
By claire_zzzz

53.1K 1.7K 641

Love, Hate, Lust and Forgiveness This is ain't fluffy, a sweet love story. This is a real, heartbreaking sto... More

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1.7K 76 69
By claire_zzzz

Wonstein, when the night is falling

"I have learned that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more."
― C. S. Lewis

🥀Chapter 15🥀

The night breeze ruffled her long silky hair, showing how her bangs reside at her temple. The sky was somehow gloomy, matching her heavy and suffocating life.

She left the dinner and went straight back home. Guilt settled in her heart, thinking of Younha's reaction. Gladly, Namjoon was there to explain her sudden departure from the dinner.

Whether or not it might savour impertinence, she was determined to leave the dinner as soon as possible after what happened to her today.

She gazed at the sky while recalling how much she and Taehyung love spending their time together at their secret place, just a 6-minute walk from home, precisely under a cheery blossom tree.

But their memory together would automatically envelop her like a soundless tsunami; the nightmare came back in a rush of startling clarity. When she noticed, her body felt paralysingsed, and the flow of time stopped that is exactly what happened to her when she played the piano again.

When she was 22, everything started to change.

At that time, she was beyond shocked that he was the son of a prominent figure, so famous that no one dared to mess up with him. His stepfather was also quite wealthy but an alcoholic and abusive businessman.

It was a different story for Mr Goong, his birth father.

She wasn't stupid; not only money but power was also dwindling in the course of their business. There are more than that, expansion of territorial control, illegal businesses and connections.

But now, she is Mrs Kim of V Corporation, a company linked with different kinds of underground transactions hidden behind the clean image they have. Now, she's the chaebol family of V corporation.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a phone call from Seulgi. She reached for her phone placed on a small table.


"Unnie." It was Seulgi.

"Hey. What are you up to?"

"I'm at my house, baking. Tomorrow I'll fly to Milan for a fashion show."

"Wow, our successful woman is busy."

"Yeah, busy with no time to date." she sighed.

She chuckled over her words. "I'm sure there is a line of men courting you. Being in the fashion industry, there must be someone that caught your eyes."

"Not really. I guess I have to follow my mother's choice." she paused before continuing, "Enough about me, Unnie, I called because of something. I heard from Oppa on what happened at the dinner." True to her, Seulgi will be asking that question.

"Yes. The dinner- But.. It wasn't that bad." She then further emphasised, "Really. I'm glad I didn't make a whole drama. People might just think that I suddenly had a headache after playing the piano." She laughed light to ease the tension.

Her mind drifted to how he danced with soo many emotions when she finished playing the piano.

"It's good to hear that." She sighed then suddenly, a worry woven throughout her next word, "Unnie. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." In retrospect, she's far away than fine. The blazing his eyes, the curiosity and the revelation bestowed upon him was making her anxious.

"Okay. But you know, lately, I have this thought that-" But this time, Seulgi confessed in an exasperated tone "Sometimes, I just felt that you need to separate yourself from him."

Indeed, Irene laughed at her 'suggestion'.

"How can I escape his world when death is only can separate us, Seulgi. I mean that was what we promised to each other in our wedding vow isn't?"

'Till death do us part.'

How ironic that its fits perfectly into their relationship.

"It was unfair to blame him when it wasn't even his fault. It was actually mine." She sighed under her breath, a bitter smile curved on her rosy lips.

"No, Unnie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean like that. And, of course, I want the best for you, but I could never do something to drive a wedge between you and him. As a matter of fact, who dares to even mess with him. After we finished our studies, I barely knew him anymore. And I'd learn just how different his new family is after many times he appeared in CNBC."

"And What I meant is that you just have to enjoy, ease your stressful life and maybe party a little bit, you know? if you're not married, I will bring you to a popular strip club in Gangnam."

That earned a laugh from Irene. "My 25 years old self might push that idea away, but right now, I might consider it. I regret wasting my youth. I couldn't even experience a one-night stand."

Both of them laugh, but Seulgi knows how much that homebody was joking. There's no way that she would even initiate a fling. Unlike Irene, it's distinctly clear that Seulgi is into one-night stands.



"I'm glad that I have you in my life. You're such a good friend."

"Tell me about that." She sighed haughtily.

But then, the silence stretched for seconds, and Seulgi's silence spoke volumes. She was actually waiting for Irene to at least speak her unspoken thoughts.

"Seulgi-" Irene took a deep breath, nibbling her own lip. "Is it weird if I finally felt like coming to terms with my marriage?"

That came out as a strange question to Seulgi when Irene had been doing all that when she first accepted his 'marriage proposal'.

"But haven't you been doing that since you married him? You basically followed what he wanted when you agreed to marry him?"

"Yes, but no. Yes, it is true that I haven't fought back, but there's a part of me hoping that maybe one day I can end this marriage."

She exhaled slowly before continuing, "But- even if I'm allowed to escape from his henchmen and watchful eyes, it will only lead to a bigger problem, Seulgi. The breach of our marriage agreement would only mean war, and more fights. I'm not ready or even capable of facing the consequences."

Silence ensued, but Seulgi was just giving her time to talk.

"Okay. So, do you mean that you are reciprocating his love, Unnie?"

Love? Is it love?

The image of his searing eyes came crashing, and his eyes when she looked at her, they stared up at her as if she was the only person that night. A sliver of worry came rushing by.

"What? No.?" She shook her head. "What I meant is my marriage. I'm finally tired of fighting to leave this marriage." Then, running her hands through her long silky locks, she thought again, "Even how much I tried, the fact remains, there's no way out of this marriage unless he decides to let me go."

"I see." Surely was Seulgi finding the right words to say "Okay. I truly understand how hard it is for you to give in when he expressed his intention to marry you. But if you were to ask me, my heart says that you will follow your heart. I believe in you. So again, try not to lose yourself along the way. There are things that are worth fighting for and some that aren't worth sacrificing. You've done soo much, but just you know when to stop, Unnie. I believe you do."

"I hope so; I truly do. I'd managed this alone for so long that it doesn't make me feel as bad as before."

In the initial minutes that followed, they talked until Seulgi realised that she was actually baking something in the oven. The smell of overcooked Cake wafted in her house.

Irene could only laugh at her and ended the call.

Heaving a sigh, Irene recalled what Namjoon had said to her, but she knew Taehyung wouldn't forgive her as she had committed a grave mistake, but she never regretted her decisions.


"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

She turned around, and for a heart-stopping second, her tummy actually fluttered at the sight of him, her husband.

His gaze found hers with unerring accuracy. His lips rose, just a corner, whilst one of his hands resided inside his pocket.

Meanwhile, His blazer resided on his other arm, leaving him with his white shirt and the top two buttons of his pristine white shirt are open—the black tie hanging loosely around his neck.

"The night sky." His voice was sonorous as it reached her in the quiet night.

They stood in the tickling silence and stared at each other, surrounded by the darkness of night.

"Yes. It is."

They stared at each other for a few seconds before she diverted her eyes back to the sky, releasing the gaze he gave.

"How long you've been standing there?"

He was closer now, successfully made her burning with his presence. He smelled manly mixed with sweetness, his favourite Private Blend Tobacco Vanille.

"Long enough to see you standing in the cold with your thin clothes." Seconds later, he placed his suit on her shoulder.

That welcomed her with warmth, so she thanked him for his gesture.

"Thank you."

He stood beside her, and together, they watched the sky.

"You love it, don't you?"

"Hmm?" She raised an eyebrow, questioning.

"The sky and everything canvassed it."

"Yes. I love it, especially during the spring. It brings an unexplainable calmness." Despite the darkness, his gaze will never fail to send rippling feelings insides her.

And the small smile formed on her lips didn't go unnoticed by him.

"I know. I remember your fondness for weathers, sky and flowers," he mumbled under his breath."Sometimes, I just don't get your obsession with them. And women in general. Do you remember the garden? It has always been your favourite place. I even recalled that once, you were there for a whole day. It was almost midnight, and you still hadn't                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                got back. In the end, your mother found you were sleeping under the tree after taking some medicine."

"Yes, and she almost called the police." she laughed lightly.

He was smiling at her, and the intensity of his gaze is making unwanted tingles on her arms.

That smile made women hopelessly fall on their knees, wanting his attention. Then, automatically, she curled her fingers around the fabric of his suit.

Surprisingly, tonight he seems relaxed and composed. Nonetheless, there was sadness behind those eyes when he uttered them. It was his effort when he was trying to recall the good memories among the hurtful ones.

Suddenly, his eyes shifted. "I was there at the dinner. Where were you? Why did you leave the dinner like that?" his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

This marriage filled her with the façade, requiring them to act as if they were in love. Throughout their marriage, it constantly felt like a slippery slope. Tonight was one of the slopes that might swerve them to a different path, and she wouldn't want to risk that.

"I . . . um . . . ," she fought for words while trying her best to hold his stare.

"Did you come back with him?" his eyes boring into her in his usual cold indifference tone, hands shoved deep into his trouser pockets. That question is something she's accustomed to with the current Kim Taehyung.

"No..." shaking her head. Glancing at the man's dark orbs, there's always deep fear hidden behind his cold two pool of eyes. Her heart heaved in agony;

'What I've done to you..'

"I'm sorry, I went back with the driver. I should have stayed longer since I invited you, but I didn't feel that well to stay for more couple of hours." she sighed in defeat while running her fingers through her locks.

Something akin to concern settled into his features as he inclined his head closer towards her.

He gently held the back of his hand to her forehead and cheek to feel the temperature of her body. Taehyung, his skin was warm against her cold one.

As he touched her skin, something resembling worry settled over his feature.

His touch and his worries. Somehow they were the source of her happiness and security in the past.

"I'll bring you to the hospital, or if not, I'll call Dr Jun to check on you. "

A sudden warmth settled in her heart.

She smiled faintly but surprisingly didn't push his hands away, leaving his rough yet comforting touch lingering on her skin. The touch of a man who once was madly in love with her.

The look on his face bore a remarkable resemblance to the one she had fallen in love with in the past.

The intensity of his stares and the gentleness behind the coldness can only be seen when he's with her.

"I'm totally fine." she pulled his blazer closer to ward off the chills of the night.

"No, I'll call him to come." He was about to take the phone from his pocket, but she gently placed her hands on his arm, stopping him.

"Please, you don't have to. I'm not sick, just a slight headache. And I already ate the medicine just now."

He wasn't convinced, but she added for extra emphasis. "I assure you, I'm fine. If you're not convinced enough, I promise to tell you if I still feel unwell, okay. Then, we can call the doctor."

He ran his hand over his jaw before speaking again, defeating a sigh. "Okay then."

"Thank you."

With the moonlight shining bright despite the darkness, she saw his beautiful face; the tenderness rested in his eyes, something that always became her weakness.

"I saw it," There was a melancholy in his choice slowly; he bridged the distance between them; she can feel his sudden warmness surrounding her. " I saw you played our song."

Our song.

In her head, she can already hear the words he will say;

"I was looking for you, but why did you leave like that?" It came out as a whisper, but his voice and the intensity in those eyes held her captive, unmoving, rooted to the ground.

No, please

He knew about it; he could feel it because that song was made for him. Most of her songs are for him.

It dawned on her that he wanted her to admit it because the sight of her playing the piano was the same as the image painted in his memories of the person that loved him dearly.

She shook her head as she diverted her eyes downwards, escaping his eyes. She's scared that her emotions would be vulnerable.

His other hand makes a way up, caressing her cheek. Desperate, he clasped her chin with his finger and made her look at him. Once again, they absorbed each other stares.

"Irene, please... please, at least for once, tell me-" She could tell Taehyung got frustrated with her refusal to meet his gaze.

The burn was back in her throat, threatening to overwhelm her." I'm sorry." she blinked. "I always hope everything was different; I hope the past didn't happen." A pang of guilt swiped through her like a coursing pain.

"And tonight, when I played the song, I felt it again, that feeling, the emotions that I've tried to push away; even after all these years, it still reminds me of what I've done to you and the reason you hated me so much, for the things I did. I understand what I've done is not something that can be forgotten. The song has reminded me how I hurt you before; it's suffocating me. I felt the burden weighing down my soul. It kills me inside knowing how much I hurt you in the past, causing you all the pain when all you did was just to love me." her voice cracked a little, and the pain took centre stage of her heart.

"Is that what you really think when you played the song tonight? "He then shifted on his feet just for a fraction of an inch closer towards her, reading her emotions cause he ain't believing her words.

"Irene-"his gaze catching and holding hers.

"I'm sorry..." she shook her head. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that. It's true. There's nothing worse than being burdened by the weight of your past sins. It was my fault, and I know whatever I did, this retribution will never be enough  for the amount of hurt and suffering you felt back then."

Silence followed by his bitter chuckle. His head bowed down for a few seconds. "What am I expecting? "He raked his fingers through his hair.

When he looked at her again, there was that gaze.

That lonely gaze.

"So, that's what you felt when you played the song? Guilt?"

She nodded.

"It's true. And like you said, I've suffered enough throughout the years."Running his hand through his hair, she knew how much he actually contained his frustrations.

"But still, every single day, I missed you, every part of you after you left." letting a small hurtful chuckle. He paused for a moment, pressing his lips together in frustration before snapping his eyes back to meet her gaze, the ghost of his pain still deep in his eyes.

"I'm fucking pathetic, isn't it? I dreamed about you every night, even though I knew you were somewhere with that guy. You're living happily with him while I'm-" He breathed as he exhaled shakily. "While I'm actually dying, waiting for you."

Her heart feels like bursting open. No one knows how much she wanted to shout and tell him, but she was tongue-tied.

She wants to give in and everything that goes along, but she just can't.

Her guilt washed her, and slowly without even realising it, her hand suddenly reached up and caressed his face.

"I'm sorry, but you-" she paused ", you deserve more than what I can give you."

His eyes stopped at her, unnerving by her sudden action.

"I'm sorry. "She began to trace his features gently; the stubble felt rough under her hand.

He let her intricate hands touch him in feathery soft touches, and slowly, he kissed inside her hand.

A sensation spread through her, making her heart combust with his kiss. It warned her of what she was actually doing.

"I'm sorry-" As she was about to release her hand from his touch, he stopped her;

"Just-don't." He murmured soothingly as the hold on her hand tightened. He held her gaze, penetrating through the wall she had built all this time.

"Don't stop."

She didn't notice how his hand already circling her waist, brushing the soft fabric of her dress. Their bodies aligned, chests pressed together. His body inched closer, framing her face with his hand.

Then, he said something entirely different from what she expected.

"But I can't...bear it. The thought of you not in my sight, never touching you again, is driving me crazy. Even after what happened, I'd still want you."

The last word barely whispered as his eyes gazed at her intently. Her breath caught as he put a hand on her face and guided her eyes to his.

"What do you mean?"

Her heartbeat thrummed against her chest. What kind of game is he playing to forgive her? Is he making this up?

"I've lost you once, and I can't lose you anymore." His words were vulnerable, open, with a flash of warmth.

Her chest rises faster, and her breaths come quicker.

The rational part of herself reminded her not to give in, not when his hatred expressed towards her was strong enough, but for some inexplicable reason, her heart beating fiercely.

He doesn't break eye contact. Not even for a breath.

"And truth to be told, this whole ordeal of marriage is exhausting pretending to hate you." He chuckled softly, and it hurt her.

She should fight back, but the only coherent thought that comes to her is how much he can actually read her. He'd see right through her after dinner.

He kissed the corners of her mouth softly, drowning her in his touch, momentarily making her forget to breathe.

"Taehyung, this is not- " when he saw her mouth begin to open, he placed his thumb on her lips, grazing it.


He saw the hesitation, the refusal on her face, but it didn't stop him.

"From our past, I've learned that you couldn't offer me the love that I want, but it doesn't matter to me." he let out a hot breath against her mouth, holding her tight against him.

"I'm fine walking through the flames for you. I didn't mind getting burned when it's with you."

The pain tore through her—the pain of hearing that he was fine being rejected and hurt by her.

Within seconds, their lips connected.

For once, they were going slowly, it was a slow, savouring kiss,  but the kiss was kindling a fire in her with the feeling that she always wanted to resist.

He tugged on her lower lip with his teeth, his tongue demanding her lips to part.

Gasping, she yielded to him. The kiss deepened, and his tongue slid over hers. The rising comfort drowned out the present twinge of fear she felt with his touch. His smell invaded her, the taste of him scalding her.

She melted into him.

She let out a breathless moan against his mouth as his thumb scraped up the length of her hip bone and then to her butt.

He pleads an aching favour as his mouth travels down her shoulder to stop over her pounding pulse and suck it into his mouth, branding her with his touch. Her body tensed when she felt the hot wetness of his tongue.

He gave her a moment to breathe. Then, he slowly led up by her jaw and pulled back; she met his gaze head-on, wearing a look of heated determination.

Their eyes locked for one... two . . . three seconds.

"Rene." he breathed, and those thick voices pouring soothed her skin.

He hadn't called her that name for years, and to hear that made her heart beat faster. Of course, he realised the change in her expression.

"there's no stopping me after this." he breathed into her ear; his lips brushed the shell of her ear.

She caught the resolution in his voice.

She swallowed.

He took her face, devoured her back with his lips, and swallowed her whole. This time, the kiss went deeper and- raw. The feel of the solid, cold, and metallic taste of his piercing his tongue twirling in her mouth inflamed her. He sucked her bottom lip, nibbling it before releasing it slowly.

Her pulse was racing, and she had a desperate ache between her legs—a small smile tugged on his lips when he felt how her body responded to him.

He bends down, grazing her thighs before he strongly grabs them, and she was taken off her feet. Her legs wrapped around his back, brushing her throat with his thumb, bringing her to a chair without parting their lips. He landed on it, leaving her cradling him. He then pulled her tiny figures, crashing and moulding her body into his, leaving no space between them at all.


The sounds stopped her, and instantly, she was pulled back into reality. A throaty grunt released as she stopped kissing him. His hot breath fanned her lips. His breath was ragged; neither of them moved or spoke as they stared at one another. His hand, callused and strong, is wrapped around her neck and his arm still holds her waist tight. In the dim lights, tension crackling in the air, his eyes were luminous and- churning wildly.

After picking up the phone, his hand remained on her waist, still pressing her against him. Although she tried to move, he held her too tight, refused to let her go.

Without even releasing his heated gaze from her, he answered the phone. She swallowed the nervousness when she realised he knew exactly how much his touch enflamed her.

"What." His voice roughened, his chest rose with a sharp breath.

Even though he was talking on the phone, she could almost hear the unspoken words of his eyes, how much he wants her. The entire time his eyes were boring into hers. His body tells her everything, not when she's still on his lap, cradling his body.

"Can we discuss this tomorrow? I just came back and need a damn time with my wife." In the dim light, she saw a muscle flex in his jaw.

Automatically, she dragged her eyes elsewhere, tightly hugging her arms against her body. She quickly composed her face, trying desperately to keep it together when her whole body is still burning from his touch.

"Okay. Meet me at the same place. I'll call you when I arrive."

"I have half a mind to cancel this fucking meeting." Still straddling his hips, he gazed up at her. He rubbed his thumb over her lips, then brushed her cheek longingly.

"But I really need to go now." He glanced at his watch. The back of her neck tingled, and a thousand thoughts tripped over one another.

"I'll be back."  The husky edge to his voice had a tinge of something different, something between sweetness and hunger. It cracked and fell away, the masks he wore all this time.

She didn't know what to say to that. It was too dry to form words. Instead, she nodded and licked her lips.

With that, he headed for the door and left.

The night had fallen, the low hum of insects accompanied her. Her grip tightened on his blazer; the smell of him engulfed her existence. Tonight, she felt there was something different about him. Only a handful of moments passed before she decided to enter the house.

Instead of waiting for him, she drifted into a deep sleep.

The sounds of roars and shouts echoed in the middle of Seoul. A fight started to break up as he could hear the shouts and cheers from where he stood.

Jimin stood in the corner, smoking his cigar. The smell of cigars and wood engulfed Taehyung, pleasing him, but somehow, he wanted to leave that place.

Before his marriage, this is his heaven. The club and the circles are where he finds solace, but now, his solace is somewhere else.

"Damn, why all these days, the old man has to discuss it tonight?" He clicked his tongue in annoyance. That horny bastard has the audacity to cause such a problem after screwing with the company's turnover.

"Exactly. Speaking of that bastard, he's here." He leaves the cigar between his lips as he reads the file he was holding.

"He better be. I won't be waiting another minute." He tore open the button of his shirt and let out a breath of frustration.

"You're so dramatic."Jimin let out a small chuckle understanding what was driving him crazy. This is what will happen when women run wildly in your system.

Lovesick bastard.

Even though he had a fortune at his fingertips when the bloodthirsty lawyers announced that he would inherit all of his 65 per cent shares of the company without any prenuptial agreement, one thing could always drive him crazy. It was none other than his beloved wife.

"I should be fucking someone tonight." Suga's voice resonated while he drained the rest of the glass of drink.

Jimin smiled knowingly as he slowly rose from the chair.

"So, we better start now. I ain't gonna entertain your lovesick ass today. I've got enough on my plates." Jimin raised his eyes from the files he was holding after he flicked the cigar in the ashtray.

He just ended a short meeting, and now, he's ready to go back home. He walked ahead of him down a long corridor before he found an unknown number called his phone. With a sigh, he answered it;


"Hello? Taehyung-Taehyung, please help me, please." A familiar woman's voice answered; her voice came out distraught.

"Who's this?"

"It's me, Tzuyu, please-please help me", her voice cried. "He tried to kill me- "

"Can you calm down," showing a sign to Jimin, he asked him to come to him. "Now, tell me where you are right now." There's no use in beating around the bush in this situation. It was clearly visible that this kind of situation is not something unfamiliar to him.

"I'm at a Gwangju warehouse in front of the cement factory. Please help me-Please. They kidnapped and hurt me-" her voice cracked as it was muffled by her sobs.

"We'll be there. Stay where you are and keep your phone closed and hidden. Find anything  sharp that you can use to protect yourself."

Turning his head to Jimin, he sighed;

"Tzuyu, the girl who worked at our club, was kidnapped. So just bring a few men with you." Taehyung said it as it was an easy task for him to do. That's how he lived all this while. He had seen more despicable things right before his eyes.

Without waiting for any response from Jimin, he took out his phone and called Yeongum.

An hour later, they successfully settled everything. It wasn't a hard task on Taehyung's part since he could rely on his men. Tzuyu was unconscious when they found her there, and she was beaten up badly, and Taehyung didn't know who did this to her.

Even though he is cold-hearted, physically hurting women like this is unacceptable and uncompromising. Only a coward is capable inflict harm on women, and the thought of someone weak is somehow fathoming. Deep down in his heart, she reminds him of his past,  a past in whereby he was also a victim of an abusive family.


Someone once told me that it wouldn't be easy
That it'll get harder, the more I try to escape
Behind my exhaustion remains a regret
This night comes to me as if nothing's wrong

-Brown eyed soul


The next day, when she opened her eyes, she felt the softness of the designer Egyptian sheets wrapped around her. With that, a warmness surrounds her body when she felt a strong arm circling her waist. True to her, he did come back last night instead of staying out for his work.

Sunlight peeked through the clouds as the spring morning light shone through the tall windows. From the window, a sight of flowers bursting with colours welcomed her sight, awakening her inner peace.

When she stirred, he tightened his hold on her. But, surprisingly, she didn't try to pull away. Instead, she slowly turned her body to face him.

In this close up she could see his thick black lashes, his hair was a complete mess, and as always, his face looked almost gentle in sleep. But he was not that pretty boy anymore; he has grown up, his features hardened. As the moments stretch on, she reached out but stopped herself before she could actually brush her fingers over his cheek.

Sighing, she laid on her back, staring at ornate carved on the ceiling as she listened to the rhythm of her heart, his touch over her skin and his breath hot against her neck.

Living life as an average person, having a family, kids, and her art gallery are always the life she wished. She loves helping and advocating for people, but for some reason, those dreams seem so far away, far away after what happened eight years ago. And now, she wasn't sure what's the forefront of her brain anymore as confusion ran deep inside her.

Slowly, she removed his hand, quickly sat up, slid out of bed, and hurried into the bathroom for a shower.

Closing her eyes, the water soaked her and left her mind wandering over what happened last night. His words lingered in her mind, leaving her questioning the path of their relationship.

"It's so exhausting pretending to hate you."

That confession followed her like a thick, foreboding cloud. They were strong, intense and unnerving, and they burned her tangibly.

He doesn't hate me anymore, but what makes me?

Before, she walked down a path of a grey line but now, she wasn't sure anymore.

She breathed again.

No, you have control over this. I could just act like yesterday never happened.

Last night notwithstanding, just let them pass Bae Joohyun.

You can do this.

His hatred for me ran deep in its root. To be able to remove that anguish is just temporary.

The next day he will hate me again.

While shampooing her hair, small taps at the bathroom door stopped her movement. Then, with her eyes closed, she shouts, hoping for him to hear her, "I'm showering."

'knock, knock'

God, can't he hear me? I'm showering right now.

"I want to use the toilet." Tehyung's voice carried through the door again.

"But I'm still showering. Give me 10 more minutes, no, 5  minutes, and I'll be done."

Her body is still sticky with soap, and her hair isn't rinsed properly. Plus, she is badly in need of proper shaving.

"I'm not asking you that; just open the door, Irene."


"I have a meeting to catch in an hour."

Sighing to herself, she cleaned her face with the pouring water. This house is so big that he can find other toilets to use, but since he insisted she play by his rules, so be it. There's no way she wants to fight with him in the morning. She'll just have to finish her shower and him to do his business.

After reaching the towel, she walked to the door and opened it. Her body was still dappled with water drops, and the sunlight from her bathroom window cast her in great light.

When she opened the door, she was greeted with his sight leaning against the wall. It was impossible for her eyes not to stop at his unintentionally messy black hair, and his eyes were dark even it was still morning.

"Good morning." He greeted with a voice raspy with sleep. His eyes ran over her curves, lingering on the lips before landing on her eyes. Automatically, her face was red, but she kept herself calm.

At that moment, she was wavering between storming into the shower or just waiting outside, body full of soup until he finished using the toilet.

Turning her back to him, she answered his morning greeting.

"Morning. I'll shower first." and add magnanimously, "You can use it after I finished mine."


And as quickly as possible, she went back into the shower to cleans off the soap on her body. She felt her shoulders relax as soon as the water hits her. Gladly, the shower was covered with an opaque glass wall. From there, she heard the water in the sink run and the rhythm of him brushing his teeth. And once again, his words repeated themselves over and over in her mind,

After she shut off the shower, she stepped out with a robe while dry her hair with a towel.

She tried not to look his way as she was drying her hair, but she failed miserably. When she dared to glance at him, he was spreading shaving cream with a brush, but his eyes were watching her.

In spite she's covered in a rob, she resisted the urge to cover herself. Instead, she asked him, "How was your work? You looked rushed yesterday."

"I had a short meeting, but there was something that happened with one of my employees. If you know, the company, Nave?

"Yes. The tech company?"

"Her daughter ran away from home and actually worked in our club. She's actually a student in LSE but ended up working in our place."

LSE? That's a good university.

"And what happened to her?" a curiosity piqued.

"Her own brother kidnapped her." he picked a razor and continued shaving.

Why a brother has to kidnap his own sister? Unless-

"So, did you save her?" Suddenly, she pitied the young woman.

"No, it's not me; I don't do all those things. I was not in the mood to get blood on my hands. My man settled for me."

She held her breath. Hearing all of this bother her immensely. One thing she learned from this marriage is how he changed over the years. Life with him is an enigma.

Surely, he realised the change on her face when his eyes suddenly change, and the edge faded from his tone instantly.

"I know that it's sound bad, but that's how our world works, Irene. That guy is not a good person, I mean, we are all not, but he's worse. He had been abusing her for years. Since she was one of our employees, we are obliged to protect her."

"That's just-." My voice was small, smaller as thoughts tangled her chest.

"Bad. I know." He reached for a towel from the heating shelf.

It never crossed her mind that many like Yoo Jonhoe, Taehyung's stepfather, in his world. A man that carved a dark past in his history. Someone that Taehyung despised the most.

"Too bad that he should be glad that we just hand him over to the police" Both of his hands rested on the sink before reaching for his shirt to lift it.

For that, She turned to leave the bathroom, but Taehyung caught up with her and barred her way with an arm against the wall.

"Wait. I apologise."

She eyed him questioningly over his sudden words.

"For making you wait."

"What do you mean?" She crossed her arms over her chest, confused.

"You were sleeping in the living room. I suppose you did wait for me yesterday." He inched closer, his knee brushing her bare thigh.

Does he carry her to their room? Why didn't she realised that?

She sighed. Of course, she didn't realise it, considering how tired she was yesterday.

"It's fine. I was too tired to realise that you're back. What time did you come back yesterday?"

"I came back maybe at 4?"

"At 4?"

He hummed, nodding.

"So, you just slept for 4 hours? Then, do you still have to work? I mean you can rest since it's Saturday. You can sleep, and I'll wake you up later. I can ask Anne to cook something warm for you that will help you rest better."

"I'm used to this. I can rest after I finished my work."

This, it always bothers her on how harsh is his working life with him. Sometimes, it did her wonders how much he sacrificed his years to be in this position.

"Okay. But-"

With slow purpose, he brushed his finger over her lip. His eyes gleaming with something-

"I really want to fucking kiss you," His voice was gravelly and low, startling her. Her eyes widened. His hand radiated heat and strength when he held the back of her neck.

She shooked off his touch lightly when his lips neared hers. "I'm hungry." Gladly, she managed to pull herself together.

Taehyung smiled his cocky grin; his eyes lit up with humour. His laugh was soft and sincere.

"Okay. Then-" he stopped himself, then paused for a brief moment, "we should have dinner together tomorrow tonight? We can even eat at a restaurant. Are there anything that you want to eat?"

She stared at him for few seconds.

She didn't want to believe he wants to start anew with her. And despite how often she'd pushed him away, Taehyung seemed too intent on making it work between them.

"We can just eat at home. I can prepare the dinner with Anne." He didn't say anything as he reached down, taking hold of one of her hands. His hand curling around hers, warm and strong.

"Of course," he said while the other hands reached up and whirling a strand of her wet hair around his finger, bringing around his nose and inhale it. "I'll clear my schedule for tomorrow night. As long as we can spend more time alone, then it's fine with me. I was busy these past weeks; I couldn't even manage a proper dinner with you."

Then slowly, he smiled. There was that smile again—a real one, unbidden and sincere that she felt that it's almost impossible. It a rare one, but it never was in the past.

Those eyes bespoke a certain determination, warmness and wildness.

She realised with striking clarity that his words yesterday were loud and clear enough; he will take the initiative in their relationship despite whatever response she'd given in this marriage.

Her stomach fluttered scarily at the new possibility of their relationship. Her pulse quickened after construing her mind; her husband is decisive; he will always relentlessly go after what he wants.

She broke the connection and quickly tore her gaze away from him, and walked past him out of the bathroom.

Then, the next day, he visited Tzuyu because she was unconscious for two days. Finally, she was awake, but her body was still severely injured, and she needs to remain hospitalised for further inspection.

Tzuyu opened her eyes slowly try to overcome the brightness of the hospital room. The first person she saw when she opened her eyes was Taehyung. He was standing beside her bed with Suga standing far, besides the window pane.

Her chest felt like bursting open when she found out that he really comes to save her that day. Her eyes were pooling with tears once she recalled what happened to her.

Tears due to her trauma and by the fact Kim Taehyung saved him.

"Did you came and save me?"

"Who did this to you?" he asked instead of answering her. Actually, he knew that his brother did this, but he wants to hear it from her.

Taehyung's eyes stayed fixed on her the entire time. Meanwhile, Tzuyu was silent for a few seconds as her throat become dry hearing those questions.

Heaving a sigh, Taehyung walked closer to the bed.

"I've done a background check on you, and I knew who's your father. If you didn't tell me, I would tell your father about this."

Fear consumed her when he mentioned her father. No, she refused to go back to that house despite how her father loved and pampered her.

Not when his brother was there.

As he about to stand and leave, her shaky hand grabbed his

"Please", she pleaded. "It was him, my brother- Choi Taesung. He did this." Tears were pooling her eyes when she said that.

His guess was correct that she was a victim of abuse when they found out how possessive is Choi Taesung and when she was severely beaten that day.

"My brother, he had -he abused me without the knowledge of my father. He even- "

"Did he touch you?" his voice came out hard. That's the question that lingered on his mind. Another thing that he wants to hear directly from her.

Tears blurred her vision, and the sobs began erupting from her throat. Tzuyu just nodded with tears flowing out of her eyes. Her body shook uncontrollably as her chest dissolved with the pain and memories.

Instantly, nausea hits her body.

Taehyung heaved angrily; seeing the woman made him remembers his past. Somewhere in his mind, he had expected this from how she acted around men.

He assured her, "Fine, let me handle this. "

An evident fear appeared on her face; "Wait, what will you do?" Trying to bring her body in a sitting position, her voice came out shaky as she's worried that he will do something to Taesung.

No, she's not worried a damn about his brother, but it's Taehyung that she's concerned about.

"No, he will hurt you that man- "she pleaded as her hand unknowingly reached his arm.

Letting out a deep chuckle, he gazed at the woman with his indifference coldness;

"It seems that you didn't know me well enough."

Taking out his phone, he gives a last glance at the woman;

"Don't worry; our company will cover the hospital bills. And, next time, if you are in trouble, you can ask for our help, ask Jimin. Even Suga if you wanted to. We are willing to help you."

As he about to leave the room, Tzuyu voice stopped him;

"Thank you for everything, and please-please take care of yourself."

When he left the room, Tzuyu once again felt sudden happiness, a rain she found in the middle of the desert. Filling up the loneliness she felt all her life. She wanted to have her happy for once, and she felt that she could have it.


Omg, I'm done! This is the longest chapter I've done, almost 8k words. Sorry for not updating since I started working, and some things became my new priority.

What's your thought about Taehyung? Did he sincerely forgive her?

Comments and votes really help me in continuing writing.😄

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