What Happens After Vegas

By girlmeetscoffee

32.1K 919 149

taking of after ayitl, after those last four words. What will happen? More

1. Mom?
2. Unexpected
3. Happy house hunting
4. Little heartbeat
5. We need to talk
6. Avocado tree
7. Gender reveal
8. Decorating
9. And then there were five
10. Right here, right now
11. Right here, right now pt2
12. Reception
13. Honeymoon
14. But...this is an emergency
15. He did what?!
16. I promise, Ace
17. This is the voicemail of Stephanie Vanderbilt leave a message if you must
18. Is there any news?
19.We are Stephanie Vanderbilt's parents
20. Emergency trip to Nantucket
21. Please, don't leave
22. One last goodbye
23. Advice
25. To the love of my life
26. Rory Gilmore?
27. Your story
28. Red
29. Speeches and more
30. Slow dancing

24. Have yourself a merry little Christmas

827 29 3
By girlmeetscoffee

The elder Huntzberger home was decorated to a T. Everywhere you looked you were greeted by twinkle lights, there were wreaths on every door, a light show projector that lit up the outside of the house with a variation of colors, candy cane pathway markers, the stockings above the fireplace. The Christmas tree was decorated with yellow lights, white clip-on roses, ornaments made by Honor and Logan from when they were little and Honor's kids Danny and Alex, and silver balls variating from size, matt, shiny, and glittery ones. And let us not forget the fancy red-silver linen tablecloths. Oh and the flower arrangements on every table. Plus every vase in eyesight filled with silver, red and white balls.

"You know..." began Logan as he, Rory and the kids reached the front door of his family home. "This will be the first Christmas Eve ever celebrated in this house without some fancy party," he smiled.

Logan was overjoyed. This Christmas would finally be normal. Just family and close friends. Not to forget the first Christmas he gets to spend with his three beautiful children and a dad, not just the man who helped create him, but an actual dad.

Rory, however, felt a little down... This would be the first Christmas without her grandmother. And her mom. Even when she was on the road for the campaign trail, she got time off for Christmas. She never missed a Christmas with her mom, she thought that only once one of them wasn't alive anymore that they wouldn't spend this holiday together. They even spent it together during their dark year, granted it wasn't together together, but it was together, they saw each other, exchanged words... This year it would be nothing...

"Yeah..." Rory smiled softly. "It will be nice. Different but nice."

"Have you seen these decorations dad and Celia put up? They really went all out."

Rory rang the doorbell. Mitchum and  Celia opened the door together. "Merry Christmas! Come in, come in!"

Logan stood on the porch, surprised. A wide smile spread across his face and he let out a laugh. he'd never thought he'd see the day that his father stood in front of him in an ugly Chrismas sweater ushering them to come in.

"Nice sweater, dad," Logan chuckled. Mitchum was wearing a blue sweater with wide black suspenders woven directly into it, jingle bells on each strap, and a huge Christmas tree on the front.

"Yeah, Celia and I decided we wanted to start some traditions, these sweaters are one of them," Mitchum replied. "They may be hideous but also comfortable and fun."

"Do you guys want some hot chocolate?" Celia asked them.

Logan looked at his wife and saw that she was daydreaming. "I think we'll bring the bags up to my old room first, the kids can have some but make sure it's not too hot. Rory and I will be back soon," he said. Logan then crouched down to his knees, "Tory, Chris, Richie, you can go with grandpa Mitch and grandma Cel, okay? Mommy and daddy will be right there."

"Okay, daddy!" The three children held each other's hands as they skipped off together with Celia right behind them.

Logan stood up straight and caught his father looking at him. "Dad?"

Mitchum placed his hands on logan his shoulders. "I'm proud of you, son. You are a better father than I ever was."

"Thank you,"Logan smiled.

"Now talk to your wife, she seems a little distracted," Mitchum said. "Understandably so."

Mitchum left the couple in the foyer and joined his girlfriend and grandchildren in the living room.

Logan took Rory's hands in his, "what's going on in that head of yours, Ace?"

"Huh? Oh..." she snapped back in reality. "I'm just really worried about my mom, it's the first christmas we will not be together and now with grandma gone..."

"I know... but she will be okay, Luke is with her." he tried to calm her by pulling get in a hug. "What do you say we bring the bags upstairs and go be with the kids."

"Let's go," Rory said, a soft smile gracing her lips.


"Let me go check," Mitchum said.

Logan and Rory had been gone for quite a long time now and it was almost time for dinner. Mitchum walked up the stairs and stopped in front of logan's old room. The door was open so he looked in. He saw Logan and Rory in front of the balcony window.  Rory learned back into Logan and logan had his arms around her waist.  They watched together as snow fell from the sky.

Before ruining the moment Mitchum took a few photo's. He cleared his cleared his throat, getting their attention, "dinner is almost ready and everyone is here."

"We must have lost track of time. How long have we been up here?" Rory asked.

"A while," Mitchum answered. "You feel better?"

"Much," she replied, smiling at her husband.


In the middle of dinner the bell rang.

"Who could that be?" Mitchum wondered as he stood up to open it.

A little while later he came strolling back in.

"Who was it?" Celia asked.

Two people walked in the dining room, "got room for two more?"

"Always,"she answered.

"Mom!" Rory exclaimed. She jumped up from her seat and hugged Lorelai and Luke.

"Hi kid," lorelai said. "I'm so sorry!"

"Doesn't matter! You're here!"

Merry Christmas and a happy new year🎇✨🎆🎀🎄🎄🎄🎄

And yes I realise christmas is officially over again... don't make me cry😂😂

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