One Step Closer

Oleh lonelycauliflower

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"What do you want?" - I asked hesitantly. The boy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and he just shook... Lebih Banyak

CHAPTER 1. - The Office
CHAPTER 2. - The invention of cellophane
CHAPTER 3. - Turnstile troubles and sexy hunks
CHAPTER 4. - How to get a coffee date
CHAPTER 5. - Flourishing flower business
CHAPTER 6. - An eventful lunch break
CHAPTER 7. - Hot chocolate and marshmallows
CHAPTER 8. - Another hot chocolate
CHAPTER 9. - Misfiring misfortune
CHAPTER 10. - How to execute a perfect coffee date
CHAPTER 11. - Warm bodies and boyhood dreams
CHAPTER 12. - Instant noodles and locksmith
CHAPTER 13. - The audacity of a lawyer
CHAPTER 14. - How to get cornered and make a run for it
CHAPTER 15. - Changing locks and pecking soft lips
CHAPTER 16. The wellbeing of a skittish lawyer
CHAPTER 17. Being an adult is not so easy
CHAPTER 18. How do you like your eggs?
CHAPTER 19. A trip down memory lane
CHAPTER 20. The history of Butterfly Riverdance
CHAPTER 21. A teenager vs The House of Lords
CHAPTER 22. Cheerios and a free meal ticket
CHAPTER 23. Letting someone adore you is courageous
CHAPTER 24. Falling fast, feeling deeply
CHAPTER 25. Defusing a nuclear bomb needs expert knowledge
CHAPTER 26. The battle is not tough if you team up
CHAPTER 27. Having you is what I need
CHAPTER 28. Your desire is paramount
CHAPTER 29. Having a friend is the best thing that could happen to you
CHAPTER 30. Chinese takeaway and who knows what's under the cushion?
CHAPTER 31. The art of conspiracy
CHAPTER 32. There is discount in every business
CHAPTER 33. Complications of a busy morning
CHAPTER 34. Maintain your stance at all costs
CHAPTER 35. Curious detective and the burnt lasagne
CHAPTER 36. Saving lasagne and the scent of innocence
CHAPTER 37. The case of lost innocence
CHAPTER 38. The fight for your homies
CHAPTER 39. Deeper and faster is the new trend
CHAPTER 40. Sealing the deal
CHAPTER 41. Winning against rabid wolves
CHAPTER 42. Time to organise a party
CHAPTER 43. Going deep, feeling deeper
CHAPTER 44. Getting his trust
CHAPTER 45. In the name of an orange duck
CHAPTER 47. A hot piece of cake is a hot piece of cake
CHAPTER 48. The case of a cold cappuccino
CHAPTER 49. On the brink of a meltdown
CHAPTER 50. Where is a beginning there's an end
CHAPTER 51. Tardiness is sexy
CHAPTER 52. A stammering boy and the grand entry
CHAPTER 53. Slippery fingers get deep
CHAPTER 54. The agitated Cairo is pissed
CHAPTER 55. The case of a toy boy and a tricky father
CHAPTER 56. The great escape to the unknown

CHAPTER 46. In the need of a locksmith again

139 17 30
Oleh lonelycauliflower

Cairo POV~

I didn't know how to pull it off but I had to be a brother, a father and someone at the same time, a person who James could look up to. I haven't decided what I am going to be for him but first of all, I could offer him a safe place to stay and make sure he was not lacking in anything.

When he showed up at my apartment, he was shivering from the cold, was wet from the November rain, and looked almost like a small puppy.

So as soon as we got back from the dry cleaner and picked up some chinese food, I showed him into the only guest room I had. I went to my bedroom and pulled out an old tracksuit bottom of mine and a hoodie then I stopped on the corridor, and got a set of clean bed linen from the press. With the clothes and bed linen in my hand I walked to the closed door and knocked on it with my free hand.

"I got you some clothes, and bedlinen, I figured you could change into something dry. " I told him once he cracked opened the door.

"Thanks, Cairo, I really appreciate it." Jamie said, his voice gravelly low. I suddenly worried about him getting a cold or something. Since my father's declining health, I was concerned about everyone's health around me generally. He took the clothes from my hands then retreated to the room.

"Hurry up, the duck is gonna get cold." I called after him, and I smiled as I knew, how much he loved his food. He was just like Marian.

Which made me think, why was Jamie in my flat, instead of hers. I scratched my sparsley growing stubble and went to the kitchen to unpack the goodies.

I've heard James pottering around for a while, probably making up the bed. Then a couple of minutes later he emerged from the guest room that I already renamed as his room in my mind. Somehow I had this feeling that he won't be a one night guest in my place. I grabbed the remote and turned on the telly, found a channel that ran some old episodes of Scrubs, and set the volume low but still audible.

"Let's eat before it goes cold." I turning to him, and swiftly proceeded to open up the last styrofoam box on the kitchen counter.

"I had dinner at Marian's place but I had to walk here, so there is always room for more." James smiled, and rubbed his belly affectionately.

We dove into the delicious aromatic duck, smothered in orange sauce. It was so flipping good, I nearly moaned when the taste hit my tastebuds.

James must have had seen something on my face, because he suddenly laughed out loud, chuckling as he tried to slurp up the sauce with his noodles.

"That good?" He asked.

"Did I moan or just imagine?" I asked back after swallowing a big chunk of the tender duck meat.

James didn't reply this time but he went on polishing off his plate in record time. He ate with gusto, it seemed whatever Marian fed him with did nothing to his bottomless stomach.

When he finished the last bite of the crispy duck skin, I thought we couldn't avoid the obvious elephant in the room any further.

"So, will you tell me, what made you run from Marian?" I blurted out at once, making sure in the meantime, he had my full and undivided attention.
He let out a strangled choking sound, then his face turned pale. Suddenly he looked so small, way too young to shoulder so many problems, and I just wanted him to be a teenager once again.

I remembered my teenage years spent in New York or London. Somehow I have never felt at home properly anywhere. Perhaps with my father in his house, in London, I was at more home than in New York. For a long time I was so disconnected emotionally from my mother and travelled a lot to my father, maybe that was the reason why I was never able to make proper long lasting friendships, my close circle of friends was non-existent. I spent my youth with studying, and because of those studious years, now I was where I wanted to be. Chief Executive Officer at my father's company. Soon I will be taking over properly, but before that I had James's case and I had to make sure he will be all right. Somehow I felt responsible to correct the injustice that had been done to him.

For this, very personal reason, I wanted to make everything right for this boy, and I knew I had to fork out the truth from him. He was one closed off son of a bitch and even he was young, he acted like an ancient, old English lord most of the time.

He seemed to be embarrassed that I called him out on his departure from Marian's place, his face got red quickly from it. It was clear as a day that something wasn't right between them.

"I don't know." He stuttered the words out then he quickly straightened himself up in the chair and looked me in the eyes. I patiently waited until he pulled himself together and was able to to explain it to me.

"I just don't feel that it's right that I am with her. I feel I take advantage of her somehow. " James stated and I really felt for him. He didn't want the responsibility of being in a relationship.

"But do you have feelings for her?" I asked him and I genuinely hoped he will have some, otherwise Marian would be crushed.

"Of course! She is everything to me but she is too much sometimes. I feel suffocated by her at times, especially when she wants to give me things that I don't need." James continued.

"I see, but she is like that, she likes to give, anything, even if she doesn't have much herself at all." I replied to him.

"I do understand what you mean though and I think you need to discuss this between the two of you. Personally I think you two should take a break to chill a bit, especially Marian. But by all means, think through twice because I don't want Marian get hurt." I warned him. No matter what, he was a young guy, still in his teens, but he was capable of hurting my one and only assistant, who I became very close to over the months. I wanted her to be happy, and she was happy with James. On the other hand I knew their relationship was quite rocky from the start. James was too young and his background wasn't stable, but a relationship was a two-way thing. He needed to man up and talk to Marian about his thoughts.

So that's what I did, I explained to him what I thought about their relationship and how he should really talk to her, even if it's difficult for him. He was agitated by the look of him, especially when I hinted maybe they should break up to see if their feelings are strong enough. He stood up and started pacing in the sitting room, occasionally stopping and shaking his head before started to pace again. He looked deeply lost in his own thoughts and I didn't expect him a full explanation at all, but James surprised me.

"I think Marian doesn't see me as a partner. She likes me for sure and we have great chemistry. She helps me a lot, but I feel she is too motherly over me." James said, with hands in his pockets, his frustration was clearly plastered on his face. He continued pacing in the sitting room, then suddenly sat down to the couch and straightened his long legs. He seemed to be quite agitated, and suddenly he covered his face with both hands.

"I just don't know what to do! I wish someone would make decisions instead of me." He whispered into his palms, but I managed to catch his low pitched words. He rubbed his face a couple of times then turned away from me.

"I'll help, if you need. You can rely on me." I offered and I hoped I can gain his trust. He finally started to open up and I hoped I can be the person who he really needed in his life. An older brother maybe, definitely not a father figure, but someone who can guide him, and help him through the traps of adulthood.

He was visibly shaken and I felt for him, but he needed to step up for himself, and with some guidance he will come over the obstacles of this difficult time.

"Thanks, Cairo. I really appreciate your help. I don't want to feel so alone anymore." He said quietly, his loneliness resonated in me and in that moment, I was certain that I won't let him down.

"Then let's go to sleep, I had a long day and I am wrecked. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Also don't forget that the judge summoned us on the 14th of December, the verdict is in. Would you like to come with me?" I asked him.

"Yes. No... I don't know. If Marian will be there too, I'd rather avoid being there too." James said flatly and I wondered what is this fierce objection against Marian. Then it suddenly hit me, in case he lost his case, he didn't want to face her lover. He didn't want to show his weak side, like every boy in this planet, wanted to project masculinity and winning. I certainly hoped our side won, and there would be no humiliation for James.

We needed to win. I strived for winning, and I've put many hours into this case, so I was certain we will win, no matter what.

"All right, I can ask Marian to do something else on that day, if you want. I don't have to let her know about the date of the verdict at all. Is that ok with you?" I asked him, and started to pack up our leftover food.

"That would be awesome, Cairo." James replied without hesitation.


I casually walked up to the assigned courtroom, a small sign showed me that I am walking towards the right direction. I may have displayed confidence, my steps were strong and measured, but inside I was a bit nervous. I had a strong argument and strong closing speech but I was not sure of a positive outcome for us. Everything was in the hand of the jury and eventually, I could do nothing about it. In case it was not in our favour, of course I would appeal against it immediately. But until then I had to put on a face and radiate a certain demeanour to keep James sane. If I would show any weakness in front of him, he would lose his shit and probably would hightale out of our life.

Thankfully, I managed to steer Marian away from the court house today, signing her into a course, a week ago. She was grumpy and cursed me a few times as the place of the course was about an hour with train and included a bus ride too. She was not happy but I didn't care. My concern was James, and I wanted to keep my word for him.

He was a vulnerable teenager, without life experience and this mean world was out to eat him up unless I managed to stop his stupid uncle to take everything what belonged to James. This uncle didn't know what he was in for yet. Because if the outcome is in our favour, I would make sure he lost everything. Not only what he unjustly acquired but everything else he owned, James had a birthright to his own inheritance, and if it depended on me, he would get everything else too.

I slowly walked up to the door, checked the time one more time to make sure I wasn't too early or late. I opened the door and entered the small courtroom.
The two judges were already there and I nodded towards the pulpit, where they were seated. It was a small enough courtroom, nothing like you would see in movies. This case was about to blow up, and I knew the judges intended to keep everything quiet, and they had the power to forbid anything to get out to the news. Once a paparazzi tried to harass James and Marian and I made a motion to continue the trial without the public. After a short deliberation, my motion was accepted. Therefore we were here in this small courtroom today, and nobody was outside the court house to harass us. I was grateful for that as I didn't know how James would react after the verdict was delivered. No matter what, he was still an impulsive teenager, and I didn't know if he could control is emotions.

A few minutes later, once I settled into my chair, James arrived.

"I'm not late, aren't I?" He whispered it breathlessly.
"I missed the bus and had to run several blocks." He continued, taking a huge breath after he finished his sentence.

"No, you are on time, it hasn't started yet." I answered and tried to seem as nonchalant as I could, although I was buzzed with this nervous energy inside.

"Ok, thank God." James replied then made himself comfortable on the small wooden chair.

Soon after our entrance, James's Uncle and his entourage made his way onto his side of the room. James stiffened beside me but he did not spare a glance to his Uncle. I admired his stubbornness. I would have done the same. Maybe he was stronger than I thought. I concluded in myself.

All of a sudden, the whole room became alive,we were asked to arise, then James, and his Uncle had to remain erect.

The verdict was simple and fast delivered.

The jurors found James's Uncle guilty of perverting the course of justice, and all accounts that have been submitted. He would be sentenced on a later date. Once James's Uncle understood that the outcome was not in his favour, he started to make a scene but his lawyers managed to calm down before everything could have gotten messy.

"Did I gather that I am going to get back everything?" James asked me in a small voice.

"Yes, James, you are entitled to your inheritance and everything else that your parents owned, including bonds and other investments." I explained to him, but I knew this was only a fraction of what he was going to be getting after the whole case was over.

James didn't answer right away, just sat there, quietly, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

He suddenly stood up and turned to his uncle who was just about to leave the courtroom.

"I want you out of my parents' house by the end of the day." He said in a cold voice I was not expected from him. His demeanour changed so quickly, I looked at him wide eyed.

"Don't worry, I don't need that filthy place anyway." His uncle retorted and scurried out of the room.

We went through some legalities with one of his barrister and we were good to go too.

"Am I allowed to go back to my parents' house today?" James asked me once we stepped outside of the building.

"Well, I guess, yes, you can. But what I suggest is that we get a locksmith first, because once everyone who does not belong to the household gets out, you need to get the locks changed." I recommended him happily.

I was happy that finally the whole situation about his future looked better than ever.

"Thanks Cairo, I never forget what you've done for me." He said looking as embarrassed as a grasshopper on an open place.

"I want you to become my advisor on the long run, I swear I'll pay for you this time." He laughed and suddenly like an enormous stone lifted of our chest, we both burst out laughing.

"As long as there will be food, I'm all yours." I answered when I caught my breath.

We looked at each other again then laughed, then we started to walk back towards my office. We couldn't have been happier in that moment, but I knew the cat has to come out of the bag.
So I sighed and stopped him for a second:

"When are you going to tell Marian?"


Hello my Lovelies,

It's been a very long time. But here you go another filler chapter before the grand finale.

Dedicated the one and only TheWitchAndTheCat , my good friend of mine, who inspired me so much to write with her stories. If you haven't read anything from this amazing author, I highly recommend to read them all! ^_^

*Not spell checked*
*Not edited properly*

Hope you will enjoy this chapter, and ask me many questions about the ending. Because no matter how I look at it, this story is nearly at the end.

Have a lovely week all of you!


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