An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

120K 2.2K 267

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Last chapter
Authors note


2.6K 42 8
By darkhero789

Peter was sprinting through New York. There was just a report of a person dead in their own home. Cause of death.... a missing head. He had to get to the scene fast. Peter soon arrived as he landed against the side of the building. Crawling to the window he looked in and saw Yuri. Knocking on the window Yuri saw him. She went to the window and opened it. But she blocked his path.

"I'm sorry Spider-Man. This is serious I can't have you coming in." She said.

"It's the headhunter. I know. Please Yuri." Peter said.

"How-" Yuri began.

"He's the creature I've been tracking." Peter said. Yuri looked at him the groaned as she stepped aside and let him in. Peter immediately found the body. "Do we know who it is?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. His names Dan Lewis. He was a surgeon. Our guess is that he was having an anniversary because theirs food out on the table. From prints we've gathered that his girlfriend was with him but we can't find a second body." Yuri said. As peter sensed everything in the room from the vibrations. He immediately found something. Walked to the couch he found a clip board that Venom must have forgotten. Peter turned to Yuri.

"He must have posed as mailman. Perfect way to be invited into the place." Peter said.

"I can have forensics test it for prints." Yuri said.

"Don't bother. Their aren't any." Peter said. Yuri sighed then looked out at the scene.

"I can't believe he's back. I at least hoped that if he did come back I wasn't around for it." Yuri said. Just then the door opened and s forensics person came in.

"We got a match on the second set of prints. They belong to an Anne Weying." They said.

"Anne Weying?" Peter said. Yuri looked at peter.

"Friend of yours?" She asked.

"No. Not really. Only met her a few times for some information on a psychopath." Peter said.

"Do we know what happened with her?" Yuri asked the forensics.

"No." They replied.

"She's not dead. That's for sure." Peter said. Yuri looked at him. She turned to the forensics officer.

"Go see what else you can find." Yuri said. Once the officer was gone she turned back to peter. "What aren't you telling me." Yuri said. Peter looked at her. "You better tell me what you know or Else I'll do something you won't like." She said. Knowing Yuri she wasn't lying.

"The headhunters name is Eddie Brock. A former photographer for the Daily Bugle. His life went to hell when he was exposed as a fraud. He lost his job, his reputation, and his girlfriend." Peter said.

"Was Anne his girlfriend?" Yuri asked. Peter nodded.

"Eddie won't kill her. He maybe a psychopath, but I know him to well. Anne was the closest person to him, she's too important. No... he won't kill her. But that doesn't mean she's safe. Whatever he has planned for her it won't be good." Peter said.

"Where would he be?" Yuri asked. Peter shook his head.

"I don't know. I've been looking for Eddie for the past seven years from time to time. Couldn't ever find him." Peter said.

"You never caught him? Then what stopped him from killing before why start again now?" Yuri asked.

"Because I didn't catch him. But I did beat him. I took away something that he needed and buried it where no one would find it.... but someone did find it. Then it was released and Eddie found it again." Peter finished looking around. "I have to find him. Fast." Peter said before going out through the window.

Time skip

It was night in the city and Peter was looking over the city from a ledge. He still wore his red and blue suit not wanting to spend the time changing into his more stealthy suit. As he was looking around Felicia and miles jumped down on the roof behind him.

"Hey peter." Miles said. Peter turned to him.

"Miles? What are you doing here? Your patrol day was yesterday." Peter said.

"I know. I just thought that maybe I should join you again for a little bit today. There's only an hour between now and my curfew I thought I could do something." Miles said.

"Go home miles. We agreed you'd only be Kid-arachnid once a week. You're a kid, you have school and responsibilities that take priority first. Being a superhero comes after all that." Peter said.

"But tomorrow's Saturday. And I already finished all my other stuff. One hour isn't going to do anything." Miles said trying to convince peter. But peter wasn't budging.

"No. Miles." Peter said.

"Come on. Cut the kid a little slack. He's just trying to be like you." Felicia said. Peter looked at her.

"I don't want him to be like me. He needs to be better then me. Which means in this point of his life he needs to focus on school rather then being a superhero." Peter said. Peter walked off to the side. "Go home miles. End of discussion." Peter then jumped up and began to swing around. Miles watched him then looked at his suit. Clenching his fist he went after peter. Peter then landed on the side of a building. When miles joined him peter glared at him. "What are you doing kid. Go home." Peter said sternly.

"No! You gave me this suit because you believed I could make it as a hero! And I'm gonna prove to you that I can!" He said. Peter jumped away in a attempt to leave miles behind. He landed on a rooftop where Felicia rejoined him. Miles wasn't far behind either. "You think you can just leave me behind? I'm not just some kid, remember. I'm just like you! Where ever you can go, I can follow!" Miles said angry that peter tried to leave. Suddenly peter caught a vibration of something move fast and had lots of power behind it.

"You both need to go. Now." Peter said.

"What?" Felicia asked confused. Peter looked at them both. There wasn't anymore time. Peter shot two webs that grabbed both Felicia and Miles then yanked them away from where they were. Not even a half a second later something crashed into where they had been standing. Miles and Felicia landed behind peter. They rolled on a ground and came to a stop several feet behind him. They looked and saw what was no occupying the space they had been in before. It was a man. A rather large man. Had the body of a major league football player. His muscles bulged as he stood. His back was to the three of them. When he turned around they saw that he had a disturbing and evil grin on his face.

"Hello Spider-Man." He said darkly.

"Eddie." Peter said as he got into a fighting stance.

"It's been sometime since we last met. Last time we met was seven years ago.... We see you brought us some new toys. We will enjoy breaking them." Eddie said.

"What did you do with Anne." Peter said. Eddies eyebrows went up.

"She is ours. We just took her back. But that information will be of no use to you, because in a few second you will be dead!" He yelled. His right arm morphed, becoming black and the size of construction beam. He slammed it down on the roof causing cracks in it. Parts of the roof fell in. Peter grabbed miles and Felicia with webs before jumped away. He landed on another rooftop that was over two hundred feet away. Venom soon joined them. "Interesting.... That was quite a leap you took there. You couldn't do that before." Eddie said. Peter glared at him.

"After I was finished with you I knew that I could never let anything let that happen ever again. I had to do something." Peter said.

"So what? You gave yourself more powers? Just so that you could play on our level?" Eddie asked. Peters eyes narrowed.

"That's exactly what I did." Peter said. Suddenly miles charged at Eddie. "Miles!" Peter yelled. But miles was already out of reach. Miles tried to punch Eddie but he dodged. Eddie then countered by grabbing miles and pinning him down ending his attack. Then quickly the symbiote covered eddies body turning them into Venom. Venom roared in miles face.

"Oh my god!!!! This is the ugliest thing I've ever seen!!!" Miles cried as venoms grotesque face was directly in front of miles. Peter shot a web that grabbed miles feet and yanked him out from under venom. Venom turned around facing them.

"You two need to run now!!" Peter yelled as he ran to venom. He jumped and kneed him in the chest. Venom retaliated by grabbing his arm throwing him around like a rag doll. However when he threw him against a wall peter cling to it before reversing their rolls and tossed Venom around. Felicia then hit venom with her whip. Peter looked at her.

"We're not going anywhere!" Felicia said. Just then venom began to scream as red electricity moved across his body. Miles was behind him with his hands on Venoms back to shock him. Swiping his arm he threw miles to the side and knocked him into Felicia. Venom jumped at them because they were to disoriented to do anything. With a few feet between them all they could do was look at him in horror. This pushed peter to use another one of his powers. In a flash peter traveled the 16 feet distance between them. It appeared like he had teleported to them. Out of nowhere a massive boom sounded from where he had been standing. Peter then gave Venom a massive uppercut. The upper cut sent venom skyrocketing. Miles blinked.

"What?" Was all he could say in surprise. Venom landed on the entrance to the roof destroying it. When venom sat up he rubbed his jaw.

"What was that?" Venom said in his demonic voice.

"Flash step. I can move at speeds up to 2,600 mph in a single dash. Meaning I can travel up to 50 feet faster then most people can see." Peter said. He then began to demonstrate this ability by moving all around the roof. Making it hard for venom to keep track of him. He then received a right hook from the side that sent him across the roof.

"Impressive. But your gonna have to hit a lot harder if your going to hurt me. Remember Eddie has all of your original powers and Venom makes them stronger." Venom slammed his foot down on the ground. His fist then began to crackle with electricity. It was similar to miles electro shock except instead of it being red it was a sickly green. Peter looked at him.

"I can do you one better." Peter taunted. then Peters fist were also covered in electricity, but he had a lot more colors. There was Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, brown, orange, purple, even black. Venom roared then charged at peter. He threw his fist at peter but peter dodged and threw his own punch. All the electricity in Peters fist then caused a small violent explosion. This sent venom hurtling across the streets of Manhattan. Landing on a building several blocks away. Peter then ran forward and jumped like he did before land close to where venom had landed. Peter looked around but saw nothing. Peter then began to feel the vibrations but was too late as venom grabbed him from behind.

"You are stronger! Then we will enjoy this so much more." Venom said. He then began to crush peter in between his arms. Peter gritted his teeth from the pain of being crushed, but he wasn't done yet. Spikes erupted from Peters back stabbing Venom. Shocked venom screamed and reared back. The spikes slowly made their way back into his body. Peter fell to the ground still hurt from being crushed. Venom quickly recovered. Venom Growled then got up and walked to peter. "You are becoming a real pain in our ass, Parker." Venom said. Raising his huge arms he slammed them down on peter and continued to do this. He stopped for a moment and grabbed peter by the head and slammed his face in breaking his mask. "Your no match for us peter. Even without the symbiote, Eddie Brock is just as strong as you. With the symbiote. I'm twice as strong." Venom said. He threw peter down then began slamming his fist down on peter. Peter began to lift himself back up. Venom tried to stop him but it seemed no matter how hard he slammed his fist back down it didn't make peter fall back down to the ground. As he continued to try and put peter down it began to rain. Finally having enough peter blocked venoms fists with his forearm. With his suit torn and mask broken venom could see that peter was pissed. Peter then pushed venom off. Peter then stood there for a second, as he did it seemed as if his body was getting bigger and buffer, but his torn suit revealed that instead his body was growing some sort of armor. Peter started to pant. Taking that as a sign of weakness venom charged and slammed his fist against peter chest. He then hit peter several more time in the torso. But when he stopped peter was still standing. Peter then hit Venom. It seemed that his fist was also covered in this body armor because it felt like Venom had just been hit by a fist made of steel. Venom landed at the roofs edge. He picked himself back up and stared at peter.

"You like that? That's my naturally grown Exoskeletal armor. Protects against all your pesky villains." Peter smirked. Venom growled again clearly getting agitated from all of Peters powers. He then released his barbed stingers. Peter released his stingers. Except they weren't a lone spike, now it had two bone like protrusions on its sides making it more like a blade. They then charged each other. Slashing and jabbing at each other. Venoms stingers kept bouncing off or being deflected by Peters exoskeleton. Peters stinger blades however were doing exactly as he intended. Making deep cuts all across venom. But the symbiote kept fixing and healing every cut peter made. Eventually peter launched himself at venom and tackled him off the roof. As they fell the two punched each other repeatedly before crashing onto another roof. As peter got up Felicia and miles got on the roof and began to help him up.

"What is this? Armor?" Miles asked as he got peter up.

"No! You two need to leave now!!!" Peter said alarmed. Out of nowhere a black line grabbed Felicia and yanked her to venom. "Felicia!" Peter said. Venom had returned to his human form so he was holding Felicia by holding her clinging to the back of her suit. Peter gritted his teeth.

"Oh. You want your girlfriend back? Ok. You can have her corpse." Eddie said. The Venom symbiote began to make his way across Eddies arm to Felicia then it crawled over her body. She screamed and struggled.

"Peter! Peter help me!" She's scream before the symbiote covered her mouth. Peter flash stepped to them creating a sonic boom from how fast he moved then punched Eddie. Eddie flew back since he was no longer the giant hulking mass the symbiote could make him. Eddie then shot a web that caught him and got back to the roof. Meanwhile the symbiote was still trying to cover Felicia's body. Peter began to pull at the oozy symbiote.

"Let her go, you fucking piece of shit!!!" Peter said angrily. Once Eddie got back up dizzy from. The punch he held out his hand and the symbiote grabbed him and yanked Felicia back to him. The symbiote then made it so that Felicia's face was showing.

"You want her then take her!" Eddie yelled. Peter shot some webs at Felicia and began to pull her away from venom. Peter was straining as he pulled cause the symbiote seemed to have a good hold on her. But peter was making progress. Finally he pulled her out of Venoms hold and he caught her, but peter immediately noticed that something wasn't right. "I'd enjoy every moment you have with her peter, especially since she only has a few left." Eddie said before swinging away. Peter glared at Eddie as he left then turned his attention back to Felicia. She was having a hard time breathing and her face was becoming pale.

"What's happening?!" Miles asked as he saw what was happening to Felicia. Peter picked Felicia up into a princess carry then looked around trying to figure out his position. After figuring out which direction he needed to face the worst thing possible happened. Felicia flatlined.

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