By Ayshasamira

28.3K 2.9K 475

She was searching for her dream man all this years,,, she always dreams of him,, and at times give up,and thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2:Introduction
Chapter 3:Prince charming
Chapter 4:Missing Rib
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:The meeting
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50:Final chapter

Chapter 17

518 65 9
By Ayshasamira

Time flies by really quickly,it has been almost 5 weeks of our meeting or do i say of expressing our feelings.

He has been vey loving and caring above all he wanted to see me very badly,but i held him back, cause i don't know what to say to my parents,i wanted us to be Solid first,and Khalil he has been a good cousin and brother to both of us....

Khalil,i am going back to Nigeria this week,
Ya salaam,Dont tell me Dad's health is Deteriorating,..

No not at all,he is absolutely alright,I can not take it anymore i want to see my Noor,...

What?You heard me right,i want to see Noor,i can't maintain the distance anymore,I overtly gulped in some air,I miss her so much,and my heart can't take it anymore,i am having pains,i visualize her,i recall her words,Khalil isn't it obvious.

Hmmmm!This is serious,anyway you can go tomorrow,i will stay back and take care of things...
Seriously,khalil,we are going together,he uttered with enthusiasm,he removed his spectacles,,,

I want to talk to Baba about Noor,and we can have the engagement if it's ok with her,I want her to be mine,I want to.....

It's ok brother,i chipped in,i understand,i can say you can't wait to may be Hug her right,he winked...

Khalil,i will disown you soon,Mine is pure love,i just want to catch a glimpse of her
sweet,innocent,beautiful face....
Dream girl,he grinned
Whatever,,,,,I just heard her voice from behind...

Hey yaya khalil,,,i rubbed my temple am i dreaming..
oh it's khalil and his video call.
Janan,we missed you so much,how are you doing today?

I am fine,and you?in sound health,
Hope you are taking care of yourself and My Jaan?
He is right here,he turned the ipad to Ahmad,,

OMG!I was abashed,i close my eyes,,,,
Noor,,I hope you are fine,what are you doing?
just sitting alone in the room,typing somethings,i point to the laptop infront of mee,

He smiled,ok take care,,,,
Janan,do you know that your husband is not letting me rest....

Yaya khalil, and that her melodious voice is something else i felt a hitch in my heart,y is she using that voice on anyone even khalil....
what are you doing?

Yaya khalil,i am registering for my Masters,,,,,I am tired of searching for a job...

What?Yes yaya khalil....where are you going for the masters and when?

Southwales university London,Yaya khalil please pray for me, i hope My dad will grant me permission to go,i really want to go...
Am what course?

M.A Psycholinguistics or MA languages...
Yaya i only need your prayers,,,he averted his gaze and force a smile ok ,ammm All the best Sister...
ok yaya i will talk to you later.....,,,

No way,what?Can you believe this, khalil we have to leave Tomorrow itself,how can she go to London alone and besides after the wedding she can go,but noo..

khalil,was agaped he looked at Ahmad and back at his phone,he was restless whats wrong with Ahmad...ok Ahmad,i think she can go,she said she is tired of searching for a job,she wants to work,Khalil he flare,lemme talk to her...

Hello Noor,
Uhmm,i..i was clueless
Noor,i heard what you were discussing with khali..
Ahmad,i well,,itsss
Baby,about the masters

huh,i huffed out some air audibly,,thank God is not about asking Khalil to take care of him....
Ahmad, i am sorry was supposed to tell you earlier,but i got the link now and is a quick scholarship,
Noor janan,must it be now?I am tired of staying Idle Ahmad,i don't have anything doing,

What about Raudah?Ohh Raudah, i will take her along,but Let me get the admission first...
Baby,you don't,ok anyway i want to see you please baby...

How do i tell you Ahmad,you live in mee,yet i am Dodging you because,i don't know how to tell my parents about you,and Abban Raudah is on my nerves.

Noor,Do you truly love me?
Yes,i do,,,Please tell me the words Noor...
Ahmad,i can't wait to see you,but we are two worlds apart..

I will be in Abuja tomorrow,if you want me to leave Berlin right now, i will do that,i just want to catch a glimse of your beautiful face..
Not as Handsome as You...
Dont start the argument...

uhm,and please cover your hair Beautiful,i am a bit jealous you know...
Oh my Allah!I am so sorry,i have totally forgotten,,
Can i say something?Yes sure...
You look cute and adorable....
i blushed,,Ahmad........

and the way she called the name it melts my heart,i do not know when i sat down,i have forgotten about khalil,,,

Noor,y are you mute?I don't know,,,
We are solid right,your soft and sweet voice is so tender and pleasing to the air,i can spend my whole life Listening to your voice..

Awww,you will be bored in a week,i utter
I can never be bored of you Noor,you are the light of my eyes,My beloved...

I love it when you call my name...
Uhm,i will have to go,,,
Noor,now tell me the words
What words?I said in my soft inner voice....
will you repeat after me?

hmmm!Ok i will talk to you later...
Noor,i hope one day you will utter those words,,,I LOVE YOU......
Thank you Ahmad, i whispered....
I kissed my phone..i love him...

I saw Khalil,flabbergasted,i shifted my gaze at him,,,
OMG!What a world?he rubbed his temples...
Ibrahim are you alright?I am fine Rufa'i...
What happened to you all of a sudden?
I am Startled,,,Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki.,Is it really you?

Y am i not visible?You are Ahmad,but i heard you?
Did i said something wrong?Ahmad raised an eyebrow,,khalil i am becoming impatient please go straight to the notch..

I know,ammmmm i have never seen or heard you talking about love,do you see how deep you were,i am sure you have forgotten about me right?Ahmad what has Janan cast on you,you are completely different from the Ahmad,,,Ya Allah...

Khalil,i swear to God,i was afraid,i thought something bad happened...
Hmm!What change are you talking about?

The classy favourite Sadauki,You don't even smile when ladies are around,You are hard yet soft inside,You have attitude you know,But you value people and You are kind,and generous,Ladies can give everything to see your smile,yet here,Janan, has lured you into her nest,the introverted Ahmad Sadauki is becoming an omnivert i have to celebrate.....

khalil,she is my dream girl,i love her and i do not even know when all what you are saying is happening,besides I have to stop being gullible,,,
But wait Khalil,please tell me am i trying with my words?
Yes of course,,,,,,That is y i am startled...

Anyway,my girlfriend Amal broke up with me,,,,
Yaa salam,y what happened?Well the thing is she saw Janans picture mistakenly and her texts so she was furious and the next thing she sends this message,i called countless times but she refused to pick.

So y didn't you meet her,she is two streets away...
What?He rubbed his face,,,Well she made her decision so be it,,,

After all the love is not that deep like janan and Ahmad.........

Stop exploiting this innocent girls please khalil,
Hmm!Even i want to settle down Ahmad,i am waiting for my Missing rib..

Really!All the best...
i am going to Alexanderplatz(is a large public square and transport hub in the central mitte district in Berlin)do you mind?

Sure,i am in a very good mood,lets go.....He beemed....

Come here Janan,ok mum,,,i sat down closer to her..
Y do you always behave like a cat?,yet you hate cats...
Since when you came back,From Abuja almost a month,the kids are coming back in a week time,but you have not been normal,you act weird you smile when you are alone,,,

Tell me what is the problem Janan?
Mummy please i will only tell you on one condition,dont yell at me,,,
i won't,what happened?

Mummy,you are more like my best friend,i actually am in love ,and we both love each other,i wanted telling you,but i was helpless,and i don't know if Dad will allow me to Marry him...

What?You want to get married Janan and you hide it from us,This is not done Janan,i would have been the happiest Atleast you have given Marriage a second chance....Y did you hide it from me?Thou your face says it all you are becoming beautiful by day,and you know the Saying"When a woman is in love she becomes more beautiful"May God bless you My daughter...

Mummy,you have not asked me yet?His name,his family what he does for a living
That's because,i know everything,He is Ahmad Rufa'i,your sister Khairat told us everything,as he requested her to,because we never thought you would accept love easily,we can't deprive you of what you want.

Mummy,you mean even Daddy is aware of it?Yes baby he is,But Mum did he give his consent,well he is finding it difficult to apprehend the situation,but you the light of his eyes can make him consent,and beside I can see Ahmad's love in your eyes....But do you think he really wants to marry you like he told your sister?

Hmm!He has been pressuring me,to let him come and see Dad,

Mummy,anyway help me talk to Daddy as he would be coming within the week
What?is he coming to see him or?she sends a questioning look,Both i smiled...
ok i will let him know....

Raudah came running into the room,Mami Come Daddy wants to talk to you she giggled and ran back...

This girl will not just sit calm and let us have peace,I plugged my phone and started chanting endless prayers,i hope he consent to my relationship with Ahmad,Ya Allah please i know it will be hard for him to consent to the wedding due to our differences...

I went to his living room,I muttered my Salaam,,
Wa'alaika salam Daddy's girl,come here,i sat on the carpet,Near his feet,while Raudah was on the edge of the Sofa,Daddy hope you had a wonderful day today,
Yes Janan,i actually want to talk to you about your suitors,i widened my eyes and who are they?

Your cousin,Abdul and Al-Ameen,they both send their people thou Abdul is my son but i don't want to force you as i can see you hate InterFamily wedding,and i don't want to force you...

So what do you say?Daddy i don't want to marry any of them,I pushed my mouth,

Ok do you want to remain unmarried all your life,my own suggestion is that try and get married again,its sunnah and not all men are thesame but i will still not force you,the light of my home...

Y is Daddy doing this,he wants me to talk about Ahmad,wow Dad i will not umm he cleared his throat,Janaan y are you spacing out,Sorry Daddy i will think about it,but i have applied for my masters Degree and i am very much sure of you will consent to it,,,

But that is not what i called you here for,Daddy i thought we are done with the marriage issues,No we are not,I heard you will be having a visitor this week?He queried
amm ummm Daddy,we....

Janan,you know i always listen to you right,so stop stammering and tell me everything about him..
Ok Daddy we met at Sadauki international school,and we actually i don't know.

Khairat told me everything,he stated..My inner voice uttered hmm and what did she know about my dreams and Ahmads hiding love..

janan are you nervous?No Dad i am not.
Do you love him?I looked through the living room,
answer me,I have to gather the courage,,

Yes Dad,Have you considered his Family status and what will they think of us?I mean do you think they will accept you wholeheartedly,You know Janan i hate problems after marriage,thou they are bound to happen in every marriage,

Daddy,the thing is He i know janan he cut my sentence,he has been in love with you for the past five years and he only met you few months back right?Yes Daddy but how did you know all this?

Well,he told Khairat everything and she conveyed it to us,with the fact that we all can see his love in your eyes,i am afraid of only one thing Janan?

Daddy i chipped in,i will only follow your orders,because the first wedding you warned me at first but i did not pay head to your advice,but this time around i am ready to sacrifice this love for your happiness,because my happiness is nothing compared to yours,and
Daddy if you want me to marry Yaya Abdul so be it, i am ready...But i have a request Please,i  paused he did not utter anything so i continued,Ahmad would be coming to Nigeria,in a day or two and he wants to meet me,please let me meet him just once please.

Janan,you can meet him,you have my consent he can come and meet you,and yes make sure you remind me about his Visit.

Ohh thank you Daddy,i am glad you grant this wish of mine,and i know you are doing everything just to make me happy,I love you dad,i placed my head on the sofa,Jananu go and have some rest, take my wife to the bedroom as she is already asleep...
Ok Daddy,good night,night Noor janan..

A'ah Abban Janan,you are still nursing your bride,He smiled are you jealous?Of who This bride with scanty hair,,Hahaha we both laughed...
Janan,help me with fruits from the fridge ,ok My sweet mom...I kept the fruits on the center table,and lift Raudah.

Hmm!I sat at the edge of the bed thinking about what Daddy said and my sudden consent to Abdul's wedding thou,i said it to make my Father happy,because even if i happen to marry Abdul,i will keep dreaming about Ahmad,he is different and I love him,everything about him makes me fall in love the more.

I know what Dad is thinking about,the Sadaukis are no match for us,but y cant Dad understands Ahmad lives in me,i am glad we met and fell in love,anyway i will not kill myself,I will not get married to anyone then,,,I thought of Ahmad's Deep voice that sends shivers down my spine,What will i tell him now...

My phone was vibrating already,its Past 10,i think i will just switch off the phone because i need time to rectify my life,I am shattered..The name that flashed on top of the screen left me smiling i have to pick this call.My Heartthrob,My Jaan Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki...

Thank God you finally picked the call,
Yaya khalil,i checked the screen again,
I called with my phone and you were not picking,then i know you will not ignore this number,,

Hey,Yaya khalil,even i just came into the room as i plugged in my phone to charge,
What happened to your voice,this is not the soft voice of Janan,

Yaya i am just depressed,i don't know what is wrong with me,are you missing me he joked..
I smiled,now this is my janan,ok what happened what is wrong with you,i don't know

Yaa khalil,where is the owner of the phone?Just ask straight forward,not the owner but your husband,
i just have to laugh,Yaa khalil you know how to cheer me up,well you and your husband should keep giving each other attitude after all you can not conceal the truth,you both love each other .
i giggled,

Janan,Where is my wife?Ya Allah!Wife which wife Yaya?
Oh i See,you can't remember,Your cute friend,the very one i talked to?Meenal ,no not talkative meenal,

Hehehe yaya khalil,she is at home,hope she is fine?
Yes we talked this morning via whataspp,good,
But Y do you ask all of a sudden?

My girlfriend broke my heart,,,,And i know my sister will not leave her brother heartbroken.

Not at all Yaya khalil,no girl will break your heart and go Scott free while You have a sister like janan..

That is my sister,ok anyway you just crossed my mind and i decided to say hi...

Thanks for calling atleast you have cheered me up,But Where is?

No,i am not gonna answer that question,,,
But y,you just asked about your wife,and i gave you the answer...

Ok,he is hale and hearty,is that all?
I smiled shyly,ok My regards

Do you miss him?Ofcourse i do Yaya khalil and you very well now....
Ok good night,Here your husband

And his Deep penetrating voice came in,

i paused for a moment the depression is gone by hearing the sound of his voice,,,

and where have you been,
oh did khalil,said i went somewhere?No i am just asking.

i was on a conference call baby,i hope i have not offended you..
Noo not at all i am joking,

Did you miss me?Noor.i know i will not get an answer.Ok what are you doing?

Nothing,just alone with my thoughts,,,
Can we share the thoughts and now you are not alone,i am here with you,
I know because i can feel your presence right next to me,

Wow,i am happy then,
Ahmad,when are you coming to Nigeria?
When you are ready to see me,i will come i promise..
But you said within the week,

If you want to see me in some hours time,i will come
i just want to hear it from your mouth,
What do you want to hear?

Tell me if you love me and you want to see me,
Ahmad,i want to see you,and...
And?I will tell you that later...

Ok Noor,i will have to round up some work,i will board the plane by evening and is approximately 6 hours from Germany to Nigeria...

Ok,i understand,i know you must be tired and may be you need some rest,,

Well,i can only rest when i know you are my wife,,,
I smiled and remember the agony i am going through,

I love you Noor,he uttered...

I love you too and i Swiftly switch the phone off...

Noor janan Rashid,I don't know how to fix my life,His love has been stuck in me for 3 years,i have been dreaming about him,and in my dreams i never saw where my father stopped the wedding,I love Ahmad,and i started sobbing,i cried my pain out,till my heart start aching,i then perfom wudu and started praying,i zoomed off on the prayer mat,The day when i will stop loving Ahmad is the day that i close my eyes forever..

The next morning my eyes have swollen i can feel it,i hesitate going out because for the first time in my life i don't want Dad to see my swollen eyes,When i know that he must have left for work,i went to the kitchen,My stomach growling.

Janan,dont tell me you have been sleeping all day,
Good morning Mum,Morning what happened to you
i avoided looking at her, but she is my mother afterall,Ya Allah Janan are you having a hay fever,look at your, did you cry all night,I burst out crying i hugged her.

Mummy,Please talk to Daddy i don't want to get married again,i prefer my studies,and besides he wants me to marry either Abdul or Ameen,and you very well know that if not Ahmad i will not marry anyone in this life,i continued sobbing,,,,

The heart of a mother is soft,And she said,Janan,your father is only protecting you,we are no compeers with the Sadaukis,you very well know,and how on earth did you allow your little heart to fall in love with the Sadaukis,i very well know that his family will not allow you to marry him,he is a bachelor,i looked up at her,and she changed the sentence to i am sorry..

It's ok mom,i know the Sadaukis will not allow their beloved Son to marry a divorcee,But anyway i will juat take my bath and prepare lunch...

I left the living room,i freshened up,and wanted talking to Ahmad,let me just clear things but i know he might be busy,i will call him later with the thoughts of Ahmad i heave a sight.....

Hope you are enjoying the story,dont forget to comment,critise,and vote so i can know where i am going to,thank you......

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