Body of Roses - l.h.

By musicalmelll

137K 4.1K 784

Worthless. Pathetic. Alone. These and so many other words are what run through Eleanor Motta’s head daily. Sh... More



4.6K 118 28
By musicalmelll

I woke up the next morning giddy and ready for this date with Luke. Even though I was still a little uncertain about the story behind his reasons for "cheating" on me, I couldn't help myself but feel a bit excited to spend time with Luke.

Pulling my hair that had some curls in it from sleeping with it in a bun into a high pony tail that reached mid back, I stepped into some black jeans that ended a third of the way down my shin and a simple white t-shirt.

I decided to leave my makeup to a minimal today only putting on a bit of conceal and mascara before making my way downstairs and grabbing an apple to eat.

About 20 minutes later, the doorbell went off sending me flying to open it.

"Hey," I gave Luke a casual smile as he took me in.

"How do you always look so amazing even when you're not trying?" He asked me though it wasn't one of those questions you're supposed to respond to. Instead I blushed, grabbing my purse and following him out into his car.

If the car ride had counted as a way to prove that he still loved me then I'd already be throwing myself at him.

Both of us laughed at the other as we sang along to songs that would be considered to be the type that you'd put in your "Embarrassing Songs" playlist on your IPod.

It took us nearly a half hour to get to the amusement park before parking and jumping out of the tiny Toyota. We made our way quickly through the gates and into the center of madness.

"Lets go on that one." I pointed to what looked like the biggest roller coaster in the park.

Luke looked at me as if waiting for the punchline of the joke. "You're joking right?" He finally asked once he saw how serious I was.

"What, are you scared, Hemmings?" I gave him a wicked smile before walking towards the lineup that hardly had any people in it. I heard Luke's feet running to catch up with me.

"You just give off the impression of the type of person who'd want to go on the kiddie rides."

Turning to him I felt another smile creep on my face, "Those sound like the words of a scared man." I joked, "I thought bad boys weren't scared of anything."

His signature smirk made its appearance on his lips. "Just don't be clinging on to me, Grey, when we're being launched to the ground."

With that we were already at the front of the line as we piled into the two seater carts. It was one of those roller coasters that had the track running over your head while your feet dangled helplessly below you.

In that moment I felt a ting of uneasiness creep into my body causing me to go tense and double think my decision to come on this ride. Was it to prove to Luke that I wasn't just some helpless girl who was scared of the world?

To prove to him that if I could go on the biggest coaster in the park that I wasn't as pathetic as what he might think?

A hand reached over mine, intertwining our fingers together. I looked over at Luke who was studying me. "You're going to be fine," He whispered to me. "I'm right here."

My head nodded in understanding before we were shot forward, beginning our journey up the hill. My stomach was in my throat by now as I watched us approach the hill that was going to drop us back to the Earth.

"Look at me, Ella." I heard Luke say from beside me as we continued holding hands.

Swiftly, I turned my head to look at him then searching his eyes for the comfort I was seeking. "Think of this as if it was that argument that goes on in your head when you're about to cut."

I stared at him, shocked that he knew that considering I've never actually went into detail about how I felt when I cut.

"Think of how if you got to the top and jumped off onto the platform that you just fell into that dark pit. But if you continue going over the hill, being plunged down to the Earth that you'd be winning the battle against your mind. That today will be the day you won't cut. That your brain doesn't control you, you control yourself, Ella."

I stared at him for a long moment taking in what he told me. I didn't realize how close we were to the top before we got thrown forward and began racing downwards at a high speed.

My grip in his hand tightened as he rubbing circles over my thumb in efforts of comforting me, reminding me that he was right there beside me. As the ride came to a stop, I felt a laugh erupt from my throat.

Luke gave me a weird look before letting himself smile and letting out a small laugh too.
"That was awesome." I smiled at him.

"See," He began. "It wasn't that bad."

I just gave him a shrug once we finally got up from our seats in the cart. "Lets go on the next one."


Luke's P.O.V
It was nearly the end of the day by now and Ella and I have went on almost every ride at the park. I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun, it was probably one of the best days of my life.

"You should have seen your face," She started. "You were absolutely terrified."

"Was not," I laughed. "I was just imitating other people on that ride."

She hummed like she didn't believe me only making my smile grow. Ella was so beautiful. She was perfect in every way from her honey brown hair to her olive skin to the band of faded freckles across both her cheeks and over her small button nose.

But her perfection went further than what was just on the outside. She was a warrior, a person who was fighting a battle and trying her best to win it. She was strong and intelligent.

And every single flaw about her only made her that much more beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked looking worried and bringing her hands up to her mouth like she had something on her face.

"You're beautiful." I told her with a genuine smile. She turned from me but not quick enough to hide her deep blush that was creeping its way onto her neck.

My eyes shifted from hers to ahead of us where I stopped mid step. Ella stopped walking once she noticed I wasn't beside her, turning to look at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked before she looked to where I was looking and went ridged telling me she was seeing what I was seeing.

"Is this part of your plan to prove to me that you love me?" She asked coldly.

"No," I whispered as both of us stared at Lux, the girl who Ella had spotted me flirting with the other night at the club.

Her short blonde hair was hard to miss in the sea of girls with long wavy hair. She wore over sized shades that covered her chocolate brown eyes that reminded me of Ella's and a shirt that looked more like a bra than anything else.

With her being here triggered the thought of how close Jai must be. "Stay here." I told Ella not waiting for her response knowing that she would only argue with me as I made my way over to Lux.

She spotted me when I was half way to her and smiled. She didn't start talking though until I was only inches away from where she stood.

"Got a new girl toy over there?" She nodded to where Ella was sitting on the bench not even trying to be secretive as she looked on at us.

"Where's Jai?" I asked her completely ignoring her question.

"Luke," My body went ridged when I heard that voice come from behind me knowing who it belonged to. Turning slowly, I met the eyes of Jai who stared up at me with amusement.

"I was told I would find you here taking your little girl on a date." He paused studying me for a while before saying with a smirk, "Does she know that you were flirting with, Lux? Oh wait, of course she does. She was there."

Before I could think, I punched him. He had no right talking about Ella at all, let alone our relationship. I could care less that we were in a public place when I let my fist collide with his cheek though I was lucky the park was almost empty with it closing in a half hour.

"I can't have you running around the streets you know, Jai." I hissed in his ear as he tried to regain himself from the hit.

"I need you locked up now and if not locked up then killed, because I have people to protect and knowing that you're still here makes them unsafe. So I'm giving you the choice, either leave this city now or I'll kill you with my own two hands."

The smile that spread across his face was the reaction I was expecting him to wear, but not the words that came from his mouth.

"If you're so set on protecting people, then why didn't you protect the one person who you care for most?"

I was about to ask him what he meant before he nodded his head to where Ella was sitting. But she was sitting there anymore. I did a full circle trying to look for any clues that she may be here. But she wasn't.

She was gone.

And then, everything went black.


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