Saturday Night Smut

Autorstwa Clay91

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Seth, You, & Roman
Jimmy & Jey
Roman & Dean
Enzo & Cass
Roman, Jimmy, & Jey
Seth & Dean
Apollo Crews
Roman & MoJo
Roman and Randy
Cesaro, Dean, Roman & Randy
Jey,Jimmy & Roman
Seth & Roman
Bonus #2!!!


1.1K 20 1
Autorstwa Clay91

Jason Momoa and Roman Reigns

Rose McAdams?, you heard your cubicle neighbor say.

Oh oh sorry Kevin... drifted off there for a second, you said fidgeting with some things at your cubicle.

It's cool but I do need a favor from this weekend, your bestfriend said giving you puppy dog eyes.

What's the favor and what's the catch?, you asked reluctantly.

Aaaah come on! You don't trust me?!, he asked laughing. Dude!! you get chased by Spike one time and it's my fault, he said causing you to turn around to him.

Yes it is, you said and turned away.

I need a wingman tonight... Well a wingwoman, he said shooting you a small smile.

Nooope!, you half yelled and continued your work.

Aaaah ccooommmee ooonnnn, he dragged out causing some of your other coworkers to look over.

Dude stop it!, you lowly yelled at him but Kevin was going to annoy you.

Agree to go and I'll stop, he said trying to negotiate with you but you knew it was going to end bad. Come on have a little faith in me this time Rosey Posey, he added trying to puppy dog you again.

1. No and 2. Don't call me that, you said looking over your glasses.

You know that's hot when you do that, Kevin said and you gave in.

Ew dude, you said and threw your stapler at him.

Yay, Kevin cheered and turned around  to continue to work.

I hate you, you said before getting and walking away.

Love you too Rosey!, he yelled out.

You walked to the break room to make some tea when 2 of the accounting guys walked in talking so you tried to blend in and get away without confrontation buuuuuuuuut that was out of the question.

Dude I'm telling you it'll be fun!, the brunette haired guy said a bit excitedly.

Naaah I'll leave that to you.. You're into the weirdos, the dark haired one said as he poured his coffee.

It's speed dating! It's cool dude so you're gonna come, the brunette guy said then suddenly he looked at you which caused the other guy to turn around.

Oh hey there! Didn't see you standing there... I'm Jason and this is Joe, Jason said introducing themselves.

Hi, you said simply and started to prepare your tea.

I think she's shy, Joe said as he blew on his coffee before taking a sip.

You looked at them as you prepared to walk out when Joe stopped you.

So no name.... or are we gonna have to follow you to your desk and find out ourselves?, Joe asked but you just waved bye to them and walked back to your desk.

Kevin looked at you as you made your way back but his attention shot away as those same 2 guys walked up.

What's up Kev!, Jason said as you almost burned your tongue with your tea.

What's up guys! How's it going?... Wait what's the occasion of this visit to us little people?, Kevin asked as you sat trying to not be noticed but A rose stands out anywhere.

Just came up for a cup of coffee, Joe said but you felt eyes staring at you.

Kevin could you hand me those papers please, you asked.

Here ya go wingwoman, he said causing you to almost punch.

I'm not your wingwoman Kevin, you said and the attention fell on you.

Well now... she talks Joe, Jason said causing Kevin to get curious.

Yeah she talks.. Hey... Hey Rose you playing shy now?, Kevin said laughing.

Rose?... Jason her name is Rose, Joe said as you turned around to find them all looking at you.

What's going on here!? Like what did I miss?, Kevin asked very clueless.

Little Miss Sunshine here was being rude in the break room after we introduced ourselves and she just walked away, Jason said.

I said hey so I felt that was enough, you said with a smile.

Oh I like you, Jason said with a smirk.

Joe stood there shaking his head and turned his attention back to Kevin.

So... Speed Dating dude?... Really? I think we can just go to a bar man, Joe said to Kevin.

It's called trying new things man and besides you two can pick up chicks anywhere but me.. I need a little push, Kevin said.

But she's your Wingwoman though, Jason said a bit confused.

She a goodluck charm guys so don't piss her off please, Kevin said lowly.

Rose.... my name is Rose... and I'm out of tea, you said causing them to stop their conversation as you stood up and walked off.

Once you returned and sat down, Kevin looked at you.

Yes Kevin?, you said giving him the que to talk.

Jason and Joe like legit like you, he said laughing.

Why?, you asked.

Dude! Every girl here likes them and every guy wants to be them but you're a meanie and they liked that, Kevin explained but you didn't care about that. So tonight you wing me woman and I'll dance at your wedding, he added and turned away.

Uugghhh... Fine Kevin just keep those 2 away from me and I'll get you laid before the night is over, you said and you two shook hands on the wager.

Later that night

Ok dude.. 1. THANK YOU!! and 2. Let's have a good time doing this because I know you don't want to do it but thanks again, Kevin said as he helped you into the cab.

It's fine man just keep the twins away from me, you said reassuring him. You got this... be the eagle, you added trying to pump him up.

10 minutes and a smelly car ride later you guys made it to a pretty blue building that was decorated with rose bushes and other pretty flower beds.

We're here lovely friend, Kevin announced a bit nervous.

Shake those nerves away man and let's find you love tonight!,you half yelled causing him to laugh some.

See! There's my Rosey Posey, he a bit excitedly.

No Rosey Posey dude... come on now, you said as he gestured his apologies.

You two headed in and saw that half your office was there annnd those 2 guys from accounting were there as well.

Hey there's Joe and Jason, Kevin announced as if you hadn't already spotted them out. Let's go speak.., he added but you cut him off.

Remember Kevin... away.. them... me... no, you said and he remembered.

Oook well you work your magic and I'll do that there for ya, he said and you two went your separate ways.

You made your way around to a couple girls that Kevin did like in the office but nobody wanted to talk to him... Like why? He was a little pudgy but he had a sense of humor and is a great cook. Sure he's not your type either but he saw you as one of the guys and you were cool with that yet you did want to see him happy for once. So a hour went by and you weren't having any luck until you spotted someone that was somewhat of his type.

Hey Stacy! Fancy seeing you here tonight, you said to a shy secretary that worked on the accounting floor.

Hi Rose!, she said a bit chipper. What are you doing here on a Friday night?, she asked.

Being a wingwoman to Kevin... he didn't want to come alone, you said and she smiled a bit.

Oh so so... so Kevin's here?, she asked.

Yes he's over by those two guys from your floor, you pointed out and she blushed some. Wait... you like Kevin don't you?, you asked smiling.

Shhhhh don't tell him though... I'm too plain, she said and instantly got sad.

No honey no no no I think Kevin would love to get to know you, you reassured her. Any man who passes you up is loosing a chance at happiness so let's go and see if he's worth your happiness ok?, you asked and she chugged the last of her drink and walked over with you.

Is my hair ok?, she frantically asked but you calmed her down and made her breath.

Once that was over, you walked up to Kevin with Stacy and introduced him to her.

Kevin! Hey Kevin come here, you yelled a bit.

What's up, he said and stopped when he saw Stacy standing there.

This is Stacy from our job... in Accounting,you said and he was at awe.

Rose I.... I.. I um,Kevin said but that's all he could say but it caused Stacy to panic.

I see this may have been a bad idea Rose... Thank you for helping, she said but Kevin spoke up finally.

No no no that's not what I meant... you look pretty tonight Stacy... would you like to go somewhere and talk?, he asked and a smile appeared on her face.

My place?, she asked and he walked with her outside.

Well looks like my work her in done, you said but it got overshadowed by Joe and Jason.

That was a nice thing you did there, you heard Joe say as he sipped on a beer.

Thanks, you said short and sweet but Jason chimed in.

So what's this we heard that you don't like us?, he asked causing you to laugh.

Didn't say I didn't like you two... just asked Kevin to keep two away from me, you said bluntly and they played hurt.

Aawwww that's hurtful, Joe said leaning against a wall.

Yeah! I mean you don't even know us to say that, Jason added.

I know you two are work place stalkers, you added causing them to laugh.

Well when you're not drooling all over us like everyone else then you become interesting to us, Joe said.

And once you peek out intrest then we go for the kill, Jason added.

So this is a game to you two?, you asked a bit annoyed.

Only if you make it and you're a very stubborn person, Joe said.

Says the guy who hates weirdos, you retorted.

I don't hate them... I just haven't found one that I was interested in, he said simply.

So you're calling me a weirdo to my face?, you said laughing.

Yes because you don't like us and we're likeable guys, he added.

Look here Lover Boy... you and Boy Wonder better deal with the fact that you can't have every woman so I'll be going... Night, you said with a smile and walked off.

You started waving a taxicab down but they all either passed you by or were full and it picked you off so you walked up the street so you could catch the next bus but that was short lived.

Hey Rose wait up!, you heard a voice say only to turn around to see it was Jason and Joe.

Omg!!!, you yelled to yourself. What's the problem now?, you asked.

Why are you standing for a bus this late?, Jason asked.

Yeah it's freezing out here.... here, Joe said and handed you his jacket which you tried to decline but what could little you do to those two guys.

Thanks, you said but showed you didn't want it.

So where to?, Jason asked as he motioned you to walk.

Huh?, you said.

Wheeerre... tooooooo?, he said again.

I'll take the bus, you said but they motioned  back the opposite way.

No no nono no bus.. I'll drop you off, Jason insisted.

It's fine I'm not that far from home, you protested but they ignored you.

Woman tell us where you stay or we'll ask Kevin so speak now, Joe said sternly.

Ugggh... fuck it... 1254 Stockridge Rd., you said causing a sudden outburst from Jason.

Ha! She's your neighbor dude!, he yelled. Well next week you will be, he added.

What are you talking about?, you asked curiously.

I'm moving into the house next to you next week, Joe said.

Aaaah crap, you said out loud.

That's a nice welcome, Joe said turning around.

Oh so you and Kevin must be the only two that stay over that way?, Jason asked.

Nope.... Just me, you said and Jason smiled as Joe helped you into the car.

Well maybe I should find me a spot over that way then..... so I can be closer to my new bestfriend, he said looking through the rearview mirror.

Nooooope, you said shaking your head which caused him to laugh.

Aww come on now... so we can't be friends anymore?, Jason asked as he drove through a green light to turn on your street.

No we can't, you said looking at them both.

Ouch, Joe said but they quitted down as we pulled up to my house.

Thank you for the ride and thank you for your coat, you said nicely.

No problem, they said almost in unison. Would like one of us to walk you to your door?, Jason asked.

No no no I'm ok, you said taking your heals off and grabbing your keys.

Once you got out the car you heard a barking noise and B lined it to your door only to be cut off by a neighborhood dog that fucks with you only.... period!

Ok dog... move away, you said but it started barking viciously so you took a step back. Looks like I'll be running all night, you added backing up but bumped into an arm.

Woah! It's just us Rose... get in the car, Joe said as he pulled you back towards the car.

Thank god... thought I was gonna have to run to Kevin's, you said adjusting yourself.

What?, Jason said laughing.

That dog hates me so yeah... I've had to run 6 blocks to Kevin's place once or twice a week, you said causing them to look at you as Jason drove off.

Dude that's fucked up, Jason said.

Well you come sleep at our apartment and we'll take you home before work so that you can get dressed and just ride to work with us, Joe said as Jason made his way back through the green light leaving your street.

No you guys don't have to do that.. I'll go to a hotel, you said causing Jason to pull over to a gas station.

Look here woman.. you stay with us... you've made it clear on how we aren't your type but that's not going to stop us from helping you.. ok?, Jason said more sterner than Joe.

My name is Rose... not woman, you retorted causing Jason to turn around.

You're very cute you know that and I guess that dog has good taste as well so hush up before I take you back and give him his snack, Jason threatened but you didn't stand down.

Ok do what you have to do Boy Wonder, you said making Joe laugh.

Aye what's funny Lover Boy?, Jason said towards Joe.

Dude don't call me that... wait she's turning you against me man, Joe said pushing Jason's shoulder. Rose you will come with us and I promise you'll be ok for the night.. Scouts promise, Joe said. And I'll keep Jason here away from you, he added as Jason got out the car to get gas.

Uggghhh... just take me to a hotel and.., you tried saying but Joe laughed.

Nope you come with us, Joe said looking you in the eyes.

Ok..... ok but no funny stuff... I know karate, you said but Joe paid you no attention.

Soooo where to before I waste more gas?, Jason said visibly mad.

Home, Joe said looking at his phone.

Oh yay company, Jason said dryly as he looked out the window.

You guys drove 10 minutes north and came to a gated community with big houses and stopped at the gate so Joe could put in a code. They talked amongst themselves until you arrived at what you suspected to be their home. Once the car stopped, you grabbed your jacket and shoes and opened the door but you ended up hitting Jason with it.

AHH! MOTHER OF... CRAP!, Jason half yelled.

Crap! I'm sorry! I was looking down, you said trying to apologize but he wasn't trying to hear that.

Joe keep her away from me, Jason said a bit annoyed and angry.

Dude calm down ok? She apologized so be nice... this is just for tonight, Joe said trying to calm him down but Jason didn't care for his words at the moment.

You stood there for a second listening to Jason talk about you and decided to walk away from it. You made it halfway down the street when you heard Joe yell for you but you kept on walking.

Rose come back please!, Joe yelled but you kept walking. Jason get your ass over here and help me!, he yelled but Jason just stood there. Today man!, he yelled making Jason come to back him up.

Hey beast get back here, Jason yelled causing you to stop in your steps.

That hurt... him saying that hurt and he didn't even know you. You didn't have a way home nor could you get inside your house thanks to that dog and it hurted to know that tonight was ending that way as well.

Rose.. please come back to the house, Joe said as his hand reached out for you but you pulled away.

No! I want to go home!, you yelled turning around as tears fell. Oh yeah thanks Jason that hurt my feelings.. at least all I said was stay away from me and not called you out your name but hey I guess the ladies really love that, you added and walked towards the gate and slipped out between the bushes.

Luckily there was a cab coming by and you caught it to a hotel for the night.

213 ma'am, the man behind the desk said.

Thank you, you said and made your way to the room.

Once in the room, you decided to walk to the Walmart that was across from the hotel to buy something to wear to work and some food. You ran back across the street and made it to your room safely.

Ok Rose let's call it a night, you said to yourself.

You showered and got situated in bed and started strolling through Facebook when Kevin called you.

Hello, you said.

Rose! Are you ok!? Where are you?, Kevin asked frantically.

Kevin Kevin Kevin! Slow down and I'm fine, you yelled back.

Dude where are you? Tell me now!, Kevin yelled.

I'm at the cheap hotel on 25th and Stockridge and no don't come, you said quickly.

Rose you had me scared! Jason called me and told me what happened and I spazzed dude! He had no right to say what he said!, Kevin yelled still mad and scared.

Kevin I'm fine ok?... That dog chased me and I didn't know that they was still there so I agreed to stay at their place but I hit Jason with the car door by mistake and he went off on me so I left.. you get on me all the time about how I am towards people but never once ask "Did you give them a chance to get to know you?", you said causing him to exhale lowly.

I'm sorry Rose, he said almost in tears.

Kevin you're my only friend here so cut me some slack dude.. Just know I'm fine and I'll be at work in the morning, you said trying to ease his mind but he wasn't having that.

No no I have to see you because this is my fault and I won't sleep if I don't, he said as you heard car keys move.

Dude!... ugh ok Kev... but only you ok?, you asked and he hesitated.

Ok ok ok just me, he said and hung up.

20 minutes later you got a text from Kevin saying to come to the parking lot. You got up and walked out to the lobby only to be met by Kevin... aaaaand Jason and Joe. Kevin walked to you and hugged you as tears fell.

Now you two assholes apologize to her! She's all I got and I won't loose her, Kevin said turning around to face the two.

Rose we're sorry for tonight and if I said something wrong then I'm truly sorry, Joe said. Could you please forgive me?, he asked softly.

Ok, you said lowly and started to walk away but Jason grabbed your hand.

Rose please wait... I'm sorry for all the stuff I said.. and hurting your feelings. I was out of line for that. I was the one who called Kevin and told him what had happened. I'm so sorry Rose, Jason said with a sick look on his face. I'm not asking for you to forgive me but I am apologizing for tonight,he added.

I'll think about it, you said pulling your hand away. Kevin you see me and I'm ok so can I go get back in bed?, you said.

Ok ok ok we'll talk in the morning, he said hugging you and the 3 of them left.

You made your way back to your room and started to grab your key but someone grabbed it.

Hey!.., you yelled only to turn to see Jason standing there.

Woah it's just me, Jason said holding his hands up.

What did I do now?, you asked.

Nothing.. nothing at all Rose, he said a bit hurt. Look I really want to apologize about what happened and..., he said but paused.

Give me the key please, you asked nicely and he handed it to you.

Can I come in and talk? I mean I don't want any bad blood between us because Kevin is a friend of ours as well and he's pissed at us, Jason said.

Ok but it's not much to talk about, you said and opened the door.

You walked in sitting the key down and took your jacket off. As you say on the sofa waiting to hear what Jason had to say, Joe walked in behind him.

Hey Rose, Joe said as he stepped in.

Umm.. hey?, you said very confused.

We umm.. umm we wanted to apologize Rose, Joe said a bit shyly.

Ok, you said still confused as to why they both were there.

Stand up, Jason gestured to you as he walked over.

You did as told and stood up and watched Jason make his way towards you and started to caress your hips while placing kisses on your neck.

We just want to apologize... ok?, he asked just to reassure you.

Joe followed suit and stood in front of you and started kissing you. It took you by surprise that this was happening but you knew that they weren't going to stop. Joe stopped kissing you long enough to take your clothes off and began kissing you down your chest. He licked your nipples and and traced around them with his fingertips.

If this is too much.... just say so and we'll stop, Joe said as he stood up.

Jason, on the other hand, kissed around your neck and down your back until he got to your waste.

Woooaah there, you said causing him to laugh.

I'll be careful.., he said huskily.

I-I umm... I don't.., you stuttered saying as he kissed along your ass.

You haven't been touch here?, he asked.

No.., you trailed off as Joe grabbed your attention as he fingered you some. Ahhhhhh, you moaned out

Jason took the distraction as his lead way to introduce you to something.

Oh my.... ahhhhhh shhhhhit!, you moaned out as Jason licked between your ass cheeks.

He aggressively took his time as Joe became your way off propping yourself up but he soon joined in as he tasted you. You felt their tongues swirl and lick at your spots almost in unison and it sent you into a frenzy.

Ok ahhhhhh ok ok ok, you tried moaning out but they didn't stop.

Turn her around, Jason said as he pulled away from your ass.

Joe pulled away and slowly turned you around and kissed all over your lower back.

You taste soooo good Rose, Joe said as he pushed his finger inside your ass.

Ahhhhhh... wait.., you said but Jason attacked your core causing you to moan. Mmmmmmmmmmmm plllleeaaasssee, you moaned as they both continued.

We're sorry Rose... especially me, Jason said against your thigh.

Ooookkkk, you dragged out but they kept going. Please stop I'm gonna cum!!, you pleaded but they sped up making you squirt in Jason's mouth.

Mmmmmmmm jackpot!, he half yelled.

You moved out of the way and started to put your pants back on when Joe stopped you.

Can we go further?, he asked lowly.

Naaaah... you two are too much together as it is, you said causing Jason to chime in.

Boooooooooo, you heard him say.

It's ok, Joe said laughing some. Maybe one day we will... you know?, Joe added.

Maybe... but you two are some big boys, you answered as you saw their dick prints show even more.

Jason walked over and slowly reached for your pants and tugged on them.

You don't need those, he said as Joe started kissing on you again. We'll be very careful with you if.... if you give this a try, he said as he planted a kiss on your lips.

I don't know you guys.. this seems weird, you said causing them to slow down.

Ok ok ok... Jason let's give Rose some space, Joe said as Jason pulled away and sat on the couch.

Get in the bed Rose and we'll just lay on the couch, Joe instructed as he motioned you to your bed.

It was already 2:30 am and you already knew sleep wasn't on your mind knowing they were inches away from you. What they had just done drained you but at the same time it gave you some energy to burn off.

You looked around the room to see the both of them looking at their phones. Jason had taken off his pants and shirt revealing his tattoos and it caused you to sit up some. But Joe...... Joe's body drove you crazy with his tattoos. Something that you liked to see on any man were tattoos and they wore them well.

You two have tattoos, you blurted out which caught them by surprise.

Yes we do... now go to sleep Little Rose, Jason said smiling.

1. I can't... 2. I'm taller than you... and 3..... What do they mean?, you said making them laugh. Guess I'm a comedian to you two, you added.

No it's not like that... it's how you just said that.. But you know one of us can help you with that right? And no you're not aaaannndddd they're something of our culture, Joe said laughing some.

Ok well 1. Nope nobody gets any.. 2. Stop taking my fun away and 3. Soooooooo... did it take long to get them?, you asked looking at the ceiling as they gave in to your random questions.

Hey lady got to sleep!, Jason yelled half laughing. We will not do this tonight, he added.

Why not?, you asked innocently.

Awwww she's bored dude, Joe said in awe.

Ha! I'm not bored.. this is my way of going to sleep since there's other people in the room now I don't seem lonely, you said causing them to laugh out loud.

Ok now we really have to help you out, Jason said as his voice came close to you.

No no you just... umm.. umm,you struggled to get out as you felt the bed dip down around you.

Anal... out the question... so we'll take our time, Jason said as he placed his hand on your stomach.

Joe crawled in behind you and held on to your thigh. You felt hands and lips all over you as they eagerly helped you out.

Wait... wait.... who's going first?, Joe asked.

I don't know... wait do we have condoms?, Jason asked as they held a small conversation amongst themselves.

Yeah I have one..., Joe said causing Jason to react loudly.

Boooooooooooooo!, Jason said causing you to laugh.

I have one in my purse, you said causing them both to look at you.

Now I reeeaaallly like you now, Jason said with a smirk.

You crawled out the bed and grabbed the condom and handed it to Jason but he laughed uncontrollably before throwing it away.

Dude what's funny?, Joe asked as he pulled you back in the bed.

That thing is so old, he said showing you and Joe.

2015?.... wow, Joe said and threw it back in the garbage.

I think you should go first Joe because I think I'd be a little bit too rough, Jason said.

After the awkwardness left your body,  Joe kissed you as you stroked Jason's dick. Jason moved so that Joe could get you comfortable and took complete control over your body. His thrusts were well controlled as he rubbed your back.

Come on baby girl... can I speed up some?, he asked huskily.

Yesss, you moaned out and he stroked a little faster.

Jason sat back down and guided you over to give him head. You gave him exactly what he wanted and he showed you he liked it very much.

I think we found her Joe, Jason said as he pulled your hair tightly. Don't stop mmmmm, he moaned as you went along with the thrusts from Joe.

For about 15 minutes Joe gave you everything he had but he never got rough.

Ok my turn, Jason said.

At that moment of Joe pulling out, you felt yourself almost loose it from the detachment but Jason quickly changed that.

Ok mama show me what you got, he moaned as he got you adjusted to his size.

You moaned as the feeling of his body burned into you. He gave you a bad feeling that you didn't want to shake and you made Joe feel it.

Oooohhhh shit!, Joe moaned out. Don't stop baby girl aaaahhhh almost there, he moaned out as he moved his hips to your movement.

Look at him Rosey... mmmmmm make him cum, you heard Jason say.

You tried to but it was overwhelming for you and you ended up cumming yourself. Jason pulled out and started licking your juices as he jacked himself off and came in a matter of minutes. Joe on the other hand, watched as you jacked him off and came. You slowly licked him clean as the feeling became a bit too intense for him.

Ok ok ok, he moaned a bit as he moved to go to the bathroom.

Did I do something wrong?, you asked wiping your mouth.

Hell no, Joe said smirking and closed the door.

Once he was done and Jason walked back into the room with 2 bookbags, you sat up some.

I see that that didn't phase you I see, Joe said as he grabbed a bag from Jason.

It did... it's just.., you said trailing off.

It's what?, Joe asked.

I feel weird now, you answered.

Hey now... don't feel like that because it was our first time having a threesome together... with you ofcourse, Joe admitted.

Whhhaatttt!, you said a bit sarcastically.

Yes it was believe it or not, Joe said laughing. Like you really think 2 huge guys like us would do that?, Joe asked as he sat on the bed.

I mean you 2 are close friends soooooooo why not, you said.

Negative... it was only going to be me but I told him he had to do it too..
because of what I said to you, Jason explained. We legit like you soooo this is gonna create a dilemma, he added and Joe agreed.

I'm quite sure neither one of you are looking for anything permanent right now but I am soooooo, you said causing Jason to smile.

Weeeellllll, he said and looked at Joe.

I retract my statement then, you said and walked to the bathroom.

You showered and reappeared to see them both still up waiting for you. Joe handed you his shirt so that you'd be comfortable.

Looks like we have 3 hours to get some sleep, Jason announced.

Aww that sucks... well no need for me to go to sleep now because I'll end up calling out, you said and grabbed your phone to play a movie.

Around 5:40 they both got up and started getting dressed and woke you up at 6:15 to get yourself ready. They watched as you applied lipstick and brushed your hair. You put on a dress that Jason quickly let you know that he liked it by tugging at it. You 3 made your way out the hotel and headed to their car.

Do you want to grab some breakfast beautiful?, Jason asked as he brushed his hair out.

Umm sure, you answered.

You guys stopped by Starbucks and grabbed your coffee and a sandwich and headed to work. Once there, Kevin walked up to you smiling.

Goodmorning my sweet and lovely bestfriend, Kevin greeted you.

Morning Kevin and we're quite chipper this morning I see, you said smiling.

You found me love last night dude!, he half yelled. Stacy told me that she's liked me for years but never said anything sooooo we're together now, he said smiling.

That's awesome dude! I'm truly happy for Stacy and you Kev, you said warmly.

We're still friends though and she's ok with sooooo you still have your place at the table, he said laughing some.

You two talked some as the day went on but by break time he went with Stacy to get lunch leaving you alone.

Still working little Bee I see, you heard a voice say.

Yuuuuup, you replied and turned to see Joe standing there. No lunch break today?, you asked smiling.

Yes but we wanted you to come with us, he said lowly.

Oh really?, you asked curiously.

Yes ma'am, he smiled. So come on, he gestured to you.

You stood up and grabbed your things when 2 girls walked up to Joe.

Oh hey Joe! Cammie and I were just talking about you, Jessica Parker said as she blocked you out the way.

Um hey and I'm sure it was all nice but I have to go... you ready Rose?, he asked as his attention shot back to you.

Yes... move you're blocking the aisle, you said to Jessica.

Wow that was rude, she said almost hitting you with her hair.

Look Jessica while you're trying to throw, you look her up and down, your eyes at him and every other guy in accounting.. you need to get your sales numbers up and actually let a guy come to you, you said and walked off with Joe.

Wait until I tell Jason, he said smiling.

Why? What's he gonna do?, you asked.

Oh he likes a little bad ass... he might ask you to marry him, he said laughing.

You two walked to the car and went to get lunch. Once you made it back to work... Jessica was waiting for you.

Rose!, she yelled as both of the guys walked you back to your desk. Oh I see you're fucking one of them, she yelled catching everyone's attention.

Baby I'm 29 years old and whoever I fuck is no concern to you..., you said very pissed.

Rose don't feed her jealousy,  Kevin moved over to you as you sat down.

I'm not Kevin but if she keeps talking then she'll be wearing her coffee, you said nicely causing her to walk in your cubicle.

Say that to my face bitch, she said standing there.

Baby girl calm down and do your work, you heard Joe say but you didn't look away from Jessica.

Yeah Roesy be a good bitch and do as told, Jessica said to you smiling.

Woooahh there easy with how you're talking to her, Kevin said standing up for you.

Jason walked over stand in between you two when the big boss came over.

McAdams! Parker! What is going on here?, your boss yelled.

You looked and smiled.

Barbie here is mad that there's men here she hasn't mounted yet so now she's trying to calm men on the accounting floor, you said bluntly.

Jessica looked at you with her mouth wide open and Jason laughed but you hit him to be serious.

You bitch, you heard her say lowly.

Parker my office now! And McAdams you're suspended until this gets settled, your boss said.

You grabbed your purse and began to walk off but she grabbed your arm.

You think this is over!, she yelled and reached for her cup.

Throw that on me and I'll end you where you stand Jessica... if dick is all you come to work for then you're pathetic.. mad at what you can't have, you said standing in her face but turned to walk off.

Rose!, Jason yelled.

Yes, you replied back.

My house... tonight, he said smirking.

Ok...., you said with a smile and walked off.

Czytaj Dalej

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