Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 30: Thanksgiving

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By TintedLoveXOXO

   Staying at Sweet Pea's place without leaving for a few days was different. Usually, you would go home to get things or go to school. But, it was the weekend and your house was empty. So, you realize what it's really like to live with boys. Fangs is a morning person and Sweet Pea. He is not as cheerful. Sometimes you think that he is going to punch something. Probably Fangs.
    "So, have you heard from Kyle?" Fangs asked. "Since the hospital? Are you completely sure that he was there?"
    "I'm not crazy, Fogarty," you say. "I know he was. And I haven't. But, I think I will. He told me to stop going after Hiram. Which I am not, obviously. He said that he came this time because I was hurt. So, maybe if I get hurt again he will come." You shrug and Fangs puts his spoon down. "I am joking. I am not going to get hurt on purpose, because of my supposed to be dead brother. That would be crazy."
    "Wouldn't run it past you," Fangs muttered and picked his spoon up again. You heard Sweet Pea coming down the hall. "Look who is finally up! The beast himself." He flipped Fangs off and kissed you.
    "Morning," You laugh. "What's that for?"
    "Had a dream about you," he shrugs, smirking. "It was real hot."
     "Really? Trying to eat," Fangs groaned.
     "It was sexy," Pea continued. "Remember that shower sex? Well this time, it was like hotter."
      "Stop," Fangs shouts dropped his spoon and Pea winked at you from behind Fangs.
       "Then we did it on the table," Pea smirked and Fangs got up sliding the chair into Pea. He groaned in pain grabbing the chair.
      "You deserve it," Fangs muttered. "My breakfast was ruined." You laugh apologetically. "I'm going to shower. If you end up doing it, tell me not to leave."
     "You're awful," You laugh. "Poor Fangs."
     "You baby him," Pea shrugged. 
  "Funny, he says the same thing about you," you say. "So what was the dream really about?"
"It was about you and us," he shrugged. You gesture for him go on. "And, it was like our future. We got married."
"Really?" You laugh. "Never thought we'd get that far. Thought at least you'd be dead because your mouth."
"Ha ha," Pea shook his head. "Anyways, do you want to hear more?" You nod. "Okay... We were married and have these kids. A beautiful baby girl and little boy." You close your eyes and listen contently.
"You're having kids?!" Fangs shouts from behind startling both you and Pea. "I call godfather!"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Sweet Pea asked.
"The two of you are having a baby!" Fangs shouted and your eyes widened. "Call Toni! He pulled his phone out."
"No," you grab the phone. "We definitely are not having a baby of any sort!" His face fell. "I am not pregnant. That's not for a while."
"What?" Fangs sat down and you nod. "I was so excited. I thought I was the first to know, like with your relationship. And, that would totally mean godfather."
"It wouldn't," you say. "But, nice try. Sorry to burst your bubble. Again. What is with you guys and us having a baby?"
"Nothin, it just seems like a thing that would happen to the two of you," Fangs shrugged. "Like the two of you eloping without telling anyone."
"He's not wrong," Sweet Pea shrugged. "I mean, between us and Jughead and Betty. I think we are most likely to win that race. Even with, the Cooper family being strangely fertile."
"What about Veronica and Archie?" You ask.
"Really? I don't think the two even have enough time right now," Fangs shrugged. "We opted them out a while though, Veronica's dad would seek to it that Archie never puts a kid in his daughter."
"I guess that's a good point... But, we are not pregnant and we are not going to be pregnant for a very long time. A very, very, very long time, Sweet Pea." You point at the taller boy. "I expect marriage first."
"You can't just defy fate. Sometimes life doesn't work out. Maybe you'll be in school and get pregnant. Maybe you won't be able to have kids," Fangs pointed out. "But, if you get pregnant, that baby would have the best uncle in the world. You know, since Kyle is like dead but alive."
"You just want to one up everyone, don't you?" You chuckle. "Have your own kid." He seemed to be thinking about that as he leaned back in his chair. "Don't do that. You don't even have a place to live right now."
"Right," He nods. "So, if you're not pregnant then what were you guys talking about?"
"Sweet Pea has a dream," you say.
"Oh. So, he was Martin Luther King?" Fangs asked, chuckling. "Pea had dream about you having a kid?" You nod. "You are a softy! I so knew it! Everyone is like, oh Sweet Pea is probably rough and into some bdsm shit. I was like, nah, he's probably really sweet with her. God! I can't wait to get that cash."
"What are you going on about?" Pea asked. "You made a bet, on how I was in bed?" He rose an eyebrow at his friend, who shook his head quickly. "So, you bet on what then?"
"Nothing. I bet on nothing. Nothing at all," Fangs said. "Who would bet on their friend's sex life?"
"You?" You laugh. "Get the money, Fangs. But, no one will ever believe you. Look at him."
"I know! It sucks," Fangs sighed. "You're sick. You know? I can't believe you're taunting me, Y/N, I thought you were better."
"Hey! I am better than this, but, it's kinda funny," You laugh. "He's not always so sweet, either. And we did not do it on this table. And, never will."
"Really?" Pea whined. "That would be fun though."
"No it would not," Fangs said. "This table is too wobbly. It's not fun on a wobbly table." It takes you a minute to realize that he said that. "Yes, I have done it on a kitchen table a few times. Let me tell you, wobbly tables, they are a scary ride. Whole time worrying if the table was gonna collapse."
"Wow Fangs, I've learned more about you then I wanted to," you shake off the uneasy feeling. "You know, I think I am going to shower."
"You wanna hit the store after?" Pea asked grabbing your arm. "So we can get ready for Thanksgiving?"
"Sure," You nod. "How many people come here?"
"I think it's just gonna be friends," Fangs said. "Usually, Serpents don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Not much to be thankful for this year."
"Alright," You sigh. "That makes it a little easier." You were honestly scared that you were gonna have to make food for an army. You honestly didn't even know how to make a thanksgiving meal, so the day itself is already going to be a roller coaster.
"You don't have to do anything," Sweet Pea reminded you. You had talked about this already.
"I know... I want to though," you smile. "I baby all of you." He chuckled and sat with Fangs at the table. "Make a list of things you would want. Fangs, don't go overboard."
"Does that mean a seven layered casserole is out of the question?" He laughed and you nod. "Well, that's all I wanted... Joking, go shower off your anxiety."
"I don't think that will work," You laugh.
"You know, I can help," Fangs said. "I'm sure that Toni will too."
"Toni can't cook," Sweet Pea said. "Do not let her cook!"
"Oh yeah... Not Toni, maybe Cheryl then," Fangs chuckled. "Toni would probably blow the kitchen up."
"Thanks, you sure you don't wanna watch football or whatever?" You laugh. "The Macy Thanksgiving parade?"
"We can see that from here," he laughed. "Why don't we have Thanksgiving at your house? It's going to be empty with your parents gone longer than expected. It is definitely bigger, and nicer than Pea's trailer."
"Thanks," Pea shook his head. "He has a point though, I know you want your parents to come home. And, have family there. But, it would be easier. We don't have to stay there. Your mom might have some stuff we can use too."
"You're right," you nod. "We can stop there after I shower. Fangs are you coming? I need a sous-chefs opinion."
"Yeah I'll come," he nods. "I have one more question though, do we have to dress up for this?"
"Look decent," you instruct. "Please, It's like a tradition." They both nod. "Where a nice flannel and dark jeans." You go to Shower and change. You thought about what Pea said, and you realized that you didn't need your parents there. It was the first time they wouldn't be, but that's kinda like growing up. At some point, your parents don't come for holidays. And, you had family there. It wasn't blood, but they were close enough now to be family.
"Your house is really nice," Fangs looked around. "I've never actually seen it all, but your room."
"Yeah, I guess you haven't," you shrug. "Actually, if anything were to happen to my parents I get the house. It's all paid off, I think it's in my fathers testament or whatever."
"So, you and Pea are going to live in this big house all alone?" Fangs asked. Pea gave him a look.
"What? My parents still live here," you remind him. "They would have to die, in order for me to get the house."
"I know. But, one day you guys could live in this place. That would be sick," Fangs said looking at Pea now. "What? You know it would be. It's a pretty big step up from the trailer and Southside."
"Just go see if there's anything we can use for Thanksgiving and write it down," you shoo the boy away. You look at Pea now. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he shrugged. "You sure you wanna move in to a dump in the South Side?"
"Hey, it's not a dump," you say. "And, you know I love your trailer." He nods but you know he's not buying it. "I'll go wherever you go, Pea. Even if it was under a bridge..." You look up at him. "Okay, not under a bridge. But, you get it."
"Why?" He asked and you grab his hands. "Why leave a nice house, that is stable?"
"Because, It doesn't feel like home. My parents are rarely home anymore and neither am I," You say. "It's kinda just feels empty. And, the attic is haunted." He furrows his eyebrows. "It is. Go look for yourself!"
"Haunted?" He shook his head. "Ghosts aren't real, Y/N."
"Bitch, go look yourself," you argue and he laughs walking up the stairs and you follow. "It's that door." He nods laughing a little as he opened the door. You hear him walking around for few moments. "Anything?"
"Yeah a whole bunch of shit," his voice is mumbled. "Babe, come here! Right now!" You jump at the urgency in his voice and run up the steps. You don't see him.
"Pea?" You call walking through rows of boxes.
You round a corner where a rocking chair was, which was weird because your mother hated rocking chairs. It was rocking a little, like someone was just sitting in it. It was cold, which you knew was like the number one sign that you have ghost. You walk very fast, passing the chair. "Y/N" Pea grabs you from behind and screams in your ear. You let out a harsh scream kicking your legs as you were lifted from the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You yell as he doubled over laughing. "You gave me a heart attack!"
"You are such a baby," he fell to the ground laughing. "God, You should've seen your face!" You roll your eyes. "You look like you shit your pants."
"Shut up," You groan walking passed him. He grabs your arm pulling you back. "What? I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you make fun of me. This place is haunted."
"Okay whatever you say," he shook his head still laughing. "It's cute you're afraid of ghosts. Everyone is afraid of something."
"You aren't," You mumble.
"Yes, he is," Fangs makes you jump. "He's afraid of flying and he's claustrophobic."
"You're claustrophobic?" You ask. "I feel like you and I have been in some tight spaces before."
"Well it's different when I'm doing something fun in a closet." He shrugged. "I'm not as claustrophobic as I used to be though. It's kinda passing."
"Oh," you nod. "And, have you ever flown before?" He shakes his head. "You know, one day I'm gonna take you somewhere. It will be fine, I promise. Flying isn't all that bad. It makes sense though. Tight spaces and being on a plane. I'm afraid of cruises. I think it's something to do with the Titanic. You know, the sinking. I just hate them. And, I hate heights. Won't even go on a roller coaster that's built for kids."
"You guys are weird," Fangs shook his head. "Anyways, I found a few things. Your mom already had a turkey, so that's great. There's stuffing and a variety of vegetables. The only thing we have to get is gravy, potatoes, bread, and something for macaroni and cheese. I love macaroni and cheese."
"What about dessert?" Pea asked.
"Oh yeah. Well there's like pudding in there. So maybe a chocolate pudding pie," Fangs suggested. You nod. "So whip cream too."
"And oreos," You say. "I know this great recipe my mom used to make. It has strawberries and Oreos as the topping of a pudding pie. It's so good."
"There's Oreos in there," Fangs said.
"Really? Weird they don't like to buy Oreos because they get eaten in like two days," you say, frowning. "Whatever. So, let's get to the store."
Shopping with Fangs and Sweet Pea is a lit like living with them. You either are with them or they are no where to be seen. They scatter and try to buy things that are not on the list. Which, is really annoying. Sweet Pea also did not like being in a crowded store either. So, it was a strange ordeal. Especially when a guy would walk by and stare, then Pea would have to 'mark his territory' by putting a hand on you. It was the most public affection he gave like ever.
"Guys, we are only here for those few things and I get anxious when I don't see you. Please just stay with me," you plead. "Don't walk off." They both nod like children. "Thank you."
"Hey, Y/N," Fangs calls. "Can we get this? I know that we can't buy real wine, so let's settle for kids wine." He shows you a bottle of sparkling juice.
"Fine, grab a few kinds," you say. "There's a few of us." You hear him hiss a yes and the sound of bottles hitting each other. "God... You know, if we do this for Christmas, you are shopping." You point at the two boys. "I will cook, but you're shopping. I cannot do this again."
"Deal," Pea chuckles as Fangs runs to the candy section. "Do I have to take him though?" You nod. "Damnit."
"So Thanksgiving is in about three days. I feel like I should start cooking today. You know, like the desserts and small things so I can hear up those when the Turkey is close to being done," you say. "But, if I make something too early, won't it taste gross?"
"I think if you make the dessert too early it can taste gross," he shrugged. "I'm not sure though. The last time I had thanksgiving, it was already made when I got there."
"When was that?" You ask.
"I think a few years ago. My gram made it," he explained. "After she passed, I didn't really celebrate thanksgiving." You whisper an 'Oh' and wasn't quite sure what to say next. "I'm sure your Thanksgiving will be fine. Not better than Gram's but pretty damn close."
"Well, I have a lot to go up against," you sigh. "You know, that's a lot of pressure. I have to make like the greatest Thanksgiving for all of you. Especially since, Fangs, Toni, and you haven't had one in lord knows how long. Cheryl needs a good Thanksgiving because her parents are dicks and she lost her brother." You lay your head on the cart. He chuckles from behind you. "I'm glad you think my struggles are funny."
"You are over thinking this," he said. "Let's get out here. Too many people." You nod looking for Fangs.
"Marco!" You yell out. You hear a 'Polo' from the other aisle and follow it. "Let's go."
Thanksgiving day came faster than you thought. You had been up most of the night before trying to figure out how you were going to do everything. Scared that you were going to ruin it. You decided to sleep at your own house that night so you could get things ready. Sweet Pea and Fangs stayed as well. It was more comforting knowing that they both were going to try and help. Although, Sweet Pea has no kitchen talent. Hopefully, you change that a little today. You stare at your ceiling as your phone begins buzzing, indicating that you had to get up now. The elephant feeling setting in your chest. All of the research you did, will have to be handy. You slide out of bed, careful not to wake Pea. Going downstairs and taking a breath. Thankfully, you had your mother's family cookbook. That had directions for everything. And there was a turkey roaster in the basement. You start the turkey first and then search for all of the pots you need. Which is a majority. You turn the TV on in the living room to play the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving episode. When you went back into the kitchen, you seasoned the turkey and added the broth to the pan. You added butter for basting.
"Hey," Fangs yawned. "What are you doing first?"
"Well right now, I am putting the Turkey on because it's going to take a while. I think after that, I am going to start the pie." He nods. "So, if you want you can start cutting the strawberries and crushing some Oreos." He nods again and takes the cutting board. You start mixing the pudding so you can leave it sit in the fridge. Then you start making the two pans. You figure that Jughead is coming, so you need to make a lot of food.
"You look tired," Fangs chuckled. "Did you even sleep last night?"
"No," you sigh. "I was overthinking again."
"It will be fine, sis," he reassured. "You can cook great. And, no one will blame you if it gets messed up. You're just a teenager and you've never done it before."
"Thanks," you groaned. "You guys are gonna eat my food for pity." He shook his head. "Just chop, boy."
"Aye-Aye," he saluted.
After an hour you finish the pies and start making the rest of the foods. Pea wakes up too, and he greets you with soft kiss on your lips. He's already dressed and ready for people.
"Smells great," he smiled. "What's that?" He ran one his slender fingers around the edge of the bowl of pudding. "Mhm." He moaned.
"I'm glad you like the packaged food," you laughed. "Go make the table pretty."
"What? How?"
"With the decorations I got from the basement," you laugh. "It's simple." He nods going to the dining room. "You know boys, there's football on today, I know my dad always watches."
"Do we look like guys who watch football?" Fangs chuckled. "Because we don't."
"Whatever, it was just a suggestion," You laugh. "I'm going to change. Keep an eye on that." He nods moving to the stove. Pea follows you upstairs to your room. "What are you doing?"
"Just making sure you're alright," he shrugged. "And, I wanted to do this." He pulls you close to him, where you can feel his breath on your head. You place a hand on his chest. "You know, I really like those shorts." You blush and look towards his chest. His arms have you in a tight grip. "You sleep last night?" You shake your head. "Take a little nap. Fangs and I can watch the food and your book is there."
"It's okay. I'm fine," You laugh and he rose his eyebrow. "Seriously." You wrap your arms around his waist. "You know, I could show you." He laughs a little. "But, people are coming over."
"Screw them," he smirked.
"I'm sure you'd love that," you joke. "I have to get dressed. Fangs has to finish what he's doing."
"He can wait a few more minutes," Pea chuckled. "Come on, Princess." He pokes out his bottom lip.
"Stop," you whine. "That's not fair! Cheryl and Toni should be here any second!"
"Then, let's get this over with," he suggested.
"Romantic," you roll your eyes, laughing. He lowers his head to your neck. "Gosh, you're impossible." You feel him laugh against you. You lean your head back, giving him more access. His chapped lips left little tickles down your collarbone and chest. He pulls your shirt off and tosses it to the side. You get a feeling electricity running through your body as his fingers dance on your bare sides. His hair tickles the bottom of your chin and your neck as he makes his way down to your bra. Your eyes flutter closed as he ran his teeth right above the hem of your black bra. He knew that was your weakness. His hands griped your hips now and pushed you to the bed. You stumble back as he towers above you. You take it in as he starts to undo his shirt. It's agonizingly slow, but intentional. You can tell by the small smirk he has on his lips. You get a peak of his tan chest and pull him down on top of you. Your lips crash into his as you undid the rest of the buttons and wrapped your legs around him. You run a hand over his chiseled stomach then up to his neck. You hand brushing over his tattoo and playing with the line of his hair.
"I knew you wanted it too," He panted slightly above you and you flip him over, rolling your eyes. You straddle his stomach pulling his flannel off and run your hands once more up his abs and chest. "You know you're beautiful." It was now your turn to attack his neck. Your lips connected with the spot that's just between his neck and chest. Sucking lightly, but enough to make him lift his body towards you. You make sure to roll your hips a few times, just to drive him crazy. Your own breath was becoming labored and your skin was heating up. His hands run up from your thighs to your back, unclasping your bra. He sits you both up, his arms wrapped around your back as hips once again connect with your neck. Your fingers run against his back, leaving little red lines. A knock on the door startled you both.
"Y/N/N," Cheryl's voice rings. "You almost done getting dressed?"
"Uhm," You pant. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second."
"Okay," She said. "Also, Sweet Pea..." He groaned against your neck. "Why don't you get off of her and come downstairs to help out."
"I'll be right down," he sighed and you laugh as his face looks defeated. "Don't you laugh. This should be illegal."
"Oh just think of your gram, I'll be down," You laugh, kissing him one more time. He pulls his shirt back on buttoning it up and fixes his hair in your bathroom. You clasp your bra again and pull on your sweater he watches you for a moment. "Grandma Pea." He rolled his eyes leaving the room as you pulled your jeans on. You quickly fix your hair and wrap a scarf around your neck.
"Finally," Cheryl sighed. "I thought the giant smashed you."
"I'm sure he was pretty close before you cock blocked him," Toni chuckled. "It smells good, Y/N."
"Thank you!" You say quickly and try to hide the blush on your skin. "You guys look great. The remote is on the table. I was watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special, but you can change it."
"I love the Thanksgiving special!" Toni chirped happily. "If you need anything call." You nod as she pulls her girlfriend with her to the couch, like a child.
"Reg will be here in half an hour," you say looking at his message. "He just got out of the shower."
"Alright," Pea nods. "What else do you have to do in the kitchen?"
"The turkey needs basting, the macaroni and cheese needs taken out of the oven, the bread needs put in a bowl of some sort, glasses need pulled for the juice, and gravy needs boiled," you thought out loud.
"Alright," He chuckled. "I'll go and help." He follows you into the kitchen where Fangs was putting the stuffing on a towel. Pea grabs the bread and a bowl. He pulls a napkin that your mom stole from a restaurant out and placed it in the bowl as a liner, then pours the rolls into it. You begin boiling the gravy and baking the can of yams you got. After he puts the stuffing to the side, Fangs pulls the macaroni out. And sets it next to the stuffing. He throws the pan of stuffing in to give it a crispy top. Pea puts glasses on the table and pulls all of the bottles of sparkling juice out. Then, you started to mix the potatoes. Making a note that next time you will use the flakes because it's easier. You didn't even notice that Reggie had got there.
"Oh! Hi," you smile. "Food is almost done, waiting on the turkey and potatoes."
"Alright," He chuckled. "You look very excited."
"I think everything turned out alright," you say. "I hope it did at least."
"I'm sure it did," he said. "I'm going to get out of the way, it smells great." You nod as he leaves the kitchen.
"Who else is coming?" Pea asked.
"Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and Archie," you say. "I invited Kev, but he had to be home because his grandparents are coming into town."
"Alright. Well, you should calm down now. Food is almost done, and everything looks great so far," Pea steadied you as you tried to reach up for the garlic powder. He grabbed it and handed it to you. "Go sit for a few minutes, talk to everyone. I will watch the food." You nod and thank him with a kiss. "You owe for earlier though."
"Oh really?" You ask. "For what again?" He raises
an eyebrow and flicks a towel at you and you squeal running from the kitchen to the living room. The others look up at you confused. "How was the rest of your guy's day?"
"I slept all day," Reggie chuckled. "My parents don't celebrate thanksgiving."
"T and I went to mommy dearests just to say hello, but that wasn't much," Cheryl shrugged. "I am so excited for this though. You always seem to put everything together."
   "I feel like I hear that a lot," You laugh. "I hope this is great for all of you. I wanted it to special with everything going on."
    "It already is," Fangs said. "You're letting us into your home, and giving us food. And, we aren't even related."
   "We're family though," you say. "Not by blood, but by love."
    "You're a walking bumper sticker," Jughead said coming in. "Can we start a business?"
    "Only if I get fifty percent of the profits," I say with a smile. "How was Alice's thanksgiving?"
    "It was nice," Betty nods slowly. "She talked a lot about the farm."
    "Well, there is none of that here," you promise. "And It will be done in half an hour. Sit and relax. I'm gonna check on Pea." You get up and hug Pea from behind. He places one hand over your arms as he used the other one to mix the potatoes. "You're great, you should go sit. I can finish up."
    "No, no, no," he spun. "You did everything else. Let me just finish up. You can start carrying the things into the dining room if you want though." You nod and do as he said. Bringing all of the different foods to the table, setting them in the middle. You waited for the Turkey, because it was quite heavy. Veronica and Archie come right as the food is all finished.
   "Hello, Mr and Miss, we come bearing a gift from dad," Archie holds out a pie. You loved Mr Andrews' pie. "He knows you love it."
    "I do," you sigh happily. "You came just on time, food just finished. I was just going to tell the others. You can put your shoes over there." They both nod and Veronica hugs you.
   "Thank you, for the invite," she says.
    "Always," You say. "We are friends, Veronica. You're always invited."
    "Thanks," she smiled again. "You're too kind. The food smells amazing. I hope I can repay you."
     "You don't need to," You say. "Just go find a place at the table. All of you! Food is done." You call into the living room. You hear the shuffling of twelve feet and Veronica and Archie follow behind you.
    "Wow," Archie whistled.
     "You out did yourself, Y/N/N," Cheryl looked almost amazed. "It all looks so great though."
     "Well, I had help from those two," You point at Fangs and Sweet Pea. "Everyone get a seat!" You put the pie on the side table.
    "I think," Veronica spoke up from her seat after everyone had a plate made. "Before we eat, that we all say something we are thankful for. I know that it like super cheesy, but after the year we've had."
   "That sounds like a great idea, Ronnie," Archie smiles.
    "Of course you do," Reggie chuckled. "You're sleeping with her."
    "I think it is too," you said. "Pea, you start and we'll go that way." You point to Fangs.
    "I am thankful for you," Pea shrugged and you gesture for him to elaborate. "I am thankful for you always being here for me and taking care of us."
    "Alright," Fangs thinks for a moment. "I am thankful for not dying when I was shot and having friends like all of you."
    "I am thankful for my beautiful life I have with Cheryl," Toni said.
    "I am thankful for my relationship as well, and I am thankful for having a great friend who would do this for us," Cheryl smiled.
    "I guess, I'm thankful for not being at home doing nothing," Reggie said. "And all of this food."
    "Thankful that my dad is alive, and that I have a great relationship with Ronnie," Archie said and smiled at his girlfriend.
    "I am thankful for my Archiekins, and for all of you not hating me after my father," Veronica said. "It means a lot that you don't use that over my head."
   "I'm thankful we are all safe," Betty said.
     "I'm thankful for, uh, the Serpents always having my back and that I get to spend this day with Betty and you guys," Jughead shrugged.
    "I'm thankful that you all put up with me for this long," you joke. "I'm a handful. And, I'm thankful you're all here and we're happy. And I guess that my brother isn't really dead."
   "Cheers," Fangs held his glass of juice up. You all did the same. "Alright let's eat!" And, you did. It was a lot, but it turned out great. You all were stuffed and laying on the couch. "God, sis, that was great." Everyone let out a little moan.
   "Guy," Reggie chuckled. "We all look like we just had a orgy, expect we are clothed." You look around and laugh because he was right. The rest join in. "Y/N that was great. What are you doing for Christmas?"
   "Hey! It's not that time yet," you say. "Don't say that word!" They all laugh again and watch TV. Eventually you all fall into a food coma.

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