The Third Brother of Cybertro...

By GhostWaveWrites

13.1K 284 8

Andrew wasn't sure why he couldn't remember anything before William Fowler finding him in the woods. He was t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Ending

Chapter 7

649 13 0
By GhostWaveWrites

"Why are you both not in recharge?" Optimus asked, myself cocking and eyebrow at the last word before realising that it most likely meant sleep.

"I was working on these animations" Ratchet muttered as he turned back to the monitor and glanced at Optimus from the corner of his eye.

Optimus nodded before turning to me with a questioning gaze.

"Nightmare" I stated plainly, shrugging off the occurrence like it was nothing.

Optimus remembered the children talking about 'nightmares' and put two and two together.

"What was troubling about it" He asked curiously, hopeful that he could remedy it.

I smiled lightly at the thought before shrugging once again.

"It was simply a reoccurring vision is all. Much like the others, I have witnessed it several times" I informed him plainly, not finding the occurrence abnormal unlike the two Autobot's who believed otherwise.

"Which are these?" Ratchet asked, going into medic mode to get to the very bottom of my visions and hopefully finding his old friend.

Optimus nodded in agreement, egging me to continue causing me to sigh.

"Mainly where he is taken from you, Optimus, where Megatron, I guess, breaks him into submission and when Megatron orders him to eliminate you" I answered, pointing to the corresponding animations.

"Also, one where he is with you, Ratchet" I added, watching Optimus turn to the aforementioned bot who was now wearing a blue dust over his cheeks.

Optimus smiled lightly before looking back to the monitor and sighing.

"Any visions of him on Earth?" He asked making Ratchet hum.

"Only from past battles with us and some from the Nemesis" he stated as Optimus thought for a moment.

"When was the last time you encountered him?" I questioned curiously, the internal hope of meeting the bot my mind decided to solely focus on.

"When we saw him in battle...he allowed Optimus to live" Ratchet answered, looking a bit happier and determined.

"Ah, that one. Had it just a few days ago" I commented, a hand on my chin.

"Really?" Optimus asked making me nod in confirmation.

"He was alone, ordered to check on a mine when you, Arcee and Bumblebee cornered him. He managed to lose Arcee and Bumblebee but when you confronted him, he got the drop on you but, more or less, came to his sense when going for the killing blow" I added as I played it to myself.

. . .

Lord Megatron had just sent me to solve a dilemma the Miners had come to.

Venting as I took a groundbridge to said location, I quickly located the Miners and got to work.

"What appears to be the problem?" I asked the Miner awaiting my appearance.

"One of the drills broke and our only backup cracked the tip trying to get through some harder rock. We were hoping to get another from a nearby mine but we were not sure if we needed permission, Sir" He answered me making me shake my helm in amusement.

"Please, it's just Tracer" I said with a small chuckle, "And considering your dilemma, I'll have some Vehicons bring you another drill, perhaps two?".

"Thank you, Sir-Uh, I mean Tracer! W-We can always count on you!" The miner exclaimed excitedly making me raise a servo in an attempt to calm him.

"Tis but my duty. Well, I had better go and resolve this for you" I told him before walking to the mouth of the mine and comming several Vehicons to bring a drill or two to the mine I was at.

Whilst I awaited their arrival, I was distracted by a few reflective flashes of light coming from the edge of the woods.

I growled in annoyance of my, what seemed a, relaxful day turning into only mayhem.

Walking back inside, a plan having formed in my processor, I greeted the Vehicons and miners.

Calmly telling them to head deeper inside the mine as I dealt with the Autobots, having noticed them approach the mine.

Of course, after much protest, they complied with my command as I hid behind some fallen boulders and watched as not only one Autobot passed me but the Two-Wheeler Arcee, Scout Bumblebee and their Leader Optimus.

I cursed my luck at having to battle them and considered comming for backup but decided against it, not wanting to face Megatron's fury.

They had all passed me some time ago which I smirked at, coming out of hiding.

I silently transformed my right servo into a blaster and fired two shots, both hitting the Two-Wheeler and Scout  in the back struts and directing their attention as I stepped from the shadows.

"Tracer!" Arcee hissed as she transformed her own blaster, along with Bumblebee, both firing at me.

I dodged easily and ran for the exit of the mine, knowing the pair would follow me and perhaps even the Prime might.

Stepping behind the boulder again, I grinned as the pair raced passed me with cursing on their dermas.

I silently returned to Optimus's position, discovering that he had simply continued into the mine.

I smirked and came up behind him, deciding to have a little fun before attacking him.

Tapping his shoulder, my height allowing me to reach it easily, and watching him turn.

Before he could fully complete the rotation, I kicked his legs out from under him, chuckling as I did so.

I unsheathed my sword from my side and towered over him as he looked up at me in shock.

"Andromeda, don't"  He spoke, his tone stern yet soft.

I ignored the foreign designation and smirked as I came closer.

"Whilst you are currently incapacitated, I should com Lord Megatron, inform him of your predicament" I teased, bending down to be closer to his face plates.

"Optimus!" A distanced voice yelled making me chuckle.

"It appears your friends have discovered my plan" I spoke, looking at the mine's cave system before turning back to the Prime, my ruby red optics focussing on him.

He caught the gist of what I was about to do and began to struggle but with my fast reflexes, I managed to pin him just in time, bringing my sword to his spark chamber, ready to plunge it into it.

He ceased all struggle as I put force into the down strike of the sword.

Right before it went to enter his chassis, I risked a glance to his optics, the intense softness and slight fear catching me off guard. 

I ripped my optics away but not before being caught with a memory I didn't even know existed.

One that I now remembered of my older brother as we laughed together as younglings.

I dropped the sword as I backed away from the Prime, the action causing him to reach for me in dire concern.

Panting heavily, I knew that my optics had flickered to an indigo colour before returning to the dull ruby red.

I backed up more in fear as Optimus tried to approach me and calm me down.

"Andromeda, calm down, it's alright" He tried, gently grabbing my shoulders and holding me in place.

I simply struggled more in his grip and slipped out of it before he could readjust his grip, racing for the mouth of the mine.

I was, unfortunately, stopped in my tracks as I ran helm on into the two-wheeler and scout as they came back for their Leader.

We all crashed to the ground, them recovering much quicker than I which surprised them immensely.

I got to my pedes after a few seconds and backed away from them.

Before I got any real distance, I ran into a chassis, Optimus's chassis to be exact.

I yelped audibly and jumped away, now finding myself cornered between the three.

"Andromeda! Calm down!" Optimus spoke louder this time, attempting to stop my panicked actions.

The designation only brought more memories previously hidden which caused me to panic even more.

I figured the only way past them was either fight, and probably be defeated, or using Arcee as leverage, jump over Bumblebee as I was a lot taller than them both.

Deciding to go with the later, I quickly jumped onto Arcee, her quick reflexes making her push me off and allow me to dive over Bumblebee.

Landing in a roll as I lost my balance, I quickly stumbled to my pedes and made it to the woods, hiding myself deep inside of it.

Once I knew they weren't anywhere near me, I called for a groundbridge and quickly made my way through it, finding a sick sense of safety on the Nemesis.

"Tracer!" Megatron called as soon as I stepped out of  the groundbridge.

"How was your little adventure?" He questioned with partially narrowed optics.

I pushed back my previous panic and looked at him, "I-Interesting to say the least, Lord Megatron".

He hummed in thought of my answer before walking up to me.

Soundwave, who had previously been at his side, stayed where he was as he and the others watched him walk to me.

"Let's go for a walk, shall we?" He spoke, entering some coordinates into the groundbridge control as I relived the previous events.

. . .

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