Teacher's Assistant // Woochan

By etherealchannie

60.5K 3.3K 6.3K

The woochan college au no one asked for There's not enough woochan fics on wattpad so I was like what the hec... More

~ Cha(n)pter One ~
~ Cha(n)pter Two ~
~ Cha(n)pter Three ~
~ Cha(n)pter Four ~
~ Cha(n)pter Five ~
~ Cha(n)pter Six ~
~ Cha(n)pter Seven ~
~ Cha(n)pter Eight ~
spoilers??? + rant
~ Cha(n)pter Nine ~
~ Cha(n)pter Ten ~
author's note
~ Cha(n)pter Eleven ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twelve ~
~ Cha(n)pter Thirteen ~
~ Cha(n)pter Fourteen ~
extra #1
~ Cha(n)pter Fifteen ~
~ Cha(n)pter Sixteen ~
the cutest shit ever
~ Cha(n)pter Seventeen ~
gayo daechukje festival
~ Cha(n)pter Eighteen ~
face reveal
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty One ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Two ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Three ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Four ~
jisung's channel
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Five ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Six ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Seven ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Eight ~
~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Nine ~
~ Cha(n)pter Thirty ~

~ Cha(n)pter Nineteen ~

1.1K 74 170
By etherealchannie

Chan cradled Woojin in his arms until the older fell asleep around two in the morning. 

Chan knew he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. He hadn't brought his sleeping pills with him. Last time Chan was over at Woojin's he miraculously fell asleep. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he hadn't slept in thirty-three hours prior to his arrival. 

Chan gently moved Woojin's head off of his chest, leaning it onto the sofa instead. He crawled over to the mattress, swiping a sleeping Felix's pillow from under his head. Chan slid back to where Woojin was sleeping, head lolling to the side. 

Chan set the pillow on the ground and slowly pushed Woojin down to a laying position, making sure that his head was in a comfortable position before scurrying off again; this time to look for a blanket.

Chan walked into Woojin's room and began his hunt. Changbin and Felix had taken the blanket on Woojin's bed, so Chan was left to wonder where the older boy kept his spare throws.

Making his way over to the walk-in closet, Chan stopped in his tracks when a certain floorboard creaked unnecessarily loud. 

"Shut up!" He hissed at the floorboard.

Chan waited a few moments before resuming his journey to the closet. 

He quietly opened the door, walking into the spacious closet. His eyes scanned the shelves, looking for a comforter or at least a quilt. Anything that could provide warmth for the older.

His eyes spotted a fluffy throw sitting on a shelf in the way back of the closet. Chan padded deeper into the closet, stopping when he reached the shelf.

It was much higher than he originally thought; Woojin probably had to get a step stool in order to reach anything on the shelf. Chan didn't see any step stools in sight, so he just decided to jump. 

He could actually jump pretty high. Back in high school, Chan would always jump the highest for fitness testing. Whenever Field Day rolled around, people would always challenge him, trying to dethrone the Spring King. They called him the Spring King for three reasons: he always walked around with a spring in his step, he jumped as though there were springs in his feet and Field Day was always held in the spring. The 'King' part was self explanatory. 

This was not the only nickname he acquired in high school. Chan got the nickname Changaroo in high school, again due to his ability to jump really high.

Chan took a leap of faith, grabbing ahold of the cloth and dragging it down. Alas, the blanket was not the only thing that came down. 

One of the shelf's hinges was loose and it gave way as soon as Chan's arm came in contact with it. Everything on the shelf came tumbling down as the shelf itself swung like a pendulum, being held up by the singular hinge on the other side.

Chan noticed something at the top of the pile; a crystal whale. Panicked, he hurries over to the pile and carefully picks up the delicate decoration piece, examining it thoroughly to ensure that the whale wasn't damaged. 

Chan lets out a sigh of relief when he is sure that the whale is okay, gently setting it on the dresser to the left of him. 

Chan gasped sharply, hearing the door creak open. He turned his head to see look at the door that was slightly ajar. A pair of soft brown eyes met his own.

"Chan?" Woojin asked, sleepily. Chan almost cooed at the sight. Woojin looked so cute standing in the door way, rubbing his eyes tiredly, clothes rumpled and hair tousled. 

"What are you doing up, chicken wing? You should get some sleep." Chan said quietly, making his way over to Woojin, throw in hand.

"What about you?" Woojin asked worriedly as Chan threw the blanket over his shoulders. 

"Don't worry about me." Chan said with a lazy grin. Woojin pulled the throw tighter around his body with a frown.

Chan reached out and used his pointer fingers to turn Woojin's frown into a smile. Woojin gave a small smile, appreciating Chan's (successful) attempt at making him grin.

"Flower, come on let's go to sleep." Woojin said, opening his arms, inviting Chan to be enveloped in a blankety hug.

"I've got to deal with this first." Chan said, flicking the light switch by the door on to reveal the mess he made.

"Whatta mess." Chan grumbled, seeing the pile of various trinkets that had fallen from the shelf.

Woojin lowered his arms, tying the throw around his neck.

"Let's clean this up fast. I wanna go to sleep." Woojin said.

"Chicken Wing, you don't have to help me. I can clean up my own mess. I'm not a kid." Chan pouted, crossing his arms.

"You sure act like one." Woojin comments, picking up the first item and putting it into the top drawer. 

"Do not!" Chan huffed, marching over to help Woojin clear the space.

"You're just proving my point!" Woojin gleefully.

"I hate you." Chan said with a huff, rolling his eyes as he picked up a stuffed bear.

"No you don't." Woojin said smugly, snatching the bear from Chan's grasp.

"Hey, I want to hold him!" Chan said, reaching out in an attempt to grab the bear back.

"No! He's mine." Woojin said, hugging the bear tightly to his chest, looking up at Chan with a stubborn pout.

 Woojin looked like the most precious person on earth at that moment in Chan's eyes. It took all of Chan's willpower to not run over to the older and pepper kisses all over his face. 

"Fine, be that way." Chan said, throwing a rubber duck at Woojin's head.

"Ow!" Woojin exclaimed as the duck hit Chan's target. 

"It's your fault for having a rubber duck there in the first place." Chan said, childishly sticking out his tongue at Woojin. 

"I haven't had the time to unpack all my stuff yet." Woojin whined. "I kind of just shoved it all in the closet and called it a day."

"That explains why there's a bunch of random things here." Chan said, picking up a textbook from Sophomore year.

"Oh, I need that. Jeongin was asking for it but I had no idea where it went." Woojin said, reaching out his hand expectantly.

"I didn't know Jeongin took music theory." Chan said, eyeing the cover of the textbook.

Woojin hummed in response, taking the book in his hands when Chan passed it to him.

He then turned to the drawers, setting the book on top before rummaging in the first drawer for something.

Woojin pulled out a pad of sticky notes, pulling one off and placing it onto the textbook, running his thumb along the top to make sure it would stick. He threw the pad back into the drawer and looked for a pen, pulling one out in no time. He then wrote on the sticky note before capping the pen and tossing it back into the drawer. 

The note read: Don't forget to give to Jeongin in the morning!!! ^.^

"Aw, that face is so cute!" Chan exclaimed, reading the note over Woojin's shoulder. Woojin jumped slightly, bumping his hand on the open drawer in the process. 

"Don't creep up on me like that!" Woojin exclaimed, rubbing his hand.

"I'm sorry." Chan said, grabbing Woojin's hand and bring it to his lips.

"What are you doing?" Woojin asked, looking at the younger in confusion.

"I'm kissing it better." Chan answered, softly touching his lips to Woojin's hand. "There! Good as new!" Chan exclaimed, rubbing his thumb along Woojin's knuckles. 

"Good as new." Woojin repeated, fixing the younger with a soft smile.

"Hey, we should  really get to bed now. We can fix the shelf in the morning." Woojin whispered, not wanting to disturb the serenity of the small closet.

"Okay. We're bringing the bear with us though." Chan said, grabbing the teddy bear from the top of the dresser, where Woojin had set it down to write the note.

"He has a name you know." Woojin scoffed, grabbing the textbook off the shelf. He'd surely forget about it again if he left it in the closet.

"Really?" Chan said curiously, "What is his name?" 

"Promise you won't laugh." Woojin said, making a face.

"I won't." Chan said, holding out his pinkie. "Pinkie promise."

Woojin intertwined their pinkies, aligning their knuckles and pressing their thumbs together to seal the deal.

"His name is Tenderheart." Woojin muttered, moving the blanket to cover his face.

"Tenderheart? Like, the carebear?" Chan questioned, a smile growing on his face.

"Yeah." Woojin said, bringing his hands to squish his cheeks, feeling the heat radiating from them.

"That's so cute!" Chan squealed, hugging Tenderheart before spinning around and hugging Woojin.

"No, you." Woojin shot back, hugging the younger boy tighter.

"I'm not cute!" Chan pouted.

I'm scary! Roar!" Chan said, bearing his fangs.

Woojin giggled. 

"You should really take that make up off before you go to bed. The fangs as well. It won't be comfortable to sleep in those." Woojin commented.

"You should take your make up off too." Chan comments. "I know the others didn't. They'll be waking up with crusty faces in the morning." Chan snickers.

"Come on. I've got make up wipes in the bathroom." Woojin said, extending out his hand for Chan to grab. 

Chan takes Woojin's hand, allowing Woojin to lead him to the bathroom, even though he already knew where it was. Maybe he really enjoyed the feeling of Woojin's hand in his, but no one needed to know that.

Chan sat himself down on the counter as Woojin opens the mirror to look for the make up wipes in the cabinet. 

Chan sets Tenderheart on the counter before jumping off the counter, making his way to the sink. Chan asks Woojin to hand him the mouthwash, unscrewing the lid once it was in his possession.

He drank a bit of mouthwash, swishing it around in his mouth before spitting it into the sink. Chan the looked in the mirror, fiddling with the fangs until they came off. The glue Jisung used was made the fangs stick really well, they were difficult to get off, but Chan managed to do so.

Once they were off, Chan walked over to the garbage, disposing of the fangs.

Woojin had moved onto the small closet where the towels were stored since he couldn't find the make up wipes in the mirror's cabinet. 

Chan resumes his position on top of the counter and starts kicking his feet, humming a tune that popped into his head. 

"What are you humming?" Woojin asked, popping his head out from behind the closet door.

"It's just something I came up with now." Chan says passively.

"It's really nice. You should make a song out of it. It would sound really pretty." Woojin commented, closing the closet door, wipes in hand. 

Chan closed his eyes, wincing slightly as the cool wipe made contact with his cheek. 

He began thinking. Woojin liked the tune he was humming. He could use that. For his solo track that is. The one he would use to confess to Woojin in front of the whole class. It had to be perfect. The track will never be as perfect as Woojin of course, but Chan hopes he can come close. He hopes that he can sweep Woojin off of his feet by the only means he knows; making music. 

Producing songs has always been a hobby that Chan was passionate about. He always expressed his emotions through songs. He wasn't sure how else he would do so. Whenever Chan was upset about something, he would write a song about it to let off steam. Whenever something made him happy, he wrote a song about it. Of course, these songs would never see the light of day; they were just songs for Chan. Chan stored these songs in a file on his computer. He never really looked back on them and when he did, it was to analyze his progress as a producer.

"Hey Chan, I'm done." Woojin said, lightly slapping Chan's cheek with the dirtied make up wipe. 

Chan shook his head to clear his head. 

"Sorry, I was just spacing out." Chan said.

"It's cool. I know you're tired." Woojin said, smiling radiantly at the younger.

"I wish my body could see that."  Chan though wryly, jumping off the counter.

Woojin threw out the dirty wipe and hoisted himself onto the counter waiting patiently as Chan pulled out a wipe and closed the package, placing it in the mirror, where it was meant to be in the first place.

Woojin's eyes fluttered shut as Chan pressed the wipe against his temple.

As Chan was wiping off Woojin's make up, he couldn't help but admire Woojin's features. His hand stopped moving and the wipe remained pressed against Woojin's cheek as Chan admired Woojin's eyelashes. 

Chan felt Woojin's hand and cover his as he watched Woojin's eyes open, like a flower blooming in time lapse.

"You done?" Woojin asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"You've still got some glitter on your other cheek." Chan said, snapping out of his trance and moving his hand to wipe the glitter off of the older's cheek.

Chan disposed of the wipe, grabbing Tenderheart off of the counter before a wave of tiredness hits him.  He struggled to keep his eyes open as he slowly walks over to Woojin.

"You tired?" Woojin asks, smiling at the sleepy boy.

"Yeah." Chan said stifling a yawn. "Let's go to bed."

Woojin pulls the younger closer to him, handing him one edge of the throw while he held the other in the opposite hand. They made their way over to Woojin's room, both wrapped in the blanket. 

Woojin flopped onto his bed, sending Chan down with him.

Chan made himself comfortable in Woojin's arms, feeling his eyelashes flutter against his cheek. 

Maybe Chan was wrong. Maybe he would be able to get more than an hour of sleep tonight.

I was listening to treasure (the album not just the song) and uh i fell in love even more whoops

Pirate king is a whole ass bop (all the songs are but i'll be here forever if i talk about everything because i'll go on a rant whoops) and the intro ugh i felt that

btw hongjoong and san sound like voice actors oh my god the intro sounds like a fucking movie trailer. I would be HYPED to see that movie

also when san asks 'what is your treasure'

um my treasure is the eight of you duh

my favorite song is either twilight or my way, but i'm leaning more towards twilight

they're all fucking bops though

anyways i really vibe with all of their songs and their mvs are so cool

I'm honestly in love with ATEEZ's concept

okay enough of this, i'm gonna be talking for hours if i don't cut myself off here

stan ATEEZ bye

also another side note; dejavu by NU'EST W is a fucKing BOP

i love everything about that song

okay bye for real, stan ATEEZ and NU'EST W

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