(Lil Durk Fan Fic)

By Fierce_Mami

68.9K 1.8K 114

Kayla Taylor is the youngest out of her mother four kids. Her father is a working man so he never really have... More

The Type Of Life
Coming Home
Being Lowkey
Together Like Always
The Two


2.3K 68 9
By Fierce_Mami


(A Week Later)

I still wasnt talking to Sarah or none of them girls. And im not a huge grudge holder but that was ode. If anybody know how much pain I went through it was Sarah and she pulls this? Okay. Anyways I got ready to go hang out with April and the rest of her crew. "Faith you getting ready?" I asked hile ironing my shirt. "Yes, im trying to find my red booty shorts but I cant find them for nothing and its pissing me off." She said messing up her duffle bags. "I have some that you can ear dont orry about it." I said passing her the ones from my bag. "Oh thanks you a real life saver Kay." She said pulling them up. "Yeah they look cute." I slipped on my white shorts. We left out the house in no time. Sarah wanted to speak to us so bad but thats a dubb. I hate her right now. We went to April house and it was mad people there. We waved to all of them. "Finally Americans take so long to get dress." One girl name Diamond said. "We walking fashiion stories, sorry." Faith said slapping me a five. "I aint gon lie you gyal dead look beautiful." Some cute boy said. I just smiled and we both thanked him. The Diamoond girl grilled us. "Come on we out." April said looking nice herself. We walked for about twenty minutes until we got to the party. Music we never heard was blasting through the speakers. Me and Faith start dancing with people. They was odeing tho. I mean it is Jamaica but damn. "Yo its way too hot in here. Lets go outside real quick." Faith said. "Okay." We left out and the cute boy and im guessing his brother was outside. Lawd I think they was the cutest boys in Jamaica. "Beautiful numba 1 and 2." The boy said. "Wussup? What ya out here smoking?" Faith asked. I grilled her. "This right ere? Wog Won, bomdocloud, this erb right ere is the blodclout fiyah. Take a drag." He passed Faith the blunt. She pulled it and start choking. Good for her fake smoking weed ass. "You too pretty to be fucking with de erbs any way mi lord." He said taking her hand. "Whats your name?" She said drinking her liquor. "Justin and thats mi broda Ryan." He point to the cutie. "Oh hey." She said waving. He came over and kissed both of our hands. I was hype like yassss. "Im Kayla." I said endind the introductions. "How old are you beautiful?" He asked me. "Umm 17." I said neverously talking to him. "Oh you still a lucku baby." He said smoking his weed. I shrugged as he looked me up and down. "How old are you?" I asked. "Mi gyal, mi twenty." He said. Oh yeah thats a little too old, I said to myself. "Kayla this my song! Lets go!" Faith dragged me into the party and she start dancing with somebody. Ryan came in and grabbed me so we start dancing. And boy he can dance. His butt off. Who crush is that? After we finished dancing he was on me. Forget all that im a little girl and shit. We start drinking and he kept on grabbing me to dance. At the end of the party we had eachother numbers and I had to basically carry this girl home because she was pissy drunk. And it was so annoying. "Yo them boys was ugly ass fuck, no funny shit. Besides the one who was on your body but April told me he a asshole." She said as she cuddled in the bed. "He a cute asshole tho." I said wrapping up my hair. "I hear that hot shit." Faith said kicking off her sneakers. I smiled and grabbed my stuff to get in the shower, when Ryan called me. "Hello?" I answered. "Wussup baby gyal?" He said into the phone sounding cute. "Nothing about to shower." I said. "Oh may I join?' He aasked. "No thank you. I enjoy alone showers." I said smiling. "Respect. What you doing tomorrow?" He asked. "Nothing really. Prolly chilling inside," I said. "Enjoy this beutiful air before you leave." He said. "You want me to come outside with you?" I asked. "Yeah that will be nice. And and you on a romantic date." He said which made me blush. "Sounds nice." I said. "So i'll see you bright and earrly tomorrow?" He asked. "No not really. I sleep for a very long time so maybe around fouur you can see me." I said. "Okay great. See you have sweet dreamss, especially if im in them." He said. "Okay, good night." And I hung up and got in the shower. After the shower I start watching TV and slowly dozed off to sleep.


Its slow in the hood Nunu stressing becaus ehim and his shawty beefin. Everybody doing they own thing. Tyson been lowkey ode in the hood so nobody can find that pussy boi. Im just making all my shit is in order. Karly and Stacy wanna be my girl now. Every time I try to duck these hoes they get attach to the dick. Shit is half annoying. Stacy on her way to Rondo house now. Only way Karly went to my house because I was sleeping. But she so stupid because I faked like I was way to drunk to goo home on my own nd she aint know where the hell i lived. Thats a good thing tho. I be seeing Kayla on Face book with her friends and stuff. thats good she having a good time. She deserved it. Sometimes I be wishing I aint never dubb her that day she told me she was catching feeling for me beause the way she looking on face book I know she goona get scooped up soon. Ima be lowkey tight. When she come back we gonna mess aroun on some lowkey shit. Matter fact let me call her before this girl come. I called her and she aint answer. I called again and she aint answer so I left it as it. She texted me.

Kayla: Im On A Date Sorry Durk, He Was Talking That Would've Been Rude

Me: Oh Its Cool

I guess she got other plans. Fuck it. Thats when this hood rat and her friends walked in the house and she was looking nice but thottie. She had on gym shorts and a belly shirt thats sleeve less. With some toms on. Make up and hair on point. She come correct to see me. She know better. "Hey baby." She sat next to me. "Wussup?" I asked taking the Wendy's bag she was passing me. I looked and it had large french fries, a pretzel bun burger and chicken nuggets. "Good looking," I said as I start to dig into my food. "Aww why my baby is hungry?" She asked. "That nigga aint hungry, that nigga drunk." Rondo said. "Yeah okay, they miss treating you in here? Its okay. I got you." She said hugging me and then she kissed my cheek. I was still eating paying her no attention. As long as im in her presence she dont care just like Karly. I gotta stop with these girls tho. "Ima holla at you bro, we going to my room. You said you was spending the night right?" Rondo asked giving me a pound. "Yeah, im staying. Turn that light off bro." I said. "No keep it on." Stacy said. "Which on ya." Rondo asked. "Aight leave it on." I said because she was doing the puppy dog face. He went to the back. "Karly been texting you lately?" She asked. "Nah. I told her she too crazy I dont want nothing too do with her."  I said lying through my teeth. "Oh okay. Im just glad you stopped messing with her." She said. I got up and threw away my trash. "Can I see ya phone?" She asked. "Nah Stacy dont start that shit tonight." I said. "I know she all up in ya phhone." She said shaking her leg. "I told you she not, so that should be that." I said rolling my blunt. "Fuck that believe you shit. You know you a dirty bastard. And I just want to see your phone." She said. "NO, Stacy go ahead with that stupid shit before you go." I said looking for my lighter. "You never acted ike this before. After I let you hit that shit changed." She said. "My nigga. I try to treat you right but you dont understand. You not my fucking girl." I said mad as fuck. Fuck her feelings she never know when to quit. "I dont wanna be ya girlfriend Durk." She said all teary eyes. "Yeah you do. Dont cry now because I tried to warn you." I said looking for my lighter. "You mad fucking rude to me. You care about her way more than me. I think you actually in love with her. So ima stay out of ya little relationship." She was now crying tears and getting herself together. I hate this bitch yo. She always make me kiss her ass. Im not a bad nigga so I know im not gonna allow myself to just let her leave  in the middle of the night. "Yo sit down." I said trying to smoke already. "No Durk, you really in love with this bitch Karly. I tried to show you better but obviously you dont want that." She said wiping her tears. "Stay Stacy." I said holding her arm. "Durk no. You really love that Karly bitch." She said shaking her leg and start texting on her phone. I took her phone and she attacked me. "Yous a stupid silly bitch." I said mad holding he aganist the wall. She done rippeed my shirt and everything. "Watch your mouth." She said trying to attack me again. "You wanna leave? Go the fuck ahead stupid." I threw her and she hit the door. She start crying mad hard. I did not feel bad because she threw herself aganist the door. I knew she was fucked up because her back hit the door knob. I checked my phone and Karly just texted me.

Karly: What you doing babe?

Me: None bout to smoke and calling it a night. Im mad fuking tired yo

Karly: Aww Good Night Stink, I Love You

Me: Good Night iLu2 

Then I deleted my messages with her and a couple other thots. I left Kayla messages there because she aint no secret. I was about to start smoking when i realized Stacy was sitting there hysterically crying. I picked her up from off the floor and put her on the pull out couch with me. "Yo look at me." I said fixing her face to look at me. "What Durk?" She said still tearing but looking in my eyes. "I respect ya shit stop acting like I treat you like shit because truth be told, i can start really treating you like shit. If you think this is bad. bitches never seen me afer i hit. I clled you the next day after i cracked to chill with. We aint even have sex and we been chillen for three days straight after that. Everytime Karly used to pull up she know on demand or dip. I care about you and shit. Stop trying to play me. I dont have real time to be in a relationship." I said lying right through my teeth. "But you treat me really mean and i try to do my best for the both of us." She said. " I know but I got myself Stace. I dont like when eople try to take are of me. i been on my own for a minute. I gotta get used to all that loving doving shit. Give me some time." I said lighting my blunt and then holding her. She fell right for my trap and cuddled in. "Sorry for ripping your shirt." She said kissing my neck. "Dont kiss there unless you want things to esculate." I said. "She got on top of me and start kissing on my neck.   i kept smoking though. "Good night babe." She said turning the light off. "Bae can you take my pants off?" I asked and she pulled them off. I finished the blunt and start cuddling. She start making moves and then one thing lead to the next she was yelling daddy durk.

After we was finish I was starting to doze off when she snapped a picture of me and her. I aint mind. Karly gonna complain and ima do the same with her. "Daddy can yu capture it on your face book." She asked. As bad as I wanted to say no I did it. 


I turned my phone all the way down beccause it was bound to blow up. She sucked on her thumb and went to sleep in my arms happily.


After the day with me and Ryan I figured he is a jerk. he so cocky it makes him look ugly. I mean the day was nice it was just him because so cocky and over protective. Im not even his girl friend and he was ready to fight people for me. He fail to realize he gotta live here, im going home in another three or four days. I just aint like him. I hopped in the shower. Only sarah was up and i know she wantd to tell me she sorry and shit and I was ready to hear her out. I got out the shower and put on a matching bra and panty set and then a white T-shirt, prolly Tysons and some pajama shorts. I went to the kitchen to pour me something to drink. I noticed the girls wasn't here so i went to sit but Sarah grabbed me. "Listen KAyla I did not tell them your business, I swear. They was around when I was telling my boyfriend how I want him dead. He was saying why trying to protect because they work together. They was ear hustling and they foud out. I would not do that to you. You know more about me then my own family, I know more about you more than ya family. We like family. I just wanna be your friend again." She said kind of pleading. "Okay." I said plainly flipping through the channels. "can I tell you why me and Nunu broke up?" she asked. "Yeah sure." I said interested. "Well um he think im out here with some nigga since you guys posted pictures with boys. I asked him am I really his girl friend because he treats me like one of his thots. he gonna say oh you wanna act ike a thot im treat you like a thot. So I said treat ya mother like a thot because Im done and I hung up. He calls me everyday i the morning around the time I wake up till he know when im sleeping. I kis you not." She said. "Well you need to answer him before he move on. Its a lot of thirsty girls that will love to be in ya spot." She said. "Facts but ima text him before I go to sleep and hopefully we can start off from there." She said. "Yeah thats smart, let him know his bae aint getting attention by another nigga." I said jokig. "Yeah cause he will run to Jamaica." She said. "Facts." I replied. "Oh yeahhhhhh you seen Durk picture? Talking about with bae." She said showing me the picture. Its obvious they just had sex they both look dead. i guess he really jut didn't want me. Bastard. "He finally got somebody to settle him down." I said feeling all kind of jealaous. "Yeah and she looks like a thot." Sarah said. I teted him.

Me: I dont know if that picture was for me to get jealous or if you realy in a relationship. Ima tell you this if you really in a realtionship I hope it goes well because you clearly turned me straight down, Have a great relationship

Him: Shut up, she a random thot who wanted to be above another thot. Hurry up and get home, so I can show people my big headed bae.

Me: Yeah what ever good night Durk, have sweet dreams

And with that I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

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