard with Miles. Aunt may knew Rio Morales. After uncle bens death aunt may had to find a job so she got a nursing license and worked at the same hospital that Rio worked at. That was actually how peter met miles before miles got his powers. Richard and miles both got along great. They were about the same age and both enjoyed a lot of the same things. Thing was Richard was very closed off like he is with most people he's especially been closed off with the recent events. It made Peter Happy to know that miles was able to be friends with Richard. They both got up and greeted peter.

"Happy birthday cuz." Richard said.

"What are plans after you leave?" Miles asked.

"Go home.... sleep." Peter said.

"Ugh. Your so boring Pete." Richard replied.

"What would you do if you were in my position?" Peter asked.

"Go out and party." Richard answered without hesitation.

"Hah!" Peter laughed. He wiped away a fake tear. "Not with how much work I do. All I want is a good nights rest." Peter said. Richard rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Do what you want." He replied. With that Richard and miles left for Richards room to play on his consoles. Aunt may didn't like it and was about to stop him but peter got to may first.

"Let him play. I don't mind." Peter said.

"I mind. It's rude." May said.

"He's a teenager. Besides I think it's good that miles is hanging out with him. Richard needs someone to hang out with. You know how it is." Peter said. May sighed then let them off. Betty came from the kitchen. Ned joined her at her side.

"Happy birthday peter." Betty said.

"Thank you Betty. I guess mr. journalist here told you about it?" Peter asked.

"Yes he did. I have actually been very busy recently and Ned knew I was getting stressed from work. So he asked me to join you guys at your little get together." Betty said.

"Well thanks for coming. Oh uh... Betty this is Felicia hardy my girlfriend. Felicia this is Betty Brant. She's Ned's girlfriend." Peter said introducing Felicia to Betty. They shook hands.

"Is your hair natural?" Betty asked.

"Yes." Felicia said with a smile.

"It's so pretty. I'm a little jealous." Betty said.

"Thank you." Felicia said. May rapped on Peters shoulder. He turned around to look at her.

"Jay was here earlier to give this to you. He said he was sorry he couldn't be here to give it to you personally but he's busy with work." May said. She handed peter an envelop with a card inside.

"Tell him I said Thanks next time you see him." Peter said.

"I will." May said. May then left Peter, Felicia, Ned, Betty, and Harry alone to talk as she made a cake.

"So when is all of your birthdays?" Felicia asked the people in the small group.

"Well mines December 31st. New Year's Eve." Harry said as he took a swig from his beer. (Amazing Spider-Man issue #31 released in December of 1965)

"November 18th." Ned answered. (Amazing Spider-Man issue #18 released in November of 1964. Funny Ned appeared before Harry even though Harry is Peters best friend in the comics.)

"September 4th." Betty answered. (Amazing Spider-Man issue #4 released in September of 1963)

"So Peters the oldest among you boys." Felicia said.

"Yes. Now when's your birthday?" Peter asked.

"July 19th." Felicia replied. (Amazing Spider-Man issue 194 released in July of 1979)

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?! That was last month." Peter said.

"You were busy. What you were doing was important and I decided not to bother you." Felicia replied.

"Well then we're going out tonight. After this is over we're going to celebrate your birthday." Peter said.

"Peter you don't have too. It was a month ago." Felicia said.

"I don't care." Peter said. Felicia looked in his eyes. "You are very important to me and I want to celebrate your birthday. So we're going out tonight for you." Peter said.

"Thanks." Felicia said.

"You know what I just realized something." Ned said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Mr. Rich boy here's the only one without a girlfriend." Ned said. Harry's eyes opened in realization.

"Holy shit! He's right. How did I get left behind?" Harry said.

"I don't know. I can't see why no one would like to go out on a date with an arrogant rich boy who buys expensive cars for his friends every year just to flaunt his money. Peter can you?" Ned asked in a teasing manner. Peter shook his head.

"Nope. I'd think all the ladies would be on their hands and knees begging and kissing his limited edition Gucci shoes for a date." Peter said also teasing Harry.

"Hahaha. I don't have limited edition Gucci shoes....They are one of kind, Gucci shoes. No body has them, but me." Harry Said smugly. This got a laugh out of the group.

Time skip

Peter sat at the head of the dinner table. Everyone was at the table. Even Richard and miles came back down. May then walked in with a big blue cake that said happy birthday peter. It had two candles in the shape of a two and a five to make 25. They then began to sing the happy birthday song. (I'm not putting it in here due to copyright as I've heard YouTube videos of people singing it being taken down for copyright.) when they finished may set the cake down. After a second peter got his wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered as he did it. Felicia learned in and gave peter a peck in the cheek.

"Now it's time to cut the cake." May said. She cut off a piece but Felicia got it from her.

"Allow me aunt may." Felicia said with a bright and cheery smile. She then got the cake onto a plate. Peter was looking at Harry. "Peter." She said. As peter turned to Felicia she almost threw the cake in his face. Peters spider sense however warned him in time to dodge so instead of it hitting Peters face it hit Harry's chin and neck. Everything was silent as everyone looked at Harry. He wiped some of the cake off his neck and licked them. Then looked at Felicia.

"Your on." He said as he grabbed a fist full of the cake and threw it at Felicia. Not only did it hit Felicia but it splatter aunt May and the walls too.

"You just started a war." Peter said. Peter then grabbed a fistful himself. Soon everyone was in the food fight.

Once they used all the food on hand everyone began to clean up the mess while aunt May watched.

"You made the mess, you clean the mess." May said adamantly. She then looked at her clothes which were covered in food. "Now. I need to change my clothes." May said as she went upstairs to change her clothes.

When they were all done cleaning everyone went home. It was mid-day by this point in time. As peter and Felicia went to Peters new car Felicia went to the drivers side door.

"Nah-uh. I'm driving." Peter said.

"Thought you said you weren't a good driver." Felicia said.

"Not good enough for a drag race. But I can drive around New York just fine. We won't be speeding or anything though." Peter said as he opened the drivers side door and got in. Felicia went around and sat in the passenger side seat. Peter then drove into Manhattan. After a while peter parallel parked by a jewelry store.

"What are we doing here?" Felicia asked.

"Well. I know how you like pretty things and I noticed how the only things you had when you moved in with me were clothes and your gear. So when you said you birthday was last month and we didn't celebrate it I figured. Why not." Peter said.

"You sure you can afford to buy me jewelry?" Felicia asked knowing if he bought her something it was more then likely going to be expensive.

"Yeah. I've been working a lot and not just for dr. Connors. The money I earned from him is enough to support us, but I couldn't buy jewelry with what I earned from him. But the money I get from being a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. Now that's a lot of dough. I've been putting it all in the bank saving it cause I don't really need it right now. So since we'll be celebrating your birthday a month late I thought we could splurge a little." Peter said. With that he opened his door and got out. He then went around and opened the door for Felicia. "M'lady." He said.

"And they say chivalry is dead." Felicia said as she got out.

"Actually chivalry has nothing to do with the way someone treats a women. It's actually the way a knight fights with his...." peter saw the look Felicia gave him that said 'really?' and he stopped talking. "Yeah. I'll stop.... Shall we?" Peter asked waving Felicia towards the jewelry store. They entered and Felicia looked around the place. With her background as a professional cat burglar she could already identify the most expensive thing in the room. But Felicia steered clear of it knowing it'd be hard for her to pull herself away from it once she got close. A women came towards them.

"Hello. How can I help you?" The women asked.

"We're her to buy her a birthday gift." Peter said immediately. The women smiled.

"In that case we have some lovely peridots over this way." The women said as she knew the birthstone of August was peridot.

"Actually she's a ruby." Peter said. Felicia looked at peter surprised that he knew her birthstone when she only tolled him what her birthday was not long ago. "I was a little busy last month and we didn't really have the time to go shopping. So since I'm a month late I brought her here." Peter said.

"In that case the rubies are this way." The women said. Peter and Felicia both followed her. When they got there the women began to point out some very pretty ruby necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Peter looked at one of the necklaces and asked if the lady could pull it out for them to look at more closely. As she brought it out though felicia saw something. A little necklace with what appeared to be a sleeping cat with a ruby hanging from its collar. Peter continued to look at the necklace the lady had brought out.

"Hey Felicia. What do you think about this one?" Peter asked. He looked at her and saw that she was looking at the cat. The one she was looking at was a lot cheaper then the one that was brought out. But it seemed to be speaking to Felicia. "Felicia." Peter said gaining her attention. "Is that the one you want?" Peter asked. She looked at it and smiled.

"Yes." She said. With that the lady put the one she pulled out back and got out the little sleeping cat. As they went to pay for it they ended up right next to most expensive piece of jewelry in the store. But Felicia paid it no mind as she looked at the necklace peter was buying for her. When walking out Felicia held the held tightly not wanting to ever let it go. This was the first gift she ever received from peter and she wasn't about to part with it any time soon.

Time skip somewhere else

It was way past dark and in a home there were no lights on. In side the house was nothing but carnage. Blood was splattered on the walls. Chunks of flesh littered the ground. You could find several limbs lying around and two torsos were beside each other. Both it could be guessed that they belonged to two men from how they were very muscular and did not have breasts. In the kitchen reading the newspaper was Eddie. He had a toothpick in his fingers as he cleaned his teeth. When he finished reading he tossed the paper to the side and walked for the door to leave. As he walked he noticed something that caught his eye. A stack of mail. But on the top was a opened letter that was an invitation to a high school reunion. The high school was midtown high. Eddie picked up the letter and looked to see what year the class was. Eddie found it on the bottom. In big bold letters it said. Class of 2012. This brought a big smile to Eddies face.

"Enjoy the reunion Parker. While it lasts." Eddie then shape shifted so that he was a bald headed white male. Then left the house.

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