Spears of Redriver

By Kostavo

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Carthus, a young orphan trained to be a warrior like his father before him, is considered to be one of the be... More

Part One - Hunt in the Hills
Part Two - Captured
Part Three - Friends
Part Four - Morside
Part Five - Deeper into the City
Part Six - Laying Low
Part Seven - Plans and Preparations
Part Eight - Blood in the Dark
Part Nine - Darkness before Dawn
Part Ten - Caught in a Blaze
Part Eleven - The Prince of Swords
Part Twelve - Reunited
Part Thirteen - Good News and Bad News
Part Fourteen - Murderer
Part Fifteen - The Spear at the Feast
Part Sixteen - The Scarred Ordethi
Part Seventeen - New Charge
Part Nineteen - Friends and Enemies
Part Twenty - Ythara and Isidore
Part Twenty-One - Bitter Blood
Part Twenty-Two - Black Hemlock
Part Twenty-Three - Spears of Redriver
Part Twenty-Four - The Welcome Back
Part Twenty-Five - The Catacombs
Part Twenty-Six - The Shadows in the Deep
Part Twenty-Seven - The Guard and the Faceless Man
Part Twenty-Eight - Think Before You Speak
Part Twenty-Nine - Between Death and Shadow
Part Thirty - The Master and His Pupil
Part Thirty-One - Tension
Part Thirty-Two - Departing
Part Thirty-Three - Stories on the Road
Part Thirty-Four - Through the Storm
Part Thirty-Five - The Fire Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - Into the Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - The Threat Above
Part Thirty-Eight - Three Left
Part Thirty-Nine - Tassos
Part Forty - Burning Hands
Part Forty-One - The Dead
Part Forty-Two - Fighting Dead Men
Part Forty-Three - Among Assassins
Part Forty-Four - The Ancient Ones
Part Forty-Five - The Rebellion
Part Forty-Six - To Morside?
Part Forty-Seven - The Dead Tower
Part Forty-Eight - Into the Darkness
Part Forty-Nine - Shadows
Part Fifty - Through the Dead
Part Fifty-One - The Caves
Part Fifty-Two - The Stone Beneath the Tower
Part Fifty-Three - The Stone Man and the Crystal
Part Fifty-Four - Facing Death
Part Fifty-Five - Not a Spear
Part Fifty-Six - Worthy
Part Fifty-Seven - Across the Chasm
Part Fifty-Eight - The Paths Ahead
Part Fifty-Nine - In the Valley of the Dead
Part Sixty - Back in Morside
Part Sixty-One - Swords at the Crossroad
Part Sixty-Two - Revelation
Part Sixty-Three - Betrayal and Honor
Part Sixty-Four - Setting Bone
Part Sixty-Five - Old Friends
Part Sixty-Six - So It Begins
Part Sixty-Seven - I Am Still Here
Part Sixty-Eight - Preparations
Part Sixty-Nine - Silent March
Part Seventy - The Bitter Prince
Part Seventy-One - Honorable Man
Part Seventy-Two - An End

Part Eighteen - Desperate Measures

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By Kostavo

"A month!" Carthus said, furiously pacing the common room of the nameless ragged tavern. Ythara and Oro sat at a table, pulling apart a roasted chicken with two other ex-Coren Swords. 

"What are we to do, friend?" Ythara asked between bites, "the Ordethi come and go, they are like the sun, it rises and sets, but once it is set, we do not know where it has gone."

"We were charged with finding them...and we will" the young Maad Maeli replied.

"We have been searching for weeks, and our people are still out there now," Ythara said again. 

"How are they able to disappear so fast?" Carthus asked.

"We have searched the sewers...we have searched the catacombs under the old district...there is nothing more to do" Ythara spit a small chicken bone into the tray in front of him. 

"They've attacked three separate times since the Feast of Gifts...two more Rytari officers are dead, and a stash of gold has been stolen, is there no pattern to their movements?" Carthus asked, thinking aloud. 

"I know how you can find them, "Oro said quietly.

"How?" Carthus stopped pacing and faced his large friend.

"The dwarf rogue..."Oro began.

"No!" Carthus exclaimed, "we already went over this, I would rather see him dead."

"He found us for the Nadaens. He knows the city" Oro argued. Carthus was glad to see some spirit return to the big Maad in recent weeks, but he couldn't rely on the help of Desen the Ragged. It was Desen's fault Oro lost his hand; it was his fault the Nadaens found them at Deredeus' villa. 

"He is in a dwarven cell under the city watch barracks, and that's where he remains!" Carthus replied. He turned and went right back to pacing again. 

"Master Carthus..." another ex-Coren Sword walked in through the front door.

"What is it?" Carthus asked.

"You have a visitor" the sellsword stepped aside, and an old dwarven woman stepped in beside him. She had the look of a beggar, wearing old rags, but her face was washed and long hair clean. 

"What can I do for you woman?" Carthus asked. He stopped pacing again and faced her.

"My dear old husband went missing two weeks ago, and our son went into the plains to search for him...he has been gone a week now, and I know not what to do" the woman exclaimed. Tears ran down her cheeks, and she sniffled in place. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Carthus asked.

"I had heard that you and your mercenaries are for hire...I heard you were good folk" she said, pulling a small cloth from her robe to wipe her tears.

"You want us to find your son and husband?" Carthus asked, raising a brow in confusion. This was the third time random civilians came to them for help in recent weeks. The first was a bregiri merchant who hired several ex-Coren Swords to help guard his storehouse, and the second was an elven noble in need of a guide. Carthus did not deny them the help they sought. 

"If only you have time and men to spare, I have some coin put away and old family brooch with gems in it...I can pay for the service, but I have to know where they are...if they are alive or dead in the wilds" the dwarf woman cried into her handkerchief. 

"Of course," Carthus nodded. He glanced at the bregir with half a leg of chicken in his mouth, "Ythara will hear you out and send someone to find your husband and son."

"Thank you, lord" the old man bowed deep.

"Ythara will be glad to help" the bregir reluctantly set his chicken down and stood to walk with the old woman. He motioned for the two sellswords at the table to come with him. 

"Are you sure we can spare the men?" Oro asked after they had all left.

"Yes..." Carthus answered after a moment. He wasn't sure, "it pays for our stay in this wonderful tavern." Oro smiled and nodded.

"Carthus...another one, sorry" the mercenary at the door stepped back in, followed by a short golden-haired elf dressed in excellent armor. He bore the symbol of the Rytari on his chest. 

"Master Carthus" the Rytari officer bowed for a moment.

"Yes, any news?" Carthus stood. 

"Aye, sir, the Ordethi attacked again, near the eastern gates...four Rytari dead, one of which was an officer...and three more injured, one of which was another officer," the soldier frowned, "we did capture one of them...he is being held for questioning."

"When did this happen?" Carthus asked, angry again.

"An hour ago, sir...Prince Cadan asks what progress you've made" the Rytari stepped across the room and grabbed an unguarded mug of ale from Ythara's table. 

"We have been searching day and night, they are ghosts" Carthus replied. 

"If you require aid, manpower of otherwise, Prince Cadan will do his best to provide it" the elf sipped at the drink and then grimaced. 

"We'll manage" Carthus replied.

"He also told me to tell you that the injured officer is Atora" the elf set the cup down and glared at Carthus. The Maad froze in place, eyes wide in shock. 

"How is she? Is it serious?" he urged for answers.

"The healers say she will pull through...but the Ordethi must be found" the elf replied. 

"Of course, we are working on it with every available lead" Carthus nodded.

"Good, I will report back to Prince Cadan, send word if you require any aid at all sir, and we will notify you when we make the Ordethi prisoner speak" the elf bowed his head and walked out quickly. 

"What now?" Oro asked, "if you're going to go to the eastern gate, I want to come...help you look for them."

"No, not the eastern gate," Carthus looked down at the golden ring on his finger. The small ruby at the center of the sigil of Morside glowed from the light of the dim fireplace by the wall. He looked back to Oro, "Desen is still in jail, let's go get him out."

"I thought you wanted him dead" Oro frowned.

"Every lead right," Carthus said, desperate. He walked over to Oro and grabbed a cup of ale. The cliffs where the sun burns the land he thought to himself, "we'll find those bastards and make them talk...especially that one with the scar!"  

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