my 5 mates?? (ON GOING!)

By beautifulwolfeye

443K 8.1K 1K

Angel is a normal omega. She is 19 years old. She lived a normal live at her pack until she gets kidnapped by... More

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five

chapter two

37.7K 728 173
By beautifulwolfeye

Angel's POV

"Let me out!" I scream. He starts the car and rides away. He just put me in a car and locked the door!

Soon we arrive at his pack. He gets out of the car and walk over to my side. He picks me up in bridal style again.

"I can walk you know" I say annoyed. "Yes but you would run away" He says. He is right though. But you can't blame me, I'm getting kidnapt for god's sake!

He puts me down on his bed. "What was that all for!" I yell at him. He ignores my question. He walks to his bathroom. I can hear the shower turning on.

If he thinks I'm going to stay then he is wrong! I walk to the door and try to open it. Damn it! He locked it.

"Why don't we just.. stay?" My wolf Melody says. "What?" I say like she's crazy. "Come on he was just jealous and over protecting because you were with Dylan" She says.

"How are you so sure?" I say. "His wolf Blake said it to me" She says. "You spoke with his wolf?" I ask her.

"Yes and he is really nice. He explained that Jace is just greedy and very over protective. Please don't leave, I want to stay with our mate" She says.

I sigh. "He still didn't have to kidnap me" I say. "Oh that's just how he is" She says. I hear the bathroom door close.

I turn around and see him soaking wet with a towel around his middle. "You can go now" He says casual.

I swear I have to control myself or otherwise I would have already punched him in the face. I walk towards the bathroom and ignore him.

I take a shower and dry myself. I walk back into the room. I just stand there awkwardly with a towel around me.

"Do you want a shirt?" He asks. I nod. He hands me a shirt. I stare at him but he just stares back. "Turn around" I say.

"No I'm good" He says. I swear he is so annoying right now. I walk inside the bathroom and slam the door shut.

I put on my underwear and the shirt he gave me. It's huge. It stops at my knees. I get out of bathroom.

He only wears a boxer short. He lays down on his bed. He also expects me to lay next to him? "I want at least my own bed" I complain.

He doesn't look happy at my words. "You're my mate, You're lying with me. I'm not leaving you alone" He says.

I'm very tired and don't want to argue with him. I just lay down and put the blankets on me with him facing my back.

He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. He holds me very tight. "Goodnight cutie pie" He says and kisses my head.


Dylan's POV

I sniff in the air. I smell something very delicious. I follow the scent and stop in front of a girl. She turns around and looks at me in the eyes.

She is literally the most beautiful person I have ever seen. We talk a bit with each other. Her name is Selena and she's the daughter of the beta of this pack.

She is also the same age as Angel. Speaking of Angel, where is she? I didn't see her all night long. "Hey dad" I say while I walk towards him with my mate in my arms.

I feel her tense up a bit. "Don't worry I'm sure they will like you" I say to calm her down. "I hope so" She says with her sweet voice.

"I have to introduce you to someone" I say. He frowns. Selena gets out of my grip and stands in front of my parents.

She reaches her hand towards my father. "Hello my name is Selena, I'm the daughter of the beta of this pack and also your son's mate, nice to meet you" She says.

I can feel she's nervous. My father shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you to" He says with a big smile on his face.

She shakes my mother's hand too. My parents attack her with questions. She answers them. It seems like she can get along with them, especially my mother.

"It's late, I think we should go to sleep" My father says. I nod in agreement. "Wait, where's Angel?" Dad asks.

"I don't know" I say. "Who is Angel?" My mate asks. "My little sister" I say. She nods. After an hour we still didn't find her. What if something bad happened?

"Maybe I can help searching for her?" She says. "Oh you don't have to" I say. "I want to help. How does she looks like?" She asks. I show her a picture of us on my phone.

"That's her" I say and point at her on the picture. She grabs my phone and walks away. I follow her. She shows the picture to the guards and orders them to search for her.

Dad starts to worry. "She's just an Omega she can't defend herself, what if something bad happened?" He says.

"Omega?" My mate asks. "Yes her parents died years ago and my parents adopted her, she's my adoption sister" I explain to her. She nods understanding.

A guard walks towards us. "We found her" He says. We sigh in relief. "Well, where is she" My dad says. "The security footages shows us that she got kidnapped" He says.

"WHAT?" Me and my dad say at the same time. My mother starts to panic. The reason why I'm only child is because something went wrong when my mother gave birth to me.

She couldn't get children any more. They didn't mind it though but always wanted a daughter and a son. They raised Angel as their own child and began to see her as their's.

I began to see her is my little sister too. I always wanted siblings but that seemed impossible, but then I got her.

And I'm not going to loose her. "Who was it?" My dad asks. "Alpha Jace from the Black claw pack" He says.

I'm going to murder that jerk. While my father tries to stop my mother from crying my mate tries to calm me down.

"Hey calm down, I know how you feel" She says. I frown at her. She sighs. Thinking about if she should tell me.

"I lost my little brother years ago. I was playing with the Alpha's daughter. Rouges tried to kidnap her as a threat and wanted to kidnap me too. My little brother saved us but in return he got kidnapped. Later we found out that he was dead" She explains.

I see tears coming up in her eyes. I hold her tight as an attempt to calm her down. She sniffs and wipes her tears away.

I'm so sorry for my mate. That must have been horrible. But that won't happen to me. I won't loose my little sister.


Jace's POV

"I have good news! I finally found my mate!" I say through mind link to my brothers. "Congratulations little brother!" Jaxon says.

None of them found their mates yet. "You know we're only a minute apart" I say annoyed. "It still counts" He says. Jerk.

"Why do you already have a mate while I don't? While you are the youngest one!" Juan complains.

"Well you are the second youngest" I say. "It's still unfair" He says. "When are we going to meet her?" Jonah asks. He is the second oldest.

I keep quiet. I don't want them to meet her for some reason. Even though they are my own brothers. Wait my wolf feels like that, that's why I'm feeling this.

"When you all are back of course" I say. I can't wait to brag about my beautiful mate. "You know that there is a change we have to share her with your brothers? That's why I don't like her meeting them. I don't want to share my mate" He says.

"Don't be so ridiculous, that only happens in stories" I say. "Yes but it's possible. It's very rare but I'm still not taking any risks" He says.

He might be right. What if I really have to share her with my brothers? I don't like sharing, especially not my mate.

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