Powerfully Weak

By my_own_freak

4.8K 282 3

Keiko used to live in a larger city. But after the incident that weakened her body, her family relocated to t... More

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188 13 0
By my_own_freak

Upon arriving at the arcade across from the train station, Keiko had expected to see Bakugou impatiently waiting. He seemed like the type to be early simply because it meant getting this over faster.

So when the angry blonde was nowhere to be seen, she knew something was wrong.

The first thing she did was double and triple check that she was at the right spot. Going as far as to see if he had mistyped anything, her mind was racing. It wasn't like she had arrived too early. The scheduled time was only a few minutes away.

There was always the possibility of a fight, so she began to scan through the latest news reports. There was still nothing.

Her sea foam eyes scanned the crowd as she stood against the wall, trying to see if she could spot the blonde, even if it was rather unlikely. The faces seemed to blend together as people walked by, only distinguishable by the various hair colors and styles. A few people stood out more of course, but even then she would be unable to identify them.

Suddenly a familiar and loud shout reached her ears. A little further down the street, she could now make out the forms of Bakugou and some of his classmates.

"I told you shitheads! I've already got plans!" he screeched, trying to pull from Kirishima's grip. Unable to use his quirk, it seemed like the blonde was stuck.

"Yeah?" Kaminari taunted. "And those plans are?"

"None of your fucking business!"

The two shook their heads. It was clear they didn't believe him. She took a step or two away from the wall to get a better look at them. Unable to stop herself, Keiko let a laugh escape from her lips.

"What a group," she mused.

"Is there a problem?" someone growled. Startled, she quickly turned her head to face the voice. Her eyes quickly met the harsh glares of three boys. They looked to be about her age if not older, but their tilted stances made it clear they were acting like thugs for whatever reason.

Even so she knew that she didn't stand a chance.

"I-I'm sorry?" she said, not sure why they were suddenly focused on her.

"That didn't sound too sincere," one snarled.

"We don't like being laughed at."

She quickly shook her head, hands tightly grabbing into the strap of her purse. "I wasn't laughing at you... I-"

"That's always the first excuse. What other lie are you gonna pull out, huh?"

The boys suddenly began to draw closer, leaving Keiko to quickly back up in her panicked state. A short gasp escaped her lips as her back collided with the wall. The of the boys suddenly smirked.

Maybe she should have been honest with her brother. Then this wouldn't have happened.

A hand suddenly reached out and slammed against the wall only a few inches from her face. She flinched, hesitant to look into the face not far from her own.

"You know, you're awfully cute," the boy purred, moving so his forearm was against he wall. She could feel his breath in her skin. A chill went down her spine.

"Whatcha say, come hang out with us for a while?"

"Um, I'm sorry, but no thank you..." she quietly mumbled.

The boy in front of her narrowed his eyes. "I don't think you quite understand. You don't have much of a choice sweet cheeks."

Her nails dug into the palms of her hands. "I said no thank you."

"Huh?" he quickly exclaimed, his free arm tightly grabbing onto her arm. "I don't think I heard you..."

She flinched at his tone, well aware of the warning in his voice.

Her eyes glanced over to where she had seen Bakugou and the others. They couldn't be too far away, right? So maybe...

Sucking in a breath, Keiko quickly slammed her knee up between the boy's legs. He quickly crumpled to the floor as she jumped out of the way. Not wanting to wait for the other two to jump into action, she moved to dart down the street only to run straight into someone else.

Luckily they grabbed her arms, pushing her body behind their own.

Glancing up, she could easily see Kirishima and Bakugou standing in front of her. Kaminari gave her a grin as he leaned on her shoulder, and a pink skinned girl she had yet to meet properly poked her head between the two boys up front.

"I suggest you guys move along," Kirishima quickly piped up, glancing at the twitching blonde next to him. "Our friend is already in a bad mood, and I'd like to stop him from committing murder today..."

The three boys were quick to run off, one limping slightly before they turned the corner.

Keiko let out a sigh, glad to see that the group had shown up when they did.

"Thank you guys for-"

"What the hell was that Blondie?" Bakugou suddenly snapped, whipping around to face her. "What kinda moron lets themself get backed into a fucking corner?!"

As he began to yell at the shorter girl, she once again began to back up until he was the one boxing her in against the wall. His crimson eyes glared into her own eyes, growing more upset that she had once again proven his point.

"What kinda weak-ass like you wanders around the city without a fucking babysitter?"

"I'm sorry, I assumed that since you asked me here, I would actually be meeting you here. And do you really want to spend more quality time with my brother?" she hissed back.

A snarl formed on his lips. "I'm sorry you don't know how to arrive on time."

"I arrived early. It's just now the time we agreed on," she retorted.

The two continued to stare at each other, fully forgetting the small group waiting behind them. Keiko found herself in slight disbelief, wondering how a person could change emotions so fast. Then it hit her that he never really changed emotions. The only thing that changed was the target of his rage.

At the moment, it was her.

"You're weak ass is-"

Abruptly reaching up, Keiko grabbed his upper arm and gave it a firm squeeze. The blonde boy quickly ripped himself away from her.


"Since you've already expressed your displeasure of being here, I suggest you shut up so I can do what I came here to do."

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked away. "Fine."

She nodded and let out a breath. "So where is a good place to sit down so I can look at your arm."

His head tilted towards the building behind them. "How about the arcade dumbass."

She blinked. "Do arcades have places to sit and rest?"

Suddenly Kaminari pushed his way into her sight. "Have you never been in an arcade before?"

Once again she blinked owlishly. "Uh, I haven't."

"You poor soul," Kirishima joked, grabbing her arm. "Let's change that."

To say the least, while Bakugou didn't get his arm checked for a while, he did enjoy beating every single one of them at the games. Except for one of his absolute favorites, at which Keiko managed to beat him consistently.

"That's it! I challenge you to a rematch next week!" he snarled, doing his best not to slam the gun back onto the game.

"You're on!"

It was only after everyone had split up that he had realized what he had just done. He had arranged a date with Blondie.

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